Well how about that,... air pirates. And they call their ship a derivative of "Cunt" too. I wonder if there's a connection, GM says dryly.
This leg of the game has the players either onboard or somewhere in the vicinity of the 'random' pirate airship that has taken to firing upon Trump Tower, as well as several of the characters. Unfortunately, a spell-caster onboard has placed a spell of Peace on the ship, and now there's a shimmering wall of force surrounding the captain.
Thez is hovering about 45deg from the front, ready to attack. Lenos is preparing for a Meteor Swarm, Infernius is speeding toward the ship, and Torcuil said "Fuck the Bullshit" and just teleported to it.
Trump wants to engage in diplomacy, but he rolled a 1 so he has to wait, and Tracy can't stab at ALL, which is an entirely new sensation for her.
>>42116>Ship is named "Sloppy Cunt," similar to Korak's "Jolly Cunt."Don't you think I hadn't noticed. I was going to ask a question about that. As soon as I can ask questions...
>>42119>2 of the same nameEnough to imply a pattern for me.
All ships are cunts from here on out. If we build one, we'll name it "[insert here] Cunt".
>>42116>Can't stabCan she at least phase through the deck/floor to pass under the wall of force and invade the Captain's square?
>>42121Her first action can be to phase through the floor, yes.
>>42121WHY??? That's one action to jaunt, another action to move, and a third action to jaunt. Maybe more than one move action. Three whole rounds before you can do anything? Why do you want to wait that long? Have you not waited long enough? Do you want to just delay getting into the meat of it indefinitely?
If you are annoyed by shields, we'll have the wizard destroy them. It would take less time
>>42122>>42123Well forget that then.
I outta select that quickening feat later on..
I g2g for the next hour or two..
>GM does a quick review of all the metamagic feats.>Thez starts to sniffle cuz realizes she was way more powerful than she realized when she had magic>>42125Remember, to augment the phasing you need quicken spell-like ability
>tfw sky pirates start attacking your party's base, violating the NAP, so you stabby-stabby the airship and Kek blesses you so you pop its source of lift
>>42129Are you referring to the plan? Cuz that balloon-like membrane that popped earlier was just a perimeter spell to keep out accidental incoming and to alert when legitimate threats/infiltration appear.
>>42130Awww, I thought it was the actual balloon
I was wondering why the ship wasn't falling, but now I understand why you said it shouldn't have popped
>>42131Falling from the sky is still well within the threshold of possibility still
>>42132Well I can help with that
>>42127I was looking at half-fiend abilities just a few hours ago. Those powers are sexy.
Can lurk, but can't post much..
I'm assuming Torc could detect this, cause its fucking easy as hell to notice.
Is the balloon hot air or lighter than air?
>>42135Lighter than air, strangely enough.
The balloon is not the only source of lift and propulsion. There are a number of large vertically and horizontally aligned propellers that whirl all on their own.
>>42137>balloon deflates>tangles propellers>???>profit>>42136Okay, thats easier
>>42138>easierOh, you'd think that,....
From its appearance, the aesthetics make clear that this particular airship was designed more to be a luxury yacht, rather than a pirate's vessel. It features an expansive deck area lined with cushy seats. with a bar/poker table situated slightly below the steering. The wood trim is sleek and well polished, while the metals are comparably sculpted, inlaid, or encasing. It almost looks elven, but not quite.
>>42139What about the crew, do they look formidable?
>>42140Not just formidable, but coordinated and practiced. The last batch of pirates were noobs compared to these. Hell, their clothes are even clean.
>>42141How many apparent Spellcaster?
*picks bolts out of body*
>>42142Two are apparent.
Sorry, divegrass
>>42144Can Torc detect magic uses by, well, their magic?
>>42144Oh shit,
Thanks for reminding me.
>>42145Detect magic would tell you the presence of magic, you'd need to make spell-craft checks to identify what spells are being cast.
>>42146Mlpol lost ~_~
MVP fpr /fsg/ was the announcer
*dark energy-channeling stops*
[sad blackguard noises]
After an extensive and multiday exercise in hermeneutics, I have determined that under 3.5e rules, Fae would not be eligible to advance in size category from the Paladin's Mount hit die... I did discover a few other things, like additional ability scores and feats, that she would receive that make up for about half the difference in damage and attack
>>42149>multi-day hermaneutics
>>42148Tracy suddenly looks slightly more pissed-off than she did a moment ago, for no apparent reason.
"It's rigged.. It's always rigged..!" she curses quietly under her breath in horse-speech.
[mutters something about stabbing commentators]
>>42149What feats are those? I might train Tracy in them, for the sake of cavalry charges and whatnot.
Can I get any tips on the functional use of Astral Projection?
>>42155I discovered that both the paladin's mount hit die and the two cleric levels allowed her to receive new feats and ability score increases the same way it would a player character, so I alloted the two ability points to strength and constitution respectively to even out the obnoxious as fuck odd-numbered set of physical ability points Dragonnes have.
The three feats are Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (claws), and Multiattack. All three apply only to use of natural weapons, and so are basically monster-only feats. Improved Natural Attack is my favorite monster feat, and it increases the damage die of a natural attack as if the creature had moved up one size category. Multiattack reduces the penalty for secondary attacks with natural weapons from -5 to -2.
>Train Tracy in themBoth feats apply only to natural weapons, so Tracy would only really be eligible for them in her transformed states. She'd benefit from both of them I think, but I've noticed that you prefer to use proper and exotic weapons over natural weapons
>>42146Yeah, thats what I was looking for
>>42158Hooves aren't natural weapons?
>>42160There's another /mlpol/ match in an hour or two (hard to say cuz they were delayed) but laater today
>>42161They are natural weapons. In the case of horses, Nightmares, and Cauchemars, hooves are the primary natural weapon, and Nightmares have added fire damage. Nightmares and Cauchemars also have bite attacks as secondary natural weapons
>>42164In calculating Fae's base attack bonus, can we add the bonus from the class levels ontop of her Magical Beast attack bonus, or must her entire set of Hit Die be reinterpreted?
>>42164who is this playing rn?
>>42166I was wondering about this for Tracy's attacks as well, but didn't ask because I didn't want to get nerfed.
>>42172Call them what you like...
>>42173ill call them soap.
Posting nazbol memes cuz I have a little bit of time to kill..
Idk why, but these always crack me up.
Ig2g for an hour.
Hope we win the match.
>>42178me too. stay safe.
I'm going to a movie with my family, so I'll be out for a few hours. I believe there are several more /pol/ league games anyways, so I think we'd have a delayed start tonight either way
>>42182"All the Money in the World," The movie about the kidnapping of Paul Ghetty's grandson
>>42183hope you guys enjoy it.
GM, can you put Tenko in the game later, so Tracy can kill him?
>>42189infernuis will help.
>>42189It will be my pleasure
>>42190I kind of wanted to try that chest-burster move on him. She has the lube.
>>42192i wanted to slowly boil him in a big pot.
>>42193Not cruel/unusual enough.
That autistic screeching while the song was playing was just uncalled for.
>>42194let the orcs eat him alive?
>>42194Uncalled for, but unsurprising. I'm sure he got all kinds of PMs bout "fuck Mlpol" at interval
I'm not watching, hows it going for us?
>>421981-1 we advance, we fight /auspol/ tommorow.
>>42198We fight the Australians tomorrow.
Only the strong survive.
>>42202need more strya memes
>>42203Thats all I've got
>>42204terrible meme mage.
>>42202>100 year delayed shitposts
>>42206I wasn't joking when I said my meme folder got wiped.
I'm starting from the bottom up
>>42207I can only hope to reach those shitpost levels
>>42208There is much moar to explore, Anon.
>>42209>writing a meme bibleGive me a year
Alright, sorry for the delay. That last match of the cup made me mad and I needed a moment to chill.
>>42212Thats fine, I'm just formulating ideas for the meme bible
Is Lenos's faggot present?
>>42214It is time to go down as the biggest shitposter in history
>>42216Good to hear.
Now, if we could just get a signal on Trump's faggot..
>>42217oh? rlly?
>>42218hes watching a movie.
>>42219I already have an end times prophecy, yeah I will go down as the biggest shitposter
>>42219Hope he get back soon
or his character is getting >raped in front of everyone.
>>42222absolute top fucking kek
>>42224>a pali checking quadsIT'S A SIGN OF KEK
Now Tracy has to
>rape Trumpaladin
Actually, >rape is permissible under a Zone of Peace,....
>>42222>>42224Well.. I can't really argue with those digits, can I?
*Throws Trumpaladin off her back and sits on him while stripping his lower-half armor*
>>42227Oh shit
>>42228OH SHIT
>>42228The pirates, who were advancing on Tracy and Trump seem hesitant, and who try to pretend to not watch.
>>42230Torc looks away, laughing his ass off.
How distracted are the pirates now?
[1d20 = 12]>>42230stealth to board the ship while they are distracted.
[1d4+1 = 2]>>42228>pants off>armor off>helmet offpointless roll to see how long it takes her to strip him bare*takes his head into her mouth and bucks violently*
>>42231What are you talking about distracted? Its not like they're watching anything,.... They're not oblivious though. Where exactly did Torcuil teleport to?
>>42234I'm assuming a couple feet behind Trump and Tracy if there's room.
>not obliviousThat answers my question
>>42233Why the helmet tho?
>>42233>>42235That was a 1d4+1 roll, btwTracy lays him bare in wo minutes flat and ravages.
>>42236So she can feel his face beneath her butt.
>>42237I saw, that was a good dice range
>>42241The suit counts as clothing, so I didn't count it in the strip check
*publicly ravages Paladin*
>>42243"Rabbits I fucking tell ya"
>>42242You do, but immediately come under the effects of the Zone of Peace. Being a Cleric yourself, you immediately fixate on a fellow toward the front of the ship who is maintaining a mantra-chant, his hands showing symbolic gestures.
>>42245What does zone of peace do to Torc?
[1d20+10 = 13]>>42245will save
has lenos managed to cast meteor swarm yet?
I realize, due to smoke concealment, it'd look like one of those cartoonish dust clouds you'd see in Looney Toons to anyone more than 10 ft away....
It's completely clear that they're naked though. Jets of blue fire are shooting out here and there as well.
*continues ravaging paladin, making a lot of distracting noises in the process*
His head is in her mouth again.
[1d20+9 = 20]>>42247>will saveSame here I guess
>>42246Unable to physically attack or cast deliberately harmful spells.
>>42248In a moment
>>42249Yes, yes, we get it. The pirates are quite distracted and stalled, unsure what to do.
>>42250That would have worked, but too late.
>>42251Alright. I wasn't in the mood for details anyway.
[1d20+9 = 28]>>42252>rip me
>>42254Whoops accidental roll
>>42254>>42255Its not a big deal, you just can'tt attack. Also, Trump is being >raped.
>pic related is for when Trump catches up on thread
>>42257>can't attackCan Torc still do abjuration spells?
He's gonna be pissed when he finds out his armor was taken off..
at least he has the shield.
This is unironically one of the reasons why I had Tracy make him that Hat of Glamering. It should make his undershirt look presentable.
The credits roll on the movie I am watching, and the first thing I see when I check my phone (immediately) is "will save," and the second thing I see is "continues ravaging paladin, his head fully in her mouth"
>>42261trump you exihbitionist you
>>42258Such as?
It wouldn't be all the armor, just the bits and pieces around his tender bits.
>>42260You can place one or both hands on or about someone's clothes, but not aggressively nor with force sufficient to detain.
GM, did you say lvl 8 or 9 spells where the limit for Torc after leveling up?
>>42264A big beautiful wall that the pirates will pay for?
Seriously, I was thinking things like protection spells.
Trumpaladin gives Tracy an expression that says (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST), and knocks her the fuck off
*cums inside horse*
>>42266Of course, that's totally non-violent
>>42267Of course, that's totally non-violent
At this point two things occur. A chunk sound, followed by a "What?!" from a distant Thez, and also fiery hell bursts forth from outside the ship, aimed at the balloon-things.
As the Peace-field dissipates, Tracy continues to have her way with Trump, oblivious to the field being rendered null. The pirates - mostly - are likewise oblivious to the field status, as they can't look away from the scene apparent.
[1d20 = 2]>>42268>knocks her the fuck offRide check, to stay mounted
>tfw no ranks in Ride
Around Lenos' diminuative size appear four fiery spheres which streak toward and strike at the balloon. With four distinct flashes, the balloon,... shows some charring, but no apparent damage.
*puts his armor and everything back on*
Is bitch smacking permitted in a zone of peace?
anyone remember what the action order is?
>>42269"Welp, guess thats my cue"
Torc looks directly at the captain.
[1d4+1 = 3]>>42275Fucked up that roll
>>42273i killed the zone of peace.
[1d20 = 20]
Bitch Smacks Pony
[1d20+19 = 36]>>42273>donning hastily*Sleight of Hand to conceal little door-thing that would normally cover his crotch-dock*
>>42280i hope that metals hard.
>>42281Either way, it's missing now.
"why you attack us kike?!?"
>>42280>That garish codpieceJUST
>>42280>tfw medieval knights often got boners in battle, and/or they wanted their enemies to think they had big swords
>>42276Also forgot meme
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UcRtFYAz2Yo>>42285I honestly don't know how to feel about this
>>42275The legendary irresistable dance, formerly attributed to "Otto". We meet again. Alright.
Lenos, from his position is able to witness Thez' crazy Tron-disk bounce off the balloon. That's right, it bounced off. Further, a full spread of Meteor Swarm resulted in charring. Lenos is beginning to think this isn't a balloon at all.
>>42286That reminds me of a piece of equipment that we need to get for Torcuil: The Codpiece of Attention
>>42287lenos is begining to get an eye twitch
>>42287>we meet againSounds like a good story for another time
>>42287CALL FAE
But first, ask her through empathic link to check out damage to the town from bombardment
>>42287can i see the captain?
>>42288What the actual fuck is this shit?
>>42292He's a bit busy dancing currently
>>42286>>42288You don't see it much on /k/ or Crusader threads.
It's the darker side of history...
>>42284Feel free to forget about it and cover-up the gap with the magick hat.
Otherwise, you'd have to somehow out-roll her with a Search check, because she's not about to let go of it.
*pulls out and activates sword while moving to get within range of the balloon things
[1d20 = 3]>>42295Grapples pony, and uses her to cover up gap in armor
>>42288>>42293make me one torc
>>42294Oddly, there are several people in the captain's area who are dancing.
>>42297... He adds his 17 base attack bonus an +5 strength bonus to that. That's a 25 in total
>>42295I never wanna see one again
>>42299Spell or they just enjoy dancing?
>>42288>*see page*>*eye twitches*.... *dry laughter....
>>42298Ask Torc, he has all of the spells.
Pay him back by helping him with the Stone Horse.
>>42302If you'd hurry up with the pirates you could attack the temple and you wouldn't
need to worry about a stone horse,....
Says "hello" to captain. Or tries to anyways
>>42302Am I gonna have too make an OC rock horse?
[1d20+19 = 23]>>42300Escape artist check, because reasons.
After that, she promtly puts him on her back, and phases beneath the deck to get into the captains square.
>>42306Is Trump resisting this move?
>>42307Uh... I guess not?
*hides gap in armor with horse fur*
Trump just tried to grapple earlier, can you grapple in a zone of peace?
>>42307where am i on the ship gm? can i see the captain?
>>42308>>42309Trump and Tracy phase quickly through the floor, and find themselves in a living-quarters area with an attached balcony. The balcony overlooks,... whatever the ship is over, and from their position, both can determine that the Captain's force wall sphere extends into the floor. There's only 2 guys here, both really skinny and rather noobish, who look at T/T fearfully.
[1d20 = 12]>>42312What does the living area look like? Search check
>>42312Are they still dancing?
[1d20 = 16]>>42315The dancing people were on the deck. We are not in the deck. We are in a different room, presumably but not necessarily the captain's quarters
>>42312Spot check. Are the two dudes fucking?
[1d20+21 = 35]>>42312>force wall sphere extends into the floor.... Well fug....... I didn't know you could do that..
Search check to find any possible way around it.
>>42315Don't worry about it, you're below-decks.
Meanwhile, the small group around the captain, and including the captain (who naturally is the most ornate of the bunch), continues to dnce.
>>42318>continues to danceThis is going better than expected
>>42317>Look for ways around the force field sphere>sphereI guess they are out of line of sight now, but before they left, did Trumpaladin see the dancers? Do they look fabulous?
>>42318is there anyone on the deck im on?
>>42320... how do you get past a spherical force wall that can extend through solid objects?
>>42319Pls Disintegrate this thing.
>>42322Orders the horse back to the deck
>>42322But dispelling magic will stop the dancing..
Fine, dispell magic
>>42320Nice filename
>>42322"Why are you so interested in getting close to this man? Hmmm? HMMM??? Want to put your nuzzle up to his, don't you?"
>>42323*moves through deck*
>>42324Not dispel,
Disintegrate on the sphere.
>>42320>fabulousUhm, what?
>>42321A couple dozen, and they're beginning to catch wind that they can attack.
>>42325>GM thinks Trump is buzzed>>42324As you will. I assume you're doing an area of effect?
>>42328Tries one more time to talk to captain
"Excuse me, can you tell me why you attacked our tower and city?"
Also, Fae was called a while ago, I assume she's nearing?
has lenos gotten close enough to physicaly attack the balloons with his sword?
>>42326>tfw when opening the video and then closing it, and my lady admonishes me and tells me to put it back on
[1d20 = 9]>>42328"burn"
slash slash slash
>>42332You have a lady with excellent tastes
[3d20 = 42]>>42324*grabs torc*
*brings him through the deck towards the captain.*
"Fix it!" she demands, gesturing to the wall of force.
>>42330Cast the spell.
also, rolling to kill both those noobs below the deck because why not?
>>42336im lighting my sword on fire hen attacking
>>42337You're back on deck, remember?
>>42336That's the trigger-word for his sword's Flaming Burst ability
>>42340No shit. Why is he attacking
>>42341They attacked us, and he's chaotic.
>>42341they attacked first.
>>42337Uh, okay?
Torc wrecks the wall of force, then casts the Sex Offender Shuffle
[3d20 = 31]
[4d20 = 43]
Trumpaladin slashes to kill something
Also, Fae should be here, so she's ordered to pounce on some guy
>>42345>Fae should be hereShe flies at the same speed Lenos walks.
>>42342Technically, the party "attacked first" from the perspective of the pirates. What the pirates don't know is that the "flaming explosion" attack was Lenos awkwardly detecting Thez' shenanigens and had no violent intentions behind them.
>>42344One at a time please, roll a dispel check
>>42344>Sex offender shuffleHarsh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfCYZ3pks48>>42346Under d&d rules the Mount dimension doors in the round after it is called. It's GM who makes it take so damned long
>>42347It's not my fault the rest of my party are idiots. I just wanted to ask a few basic questions
>>42351I know right
>>42347Tracy is just killing because she wants to now.
>>42350>3Try again
>>42349Because under D&D rules the mount is an extra-dimensional creature that is veritably summoned to the spot. But we're not GOING by D&D rules are we?
[1d20 = 9]>>42351Whats that supposed to mean?
>>42355Trying again
>>42355That's how she came the first time. From a different dimension. Just not summoned
"Fae I summon thee"
*does hand movements as appropriate*
>>42355has lenos gotten close enough to the balloons to hit them with his sword
>>42355Since she's not an extraplanar creature, can she still be brought back if she's kill?
>>42353THEY attcked US m8
>>42356Disintegrate!>>42353>I just wanted to ask a few basic questionsThen why did you order Fae to attack as well?
>>42359I was wondering the same thing earlier today. I think she's racially a magic beast, and so has a dual nature
>>42362Did they confuse us for the Court City Pyramid in the water? Why did they attack us? I want to know
>>42358He should be... he's been walking for two days..
>>42364you can ask the captain, but his men die for this slight against port barry.
>>42364Don't worry, you get a new one in a month.
[1d20 = 10]>>42363Fine, Torc sets his phaser to disintegrate and makes a disintegration roll
>>42363I'd rather ask questions, but if you fuck ups are going to destroy that for me, then I'm taking xp as well
>>42366They did fire at the city
>>42369So do you want to negotiate while they're cowering, or do you want XP?
>>42369ask your questions you found the captain.
>>42358Yes that. Its a good thing Lenos is above the "balloon", cuz otherwise I'd have alot of explaining to do. The Sword passes harmlessly through the balloon, given both the nature of the sword and the nature of the balloon.
>>42364That is unknown. There's lots of pirates to kill, a guy in less piratey equipment, and an impenetrable sphere overlooking a blackjack table, filled with about 10 people dancing hysterically.
>>42371Tracy will just shove the captain in her bag and suffocate him.
>>42371>>42372Oh fuck it
Order Tracy to attack, and slash as appropriate
>>42372This dancing is the best idea I ever had.
>-10 refl savesHave fun guys
[1d20+21 = 40]
[3d20 = 32]
*loose 60-ft chain*
Attack nearest pirate
Intimidate check
[4d20 = 48]
Full Round Slashing!
*puts sword away and glares at balloons before heading to the deck to burn pirates*
[3d20 = 10]>>42376Can, can she cleave that?
>>42378*stands back a bit*
Alright, can we just assume the Pirates got owned? They were only level 6-8, and there was only a couple dozen of them.
[1d20 = 5]>>42377That 20 is a cleave
>>42381But Torc was enjoying the dancing!
>>42381Can I approach and stare the hell down the people at the blackjack table?
>>42383The ones dancing are in the wall of force. They're still dancing.
>>42385I know right. I just wanted to ask why they were shooting at us and the city
>>42386"I appreciate your moves, but can you tell us why the hell you shot at our base and our city?"
[1d20+21 = 23]>>42384Intimidate Check for that
Also, cast Doom on the Captain.
>>42389Eventually the wall of force disappears (it only gets 1 round/level) and as it does so, the Captain and those inside continue to dance. Its ludicrous to think they're still under the effects of the spell, so the dancing must be voluntary.
>>42391My sides have left the planet
>>42390>*gives the stink-eye*
>>42387I rly don't think you do
>>42391Dismount horse
>>42395These xp whores aren't taking it all
Eventually the captain and his cohorts realize that they're not surrounded by their men who are in fact dead and dying along the deck of the ship.
"Let me guess, you want,..." he cuts off, and runs toward the rear of the ship.
[1d20 = 17]>>42391>>42397Rolling to make a trip attack with the spiked chain
Doom once more
>>42396This is why I prefer neutral ebil
>>42398That son of a bitch knows something of value. Maybe even a Unicorn!
>>42398>tfw 31 Str, and 60-ft spiked chain
>>42397Follows as fast as he can run. Which is like 3x speed
>>42399Then we'll ask him ourselves
she just tripped him up
[3d20 = 29]
Fae, having most definitely been summoned, is ordered to Pounce on a cohort
[1d20 = 20]>>42397GRAPPLE!!!
*bellows* don't kill him I want to torture him for awhile
>>42405After we're done torturing him, lets open a Gate and throw him into the Abyss.
>>42397"So now... Who are you, where do you come from, why are you here, and why the actual fuck were you shooting at us?"
>>42402It does trip him up, and as he tips forward he grabs his hat and acrobatically/gracefully flips in mid-air and lands on his feet in a continuous run, casting a sly glance at Tracy as he does so
>>42404You have a choice. Did you succeed the grapple, or did you stay on the ship?
>>42406>hold monster>on a humanoidsmh
>>42406Eh, could be worse
>>42404>>42409Grab him Infernius!
>>42410Well I couldn't find hold person, so fuck off
[3d20 = 39]>>42409Oh no he doesn't!
Tracy and Trump go after him, Fae pounces cohorts
Rolling for Pounce because damn it, I have a death machine and I am using it
>>42412>>42409Tracy promptly pursues the two beneath the ground.
>>42415Why you kill all of the cohorts if you want info?
>>42412And so you did. Unfortunately, that glorious tackle-grab that resulted in him being in possession, also resulted in the both of you rolling off the ship.
>>42416towards the ground*
>>42415Make a ride check to mount rapidly. She's going either way.
>>42418>>42416Superb point
"Take them alive if possible Fae!"
Tries to get the Infernius and Captain
>>42419Mounts horse anyways
[1d20+4 = 7]>>42418intimidation check
The rest of the "Captain's Cohorts" freeze in place, but a well-dressed mage steps forth wearing a well-tailored black suit with emerald pinstripes and fine accoutrements (pocket watch, crystal monacle, proper white gloves, spats, etc.)
>>42421Seriously, make the rapid-mounting check
She'll react differently if he's riding her.
[1d20+10 = 14]>>42424Fine. Ride check
bring him to the tower training room when you catch him ill be ready to start the torture by the time you get him there *heads for the tower training room*
>>42425You don't want to fight that mage?You rolled short.
Tracy flies down to grab Infernius and stuff the captain in her bag.
>>42427I think there's one more enemy
>>42423"Hello. Who are you?"
>>42428I'm nerfing your flying soon
If Trumpaladin has to roll a 15 to get on a horse you can fucking walk
"Put him in the bag."
>>42432He has to roll a 20 or higher to mount rapidly, and Infernius was at terminal velocity.
>>42434>Has to roll a 20You're definitely fucking nerfed. The next time your character tries to fly or avoid falling to death, post deletion and ban
*spots mage and turns around and heads back to the ship* The mage is mine to kill
>>42436Stahp. Stop fucking up the story. Let us get some exposition to move the story along for Christ sake
>>42426"If I give you my name, will you accept a duel?" he says with a sneer, as though he expects Torcuil's refusal.
>>42433>in the bagRly?
>>42436You're way outside, only Thez can <whoooof>
>>42439You're welcome to wait, but Lenos can still attack. His character has no reason not to.
>>42440>in the bagHe'll suffocate, but it's still easy storage.
>>42440*suffocates in german Minotaur*
>>42440>>42441*Removes captain from bag*
>>42440"Nah, I'm not really feeling a duel today."
>>42441Fine, roll a d20 to catch Infernius, and what about the guy he's grappelling?
>>42444>>42442We're so not there yet
>>42445"A pity then, the GM was looking forward to lining Bones with my suit. Adieu,...."
F> Weird
>>42446who needs to roll a d20 im confused now
>>42447>>42445he just called you a bitch torc, are you gonna take that?
>>42447Lining bones?
And what is this "F>"
>>42450F> is the mage. I haven't gone back and looked at what I determined his name was, but he's far past pleasantries so I figure I can wait on that. He's subjecting the party to wicked-level illusions and mind-games n shit.
Meanwhile, Infernius finds, upon attempting to detain the increasingly wiley captain, that he is holding a cheap bathrobe, and that the real captain is falling at standard speed with a smirk on his face.
>>42464"reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tracy go get em."
>>42465As he looks at the increasingly descending captain, the sky around him turns red, the clouds catch fire, and the whole planet beneath turns to ash and ember. The air chokes him, and there are no kitties.
>>42467"what the fuck?!?"
>>42469"lennos take out cat wand!"
>>42467>>42469Oh. Cast dispel magic on self
>>42470is dying and cat hardly see keyboard
>>42473I know what you meant
>>42475i cast dispel magic
As Tracy holds Infernius he begins to shift. She looks down and finds she's holding a weird octopus creature that has Trollestia's hed on the tips of each tentacle.
>>42476That's 2. We'll leave it at "enough to dispel the illusion". Torcuil never got his either. So the party shakes off the lingering image of the illusion,... you do know that was an illusion right? Don't worry, there are still kitties.
Unfortunately the Captain, the Mage, and the Cleric from the ship's crew seem to have made an effective escape.
[1d20+11 = 13][1d20 = 1]>>42479From Midair? Spot check and Fae can spot check
>>42481Dude, they're gone
gm infernious you bastards im still laughing and my sides hurt now
>>42479"me sure this will be the last we see of them."
>>42484>>42482"Now let's ransack their shit. Take their ship, figure out how it works, see what goodies are here, resurrect a pirate or more later and ask 'em questions, and maybe see if any of them want jobs"
>>42485The ship is littered with mostly/partially full bottles of alcohol, and the small kitchen is laden with a largely devoured boar. They appear to have been having a dinner party.
>>42488Is there a map for navigation in the cock pit? Is anything marked on it?
>>42489This. Fae should be here, so there should be at least one kitty
>>42488>>42490i think they got drunk and accidentally shot at us.
>>42491Kek. They shot a hell of a lot of cannon balls though
>>42490Fae arrives, "Sorry I'm late, the GM forgot about me,... again."
>>42489The thought of "No kittens" echoes to Infernius
>>42492"It wasn't accidental, but I don't think they expected that kind of response," Thez offers. "Its not a balloon at all, its a floating rock!" she says, punching the "balloon".
>>42493*pets dander-free feline*
"It's okay, I love you"
To Thez
"Do you know why they attacked?"
>>42493no wonder i couldn't pop it*folds arms and glares at the floating rock*
>>42494>Shrugs>>42495"No, for real this time, its a flying rock."
>>42497"Have you seen them before?"
>>42498"Nope," her attention is waning, she seems particularly curious about the ship and its ammenities.
>>42499May as well inspect the weapons. There were 14 cannons - are they on a separate deck, is that the entire complement?
well good night all lenos's faggot has to be up early to try and get broken truck fixed
>>42499"you think we can make more ships?"
>>42500They're all fixed into the starboard side of the ship, with three forward facing cannons on top of it. The cannons appear operated and fed by an intricate array of mechanisms, all controlled by a hand crank.
>>42501Lenos inspects the bar, later
>>42502Thez looks at him like he just asked her something silly. "I don't even know what it is exactly,... but its cozy."
infernuis want to skull fuck a beholder.
>>42507I've made a note. Their environment isn't as stringent as I thought, so I'll make sure you come across one. It will probably be a mount for a black-guard lich mind flayer tho.
>>42512>All that shitYou may as well have us fight Nyarlathotep riding Yog-Sothoth
>>42513> Nyarlathotep riding Yog-Sothoth
>>42512ill just mind fuck the mind flayer.
>>42514Is Yog-Sothoth the flying spaghetti monster?
>>42520>>42518she thiccccccc
>>42521>deleted it myselfBrains are fattening apparently.
>Implying he wouldn't be better off with the Mindflayer than with us
>>42524>Mind Flayer is actually really nice and charming>Torc falls in love and doesn't want to leave>Party is convinced that the Mindflayer is controlling his brain with her powers>Party """rescues""" Torc, despite his resistance
>>42525*kills mind flayer*
>>42525>Party challenges the Mindflayer to save the NEET damsel in distress>After causing the mindflayer damage, she flees>Infernius grapples Torcuil and Trump dimension shackles him as he screams "NO! NO! I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK WITH YOU PSYCHOPATH FUCKUP WANKS!">Tracy gags him, hands him a long list and says "You're crafting these things for me, and paying for it with your own xp">In a far off field, the mindflayer changes back to her normal form: Trollestia\r
>>42525>>42527That's fukkin diabolical
>>42449Obviously yes, cause my body decided to pass out
>>42481You fugged up
>>42483Dancing airpirates was amazing
Whats a Mindflayer? Sounds Lovecraftian
>>42531T H I S
Range ban Australia
>>42532>sounds lovecraftianI know right
>>42532This pic is my favorite. It appears to be a Mind Flayer Monk,... which would be just absurd.
>>42535Cthulhu's retarded son?
>>42537they eat your brain and gain your knowledge.
>>42537Uber intelligent, but yes.
>>42541/MLPOL/ VS /ANCAP/
>>42542>internal conflict growsJk, GO MLPOL
Testing the other dice rolling
[1d20 = 18]
>>42547how do you do that one?
>>42548Don't feel bad, idk either
Alright. Since I'm no longer invested in the 4cc, I'll be here-abouts if anyone wants to do stuff
>>42549Can Tracy select Sneak Attack of Opportunity and Lingering Damage as her bonus feats? She meets the prerequisites, but Idk how ebin feats work.
>>42550At epic level, of course she can, provided that the class allows those as bonus feats (which I'll bet they will)
>>42549infernuis transforms into pickle infernuis
>>42552She's not gonna say it, but she's thinking it.
>>42551It doesn't say that on the page though.
It only asks for Opportunist and Crippling Strike class features, along with +8d6 Sneak Attack damage.
>>42555You don't see the [EPIC] next to the feat name?
>>42552>inb4 unable to change back
>>42557>Inb4 he doesn't care so long as Thez can carry him around
>>42554"t-t-t-thez *burp* me a shit meme thez, shove me in y-y-you *burp*"
>>42556Does that imply that you can't select it until you have 20 levels? There are other feats that require minimum class levels, but these don't.
What about the holodeck? I don't see any restrictions for acquiring feats through other means.
>>42561I asked for an epic feat back when we were first selecting feats, GM said no epic feats for non-epic characters, and if I have to wait for ebin feats, so do you
>>42563Alright then. I guess I'll just have to wait until lvl 20.
Let me look at the list again..
>>42562What page did you pull that Devoted to A Cause feat from?
>>42548[(# o dice)d(# o sides)]
So the party has a handy new airship, which is much faster and more maneuverable than the Tower. It also has fixed cannons that were able to dent the Tower. Lenos, and now Thez are 'examining' the bar, aside from a couple-dozen pirates lining the deck and somehow Infernius turning himself into a pickle, nothing but the sound of the wind and the rhythm of the ships mechanisms running is immediate.
>>42572You said it was operated by hand crank. Was it operated by a single hand crank, or is each cannon separately operated?
Has anyone figured out the basic controls on the thing yet?
>>42571My opinion?
You need to have a very high IQ to understand....
>>42572>no sound"FUCK ZIGGERS"
Anyway, to begins to poke and prod around the ship
>>42573Can Torc be pilot?
>>42573Each one
>>42574>>42575Spellcraft check
>>42572"thez no alcohol!"
>>42577"Says the pickle," Xp
>>42575So long as 1. you don't crash it 2. I can adorn it with my Generals as archery support, then sure
>>42576Tell Fae to bring a Spartan up to the ship, and ask him what the hell this thing is
>>42578"reeeeee it will deform the baby!"
>>42580This. Also, alcohol is degenerate
[1d20+5 = 6]>>42576Uh, I'm assuming int gives a bonus.
So, bonus is +2 (Arcana knowledge) +3 int
What are feats btw?
>>42583>1I'm gonna go kill myself now
>>42570in the email field or what
>>42586Just type it
[1d20 = 19][1d1000 = 637][5d6 = 15]
Well, yes. Typical of homebrew feats, they function more like multiple ex's or sp's than a normal feat. But they look very easy to split into smaller parts, so that you can get some of the benefits while some are nerfed. I also think "Architype" feats are different than general feats in how they are acquired, but I really don't know and can't say how
>>42587Oh now I get a good fucking d20 roll
Fuck off script
>>42588She qualifies for the listed prereqs, and I think they match her meme-thematics.
>>42590>>42592>>42593Just fyi, if you want to test things, there's also a hidden board for it:
>>42591I'm not sure, but I think an archetype feat is added on almost like a template on top of the character, rather than an acquired skill
>>42582>archetype feats>homebrew
>>42594Thanks for the link, for some reason I can never get there
>>42596I guess that means no then.
>>42583Feats are learned skills or abilities that don't fit with basic skills. Think of them as technique(s) that the player learns to accommodate their existing abilities.
>>42598Cuz you need more hacks?
>>42599>>42596How do archetypes work anyway? I was just poking around the page that last link was from.
>>42601You pick them. You already get like, 8 (1 + /3levels) and probably a bonus one or two. As role-playing tools they're really handy, or just as modifiers they work too.
>>42603>I get 8Holy fuck
How many skills can I pick to be maxxed with my skill points?
>>42604>>42599I noticed that it was overlooked that Torcuil and Trumpaladin are eligible for an additional feat as a racial quality of being human. Can Trumpaladin select Weapon Focus for use of Vanderiem
or does that feat need to go towards "weapon proficiency, bastard sword>>42603>>42604Actually, the number of feats at 17th level is 6, +1 for humans
>>42603"Thez can you pick me up? it dirty down here."
By the way, lest I forget, I did want to give shit to Infernius and Torcuil, who's faggots couldn't contain themselves from cross-threading in the 4cc thread, and especially Torcuil for thinking this was the first trophy Mlpol has gotten Xp
>>42604You can only have as many ranks in a skill as you have levels for Class skills, and you can only have half as many in cross-class skills
>>42606"I can't believe we're having this conversation," she laments before slapping him down on the bar.
"Why are you a pickle?"
>>42607torc called me out.
>>42610Oh I was facepalming the entire time
>>42607Hey, he fucking started it. And I hadn't paid attention to the cups so go drive off a cliff. But not really>>42608English please?
>>42608The number of ranks you can have in a skill is equal to the class level plus 3 for class skills
>>42609"because me can mort.....thez."
>>42611blame him
>>42612Torcuil is now 17th level. He can have up to 17 in any class-related skill or 8 in any non-class skill.
>>42614"And how do you plan to
not be a pickle, given that we don't even know what is on this ship? How did you become a pickle in the first place?"
Thez sighs and places Infernius in her drink, intent on continuing the discussion as she wanders about the ship, venturing below-deck to check it out.
>>42614He's Animal Domain, Right?
Doesn't he get Shapechange at this level?
>>42614You thez posted first>>42616>17 in some 8 in the othersThanks
>pickleThis is weird
>>42617>Me unironically trying to make sense of thisDon't mind me, I've been a huge autist all day today..
Can Tracy ransack the bodies/ship?
>>42617ding ding ding.
"me have new power"
>>42618someone said post waifu for power.
>>42620It looks pretty high class
Tracy looks around for anything worth taking.
>>42621>>42622I missed the waifu bit
>>42621"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Turn me into a horse or pony!"
>>42622Well, I guess its better for me to be slightly autistic and get it out on the web than with people I know irl. Now can we shut up about it?>>42625I swear we get fucking weirder every bred
>>42621"And that's what you went with?"
>>42622>post waifu for powerPosting waifus
>>42627*touches Infernius's Pickle*
>>42630"me thought it would be funny."
>>42628yea we can.>>42631
>>42632"klattu verata nikto"
*you are now flash sentry*
>>42628Alright, so aside from completely failing his initial attempts to understand the controls, Torcuil finds that the controls are quite simple. The ship can steer in any direction off of forward, but can't upset its gyroscopic position (down is always down). It can go forward and a minimal, medial, and nominal pace, has "poor" (per gaming terms) maneuverability, and was designed with idiots in mind (meaning, minimal user input).
>>42634"MY POWER GROWS!"
*Finds Tracy*
>>42634Shapechange is personal only, u cant change others
>>42638>oh rip>>42637torc has to change you
Animal Shape is
>has idea
Thez also goes to Tracy, still carrying beverage Infernius.
"Do you still have the skull-shaped bottle?" Eyes beaming mischievously.
>>42641Fair point, though that means Trump can't be a pickle.
>>42643"You shush, this was your idea anyway." :3
>>42644*Sad Waifu Thief noises*
>>42642I don't think it was actually crafted, just discussed
>>42646The skull-shaped bottle is one of the ones that Thez gave Tracy some time ago. It made a cameo during the Terrasque fight. Thez has Tracy hold onto it cuz she thinks that Tracy will do something with it at some point, but in the meantime its an excuse to bug her.
[1d20 = 4]>>42647Oh. Was that the bottle of air? Also, when stealing waifus, what modifier do I apply? Diplomacy? Grapple modifiers?
Where is Tracy's faggot? Oh well. Rolling to steal Tracy
>>42648That looks like a shitty roll, but it's a 38 if diplomacy is applied, and a 26 if grapple modifiers are applied. I am an expert waifu thief
>>42635I actually understand something for once, does it have an intercom system?
>>42639Polymorph time?
>>42648There's no skill for seduction (there REALLY should be) so I would add the modifiers of Sense Motive with Diplomacy and divide that by 2, applied against a DC for the pony being seduced
For example, Scootaloo would be DC5 j/k but not by much
[1d20+30 = 31]>>42651>The only two skills I put anything into+30 on the seduction modifier then
Rolling to seduce the nearest pony, which really out to be Tracy
>>42654>I rolled a 1I managed to fuck up seducing
>>42655>dick caught in vaccum cleaner.
>>42653>has hands-5
>>42654I check every time that happens to make sure it wasn't a script error.
The way I'm gonna play this one is, having just recently engaged in a frivolous sexing in front of the pirates, Trump is still off his game a tad and comically misses one of his lines.
>>42651*intercom noises*
"This is your captain speaking, I would like you to know I'm going to try flying this fucking thing.
Uh, please fasten your seatbelts and hold on to your valuables"
Torc tries to pilot the ship towards the bay
>>42658>no hands, my badStill a 0
>>42659May the dice be with you.
>>42657*Blue balled waifu thief noises*
>>42651So... what are the DCs of the various ponies?
There's a classic ship-wheel, except steering-wheel size attached to what looks like a podium. There's a lever on the middle-right and a smaller one above it. a number of buttons and switches adorn the console.
I should mention, the ship its self is levelled at about 1000 feet, which is relatively clear of any potential landmarks
>>42664Do the buttons and switches have labels?
And what position are the levers at?
>>42665I will not touch altitude controll then
[1d20 = 11]>>42664>>42665rolling for torc.
>>42665>There are no buildings over 1000 feet tall, so nothing to worry about crashing intoNice to know
>>42667I don't need your rolls
>>42666>doesn't want to get blown upOkay, fine. After a few rounds of daintily messing with the conrols, Torcuil figures out that the upper right is altitude, and the middle right is throttle. He's not particularly skilled, but he can be said to get an idea of how to guide the ship. No, there are no labels on the buttons and switches.
Sorry I had to step out...
>>42636*pregnancy cravings intensify*
>>42642"Here you go."
*gives bottle*
>>42674>>42675"look at me, me a pickle!"
>>42671>No labelsI'll let Lenos look at those later.
Uh, mid level throttle, steer towards the bay. Drop to low throttle half way. Then cut gas flip around and thrust until stopped when at the bay
>>42676*drools a little bit*
Fyi, if he didn't already belong to Thez, she may've just eaten him. She's like a cat in that regard."Do they have any food left in the chambers? Something acidic?"
>>42679>that ridiculous modifier>still 1 anywayWtf am I supposed to make of that?
>>42680There's about 1/2 a boar
Still a fail btw
>>42680dont worry ill escape to the sewers.
>>42681>Still a failI know, I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to respond to it..
>>42682"You, get big again," she says, waving one hand about in reference to making magic work.
>>42681*steps over bodies*
*tears into boar*
Did the pirates drop anything interesting? Tracy's about to ransack the ship.
>>42680>wtf am I supposed to make of thatI know right? I'm guessing that means he lights himself on fire, or falls off, or knocks her over, or something that gets him stabbed or raped
>>42684"you don't want to put me in the jar?"
>>42686>You fall over and hit your neck in suck a way that you become quadraplegic, then she >rapes you like you asked, but you're unable to feel it or speak.
>>42687*puts in jar because why not?*
*closes lid*
"There you go."
>>42688That's way too harsh
>>42689"haha pickle infernuis!!"
>>42681But like a real pick up artist I can roll again with a different target right?
Can certain transmutations be made permanent?
>>42693If they see you hitting on every female in the tavern, you might get a penalty.
>>42690I'm ok with lighting himself on fire
>>42689"Hey!" Pulls pickle out of jar, "
>>42691Easy maneuver. Its not like you're air-dropping ppl over ab enemy site.
>>42693Cuz there's plenty of pones (or females for that matter) to seduce?
>>42694> -5 penalty on retriesEh. I'll take it, and then go to the next tavern
>>42685>>42695What kind of clothes are they wearing?
>>42695>not a lot of poniesTouché. Is Felicia still pissy about that whole stabbing-her thing?
>>42695>piloting +1Torc looks for the rest of the party, where are they?
>>42701I thought we were all on the airship?
>>42694Depends, which transmutation?
>>42696Thats seriously what you're going with
>>42699dubs kek
>>42701They're on the ship, surprised (relieved?) that they haven't died yet.
Trumpaladin has always looked somewhat orange, but he looks more orange than usual
>>42703>>42704I figured
"Hi guys, whats..."
>>42705"Am I drunk already?"
>>42702I'll talk her out of it
*pets pony with wing. The blue pony*
>>42706"I don' know. You flying us all while buzzed?"
>>42704What's the handle animal check to have sex with a horse?
That d-depends, are you a horse right now?"
>>42704Ones that aren't just drastic stat changes like bull's strength, but rather the ones that change the function or form of objects/people, like Animal Shape, Corrupt Weapon, or Air Walk.
>>42710*Trumpaladin displays his beautiful wings, gilded armor, and natural splendor*
>>42709[happy pony noises]
"It's been a while since I've seen you like this, ~Flashy."
Hey wait, isn't Pegasus a magical beast, not an animal?*shoots self for obnoxious metafaggotry*
>>42713>>42712"And... hes... a...
Who put LSD in my tea?"
>>42714"But not long at all since I've seen you"
*Nuzzles pony with adorable pony nuzzle
That's correct, and shut the hell up. I was hoping GM wouldn't notice>>42715"Probably best not to trust food and drink you didn't prepare yourself"
>>42716"Well, if you can't beat em..."
Torc polymorphs into a snake
"Polymorph party?"
>>42716Oh please, animal form is legit, and I've been watching the whole way. Besides, I'm letting Infernius do this pickle-shit.
>>42716*nuzzles back*
[nostalgic pony noises]
>>42717*Tries to avoid stepping on snake*
>>42719*Nuzzles harder*
*Much harder*
"You never got over that night, did you?"
*kisses poner*
>>42721"No step"
>Torc right now
[2d20 = 36]>>42720"Finally!"
First strike is a stunning blow (DC34 v Fort), second strike is (at -4) putting the bottle of air in Infernius' mouth.
>>42718Under normal game rules, if he shifted into an inanimate object, would he have even been able to shift back?
>>42721"~Hmmmm... I almost thought you'd forgotten..."
*rocks hips*
>>42722There has to be a way to give Snek proficiency in one of those gunz
>>42723>when Thez rolls a 20 on a melee attack
>>42724Is Snek an Animal or a Construct btw?
>>42724>snek gets a gunI really like this idea, since there's 2
>>42725She once killed a creature immune to melee damage with a 20 and 100 roll
>>42723*Muffled concerned Minotaur noises*
"You've never let me forget"
*Moves back and positions himself to get on top of her*
*trows forelegs over pony, and is now watching, along with Tracy, the scene in fornt of him*
>>42722"I'll stay off your property"
>>42727>She once killed a creature immune to melee damage with a 20 and 100 roll
>>42724I was thinking about it
>>42727I love my snek
Torc finds a way to summon him so they can have a snek party
I like the idea that Mr. Snek is big and derpy until action happensCan we do the gun thing?
>>42729[Happy tongue flick noises]
>>42730Mounts Pony>>42732I was thinking of that for myself
Also, can I free Mr. Snek from the staff?
Basically effectively destroying it, but as a result Mr. Snek just follows Torc around always in snek form?
>>42732>get ancap pony as Torc's stone horse>give her this
>>42731Give him a hat too.
>>42734Make the staff intelligent, so it can transform whenever it wants.
>>42735Sneks in hats are a beautiful thing.
Consider it done, but what kind of hat?
>>42728Though his ability to take in air from outside, the air supply of the bottle currently lodged in his throat is sufficient to sustain him.
"Well? Are you waiting for something?"
>>42731>gun thingKind of like the image with the snek having a luger
>>42737And convert him into a rod after you use up all of his spells.
>>42735*is humping pony*
[Happy Horse Noises]
>>42739"outside is* compromised*, the"
>>42740Actually, there's a rod that already fits his description.
>>42739I meant will you allow it, but lets fucking do it.
>>42740>>42737Smart, Torc transforms back and does the intellegence thing.
"There you go Mr. Snek, now to get you a hat."
It's been a while since we did it like this."
>>42733*is mounted*
>>42741[happy pony noises]
>>42743Since he's a quarterstaff, can he be made into a two-part weapon?
>>42743Thats what snek is based off of
>>42744Don't get shot training snek, but sure
>>42746"GO PICKLE AGAIN!!" she's pushing him, but not in any particular direction.
>>42745>considers having Mr. Snek break it up.Nah
"Come on Mr. Snek, lets go into a different room."
Torc escorts Snek into a different room.
>>42748*is pickle nao*
"pickle infernuis!"
>>42749"THffff Thfffff" are the sounds of Snek's tongue shooting in and out emphatically.
>>42745"Indeed it has."
*humps pony*
"I like doing it like this"
>>42748>>42750*is watching, really intently*
[pony sex noises]
>>42751Snek wants to watch too
Infernius will be busy for some time. Let me reiterate, this was
your idea. Thez on the other hand seems quite flushed.
>>42749>inb4 "mr.snake" is a female
Can Torc somehow increase Mr. Snek's INT? Actually, are his stats the same as a giant constrictor or something else?
>>42752No he doesn't
>>42751Wait, does he?
>>42754Don't curse me like this
>>42752"~Hmmm.. It seems you have found a lot more endurance since then..
*bucks harder*"
[pony sex noises]
"You've grown quite a bit, ~Flashy"
*looks back and bats eyelashes*
>>42758[Don't tread on me noises]
>waiting to see
For Pickle Eyes Only
>>42761Like u didn't think of that already
>>42757"You're stronger too, since back then"
*playfully bucks back strongly, remembering how he used to do it*
*uses wings to help in up and down movement*
*looks down at drink wondering if he is really that drunk off of only a few glasses*oofda
>>42765*Still waiting to see*
*Strategically momentarily stops humping, to delay ejaculation*
>>42762i didnt think it would happen.
>Horsing around
*resumes humping pony*
>>42764Snek is a mix desu. He shares components of the Giant Constrictor prescribed by the rod of Python, but has sentience and conditioning comparable to a wondrous figurine. In fact, that's kind of how I'm slicing snek; an unintentionally unique magical item based on dice and keks. The Giant Snek-staff or some shit, the largest of wondrous figurines.
>>42768Hey at least she gave you a way to breath before playing hide the pickle for a lenghty time
>>42768He says, after setting all this in motion. It was successful, and I've seen no contentious posts, so Infernius is occupied. Shush nao, deep innit.
>>42765It's the end of the weekend, so we're mostly just horsing around.
>>42770I'm kind of wondering if I should have Tracy invest in making her not-yet murder mace into a viper Rod.
I guess I have to wait until she's level 4 to start that though..
>>42759Are you in a different room or the same?
>>42770I love it, thanks GM.
Can I get stats for him sometime?
>>42772*starts yelling to start vibrating*
>>42775Giant constrictor stats, except with 1/2 Torcui's hp cuz familiar and cuz Torc is a waif. ^_^
>>42763*pushes back into stallion*
>>42780Is pushed back and humps back, but...
Trumpaladin stops humping and dismounts Tracy. She does
not feel or see any sign he completed the sex act
"love you"
he leaves the room
>>42778Trumpaladin comes in, with beautiful orange fur, resplindent gilded armor, and now, an long and gorgeous erect horse cock, that even the grouchy old scottsman has to admit is pretty pleasant to look at
"Hey, you can do polymorph too right? Maybe not now, but in an hour or so, after this wears off, would you maybe change me into a Dragonne?"