RP Thread. Its D&D mixed with shitposting. Classic (flexible) rules, and more autism than you could shake a whole group of autists at, even if you did so autistically. New players area always welcome, whether continuing, one-time, or 'just shitposting'.
Welcome back to the ahem 'Bathhouse', a progressive thread that I'm sure plenty of anons wish would just fucking die already. What, its true,....
This particular beginning is heavily seasoned with enthusiasm and delight. Hot on the heels of killing a bunch of We Wuz, the party almost shattered for several reasons, both in-game and out. In spite of it all, the characters continue on their quest to do,... well,... stuff.
Trumpaladin has been gifted a quest from Lord John Elway. Infernius has been gifted a quest from the Fuhrer, Tracy wants to stab more shit, Torcuil is beginning to get clever with his use of Snek not like that you perv and Thez is thanking her lucky stars that she even exists anymore.
1310 replies and 152 files omitted.
>>48715Tracy still hasn't made her turn though.
>>48716Yes she did. She went into the room with all the noise, same as everyone else
>>48716He's right. It would have taken a few rounds to determine what the refuse in the previous room was. The battle order was modified when engaging the golems because of party position. I'd say its been about 7-8 rounds.
>>48717Idk how long it's been then...
I just want to stab
something soon.
Was Tracy's Search check able to find anything of interest in that room?
>>48719I hope these leftists are as ridiculously bureaucratic as the ones in our world: hopefully they'll have some useful documents.
>>48719>>48720>>48718I too would like to know what kind of culture this is, and what kind of structure. I get that it's an undead culture, but there must be more to it than that
>>48719Nope. It was once a storage area of some sort, but its been left to disuse and rot.
>stabYeah, that's right where things are at. I admit I got a little distracted when the Hitler v. Elway exchange was happening, but I would have avoided falling asleep if I was more conscious of it.
As is, it IS Tracy's turn, as Torcuil had just cast Mass Cure Serious on himself and the first of the advancing group. Strangely, it appears to have had no effect.
>>48723There was no holy word or word of chaos?
>>48724Hmmm. Good point. There could have been the holy word of chaos OR the Mass Cure, but not both.
>>48725Ill do the other option that torc doesnt choose.
>>48725Didn't Torcuil cast Word of Chaos and Infernius mass wounds?
>>48723>it IS Tracy's turnCan I get a quick rundown on what's going on around her?
Do you immediately get Clerical Spells of your arcane spellcasting level from one level in Theiurge, or can you choose a different Divine Spellcasting class list?
>>48729Tracy casts Arcane spells, and having a few Druid spells wouldn't hurt.
[16d20 = 200]>>48503Tracy enters the room Thez is in, (notices a lever) while Thez continues to make sure its dead
The order after that was Infernius, Fae, Trump, Thez, Torc, and Tracy.
Which, if one goes off the declared actions, mean that:
>>48516Infernius casts Mass Cure Serious Wounds
Fae doesn't appear to do anything, except comment on Football.
>>48522Trump says the holy word (my bad) which strangely has no effect.
Then infighting
It would then be Thez' turn, just before Torcuil would have the chance to either 2nd cast Cure Serious, OR say "Shadilay".
>>48728Yes. While you're getting that rundown, Thez moves to intercept along the corner from the hallway, obliterating faces.
Its a whole mishmash of assorted undead, all lumbering forward, except for some ghosts and shadows that glide along the ground. From further down the hall can still be heard a distinct "Hibbity Hooblah"
>>48729It depends
[1d100 = 83]
Okay, maybe Thez doesn't obliterate faces
[1d20 = 12]
And her opponent's next attack is an automatic hit with a chance to crit,....
[1d20+24 = 28]>>48731>dependsDepends on what?
Tracy Sneakily moves down the hall towards the hibbiting.
Rolling to move Silently
[1d20+20 = 38][1d20+20 = 23]>>48734Asshe moves, she keeps her sense peeled
Rolling Spot and Listen
>>48734The hallway is packed with undead, she's not going anywhere.
>dependsIs the newly-Theurge a sorcerer, wizard, or cleric (or variant; bard, etc)?
>>48736>>48735>>48734You know you're in a hallway with no room to move because there are so many enemies right?
>>48737Do you need levels in Cleric to cast said Clerical spells then?
>>48739No, but each class goes about spellcasting in a different manner. They would maintain that methodology (a wizard-theurge would still memorize and component their spells, a cleric-theurge would still pray for spells, and a sorcerer-theurge would still
ordinarily Xp have their limited selection of basically innate spells).
>>48740Tracy cast Arcane Spells as an Assassin, and Divine Spells as a Blackguard.
What could she get?
>>48741Assassins cast spells as a Bard does. Blackguards do as Clerics do.
>>48742So, no? She couldn't get anymore spells?
>>48739>>48741>>48743"Hey Tracy, since we are about to be killed by mass hordes of undead, and since you went through the effort of making infernius cast that spell, and since it is
your turn, could you please be a dear and pause from your metafagging long enough to kill something? It would be greatly appreciated"
>>48745I'm waiting for the Spot check. I still don't know what's in the room.
>>48746Everything is in the room. Swing your sword and you will hit something
>>48743I'm not certain what you mean by "anymore spells".
If you mean "would she have access to more spells as a theurge/assassin/blackguard that makes julienne fries", yes. Her number of known/available spells would be limited, and I am not sure how the spellcasting would work at this moment.
>>48746The undead seem rather uniform. Identical almost. Not entirely, there's different types, but this mummy looks like that mummy, those skeletons are identical too. They're awfully evenly spaced come to think of it.
[3d20 = 22]>>48747What are these? Human skeletons?
Fug it.
Full round attack with sword on nearest thing.
>>48751>>48752Cleave gives you one extra attack per round, not Six. And the target can do a DC12 will save
>>48749You mean human warrior Skeletons? Like 1 HD?
>>48754She has Great Cleave, and I doubt any of these have 17 hit dice.
>>48752>>48751Also, wait until GM has confirmed that the attack worked at all. Sure, disruptor normally works, but so does cure mass wounds, holy word, and word of chaos
>>48755Since when has she had great cleave?
>I doubt they have 17 hit dieHow do you know that? Are you GM? Be patient and don't steam roll
>>48757Oh, the first three attacks worked fine, splintering/decimating a zombie, a skeleton, and a ghoul. Tracy would have had a chance to cleave, but there are no more targets in range with the sword. The next row of 4 (a mummy, a,... wolf man?, a frankenstein, and a shadow) hasn't advanced yet. Tracy is almost in range of the corner and Thez' position.
Meanwhile, Thez is being attacked successfully. She is bitten by a zombie, flailed on by a mummy, and gashed by a skeleton.
>>48749"These undead arent real."
>>48761I will on my turn and see what happens.
[1d20 = 18]
Snek's turn, then Infernius'
>>48762Infernius succeeds on his spot check
>>48763I don't think Torc is here.