Is it a RP thread? Is it a shit/fun-post thread? Is it a bantz thread?
Its all 3. Welcome to Mixed Nuts, where we do wtfe and have fun (mostly) doing it, while doing our best to coerce and manipulate one another and see what kinda shit we can get away with, while seeing what kinda shit we can get one another to do.
Don't deny it faggots.
The party's latest venture was BTFO'ing Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein (who eats poo BTW). There's still an awful-big building floating in the water, and the party has designs to try and get inside, but I'm not about to even start that shit until the weekend, cuz in true form, the moment I leave for meat-space there's another 200+ posts when I get back.
These faggots,....
Anyhow, please note that while players are called faggots, blatant and obvious and unquestionably gay shit is not permitted. It is role-play, but keep it hetero, or u will die.
New players are welcome, to start or just to pop in and shitpost, but don't get mad when,....
Pic cuz I fucking felt like it. Xp
1169 replies and 157 files omitted.
[1d20+5 = 15]>>41774Good idea
Sellcraft check on airboat
Inferniuos thez lets get on that ship I have a spell that you will both like
>>41779>no hooves>>41780Oh come on, Torc is right there
>>41780"thez say they have it under control."
>>41770Meh not so much. Maybe a light dusting of evil, but nothing impressive or worth concern.
>>41773So very out of range. The thing is like 300' as the crow flies
>>41782"I'm with him on this one. I
haven't forgotten about the time the mechanics attacked,...."
*angrily bashes against field*
[frustrated nightmare noises]
Did Trump's Dispel magick do anything?
>>41782magick will make it easier to get in
[1d20 = 1]>>41784Trumpaladin tries to raise horsey higher where they can see onto the deck/talk/find an opening in the force field
Search check
>>41782*shrugs and sits cross legged in mid air to watch*ok if that's what you think
>>41785I have t done it yet. Just take us where we can see something and have some idea what is going on
>>41786You know, I just happened to have stumbled across a handy-dandy Crit/Fail chart. ^_^ Roll a d100
>>41784"oh that time only me helped you."
>>41787"you can go if you want. wait what kind of spell?"
>>41786Well you find a deck
>>41784Out of range?
Can Trc and Infernius do pic related?
Can she roll reflex to stop him from falling off?
>>41785We can attempt dispel magic, we can fly up to the deck to see what is there and if the force field stops us, or we can do an elaborate trick with dimension door. What do you want to do?
>>41795The force field is almost definitely a bubble.
Try dispelling it.
quite astute but she can roll to divert and catch him
>>41793I really don't think thats where Infernius' head is at.
>>41791"Yeah," she looks sad, then happy, then grim-faced again. "So what of you then? Your god commands you to give me the gas. So, come then." she points to an invisible point in front of her, and then takes a relaxed stance.
>>41796And I'm guessing you want to ethereal jaunt inside the hull after that? Okay I guess.
Even if Trumpaladin is blinded from rolling a 1 on a search check, cast Dispel magic with an area effect on the field in front of them.
>>41797"look thez me dont want to gas you, you have made me the happiest minotuar ever, you give me me child me have to protect her, remember me promised."
>>41792oh just a little buff to help damage anyone you hit
>>41801"Like you could gas me," she says off-handedly, but loosens her stiff body language and disposition as he continues.
>>41800Success, forfeiting any further movement.
Volley of cannon-balls makes contact, the remainder raining down on Port Barry indescriminaately.
>>41804Well motherfucker. Dispel magic on force field
>>41802"go help them me am talk to thez."
[1d20+5 = 17]
Since I can't get a boost, Torc flys at the airship, preforming another spellcraft check when in range
*walks up towards the ship*
>>41808K, Lenos is the furthest away atm.
>>41807Ur in range for Fireball, Cone of Cold, or Lightning
>>41804"me dont break promises."
>>41809Does dispel magic do anything?
>>41809Well, thats not what I wanted, but I'll take lightning
>>41812Those aren't your only choices, you've got lots. Through the staff (of Power) however, - which is the only way Torcuil is doing anything combative - those 3 are his options. Any spell could apply in this situation, since he's not distinguished himself as a threat.
>>41814Yeah, but I was trying to detect the barrier and what it was
>>41813If dispel magic doesn't work, then try to see if there is any part of the ship that is not covered. Try to land on the deck. See if there are open port holes. See if a rear propulsion system exists and is open. Are the gas bags protected? We know it shoots cannon balls, so clearly,
something in the shield must open. If that doesn't work, try attacking the barrier or ship to see if it can be damaged. And if that doesn't work, well, we still have a trick with dimension door that may or may not work
When lenos gets up nest to trumpalidin he will touch him and cast fires of purity>>41817of course the gm knows which feats lenos will have active
>>41817Neat. I haven't "fired" anyone yet
Tracy pounds uselessly against the force-field, making frustrated monster noises as she waits for her next turn.
>>41817The spell is fine, but trump is about 2/5 distance from target, while Lenos is ~4/5 distance, and Fires of purity is a touch effect.
[Bored frog noises because idk what to do]
>>41825I know that's why I stated "when" he gets to trump
[1d20 = 10]>>41805Attempt (unless 20) fails. Field was clearly developed by more than one person at the time.
>>41827I'm trying to figure out what you mean by "flyby spellcraft check"