Well how about that,... air pirates. And they call their ship a derivative of "Cunt" too. I wonder if there's a connection, GM says dryly.
This leg of the game has the players either onboard or somewhere in the vicinity of the 'random' pirate airship that has taken to firing upon Trump Tower, as well as several of the characters. Unfortunately, a spell-caster onboard has placed a spell of Peace on the ship, and now there's a shimmering wall of force surrounding the captain.
Thez is hovering about 45deg from the front, ready to attack. Lenos is preparing for a Meteor Swarm, Infernius is speeding toward the ship, and Torcuil said "Fuck the Bullshit" and just teleported to it.
Trump wants to engage in diplomacy, but he rolled a 1 so he has to wait, and Tracy can't stab at ALL, which is an entirely new sensation for her.
1185 replies and 139 files omitted.
>>42428I'm nerfing your flying soon
If Trumpaladin has to roll a 15 to get on a horse you can fucking walk
>>42432He has to roll a 20 or higher to mount rapidly, and Infernius was at terminal velocity.
>>42434>Has to roll a 20You're definitely fucking nerfed. The next time your character tries to fly or avoid falling to death, post deletion and ban
*spots mage and turns around and heads back to the ship* The mage is mine to kill
>>42436Stahp. Stop fucking up the story. Let us get some exposition to move the story along for Christ sake
>>42426"If I give you my name, will you accept a duel?" he says with a sneer, as though he expects Torcuil's refusal.
>>42433>in the bagRly?
>>42436You're way outside, only Thez can <whoooof>
>>42439You're welcome to wait, but Lenos can still attack. His character has no reason not to.
>>42440>in the bagHe'll suffocate, but it's still easy storage.
>>42440*suffocates in german Minotaur*
>>42440>>42441*Removes captain from bag*
>>42440"Nah, I'm not really feeling a duel today."
>>42441Fine, roll a d20 to catch Infernius, and what about the guy he's grappelling?
>>42444>>42442We're so not there yet
>>42445"A pity then, the GM was looking forward to lining Bones with my suit. Adieu,...."
F> Weird
>>42446who needs to roll a d20 im confused now
>>42447>>42445he just called you a bitch torc, are you gonna take that?
>>42450F> is the mage. I haven't gone back and looked at what I determined his name was, but he's far past pleasantries so I figure I can wait on that. He's subjecting the party to wicked-level illusions and mind-games n shit.
Meanwhile, Infernius finds, upon attempting to detain the increasingly wiley captain, that he is holding a cheap bathrobe, and that the real captain is falling at standard speed with a smirk on his face.
>>42464"reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tracy go get em."
>>42465As he looks at the increasingly descending captain, the sky around him turns red, the clouds catch fire, and the whole planet beneath turns to ash and ember. The air chokes him, and there are no kitties.
>>42469"lennos take out cat wand!"
>>42467>>42469Oh. Cast dispel magic on self
>>42470is dying and cat hardly see keyboard
As Tracy holds Infernius he begins to shift. She looks down and finds she's holding a weird octopus creature that has Trollestia's hed on the tips of each tentacle.
>>42476That's 2. We'll leave it at "enough to dispel the illusion". Torcuil never got his either. So the party shakes off the lingering image of the illusion,... you do know that was an illusion right? Don't worry, there are still kitties.
Unfortunately the Captain, the Mage, and the Cleric from the ship's crew seem to have made an effective escape.
[1d20+11 = 13][1d20 = 1]>>42479From Midair? Spot check and Fae can spot check
gm infernious you bastards im still laughing and my sides hurt now
>>42479"me sure this will be the last we see of them."
>>42484>>42482"Now let's ransack their shit. Take their ship, figure out how it works, see what goodies are here, resurrect a pirate or more later and ask 'em questions, and maybe see if any of them want jobs"
>>42485The ship is littered with mostly/partially full bottles of alcohol, and the small kitchen is laden with a largely devoured boar. They appear to have been having a dinner party.
>>42488Is there a map for navigation in the cock pit? Is anything marked on it?
>>42489This. Fae should be here, so there should be at least one kitty
>>42488>>42490i think they got drunk and accidentally shot at us.
>>42491Kek. They shot a hell of a lot of cannon balls though
>>42490Fae arrives, "Sorry I'm late, the GM forgot about me,... again."
>>42489The thought of "No kittens" echoes to Infernius
>>42492"It wasn't accidental, but I don't think they expected that kind of response," Thez offers. "Its not a balloon at all, its a floating rock!" she says, punching the "balloon".
>>42493*pets dander-free feline*
"It's okay, I love you"
To Thez
"Do you know why they attacked?"
>>42493no wonder i couldn't pop it*folds arms and glares at the floating rock*
>>42494>Shrugs>>42495"No, for real this time, its a flying rock."