What it is? Its an ongoing thread-based fantasy RPG
What it do? Players do their thing based off dice scripts and 3.5e D&D as a rules baseline.
Throughout the week we shitpost at one another and on weekends we kill shit or surmount some form of obstacle. New players always welcome.
The party currently has a trebuchet, a series of cannons, and an airship with another series of cannons aimed at a floating black pyramid just out from the docks of Port Barry. Its not actually a pyramid, its an octahedron, but its half submerged. Some quick thinking from the resident Mage kept it from teleporting away and escaping, and now the party is looking to crack that bitch open and see what sorta toys are inside. And kill shit.
1398 replies and 128 files omitted.
>>45784>that's (you)No, Ray Charles was a gospel musician. Invented "soul music".
>>45785I interpreted that, don't worry.
>>45783A net? He can spend a round clearing his eyes, but he has to roll a spellcraft check to cast any spells.
>>45786>Torcuil invented soul musicI didn't know that. Interesting
>>45785He was trying to say that you were blind, but you didn't forfeit your place in the initiative line behind snek
>>45787Then I'll do eye cleaning this turn, and net next
>>45788Stevie Wonder woukd have registered better for that
>>45789How does Snek's attack go?
Snek successfully caps one of them, but doesn't slow or otherwise disturb it in its motion.
NOW its Torcuil's turn.
[10d20 = 80]A few of them have to move 5' before doing so, but all of them attack. I'm seeing 2 on Torcuil, 1 on Snek, 3 on Fae, 3 on Tracy, and the big one on Trump
>>45792No, it did damage, but these are mummies. they dgaf
You are fucked tho. Last roll is the big one. +11 for the reds, +20 for black.
I think both hit Torcuil, Snek ducks and dodges a swipe, Fae's natural armor is awesome, and I think Tracy is missed as well. Trump's AC (modified)?
What's Torcuil's fortitude save?
>>45795Base of 10 +8 light clothing type armor +8 Heavy Armor +4 ring of force shield +5 Bracers
AC of 35
>>45796Uh +5
[whimpering wizard noises]
>>45797Yeah, he's fine. I forgot to add the modifier for Divine Power, but that only gives +3 cuz strength
Do the bracers help Torc at all?
And what does the fuzzy spooder ring do again?
>>45798Don't you have a Constitution bonus?
>>45803>>45805He gets a +1 constitution bonus
[1d6+10 = 16]
I keep putting 1d, sorry.
>>45810You need Fortitude, m8...
Just wait and see.
[1d20+15 = 17]Pretty much everyone missed, although the big one gets another attack on Trump. Meanwhile Torcuil is quietly beaten in the corner.
>>45810The what now?
Nevermind. Fae then Trump, then Tracy.
[3d20 = 41]>>45815Pounce on large evil cleric mummy thing
Modifiers are +20 +18 +18
[1d20+2 = 19]
Trump, do you have and ranks in knowledge religion?
Pls roll to know what happens when mummies touch you.
Tracy had 2 last I checked.
Rollin' for her to realize what's up.
[4d20 = 32]>>45815Trumpaladin slashes evil cleric mummy thing in full round attack
>>45817Actually, I think I put in 5 (wanted the bonus to rebuking) but too late...
>>45816She can't reach the large one, she's got three pressing on her. She can attempt to push through, but that involves grappeling without a running start.
>>45821Alright then. She full round attacks one near her
>>45823I imagine Torcuil already knows what happens
>>45826Uh... those numbers are 23 25 32 after modifiers
>>45825My class doesn't give very many skill points and I have very few to allot. I generally go to Fae for religious knowledge
[4d4+8 = 18][2d6+6 = 14]>>45816All three attacks hit. -15 for damage reduction
>>45827Just roll, so you know what mummies do.
>>45824Really? I hadn't noticed>>45825Yeah, he's a Theurge too. He needs that religion knowledge.
That brings up another question for me. At lvl 2 a theurge has a +2 will save, and a sorcerer +9 at lvl 15. Does this stack?
>>45828Can Tracy make a strike with her chain because of her Opportunist ability?
>>45828After Improved Natural weapons feat Fae's Damage roll is 3d6+7 for bite and 4d6+7 when both claw attacks land
>>45829Rolling because he said so
>>45830I think it does
>>45830No. Its horribly complex. Its based on the order of level progression. A 10th level fighter who multies and gets 2 levels in cleric would add the bonuses at level 11/12 cleric.
>>45833My interpretation of damage
[4d6-8 = 4]
Modifier to compensate for damage reduction.
>>45834>complexThen I never asked uniil later
K. Fae treats one of the mummies like a cat toy. Trump is going at the Big one. Fug, what's Trump's modified attack again? He's gotta beat a 35.