RP Thread. Its D&D mixed with shitposting. Classic (flexible) rules, and more autism than you could shake a whole group of autists at, even if you did so autistically. New players area always welcome, whether continuing, one-time, or 'just shitposting'.
Welcome back to the ahem 'Bathhouse', a progressive thread that I'm sure plenty of anons wish would just fucking die already. What, its true,....
This particular beginning is heavily seasoned with enthusiasm and delight. Hot on the heels of killing a bunch of We Wuz, the party almost shattered for several reasons, both in-game and out. In spite of it all, the characters continue on their quest to do,... well,... stuff.
Trumpaladin has been gifted a quest from Lord John Elway. Infernius has been gifted a quest from the Fuhrer, Tracy wants to stab more shit, Torcuil is beginning to get clever with his use of Snek not like that you perv and Thez is thanking her lucky stars that she even exists anymore.
1310 replies and 150 files omitted.
>>48557"Okay heretic, i see you are blinded by "Elways" Deception"
>>48561"And I can see your 9 int has followed you into your theology"
>>48562Wouldn't theology be a Wis thing though?
>>48562"You will get yours, capitalist kike."
*readies self to sneak attack orcs*
>>48563I would think that both are useful for different aspects. like int for theology proper and wisdom for understanding the will of the god and so forth
>>48564"Freedom, glory, and wealth? Indeed I shall"
>>48566Didn't Infernius have 20 ranks in Knowledge religion?
>>48567Why would I know that?
Either way, Trumpaladin can call Infernius's religion wrong
>>48567I think i had that many. I lost my .txt when my pc stopped working
>>48569>>48570You could both roll to see who knows the
correct answer.
Oh hai
>>48568Anyway, how is your sex life?
>>48570It still should be in the older breads if you look.
I know Torc has 18 levels in it
>>48572How do you have 18 lvls with only 2 lvls in Theurge? Shouldn't it be 5 max?
Or do I have the skills system messed up?
>>48571Nah, when pleading opposite causes before an arbiter, you roll for Diplomacy. That's the debate skill
>>48574Because you need religious knowledge to become a theurge
>>48575Who's the arbiter?
And isn't this a theological debate?
>>48576Don't you need to be of a certain level to put that many ranks in though?
*readies knives, waiting to stab something*
>>48577Well if it's a theological debate then it is indeed a debate now isn't it?
>>48580Idk. Sounds like a knowledge dispute, desu.
I know you can roll knowledge religion to answer questions about gods. It's a complex question, so the DC would be 20-30.
>>48578If I'm being honest? Fuck if I know.
>>48581Nah. Neither party is going to know if the other character has a correct answer, because they don't hold to the same basis of knowledge and they don't acceot the other's religious texts as authoritative. It's like if you were arguing with a jew about whatever religious question. Neither would believe the other when they claimed a correct answer.
Debate is about force of personality and persuasion. That is, it's charisma based diplomacy
>>48583I'm going to put all my ranks upon next levels into knowledge plains and Gather Information then. I want to be an Agent Retriever.
>>48584Well that's just trying to get one to believe the other. That isn't going to go anywhere.
And can Tracy stab something yet?
>>48584What does word of chaos do?
>>48584Altering someone's opinion in this case would probably be closer to a Bluff check, if anything.
>>48587It would drop flat any non-chaotic creature.
>>48586Did you see
>>48568? That looks to me like DM going to sleep or going away for a long while and marking a point in the posts to figure out where he needs to start reading to catch up
>>48587Depends on the HD of the creature. Much lower HD than caster it kills, and equal HD it deafens, and so forth.
>>48591Not if they are equal HD or almost equal
>>48588Diplomacy is about improving mood. If I were actually trying to persuade Infernius I know the steps I would take
[Read more] >>48592The description says creatures are only unaffected if their hit dice
exceeds your caster level though....
>>48593They are
unaffected only if greater. The affect on equal HD is deafening
>>48594>>48593Tracy is chaotic evil, right?
>>48596I refuse to believe Tracy isn't chaotic
>>48597Case in fucking point that is the worst shit I've seen my entire life. I need therapy now.
>>48598No no, chaotic evil is too much commitment to something that isn't evil for Tracy's faggot. He's been going on and on about that since October by now
>>48598I originally played her as chaotic neutral, then I switched to NE, and after that...
Shhh! Alrifht, I gtg for the night cause I got shit to do in the morning. Night guys, seey you later>>48602Cause Tracy is now CE and doesn't want you to know
>>48603Are you trying to avoid being affected by Word of Chaos?
>>48606No shit. I hate them
>>48607Tracy snuck off to another room during her turn before any of that happened.
I'm still waiting for her encounter with the orcs.
>>48608Yeah, no. I'm not putting up with this level of bullshit