What it is? Its an ongoing thread-based fantasy RPG
What it do? Players do their thing based off dice scripts and 3.5e D&D as a rules baseline.
Throughout the week we shitpost at one another and on weekends we kill shit or surmount some form of obstacle. New players always welcome.
The party currently has a trebuchet, a series of cannons, and an airship with another series of cannons aimed at a floating black pyramid just out from the docks of Port Barry. Its not actually a pyramid, its an octahedron, but its half submerged. Some quick thinking from the resident Mage kept it from teleporting away and escaping, and now the party is looking to crack that bitch open and see what sorta toys are inside. And kill shit.
1398 replies and 126 files omitted.
>>45675>to ensure the enemy precisely abides by D&D rulesNo. I just want to see what kind of god we killed back then.
>>45676It's not important though.
There's little reason for players to know anyway, because the PC characters would have no way of knowing any of it.
>>45678Anyway, I definitely want to make another Hand of Glory out of Kefka's other hand now. Tracy doesn't really need the Hand of the Mage anymore now that she has her animated claw-hands.
So what is each character doing currently?
>>45682Waiting to get fugged by the monsters that just appeared.
'There's dust flying everywhere and everyone has concealment (can't see shit)
>>45682Tracy and Trump are suffering misfortune to do with their choice of getting descriptively intimate in the middle of an undead temple. Torcuil can't see a damn thing cuz there's dust filling the air, and Trump has a gimpy arm. There's shuffling sounds, and something cast a spell in an unknown language.
>>45682Getting fucked. Not in the good way
>>45681You're still an idiot
>>45684What is the proximate location of the evil signatures in the room?
So, was the constant Deathwatch from Tracy's Eyes of Doom able to tell if these targets are also undead?
>>45690What the fuck are you talking about?
>>45691I'm trying to tell if what just jumped out was undead or not. Her glasses should've been able to discern it, unless the dust also blocks that.
*readies sword*
>>45692>The door is not blocked and is damned closeTHANK ELWAY
Can either of Trumpaladin's main weapons (Vanderiem and Suigoto) be wielded in the off hand?
>>45693It's a number of enemies that disguised themselves as chests with a spell and probably used that magic-dust spell to make the room look abandoned
>>45694They can both be used with one hand.
>>45695The eyes of doom (kamina glasses).
It helps to be able to tell if a target is alive before you try a Sneak attack.
>>45697When the hell did you get kamina glasses?
>one handWhich hand though? Because an off hand may not be good enough
>>45698What are you holding in the other hand?
Also, it doesn't count as an off-hand if you're not fighting with the other.
>>45696Thats,... one way of interpreting the situation.
>>45697They don't work in this situation, no visual.
>>45698Back when Infernius had a worm and Thez thought everyone would gonna get squish jumping planes.
>>45689Torcuil, would you be a dear and see if there is a wall of force blocking the exit? If there is, can you do something to help?
>>45701One hand is gimped and covered in horse juice, and the other hand is just basically a left hand not being used for anything
[1d20+1 = 3]Tracy steps back a bit and inches towards the door, ready to strike or spring at a moment's notice, ears perked and ready.
>>45705Can't you lay on hands to fix it?
>>45708I don't know. It would reduce the lay of hands later. If these are Lichs and Vampires, we need to leave and find Infernius. If these are like 10 mimics, we
might be able to fight
and wherever Torcuil lands
[1d20+27 = 32]>>45708Well fug...
Thank Epona for Uncanny Dodge, because she's a sitting duck.
Since we all have Concealment, Tracy Makes a Hide check.
>>45712Better. Can it wield a weapon yet?
>>45708Worst case scenario: the enemies are 9 Vampires and a Democrat Senator Lich who used illusion spells and dust spells to lay a careful trap. That sound we heard was a Wall of Force spell being cast on the entrance
>>45714If you can make moves when it isn't your turn then Detect Undead
>>45715>a careful trap.Tbh, idk if this was a planned trap. Tracy rolled pretty well with her trap sense, so maybe these guys were summoned for other reasons.
>>45715>Detect UndeadThe glasses only tell her of something is alive, dead, near death, undead, or lifeless. They don't Detect anything.
>>45718Magic items give stronger than normal responses to detect evil, so it's plausible this is a set of strong mimics
>>45720No, I meant Trump uses the detect undead spell
>>45721The glasses don't work because of the dust, in this case
[1d20+3 = 14][1d20+4 = 14]>>45716I think this means Snek is first and Torc second...
Mr. Snek makes a listen/spot check.
Torc makes a spellcraft check. What bonus does 18 ranks in spellcraft and arcana knowledge get me?
>>45724Snek finds that the air tastes old AF. He hears the approach of things that can't be seen
>>45692Spellcraft why?
>>45726>whyI was under the impression that a spell was cast. If not, Torc fires at a one of the noises Snek heard
[1d20 = 3] >>45727Oh that. It was Divine Power
>>45727>3I guess it was a bit of a blind shot