Is it a RP thread? Is it a shit/fun-post thread? Is it a bantz thread?
Its all 3. Welcome to Mixed Nuts, where we do wtfe and have fun (mostly) doing it, while doing our best to coerce and manipulate one another and see what kinda shit we can get away with, while seeing what kinda shit we can get one another to do.
Don't deny it faggots.
The party's latest venture was BTFO'ing Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein (who eats poo BTW). There's still an awful-big building floating in the water, and the party has designs to try and get inside, but I'm not about to even start that shit until the weekend, cuz in true form, the moment I leave for meat-space there's another 200+ posts when I get back.
These faggots,....
Anyhow, please note that while players are called faggots, blatant and obvious and unquestionably gay shit is not permitted. It is role-play, but keep it hetero, or u will die.
New players are welcome, to start or just to pop in and shitpost, but don't get mad when,....
Pic cuz I fucking felt like it. Xp
1169 replies and 157 files omitted.
>>41574Alright. Would all or most of them have 12s in strength or dexterity?
>>41575Presumably, since those are the attributes Trump would be looking for in particular when he formed the Generals.
Are there ways to increase your stats in game? Tracy could use some moar Charisma.
>>41576For the purpose adding a strength rating to the primary weapon (a composite longbow), could all be considered to have 12 strength (or possibly 13)?
>>41577>>41578You get one additional ability point at level 16. Aside from that, items give bonuses, and wish spells can give bonuses
Can I get Tracy's Constitution score again?
>>41577>>41578Aside from magical items - the kind that usually involve Wish or the like to craft - only by gaining levels. I think it's +1/4 levels
>>41579I have it at 11 in pony form
>>41579I would put it at 1/4 of the generals have 13, 1/4 have 12, and 1/2 have 11, in both for simplicity's sake.
>>41581>11 in pony formThat's lower than I thought..
So she's got
>19 Dex>16 Str>13 Wis>11 Char>11 Int>11 ConRight?
>>41583In pony form, that seems about right
>>41581>items needing wishWish itself can also increase stats, can't it?
>>41585That doesn't make any sense.
Why would her Wis be lower than that of a regular hoers?
Poners should get a +2 modifier for Char... >>41585I have so many charts at this point, its hard to be certain if I'm looking at the right one.
>>41586Why would Tracy's Strength be higher than that of a human three times her size?
>>41586Well, that's what I meant. I messed up the structure of that sentence
>>41588Tracy has street smarts.
And she knows the games are rigged.
>>41589Muh Earth Pony Magick.
>>41586The rules on wish 4 perma-stats is thus:
+1 to +5 can be applied to a character for one stat, which requires successive casting of wish (meaning, get 5 dudes to cast it at the same time). No more than +5 can be granted in this way, and casting in any way non-successively does not stack.
>>41582Okay, now for the even more real question: when taking the weapon focus feat, does it apply to a type of weapon - like composite longbow - or to a specific weapon - this composite longbow
>>41593Ehhhh, I guess.
First I gotta actually understand half the meta shit you guys talk about before I go deciding on a mount
>>41595You can do that once per ability score, meaning +1 to +5 for
each stat. Good luck finding sufficient ebin wizards who will readily contract for that though. That shit costs alot of exp
>>41597It applies to the type
>>41598It's not a mount, it's a spell to conjure one for a ride.
You could also collaborate with Infernius to craft a Stone Horse, if you want something more permanent.
>>41602So wait, what stats do you need boosted?
You don't get a Special mount like a Paladin, nor the Blackguard's fiendish servant. You do get a familiar but snek is your familiar. Trollestia would let you ride her, and she's better than a normal mount, but she is MIA. You can always summon a pony or horse. You can buy a horse. I'm not sure if you can get a pegasus but... get a pegasus. Get a stallion so people don't fight to fuck it
>>41603Wait really? Intelligence, Dexterity, Charisma, or Strength are all ones I'd love boosted
>tfw you have higher Char as a man-eating fiend than you do as an adorable poner>>41602"... Flashy.. You think I'm cute, right?"
[self-conscious pony noises]
>>41581If i remember correctly you can also increase stats by praying to your diety and hoping that it is in a good mood plus you need a high roll to get it the problem is if you get a low roll it can lower your stat instead
>>41604What the fuck did you think I mean by "a wizard stupid enough?"
You get one, but you gotta think of something good to give Torc for it
>>41606>infernius tries to raise int>rolls 1 >>41606Fuck yeah!
>>41605"Well... when you can't see your ribs through your skin, when your pupils aren't like a cat's, when your eyes don't have that creepy dead look, then sure. You look cute. There's no helping that mane style though"
>>41603So you're just coughing up experience then? One doesn't simply cast wish.
>>41605Charisma doesn't equal comeliness
>>41606>>41608GM would have to be really drunk to allow that
>>41608>he was honestHave fun when she stirs Trump's haggis
One gm i had required a natural 20 to raise a stat one point but anythong below a 10 lowered it one point
>>41609I already know what I'm asking you for the next time you are drunk and vulnerable
>>41610She loves me for who I am. Maybe
>>41607Neat. Anything you want?
>>41609>coughing upHell no, I'm not a fucking socialist.
Now, if we where to come an agreement where Trump got Torc some cool shit, now we could talk.
Also, did Torc ever find anything out anout his new staff thingy. You said it was abjuration, and thats it
>>41601>Stone HorseIt's a wondrous item. It takes Flesh to Stone AND Animate Objects though, so you'd need a Cleric or a Bard to help you finish it. know what the best part is? It only turns back into a warm-blooded animal with the Stone to Flesh spell, so you don't have to worry about lawless, non-wizard horse-thieves causing drama.
>>41605*hugs pony*
"This is my waifu. There are many like it, but this is one of mine"
>>41614Torc can do clerical spells, so that should be fine
Will we get into combat tonight?
>>41620Hopefully before then. Technically combat already started and hasn't continued.
>>41621*dresses husbando in armor, like a big doll*
>>41622Does your Character have Mounted Combat? She could skip the armor altogether if he had it.
>is starting to regret letting those giants walk away. >>41625she could ship her armor*
>>41621While Tracy was relentlessly advancing time earlier, Trumpaladin went to comfort, inspire, and generally check with the Generals, to talk to and comfort Slovenia, who did very well the previous day, and of course to help Felicia adjust by helping her to breakfast covfefe, and a set of canvas from the crafting area
>>41623*is dressed by poner*
>>41625No... A paladin's mount has a massive natural armor bonus, and Tracy's mounted form includes the unreasonably high AC of the 3.5 version of the Nightmare.
Do not mention the giants