Is it a RP thread? Is it a shit/fun-post thread? Is it a bantz thread?
Its all 3. Welcome to Mixed Nuts, where we do wtfe and have fun (mostly) doing it, while doing our best to coerce and manipulate one another and see what kinda shit we can get away with, while seeing what kinda shit we can get one another to do.
Don't deny it faggots.
The party's latest venture was BTFO'ing Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein (who eats poo BTW). There's still an awful-big building floating in the water, and the party has designs to try and get inside, but I'm not about to even start that shit until the weekend, cuz in true form, the moment I leave for meat-space there's another 200+ posts when I get back.
These faggots,....
Anyhow, please note that while players are called faggots, blatant and obvious and unquestionably gay shit is not permitted. It is role-play, but keep it hetero, or u will die.
New players are welcome, to start or just to pop in and shitpost, but don't get mad when,....
Pic cuz I fucking felt like it. Xp
>>40835 →>"Me too!"D'aww, thez likes Trumpaladin
Thanks for the sword and the belt>so can fugI mean, it's nice for the hero to have around a girl to charm
>FacepalmBut how?
>Al Thez>AlIs she like a 9/11 Hijacker?
>>40842It would be more accurate to say that 9/11 hijackers have incorporated mannerisms and customs of hell, than to suggest the opposite.
>>40842Every time I have to wonder "What was said that I clearly missed because the order is jumbled" or "there's a clear gap in posts" or "Someone's been banned" or,....
Again (inb4 reeee) I'm not saying don't, though I don't often agree to why when you do.
>>40838>keep it hetero, or u will die.This rule was clearly made because you are afraid that Trumpaladin will steal your husbando. I am offended at this blatant self-serving
>>40837 →>>40848But he just sexed her
>>40847No, it is entirely to do with that trap-faggot who wanted a tight boi-pussy feat way back. If you can have him, you can have him (but u won't keep him).
>>40850reeeee why is she insatiable
>>40852Why'd he get the nickname "Flash"?She has the Endurance feat: she cannot be tired-out so easily.
>>40854Because he goes from the 50 yard line to the endzone in a flash of course. He's also gone from your bed the next morning in a flash
>>40851>You can't keep Infernius*sad waifu thief noises*
*Shakes pony off leg*
>>40856"Well, you can
>>40856>*Shakes pony of leg*Lol no
>>40859"What, you think I'm worried? Threatened? If you seem to be distressed or set upon of course I'll jump in, but who am I to fight your battles for you?"
>>40860"hes not saying he wants to fight me."
*lets her finish*
"My poor pants..."
>>40860>She's this cocky, because she knows she has nothing to be worried aboutreeeeee
>>40861"But I thought us being together was degenerate,...."
>>40864Smiles affectionately. "And if you're willing to tell Hitler no, why should I worry about Trump's advances?" ^_~
>>40865"well ya know."
>>40864>Saying no to Hitler>Ever
>>40866>implying you could resist Trumpaladin's charm
>>40866"What, are you saying that Trump is more persuasive than Hitler?" she says with mock shock and outrage.
>>40869"I have +34 on Diplomacy checks, you know"
>>40869"no me say me love you and if that means me get cursed so be it."
>>40872She cuts him off at the 3rd "me" with a deep, long, and passionate kiss,... which is quite a feat for her to surprise him with cuz he's like 2x as tall as she is. "A pity I can't enlarge size anymore,...." she laments when they finally break.
>>40872>In a choice between following the path of righteousness, and stay with his waifu, he chooses his waifuYou lost me there
>>40874You don't understand love.
>>40876You don't understand devotion
>>40877>talks about devotion>can't choose just one waifu
>>40878Because he's already devoted to God and Country
>>40877>>40876infernuis understands both.
>>40879Pull the other one
>>40877Lecture me on Devotion when you learn to actually follow your Code of Conduct, Mr. Paladin.
*Goes to bed like he should've 8 hours ago*
>>40882I do follow the code of conduct!
I just have a very liberal God apparently
>>40881Pull the other one what?
>>40880Then why chose waifu?
>>40885Pull the
other one
[1d20 = 15]>>40887Um... Grapples pony
>>40888"And you thought you could seduce Infernius,...."
>>40889"Are you suggesting that if I can't keep my legs clear then I can't seduce him? I'm not sure I see your point"
>>40890Not my point at all. ^_~
>>40891"um thez can me have arms back, me killed a lich solo."
Thez wonders out-loud. "Hmmmm. I've already given I'nis the best of my equipment, and I give him my time and affection,... there must be something I can give him,...."
>>40892Uhm,... I thought,... she already,... did.
>given"Something is missing," she says, looking him up and down.
[1d20 = 20]>>40895"you call that a grapple?"
>>40896Kek, we have a winner
>>40897"infernuis grapple king."
>>40897"mein gott! have you seen norfilly sice the attack?!?"
>>40899Isn't that Granny Smith in the bottom corner? Meta, but still.
>>40898"That was,... quite impressive, Hold on tight,...."
<whoooof>>>40900Norfilly has been
ahem been seen in and around the website, but has not stopped in to the thread, leading me to consume she's not done gathering sticks. It will be an ebin fasces.
And they're suddenly towards the (outside) top of Trump tower. He's still holding her effectively, with a winning grapple. "So do you wanna fight, or do you wanna
ahem wrestle?" She says winking at him.
>>40901"how about we do it while falling?"
>>40903Eyes light up, then dart around making obvious mental calculations. Eventually they meet his again, enthusiastically. "Kay!" <whoooof>
And there was free-fall sex, perpetuated almost indefinitely because Thez' teleportation abilities allow her to gradually increase in "top" elevation over time,... meaning that without any other spells or abilities they could essentially do portal-sex. Mmmmmm, portal sex.
>>40904does this help infernuis falling phobia?
>>40905I would imagine so, at least as long as Thez is there.
Though, technically she should be making concentration checks,....
Don't worry., she's got 13 points in concentration, with +3 for the relevant attribute (Constitution). I'd waive her constitution bonus (cuz pregnant) and its still a flying colors pass.
>>40910Fug it, you guys have been all "transparency" with me,....
Gilana de Fatima Korragar Al Thez
Age: ~333 actual (more like 1337 when factoring infernal timezones)
H 4'2" W: 284lbs (muscle) Eyes: Jasper Skin: Concrete Gray Hair: Burgandy
S: 22
D: 21
C: 22
I: 11
W: 14
Ch: 19
Hp: 431 (thats what it came out as when I re-rolled after nixing the infernal bit)
Ftr 13
Mnk 20
Horiz Walk 6
Shadow Dancer 6
>>40911Still free-fall sex tho
>>40912>short-stack>>40913yea of course.
>>40915I'm not giving away
all her secrets,....
>>40914Short chicks r volumptuous (at least in this case)
>>40915Most of them tho:
Climb 33 + 4, +2, +2, +5, +6
Conentrate 13 + 6
Bluff 12 +4
Balance 11 + 2, +2, +5
Disguise 20 +2, +2, +10 (mask)
Escape Artist 11 +2, +5
Hide 33 +3, +5
Intimidate 5, +4
Jump 15 +10, +2, +3, +2, +6
Knowledge - Geography 8
Listen 3 +2, +4, +2
Sneak 33 +3, +5
Spot 3 +2, +2
Tumble 20 +4, +4, +5
Use Rope 2 +2, +5
Survival 5 +2, +2
Perform 21 +3, +2, +2, +4
- Acting 4, Singing 7, Dance 7, Comedy 3
Swim 0 +2, +4, +6
Feats (Ohhhh, shit)
Blind Fight
Combat Reflexes
Die Hard
- Crit
- Grapple
- Initiative
- Trip
- Unarmed Combat
Empowered/Quickened/Silenced/Extended Spell-Like-Ability (Dimension Door)
Improved Sunder
Martial Proficiencies
Self Sufficient
Skill Focus;
- Hide
- Sneak
- Jump
Spring Attack
Two Weapon Defense
Weapon Focus, Greater (Fist)
Weapon Specialty, Greater (Fist)
Stunning Fist
Combat Expertise
Improved Feint
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Improved Evasion
Saves - Fort, Reflex, Will
30, 26, 23
Random Stick of Merciful Resolve +5
Rod of
ahem Rulership
Kusari Fundo (Adamantine)
Iron-Darkwood Staff of Ki Striking
Folding Saw of Tron-Murder
Index Bracelet
Master's Belt
Mask of Disguise
-Amulet of Mighty Fists
-Amulet of Non-Detection
Bracers of Spleandrous Protection
Tattoo of Health
Boots of Striding and Springing
Folding Boat (blood-stained).
>>40917Great, now I gotta update my character sheet for reasons of faggoty.
GM, you and Trump gave me different skill points how many do I actually have?
And what levels are in what class?
>>40918You have 120 skill points (at level 17), and you have 16 levels in wizard, and one in thaumaturgist
>>40891Having failed either to seduce Infernius or protect his legs from being ravished by the demon pony, Trumpaladin wobbles away in defeat
>>40921>ThaumaturgistMystic Theurge. Lenos taught him.
Expect an updated sheet tonight
>>40912>more like 1337.. Fucking elves man..
>>40925Its not an elf thing, its a "various areas of Hell and the Abyss have different timescales" thing. Some of them even work backward.
>>40927>Some of them even work backward.What happens to living creatures when they enter backwards timescales?
Out of all this, thats the weird part?
>>40929"Why do you think I look 14?" ^_^
>>40930Naaw, my brain is just being cooked by fever atm....
So, most of thge party is in the mess hall in game right now?
>>40933Well technically, Thez and Infernius are still
ahem in a free-fall loop, but for all intents and purposes, yes.
>>40917She has so many feats, she's a centipede.
*laughs deliriously with plague-mind*I hate being sick.. I'd rather be working...
>>40917>Improved Uncanny Dodge>Improved EvasionAs feats or as class features? I thought those were just Ex Abilities granted by class.
>>40936Some of them are. I didn't want to make multiple lists since they're essentially the same sort o thing.
>centipedeShe shares her territories with tarantulas too
>>40937Speaking of feats, I'll have Tracy go down to the holodeck and train for Mobility again.
She'll take her birds for a walk while she's at it, just because.
>>40938How many times is that now?
>>40938Also, can I get a scope of how YUGE these animals are by now? A lot of birds would've tripled in size by this age..
>>40939I designated this week to mobility. I mentioned it once or twice before.
Does she have the time?
>>40490 →They're Rocs. Not pigeons or whatever small animals you are used to working with. Be patient if they aren't adults in the four days in game it's been since they hatched
>>40942>four days in game it's been since they hatchedI thought it's been more than two weeks?
>>40940Yeah, I figure they're about as big as Tracy is when she's mounted.
>>40941That's probably the third time I've seen you mention it, just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything.
>>40942>>40943Only four days? Naaaaah, it had to have been more than that,....
>>40943Oh not even remotely close. Time travels much more slowly in game than IRL.
You should train for weapons finesse, by the way
>>40944Since the hatching? That happened right as they got back from Krenshall, right? The day before they went into the Court City
I can make a timeline
>>40945>weapons finesseI thought she already trained for that? It was the week I had her work on finessing her chain.
I even made sure not to craft any items that week, so she'd have the free time.
>>40946>>40945Time can be inconsistent.
For example, I thought only 8 hours had passed since Tracy left Woody in the grove, but next thing I knew it'd been several days.
Just be careful and be sure to be vocal about any projects you're working on that need proper attention.
>>40946No, you're right. I was thinking from when they got the eggs, not the hatching point
>>40947You did specify that she was training with her chain, but it's like a solid 40 or so hours to get an entire feat. Less than a week in game has passed, or about one week, and most of that time has been spent killing things, which takes away time from feat training
Since these animals are reared, they can be trained at the same time they're being raised, right?
I guess the most responsible training regimes would be "Come" and "heel" but...
>2 Int
Reeeeeee! I want to teach them moar stuff.
>>40949>most of that time has been spent killing things, which takes away time from feat trainingWell, killing things counts as training a little bit, doesn't it?
ALright bitches, I'm out for a while. Peace
>>40950Then again, I guess the one justification for giving animals such abysmal Int scores is that they'd be haxx for training. If an animal had even 10 Int, it'd be better for utility than any human NPC you could possibly hire.
That's probably why it takes a whole year to train a magical beast to do one thing.
>>40916>Short chicks r voluptuouspic related
thats muh fetish
>>40922dont give up hope keep trying.
>>40957Kek[Scheming Husbando Thief Noises]
>>40957What are you going to do about what Atlas said?
>>40959Tracy Cage had expected her husbando to chase mares from Slavic Unicorns to Celestial Chargers to Dragons in Disguise. But him going after the Dwelf's Bull was so out of left field, so "what the fuck," that it took her by complete surprise
Infernius, would your character help Tracy craft some daggers of spell-storing? I wank to have some easy storage for spells like True Strike and Haste.
Actually, for that matter, can non-weapon items have Spell-Storing? Like jewelry?
>>40962Somepony's Jealous I see
Alright, so Tracy has Opportunist and Crippling Strike, so that means she'll be able to learn Sneak Attack of Opportunity and Lingering Damage fairly quickly, once she reaches lvl 4 Blackguard.
After she gains mobility, I think I'll have her move on to Combat Reflexes, she she can learn Spell Casting Harrier.
I just want to get a better hang of her class abilities, because I forget them all the time. I could've made several attacks of opportunity in that last battle, but I didn't for some reason...
>>40964No. It's just gay, and we're still on the overboard.
>>40965Actually, wait, I need to find my sorry excuse for a character sheet... Maybe she could get there faster.
I know I selected Multi-Weapon Fighting and Improved Sunder for her, but Idk what her other feats were...
>>40960im willing to be repremanded but if he makes infernuiis do that infernuis will literally fight hitler as much as it will hurt infernuis.>>40963sure.
>>40965Wait a Minute, she already has a +8d6 Sneak Attack, she could select Sneak Attack of Opportunity and Lingering Damage right now.
>>40967Aaaand it seems as though I've been a massive faggot and haven't even bothered to clarify her feats.
>>40969I hate how images show up in opposite order of how you select them...
>>40969She can select those feats.
When she earns two EPIC level feats\r
>>40971She get's them as bonus feats for epic rogue levels (thinking of becoming an epic Rogue for Blinding Speed) to bypass the prerequisites, but I honestly don't want to wait all those levels. Alternatively, she could also select them as an Epic Blackguard, but she already meets the prereqs to select them now.
What are your feets btw?
>>40972>meets the prerequisitesAll except that she's not epic level
I sort of neglected to specify Trumpaladin's feats, but I think they are:
Quick Draw
Devoted to a cause
Power Attack
And a sixth one, like Improved Sunder or Run
>>40973>Devoted to a causeWhat is that?
>>40947It's a home brew feat that allows limited access to domain spells, like charm person or calm emotions
>>40976>coming from mr 4 separate home brew featsAt the time I thought it was necessary to mind control the Tracy character
>>40975We can select homebrew feats?
>>40977i know im just fucking with you.
>>40978i was able to get mine with gms approval.
>>40980Even ones that grant an entire list of spells?
That changes everything. I'll rethink my game plan.
>>40981I don't like where this is going. Mine was very heavily nerfed and only grants like 4 spells that have been useful on a couple occasions but not many, and I only asked for it because of all of the bullshit you were pulling at the time. I'd definitely go back on it if there's a slippery slope now
>>40981probbaly not and if you did get it, it would be nerfed like brads.
>>40982>Mine was very heavily nerfed and only grants like 4 spellsSo, basically, it functions just like a Divine Emissary's Domain spell-casting (for paladins), only pre-Epic level?
>>40973You should have him train for Cleave, at the very least.
>>40987>CleaveWell, the thing is that "mighty cleave," which is even better than cleave, is an automatic feature of Vanderiem, which is what I use almost all of the time. So it doesn't seem as necessary
>>40988Does it work for Great Cleave too?
I can't figure out what enchantments were used for the Boots of Instant Flanking. How were they made?
Tracy puts her birds back to bed and continues to train by herself in the holodeck.
>>40961Well played
>>40993more loke >pic related
>>4099340 minutes well spent.
>>40994You said that certain Abjurations could be made Permanent, right?
Female silver dragon for cohort
Claiming a female silver dragon poner as cohort
>>40999>>41000The waifu-theft was better, desu.
Aside from Infernius, Thez and Tracy, where are all the characters atm?
>>41001Do you want me to waifu the dragon?
>>41003You don't steal dragons, Anon. Dragons steal
>>41004That would make for an ebin plot device, desu.
>>41004I've looked at the numbers. I think Trumpaladin could hold his own alone against a young adult Red dragon. And he'd at minimum have Fae with him, who on her own could probably hold her own against a juvenile
I definitely want to go dragon hunting
>>41002Torc is at the tower too
>>40994Top fucking kek
>>41006Well, you imply that you're only going to meet young ones wherever you go, but sure, dragon hunting sounds great.
>>41004>steal a dragon or get stolen by a dragonChallenge so fucking accepted. The only enemy thus far that has had much measure of success has been Tracy. But that took a hell of a lot of dedication and effort to accomplish.
The only reason Kiynen survived was because I fucked up and called in reinforcements, and Torcuil and Thez protected her, when Trunpaladin and Inferniys would have killed her and worn her skin
>>41009Don't forget you all wanted Torc to fuck her
>>41009I don't regret letting Kiyen live, desu. I liked shipping her with Lenos, and we did successfully remove the threat of the dragon in the end.
On the other hand, I still would've loved to wear her skin.
>>41010We want everything to fuck Torc.
>>41011Everything? Even Tracy?Lenos deserves to be happy.
>>41012Not TracyHe seemed happy.
>>41013 oh he is very happy
>>41013That's a relief>>41014Pali confirms
>>41014 >that posting style
Howdy, m8.
>>41015I'll bet. It seemed she hadn't had any in the past century.
>>41015Wait, is this GM or Lenos?
>>41019i think thats lennos's faggot.
>>41017 of course you do thez has been stuck here awhile
>>41020 yep its lenos's faggot
>>41020I thought GM
was Lenos' faggot.
Now my brain hurts
>>41024 *falls down laughing* success thats what we were trying for
>>41011>I don't regret letting Kiynen liveYour character has a reason to keep a vendetta against Trollestia, and mine has a reason to keep a vendetta against Kiynen. Pic related. I guess I like that I got the ion stone and some gold out of it, but damn it felt like RPing Vietnam as LBJ
Hello Lenos
>>41025*screaming* GET OUT OF MY HEAD
But anyway, Hi
>>41024It actually makes me wonder just how many faggots from the previous campaigns GM has called up over the past 7 months..
>Lenos (currently present)>Korak (salty af)>Darkie? (plausibly)>Cecil (tragic)>Johnny Cash (quizzical)That's at least three separate players who've had lines in game.
>>41029so what kind of exotic metals do you know how to forge?
>>41030Wait, when did Korak's faggot appear?
>>41031 if its metal i can forge it
>>41032We played against him during the fight in the tower. GM arbitrated the combat.
>>41033can you forge goldsteel?
>>41034Welp I'm obviously stupid as fuck cause I didn't realize that
>>41035Thats a metal so yes
Tracy quits training for the day and heads down to the forge to craft moar ammunition for her crossbow.
>>41037will you help me forge a goldsteel greatsword?
>>41030Wait, Johnny Cash is controlled by a new and different person?
>>41033How long would it take to forge a set of Mithril breastplate-barding for a huge sized Dragonne?
And the same for a huge sized Cauchemar Nightmare?
>>41040>Johnny Cash is controlled by a new and different person?Yes. Cash's creator is also Trollestia's creator, which is why Tracy will never be rid of her permanently...
>>41025No, I explicitly stated that Lenos was another player at one point, it was just really early on
>>41040... Does Tracy advance is size due to the dice she gains from the class?
Also, I take it all of the characters are in the forge?
*walks in covered in froth*
>>41041i thought johnny cash was gm
>>41043free fall sex still.
>>41043You don't gain size from class levels
>>41044An Abrahamic would say that Johnny Cash is Jesus' character
>>41045Funny you mention that
>>41047Because when the Romans came for Jesus in the grove, Jesus took a random civilian, told them, "hey stay here" and disguised them as him, and let them be arrested and crucified in his place
>>41050Comparing Jesus to Trollestia
>>41048>>41049>>41050Gentlemen, are we operating under the appreciation that the story of Jesus is way beyond 2000 years old?
>derailing my own thread
>>41052>This New Athiest bullshit historical theology that displays an amazing ignorance of the mythologies it alleges to compare >>>Reddit
>>41049Take that bullshit Mudslime scripture out of here!
I get the joke though. Good one.
>>41052You've lost me
>>41051Oh hahahhaha
Fuck off
>>41054It was sarcasm, to show that Trollestia is clearly not like Jesus
>>41057Not in the slightest. Do you think Jesus would play as "Jesus", or would he troll the shit out of people 'cuz lulz?
>>41058Maybe, but I think that
>Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neigh-bor's WaifuWould still stand in most cases.
Just trying to visualize the scene for dialogue and whatnot.
>>41060Is their infinite free-fall loop situated within the mess hall or the forge?
>>41039yes I can
>>41040It would take awhile to make all that
>>41062*ears perk*
"Do you have any tips on forging daggers efficiently? I do appreciate a good edge."
>>41061Its outside; she can't teleport
that often
>>41059Was Trollestia coveting a neighbor's waifu?
>>41058>God is EvilHaram
>>41062Uh... How long for the first set for the Dragonne? I'm guessing the second set would take essentially the same amount of time?
>>41066>was trollClose enough.
*lathers body against leg*
"Good afternoon, ~Flashy."
>>41067*looks down at pony*
"Um... Hello"
>>41066I never said God (another Abrahamic term Xp) is evil, I'm depicting God as being amoral (not immoral mind you).
>>41068"Have you been working hard, ~Flashy? I have."
*rubs suds on leg*
>>41070"Why are you covered in soap and bubbles"
>>41071Hoers sweat lathers with friction. She's just being disgusting.
He would've seen it before, after battles and whatnot.
>>41069>This whole postPic related
[1d20 = 1]>>41072>implying he's ever actually ridden a horse before"You need to be washed off"
Grapple pony. But hold at a distance from clothing. Actually put a towel over pony, then grapple her, because she's too big to be held except right next to the body
>>41074Fuck. Whelp. No bath for Tracy
[1d20 = 2]>>41071"I was just down on the holodeck training. You should join me some time."
[soapy pony noises]
>>41074lol she's too slippery to grab
*Full-body hug*
>>41078We just found the active ingredient for Salve of Slipperiness...
>>41063Enchantinf them with keeness is a good way to go
>>41066Oh at least a month mithril is finicky
>>41080"Keenness. Thank you very much."
>>41079"Well, that was embarrassing"
*walks off to try to wash off pimp suit*
>>41080reeeeeee"What about mail chain shirt?"
>>41075>>41082[slippery pony noises]
"If you wanted a bath, Flashy, I'll gladly oblige..."
*latches onto leg*
>>41085As soon as questions are finished about armor and knives, Trumpaladin wobbles to go wash the pony sweat and the pony off with a hose
>>41052i see what you are saying now.
>>41084Depends on how big and type of metal as well as enchantments if any
>>41088"Well, it would be for a Dragonne of huge size. Could such be crafted quickly and used until Mithril breast plate could be crafted?"
Hey, I just realized with a bottle of Salve of Slipperiness, and a fairly high roll in Escape Artist, Tracy can already master Extremely Tight Space checks at this level, because ponies are smol.
I always wanted to destroy an enemy from the inside. Assassinations just got a lot more interesting.
*distills sweat*
>>41089About 3 weeks for that if made from regular metal with no enchantments
[1d20 = 8]>>41090*Washes off pony with garden hose*
Rolling because dice rolls are fun
>>41090punk rara=best rara
*turns to light the bigger forge
>>41094The forge seems unresponsive for some reason. It doesn't seem to catch.
*scratches chin and then burps into the forge opening*
>>41090Kek. When it was said she could do it, I mostly just shook it off because I never thought she'd be able to make a check that high, but I didn't realize she could enhance it with items.
Iz sekrit weapon though: only the highest-class targets get the privilege of having the ghost-pony annihilate them from the inside.
>>41096[discomforted pony noises]
"Eek! This wasn't the kind of bath I wanted."
>>41097Lenos hears what sounds like a sizzle(?) followed by a sudden FLASH. That's what he sees.
>>41099*rockets backwards into the wall streaming smoke*
>>41093So like, is Infernius finished? It's taking all her concentration to maintain the Dimensional Door loop, so whenever
he's done, let us know.
>>41098*continues spraying down horse*
*washes various disgusting fluids from pony off legs*
>>41098>ghost pony insidelol no
[1d20 = 16]>>41102Reeeeeeeeeeee"But I wanted us to go in ~together."
*grows to full hoers size*
Rolling to grapple
Lenos bounces off several sufaces, propelled by some sort of fiery apparatus, with a flaming jet shooting out the side. He rebounds along the spiral staircase and shoots out the front door.
[1d20 = 19]>>41106Counter grapple
[1d20 = 13]>>41105GM said she could do it last time I asked, I just never brought it up since because I thought she'd need to be epic level to make the check, but I didn't know about the salve then.
>>41109ReeeeeeeeRolling to Bull Rush him into the baths
[1d20 = 12]>>41110Dodge roll
>>41111Can ~too!
>>41112You are grappling and don't have doge
Make an opposed strength check.
[1d20 = 18]>>41113Sure
I have more strength than you - 20-18
[1d20 = 2]>>41114>wearing items in the bath"Come ~oooooon, FLashy. Let's go to the baths."
*pushes harder*
Concentration check to cast Bull's Strength while still grappling.
>>41115Nope. She's thoroughly "distracted".
*takes pony to the bath anyways out if putty for the horse*
>>41119[happy pony noises]
>>41119>>41120*dog-paddles in circles*
>>41118Mind you, Lenos is attached to that device, by happenstance
[2d20 = 14]
Rolling for Thez and Infernius' saving throw
*soaps up and washes off pony*
>>41126*crunches popcorn*
>>41127[happy soaped-up pony noises]
>>41126Do i need to roll for savings throw as well
>>41129[sad faggot noises]
Thez's eyes widen and she is able to say "Uhm," <whoooof> before vanishing to a nearby position. Infernius is not so lucky, with what appears to be a steel keg with tubes and pipes attached carries Lenos along, who's robe seems somehow caught in the device.
>>41131You get no saving throw Xp
>>41133Oooffff da *grunts* damn bull
>>41135"what fuck,lennos?"
As the tank strikes Infernius, a few other valves and gaskets crack on various parts, issuing a number of flaming streams which
Thez engages freefall by disengaging airwalk, and speeds after. Soon after, , a "Thump, Thu-Thump" can be heard from the east.
>>41139*groans holding head* thez what did you do
>>41141"this your fault."
[3d20 = 41]
Rolling saving throw for all three. Infernius, Lenos, and Thez
>>41142Had to be thez she is the only one that messes with my forges
As Thez speeds toward Infernius and Lenos, a streak comes in from the east, colliding with Thez, sending her spiralling off erratically. Two more streaks pass by landing dangerously close to port Barry, causing small explosions along the sides of the port cuz explosions.
*finishes washing*
>Mr. Bones walks in and hands out fluffy towels
*moves to window to watch fireworks*
>>41147>is watching".... Oh shit..!"
*grabs things*
[5d6 = 11]>>41149"Relax idiot, I punch harder than that, wtf was that?!" she admonishes, still falling but flipping over so she's vertically oriented properly.
>>41148Huh, there's a weird shaped thing in the air over there. It looks kind of like a boat, but suspended by a big blob that its attached to.
>>41149"Uhm, were you gonna?" <whoooof> she vanishes as the ground speeds nervously close.
[1d20 = 12]>>41150Oh no you don't!
[1d20 = 17][1d20+5 = 22]>>41151"..... Flashy.. We have company.."
Spot and Search checks, to identify figures creatures and/or get a closer look at the vessel
(forgot what my goddamn ranks were again... let me get out my sheets)
>>41155Where a boat would have a sail, this device has a large balloon and a handful of little propeller things. It appears to be angled at Trump tower and closing.
>>41154*Doesn't resist grapple, knowing it'll at least be 5 minutes before it's her problem*
"~Teehee!" *giggles like a school-filly*
>>41160Gotta stay in character.
Infernius says the one word that would have avoided waking up in the Entertron, and saved by a dark surf-board of a fly (still with pretty-shiny gemstones, jewelry, and exquisite saddle that would make Rarity blush).
>>41162"whos a good girl?"
*looks around while slowly floating to the ground*umm thez does that look familiar to you *points at boat thingy*
>>41155"Say what now? Danger?"
>>41163Uatchit envelops Infernius' face with her proboscis. Thez nearby is again standing on air, while Lenoa floats down, as though lsying on a giant feather.
>>41166>>41165>The lord hath come to punish the heretic You'd better explain yourself carefully, Infernius. He's not fucking around.
[1d20 = 4]>>41167"Some big flying boat thing shooting explodey-thingies at the Port..."
*turns around*
"..~Now, where were we?"
>>41170"Are you shitting me?"
*is thoroughly distracted*
*pushes into reclining chair*
>>41168"are we being attacked?"
>>41173"I don't know yet, but,"
the strange vessel has turned its self, displaying a long and skeek vehicle, with a curiously shaped balloon. Several grey puffs have appeared along the surface.
>>41171"~Hmmmmmh..! Sounds like they brought the big guns this time..."
*Puff-out chest fluff and snuggles*
>>41176"~With pleasure…"
*Slides mare-bewbs against crotch*
*Is out of the movies and at a different bar now*
>>41177Dubs, they are getting bigger,
>>41178Don't worry, all we're deciding tonight is "Who gets blown up?".
>>41179Hooray for horse tits
>>41179Pregnancy has its perks.
<a onclick="highlightReply('41180', event);" href="/vx/res/40838.html#41180">>>41180</a><br/>Hey! I'm not drinking. Just being socialable. Also, get your caps right<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('41181', event);" href="/vx/res/40838.html#41181">>>41181</a><br/>WELL THAT'S COMFORTING<br><br><b><span style="color:red">(USER WAS BANISHED FOR THIS POST)</span></b>\r<tinyboard raw html>1</tinyboard>
>>41181That sounds like fun
>>41186*pets horsey to relieve anxiety about whatever is going on that he missed*
>>41184Trumpaladin grows curious, and tests something
>>41184>talking back to the almighty>>41187[Relaxing pony noises]
*Pets back*
>>41190that's cute but the conditions of us leaving that little nub in place are that you don't use it to impersonate staff, so don't give that impression to people please
>>41192i mean i see no harm in using it for rping if you want, just make sure people know ur not staff
>>41193*is cowing now, before Lord Adolf*
"Um... O-okay... Uh, sorry"
<a onclick="highlightReply('41193', event);" href="/vx/res/40838.html#41193">>>41193</a><br/>As OP, I fully authorize any non-excessive, temporary bans and modifications to the Nuts threads. Bitches are welcome to get salty. but are right in being reminded who has the hammer.<br><br><b><span style="color:red">(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)</span></b>\r<tinyboard raw html>1</tinyboard>
>>41195>Fully authorize*Grumbles*
GM, which Abjurations can be made Permanent?
>>41196*pets pony's faggot*
>>41197Probably a lot of them, but at a high xp cost
>>41199I would burn down a village to gain Armor of Darkness.
Freedom, Stoneskin, and Sequester are pretty goddamn sexy too.
>>41201Vanderiem is a medium sized bastard sword, correct?
>>41202This guy knows where it's at.
>>41203>would burn down a villageThe fact that you are intent on playing with interests so contrary to mine, is the reason why we fight perpetually
>>41203Which stoneskin are you talking about? The one that increases (limited) damage reduction, or the one that gives AC bonus?
>>41206..b-b-but.. aren't there some that nobody would miss?
She'd look awesome as fuck if she could wear shadows.
>>41207Aside from I'm guessing a Wish spell, how could his size be increased to large?
>>41209That Orc village, but I think Infernius killed them all. The trolls dispersed
>>41210You're a medium-sized character. Why do you want your sword to be bigger?
>>41212For the damage boost.
>>41213Wouldn't you take penalty for wielding an oversized weapon though?
>>41214Well, Vanderiem is s bastard sword, which is basically a hand-and-a-half sword. My guess is that he'd move up from being a bastard sword to being only a two-hand sword. If you look at the relative weights, a medium bastard sword is 8 pounds while a large sword is 12 pounds, which I don't think is that much different
>>41215A bastard sword is in between a hand and half and a two handed sword basically a two handed that is light enough to be wielded with one hand
>>41215You want Vandereim to increase in size>"
>>41214I checked the rules, and I see what you're saying. I do believe that given his fighting style, there's no reason at all to have a bastard sword over a great sword, but the damage increase of 2d6 over 1d10 probably isn't enough to justify using a wish spell to transform Vanderium from a bastard sword into a great sword
>>41219>there's no reason at all to have a bastard sword over a great swordShields.
>isn't enough to justify using a wish spellNormally, wish is going to be your best bet to modify a magic item of that level.
>>41220I get your point though.
>>41220>ShieldsShields have a lot of disadvantages. The biggest loss is the loss of the added damage from using the non-dominant hand in the attack. Using both hands, the strength modifier is multiplied by 1.5. Using only the dominant hand, it's 1. That's a difference of 10 damage across all four attacks for Trumpaladin at a +5 strength modifier. A second disadvantage is that larger shields, like tower shields, hurt attack rolls. I believe a Tower shield gives a -2 penalty to attack rolls. There's also the fact that Trumpaladin is not proficient in use of tower shields.
Also, very importantly, Trumpaladin already has a ring that projects a force field that grants a +4 shield bonus, and functions as a heavy shield without a penalty. A tower shield, at least without magic, would only provide a +5 shield bonus to AC
>Wish is best betThat's pretty much what I thought
I guess it may be possible to modify Vanderiem from a medium bastard sword to a large Great sword. He'd receive a -2 attack role modifier for using an over sized sword, and he could on wield it two handed, but Vanderiem would go from having a damage roll with a statistical average of 5.5 to a 10.5, an increase of 5 for a loss of 2 on the attack role, which is much better than most trade offs.
>>41218I couldn't help but notice that bastard swords have a critical range of not just natural 20s, but also 19s as well. So both 20s and 19s can be critical hits. How does this affect Vanderiem's Sharpness?
>>41223Pretty sure if it's not a tower shield, you could just latch a field to your back at any time to stop fighting with it.
>SharpnessBooks say it only works with natural 20's not crits, and thus probably wouldn't be enhanced by relevant feats either.
>>41224I'm still taking advantage of 19s by rolling again to see if x2 damage may apply
>>41223speaking of critical range gm, what is the crit range on my zweihander?
>>41226I don't know if it's a bastard sword or a great sword, but either way the answer is 19-20 with a x2 damage modifier
>>41226>>41227I say it's similar to a large greatsword, but could be used to make trip attacks.
>>41195Fak u 4 authorizing bans, I'll only exept if they only affect /vx/
>>41181Oh, was it me?
>>41229There was a point behind that, but I forget what it was. I was pretty drunk last night. I was put on a 4 day paid vacation because the "safety coordinator" and several individuals haven't listened to a word I've said for a month, and now I'm out on injury. Blogpost aside, I was pretty fucked up last night.
>>41230>OuchWish you good health, m8.
>inb4, Lenos's keg-explosion accident was based off of real life
>>41231Nope, the keg was just a kooky idea.
I'll be fine, I've got an activity prescription that says "Never" 7x, "Zero" 3x, and a "1/8/18" written on it as the earliest for a re-evaluation.
This could have been easily avoided some time ago, has been and is being thoroughly and sufficiently documented. I don't mind a little discomfort if I get a free week of paid vacation out of it. Plus we haven't gotten to the part where I give them (the responsible parties) a thorough dressing-down. I'm not 'over' the people in question, but I have no problems talking to them like I am (cuz I am, as far as experience and expertise is concerned).
>>41232How unfortunate. Safety isn't a joke.
Careful with those painkillers btw. That shit will mess you up if you use it incorrectly.
>>41233>urge to blogpost intensifiesDon't worry about the drugs, at my insistence its only tyenol and ibuprofin.
Does Darkness Stack with Deeper Darkness?
I want to know, for Tracy's kunai-counter.
>>41235No, it just overlaps
>>41234Good for you then.
Pain sucks, but it's better than getting sucked into the (((pharmacy))) opioid death-machine.
>>41236If I may get to the root of my question, is it worth casting Darkness and Deeper Darkness on the same object for moar Concealment?
I've been counting each full-day (in game) that Tracy doesn't cast a 2nd lvl Blackguard Spell for Darkness kunai, like the one's she left in the bag for Ponimaru's gift, because they seem better than smokebombs. I've been wondering if it's worth casting Deeper Darkness on those kunai, or if she should just reserve those 3rd lvl spells for item progression.
>>41237Deeper Darkness has a range of 60' and more effectively counters light producing spells, but otherwise the spells are identical.
The kunai idea is quite good btw, I look forward to using them.
>>41238Yeah, I gotta say. These Blackguard spells, as limited as they are, synch fairly well with Rogue/Assassin styles.
She gave him fourteen kunai, right? They should all be at second caster lvl.
In either case its a fortitude save, the DC is determined by the type of disease
Let me rephrase that. If Tracy casts Contagion on a rat, it's treated as though it caught the disease normally, and is thus contagious, right? So if she puts that rat in a blender to make an oil, that oil shouldn't count as casting a spell, right? It'd just be injecting your enemy with contaminated fluid.
>>41242Yes. They still get a saving throw tho
>>41241Ah, I see now.
But spell resistance wouldn't play into the matter because the illness was transferred via indirect contact, right? Moreso, is the disease considered magical or normal (relavant since some creatures are immune to normal diseases, but not magical ones)?
I'm also off today, so I'm being a little extra meta-faggoty.. just say the words and I'll just go figure this out on my own.
>>41241Did you say you were letting Infernius and I get creative with how we level and treat our NPC followers?
>>41245I really should find some land to buy-up so Tracy can acquire those horses.
I wonder what would potentially happen if Tracy tried to establish a permanent settlement (fence) in that grove in the forest.
>>41244Correct. A weapon that is contaminated by an already incubated disease gets no spell resistance, but also that the disease would be otherwise 'conventional', as far as disease immunity is concerned. Don't worry, I just got the white-flag text from my "safety coordinator" agreeing that I have a week vacation. Metafucker
>>41245Not at all. I'm
encouraging you to get creative with NPCs. ^_^
>>41247Can Tracy give her Birds class levels now?
>>41246She doesn't need Leadership to buy regular horses, right?
>>41248They are strength 31, 207 HP animals that have just hatched a literal 4 days ago. Calm down and be grateful at this moment that you have animals that are literally as strong as a Cauchemar
>>41248Heavens no, they're only a couple days old. They can have a hit dice if you must though. You can even roll it, its a d8 for each.
>>41250They don't start out with 31 Str, the most I would give them so far is a 5. They are massive and clumsy (comparable Dex) tho, so don't get squished.
>>41251Eh, I was just jumping the gun for character development.
Tracy doesn't see them as assets anyway; more like adopted children. It'd take a while before she would even be willing to let them see danger.
>>41252They sound monstrously cute.
>>41254I'm figuring that for the first few months, they're gonna be untrained Chocobos
>>41256>>41256Does it take a super high dexterity score and special feats for a character using a ranged weapon to have more than one shot in a round, or do they receive additional ranged attacks in a round if their base attack bonus is high enough for ranged attacks?
Did I delet this by accident?
>>41258Moderation log says "17 minutes/vx/ User deleted his own post #41253 (shadow deleted)"
Well, you deleted it
>>41259I see the feats, I just want to know if that's the only way. Like if using a ranged weapon is a lot like using a natural weapon
>>41257If i remember correctly from playing arrows get 2 attacks per round but that may have chamged in later editions then what im used to
>>41257I'll have to think on that. From what I am seeing so far, the only way other than the feat to get more than 1 shots per round with a range weapon is with haste, the exception being small throwing weapons, since one can hold multiple in their hands.
When you create an Intelligent Item, do you also dictate it's personality, ego score, or specific purpose?
>>41264So, you can create an item with a specific purpose and alignment, but all-in-all, it's its own character, is what I'm getting.
>>41265Can animated Sentient items move on their own?
>>41265For the overwhelming part yes, but the dice always get a say.
>>41266Desu, I've never seen an in-game representation of such an idea, but the concept is sound. For example, I don't see why an Animate Item spell cast on Vandereim (assuming he waves the saving through, cuz why wouldn't he?) wouldn't allow him to hobble around and bend and twist, while still being a functional sword.
"Then I can get meself drunk!"
>>41267Could he attack on his own?
>>41269No, he can't swing himself
>>41270Would he be capable of hacking into a locked liquor cabinet on his own if animated?
>>41271Oh, I'm SURE he would think of something
>>41272With regards to the Generals, the Spartan auxiliaries, and the Gestapo - what are their strength and dexterity scores? I know they are not heros, so they would not have 13s or 14s on probably anything, but the Generals are Football players and the Spartans are Spartans, so they've got to be above human average, right?
>>41268Vandereim deserves to drink more often.
*brings over over barrel of rich, black Scottish spirits and removes top*
>>41270Tbh, the reason why I was asking was because I wondered if it could be applied to Tracy's Everwhirling Chain. The chain can continue to attack its designated target even after its owner is rendered unconscious, so I wondered if it could attack on its own if it had its own ego, so long as it stayed within 60 ft of its wielder. Not that I really wanted a weapon that attacked on it's own, but more of a weapon that would just act as if it were, with a personality.
I kind of wanted to simulate the aesthetic aspects of an AntiPaladin's Fiendish Boon (thinking uber weapon with powers covered in blue ebil fire). Of course, it'd take a lot of time and resources to apply and Tracy simply doesn't have the means to do it, but I thought the concept of investing in a weapon similar to the Ghost Rider's "Spirit of Vengeance" would be really cool in the long run, if she ever finds the means. A chain with the ability to entangle enemies would be pretty useful in high-speed chases.
>>41273I think their strength would probably be average, but their levels in warrior would increase their attack bonuses.
>>41273I'm glad you asked. I hadn't gotten into this (and no, I'm not giving you their stats) but the spartans are significantly more skilled than the Gestapo or the Generals. What is happening is that the Generals and the Gestapo are learning from the Spartans, while the Spartans observe and experience the culture of Port Barry.
However, when it comes to Football, no one knows who will win the upcoming Generals vs. Spartans Football game. Combat skills are one thing, but this is Football, praise Elway.
>>41275>What is happening is that the Generals and the Gestapo are learning from the Spartans, while the Spartans observe and experience the culture of Port Barry.Interesting..
I wonder what Baz has planned.
>>41274>>41275>No one knows who will win the upcoming Generals v Spartans Football Game.Elway knows, and Elway is on our side
>>41276Expressly, he wants these cadets to experience Port Barry, participate as is appropriate and useful to themselves and the Port, and eventually report their findings.
>>41278So, they're mostly just watching us, so Sparta can get a better understanding of what's going on in Port Barry.
"I mean I know he's a squirrel, but he's seriously the best leader and military mind evar."
>>41280He'd better watch his neck around Tracy, is all I'm saying.
>>41278Should send a pigeon to him to tell him the Court City is more vulnerable than normal
>>41281The cadets you would be talking to for this exchange to occur start to snicker.
"Our money is on Baz." more giggling.
>>41283'.. I won't miss that little rat next time...'
Tracy thinks to herself.
>>41284Gotta' stay in-character..
>>41285The cadets can hold back their laughter. "Make sure we can be there!" "Yeah, we wouldn't want to miss it!" continued laughter.
>>41287Just as an approximation, how much shit would the party have been in if he failed that save back then? Would we have been toast?
>>41288Hard to say. It was a banquet, so few were fully armed, but everyone had a proper blade, and there were alot of Spartans
>>41287"She's a foolish horse, don't mind her"
>>41283People who have reputations tend to have done something to acquire it. People who want only one thing, and focus most of their effort on it, tend to have success in acquiring it.
Baz has a strong reputation at being a legendary one on one fighter. Sparintenar is focused on fighting wars. So my bet is that Baz is a superior one on one fighter and Sparintenar is a superior military city
I would not be surprised if the Airship was from Sparintenar, given that
1. The Spartans disappeared during combat but evidently did not shy away from it, suggesting they may have been relaying a message during combat
2. Airships are techne based, not magical, which is more in line with the capabilities of Sparintenar than most of our magical enemies, and
3. The airship seemed to be targeting things around the Port, but not the Port itself
>>41285"Neither will his RPG miss you"
>>41288Release smoke screen, Mount Cauchemar, Ethereal Juant. That would have been my move. Hell if I know if we would have lived long enough to execute it
>>41289Would he have actually died then?
I take it back, its
not hard to say, cuz it was Trump, Tracy, and Taylor. Mincemeat, even without Baz.
>>41291"Of course not. I ain't gonna spoil anything, but never bet against the squirrel with a motherfucking bazooka. Just sayin'"
>>41292Reeeeee Trump and Tracy aren't
that weak
>>41292>never bet against the squirrel with a motherfucking bazookaThat was my guess
"And if you're thinking to yourself "I didn't say that out loud", I know but I'm the GM. I've been thinking about haxx on the game, and this is mine. Consider it inspired by DDLC, but I can make anyone say or do whatever." his eyes dilate into black voids. "If I want."
His eyes immediately return to normal and he resumes character, "... I don't know what I was just sayin'. But anyway, we have a saying in Sparintenar. It goes "Baz, he'll whup yo ass."
>>41291I mean, the mechanics of "rolling to bite the little faggot's head off" are somewhat confusing to me. I guess most creatures that attack by taking their victims into their mouths do so with a grapple check, although most creatures would be close to helpless once their heads are in a predator's mouth in her mouth, even if they do get an attack of opportunity, so I guess it might've been simple from there..
I'm just wondering, because I kind of want to have her bite something's head off next time she gets the chance.Of course, that squirrel probably has some awesome dexterity, and the skills to slip out of that situation pretty easily. Part of why I rolled was because I didn't expect to even get close to him, just shitposting about the consequences of trying to buy the married ghost-horse.
>>41294... Who is speaking here?
>>41296That's more from the pseudo-cadet dialogue
>>41295The people we meet try to buy Tracy. That's just what they do.
I mean, think about it. Wouldn't you want to buy a Cauchemar? Those things are sexy as fuck. In terms of combat, speed, supernatural abilities, and also in the literal I-would-have-sex-with-one sense
>Bite something's head offA Cauchemar has a +18 attack and 2d6+5 damage bite, and please don't fuck up my diplomatic efforts
>>41298Yeah, I'll try not to fuck-up diplomatic stuff, but I
really had fun that time
>>41298>The people we meet try to buy Tracy.I'm sure they will, although she'll let them know she's a married mare, one way or another.
Uh Trump, as an emerging legal authority, might you consider checking the last couple posts of the Dive-grass cup thread for expert opinion?
>>41300I saw that post. Even if the document didn't have the date as "January 4 current year," the person as "Lauren Faust," the location as "Equestria, South Africa," and the suing entity listed as /mlp/ and not the corporation that owns 4chan, I would say it is a joke just because of how ridiculous the claim is
Copyright accrues when a creation is fixed in tangible expression, and then published. It accrues to the person who fixed it in tangible expression, unless contract agreement says otherwise. Basically, the Anon who creates and then posts a work owns the copyright to it. Also, a work needs to be registered with the copyright office (if made in the US) in order for an infringement suit to be made. And none of these are registered
Pretty much all Anon filly and aryanne drawings are derivatives of other copyrighted works. So determining what exactly is protected and who contributed what to a design would be fucked
>>41298"I am the best mount, aren't I, Flashy?"
>>41299>I really had fun almost getting all of our characters killed, and fucking up diplomacy
>>41302reeeee why you gotta use Tracy's racial power of mental compulsion on my character so often
*Cuddles horsey*
>>41304"~Hmmmm.. I am any you know ~it.
Would another mount do
this with you?"
*slides maretits up and down across crotch in a rhythmic motion*
[1d20 = 13]>>41305Damn it
Remove relevant clothing
Grapple pony
>>41306They just got out of the bath and are on a pool-chair, there is no relevant clothing.
"Shhhh.. You relax, Flashy, I'll do the work from here.."
*begins sliding faster*
[1d20 = 13]>>41307>Titty fuckingNot a bad idea and I like where your head is, but it needs to end inside her
Penetrate pony
>>41308>rollingShe could easily avoid that with a Reflex save, but nah.. She wouldn't do that.
*takes it in*
>>41309>>41309"You're the one mounting
me, silly pony"
*relaxes, as small horse slowly milks him*
>>41310*rides hoo-man*
"It's nice to change things up once in a while, isn't it?"
>>41311"Sure, you can ride me, little pony"
*is ridden by cute little succubus horse*
>>41312"Giddy up!"
*bucks up and down*
>>41313>>41313*bucks horsey right back*
>>41315*bucks horsey back, embracing his new role as mount*
>>41315"You like being the cowboy?"
>>41316*waves arms bouncing triumphantly*
>>41317"I'm a mare, Flashy.
It's fun being on top though. I can see your face from here.."
>insert le meme yandere-stare here
>>41318"Silly horse, you're supposed to wave you cowboy hat around and yell yee haw!"
*grabs pony rump*
>>41319"But I don't
have a hat, ~Flashy..!"
*waves invisible hat*
>>41320*Injects in liquid form his appreciation for his mount into Tracy*
"Oh, ~Flashy..!"
*locks jaws*
>'..I love you...'
>>41322*Kisses Pony*
*Hugs Pony*
He may need to wash her again...
>>41323Not if he doesn't spill.
>>41325She's highly experienced in keeping it all inside her (been trying to conceive for 7 years): this amount is nothing for her.
*is filled up*
>>41326Perfect talent, except for the implication of dozens or hundreds of sex partners
*blocks thoughts from his mind*
>>41326>Tracy has "cum bucket" as an added bonus feat
[happy pony noises]
*peacefully collapses on chest*
>>41329*Hugs and rubs pony, hoping serious shit isn't going down outside*
>>41330Just fyi, it take 5 rounds to don the chain shirt hastily, and 5 mins to don full plate hastily.It probably won't be any issue though.
>I'm an AC whore
It's better not to be so open about it... Bragging is the worst way to get a situational nerf.. (i.e: the walls of the Court City)
>>41333Excellent point and noted. What happened at the walls of the court city that was a situational nerf?
>>41334Eh, I don't think it really was one, but it's an example of such a situation, since Tracy could've pretty easily phased through the walls of the dungeon if they hadn't been condition against it. The Session would've been kind of bland had they not been, right?It would've been boring.The point is, if you focus largely on one of your characters traits, regardless of how great it is, you can expect to be put in situations where you find that trait next to useless; because that's a go-to way to make the game more interesting (in fact, I welcome it, somewhat).
Focusing on one style will allow you to excel in that style of playing, but it also leaves you squishy for cryptonite scenarios. Adaptable styles are more of my fancy, because I like to change my mind a lot and change for different scenarios. Think of a bastard sword: it's meant to be a one-handed and two handed weapon to fit the niches of the character wielding it, whether they want to fight with both hands, or use a shield for defense.
>>41335I definitely noticed I wasn't able to ride anything mounted. After committing to a heavy Cavalry fight style...
>>41335Although, lecturing other players about adaptability isn't much coming from a character who used haxx to become a Shapechanger...
>>41336Riding a Huge creature in any kind of dungeon is kind of bullshit desu.
>committing to a heavy Cavalry fight styleHow many ranks did you put into Ride btw? Just want to know for the sake of rapid mounting/dismounting.
>>41337Although, I guess having that many ranks in Ride isn't that necessary when your mount is a PC character. The shoes really do help with it too.
>>41337>How many ranks in rideHard to say. At level 17 Trumpaladin would have 80 cumulative skill points (if the additional 1 ability point acquired at level 16 were not placed into intelligence. Otherwise, it would be 81). 63 of those are accounted for, leaving a possible 17 points to allot into Ride (and concentration). Unless I can reallocate the 18 points I put into Profession, which I did to make the "Make Port Barry Great Again" less bullshit, and because at the time I thought Thez was going to cut my character off, so it would be necessary to borrow money.
>Riding a huge creature in a dungeon is bullshitI estimate both Tracy and Fae to be in the vicinity of five and a half feet tall at the shoulders, Fae being a little shorter at the head than Tracy because of how Lionesses carry their heads lower. That's not
impossible, I think
>>41339>PC character and shoesShoes definitely help. I was under the impression that a Paladin's mount requires a hell of a lot less finesse to ride than a regular mount, because of it's intelligence and special connection to the rider
>>41340You said Fae was Huge-sized? I thought monsters didn't grow from ranks they got from class levels.
I guess the Paladin's Mount might be a unique character class, even though that implies that most Paladins trot around on gigantic fucking horses.
>shoes helpThe shoes really help with attack feats and whatnot, although they don't allow the same AC bonus as the Mounted Combat feat.
He should train with Tracy to get that feat while she trains for Mobility.
>>41341Not to mention Divine Emissary mounts.. fucking enormous..
>>41340>>41342If you want to be a Divine Emissary btw, it'd be best to put at least 10 ranks into Knowledge Religion.
>>41341>Monsters don't grow from character levels.That's true, but the size increase comes from the 8 Hit Die added by the Paladin's mount. Dragonnes start with 9 hit die, but advance a size catagory at 12 or 13 hit die.
>Paladins riding huge fucking horsesI don't think horses advance size categories, but that's more or less what historical European Cavalry did. European cavalry horses were about twice or at least one and a half times the mass of Islamic cavalry horses
>>41342>Divine emissary mountsI noticed you can even get a Cauchemar at high enough levels. That would be cool
>>41343Oh I don't know what I'm doing with this character after he's gained everything he can from the Paladin class
>>41344>the size increase comes from the 8 Hit Die added by the Paladin's mount.Paladin's mount
is a character class, like Familiar, Animal Companion, or Fiendish Servant.
Like i said though, it's probably unique in that matter of advancement.
Now that I think of it, shouldn't Torc's Snek be Gargantuan by now? That's a big snek.
>I noticed you can even get a Cauchemar at high enough levels.I read that too, but only under Nightmare lore on wiki sites related to the books (apparently they're supposed to be special heirloom breeds sometimes awarded to black knights by ebil gods). Where did you read that one?
So, what are you faggots fighting about tonight?
>>41346Nothing really
>>41347Break out the champagne its a fucking miracle.
>>41345>Mr. Snek be gargantuanHow big would that put the snek? He's already ~20 ft
>>41353ive got my (you) already.
>>41348He should be at least twice as long now...
If you enchant him with enough Abjurations, he could make for a great instant-fortress to hide under.
>>41355>instant-fortressIdk why, but that visual is making me laugh so damn hard
>>41355>>41348Snek is underrated.
>>41356>Be Torc>be chased by gorgeous women who all want to nail you for some rteason>Know your fucked (literally and figuratively) if they catch you>Can run because NEET legs"D-d-don't tread on me!"
>Staff (spells long used-up) turns into Gargantuan Snek>Coils around Torc>Enchant with stoneskin and whatnot to reduce damage>Impenetrable fortress>#Winning
>>41357Holy shit my fucking sides are gone
>>41359You should make the staff intelligent (AnCap Alignment), so he can activate on his own, and Make some Handle Animal checks to train him for the General Purpose of Guarding.
Actually, that's a DC 20 check. I guess Tracy could train him for you, since she has ranks in it.
I g2g
>>41360>train snakeIt's a familiar. It'll do it all at command. Also I doubt it's gargantuan (I can't find the wiki page where I am right now, so I can't confirm)
>>41360I was actually gonna put a cople levels in animal shit anyway cause I still wanna get a couple levels in Ranger.
>>41361I'm not finding anything, but I like this
>25 strI can't find size though
>>41333Dammit, no spoilers
>>41362Its Yuuuge
>>41362handle animal is a skill.
>>41362You don't get any Ranger spells until 5th level. Also, if you want Animal shit, better to go with Druid, then you could advance as a Wizard and a Druid via Mystic Theurge.
>>41361>It'll do it all at command.Training an animal for a general purpose gives it the skills and understanding to do shit.
>>41366It's not a real animal though. It's an animated staff that can take the form of a giant snake, and that takes the commands of its magical master
>>41367If it could function as a familiar, it must count as an animal to at least that extent.
>>41368>Tracy's faggot wants Torcuil's shit to be by the booke_e
>>41369.. Sorry.... I'll shut up...
Familiar Hit Dice are considered to be equal to their master's HD, however that doesn't determine familiar hit points, which are equal to 1/2 their masters HP rounded down.
>>41373Even if the hit points are lower, do they still grow in size via increased dice?
>>41374Generally no, and specifically not in this case no. The familiar is considered to have a unique and proprietary magical connection, whereas the Paladin's mount is more of a divine partnership.
>>41364Thats what I meant
>>41369You gotta do the cooking by the book, if the way is hazy-
I'll stop now
Lazy Town memes are the best.
>>41380>we finally beat a strong ass boss>Tracy Trump and Infernius begin fighting over who gets what>post Mine Song>take all the stuff>someone asks why>"do what you want cause a pirate is free,>You are a pirate"
>>41385Hi GM, how long is Mr. Snek?
>>41385But Fae can be of huge size category, correct?
>>41386I cannot detect a metric for determining length. It is listed as a "Huge" creature, and its listed as a "Giant Constrictor"
>>41388That's definitely one of my favorites
>>41387I don't understand what is in contention
>>41389Shall we say ~25ft long?
>>41391At least on a racial scale for length, "Huge" should be anywhere between 16 ft and 32 ft I think.
He has a lot of HD, so I'd say at least 30.
>>41389Those out of context campaign quotes are pretty great, imo.
>>41395>pics 2 & 5I know those feels
>>41395I find these hilarious.
There are a whole bunch just on Jewgle, but the idiots who make them hardly ever bother to pair the quotes with semi-relevant pics.
Posting just a couple more of the good ones.
>>41397Almost all of those quotes could fit into our campaign
>>41396>can i summon a kraken at will?
>>41401infernuis loves the cannibal pony as a sister.
>>41401Pic 5 is sadly too appropriate for this campaign...
>>41402Torc thinks of the party as that sibling you wouldn't hesitate to punch square in the jaw, but he wouldn't let anyone else punch them
>>41402Trumpaladin thinks of the cannibal pony as that yandere girlfriend you love too much to get rid of, but who infuriates beyond measure
>>414065/7 photoshop my dude
I love it
>>41405Tracy think like this as well.
>>41407 This is exactly what I wanted.
Love y'all (no homo)
>>41409>The autistic revenge plot workedreeeeeee
>>41411"I love you too, ~Flashy."
>>41412reeeeee evil succubus demon horse!
Check this pali for Torc to know where the hell Troll is
>>41414Fuck that's a nice Pali
>wishes he had stolen the pali to claim his dragon poner
>>41416You should get
>>41413"Evil about ~
>>41414With digits like that, you could scry her anywhere.
Just do it in Rabbit, so you don't spoil it.
>>41418Can I get a uhhhh
Telepathic communication?
>>41418Goddamn it you made her even cuter
>>41417>>41418Definitely think Torcuil should scry Trollestia
>>41420And a 2 liter of scrying
>>41419Why you say it like Jeff Goldblum?
I'm actually not sure if you can do that
>Torcuil will never have the special connection between himself and his waifu that Trumpaladin has with his stalker\r
>>41420>you made her even cuter[evil faggot noises]
>>41422Love, uh, finds a way
>>41425He could do it if he met her, but it probably wouldn't be worth the XP.
>>41421All he can determine are flash images of a thick, overgrown forest.
>>41427>forestWell thats helpful, does my pali count for nothing?
>>41425>>41425Unfortunately that's true for a certain specific blue party member
>>41427That's... Actually pretty much the best you can hope for out of scry
>>41428You determined that she is in a thick, overgrown forest. That means you discovered something
>>41430Yeah, I determined she could be almost anywhere
>>41431She is:
Not in the port
Not in the mountains
Not in any other city
Not in the tower
Not in the exact spot of her grove
Now my next step would be to start inquiring about whether the forests you have seen thus far are "thick and over grown" or thinner. This could tell you if it's a nearby forest or one well far away
>>41431you determens she thicc
GM, can Tracy craft Bane daggers that turn blue or vibrate when their favored enemies are present?
>>41433>hoo-man genitalia
>>41433Useful information, terrible pic
>>41432Well, I know it isn't the charred forest by the tower
>>41434That would take time and research. You mean like Sting in LOTR yes?
>>41436>like Sting in LOTR yes?Basically. Just an item that detects certain types of creatures, instead of just dealing extra damage.
>>41435>charred forestApparently, Tracy wasn't actually able to do very much damage, despite her efforts...
>>41437Isn't that what Sting does?
Also, Y U spoiler?
>>41441Damn that's fuckable
>>41437I don't think there is a d&d spell that specific, since most of them only do vague things like "detect chaos" or "detect undead." But if GM approves it, make one for dragons. I want to go dragon hunting.
>>41438I would ask GM what various parts of the nearby forest look like, or investigate (if I were toruil)
>>41441Much much better my friend
>>41445I guess it's exploring time
>>41445I was actually going to have her explore the area beyond the grove next chance I got, but now I'd feel like a bitch...
>>41447"Little pony, you don't need to obsess yourself with that mare. You have me"
*hugs pony*
>>41448"I guess I can be content with having driven her off for a while.."
*hugs back*
>>41449"A while? I doubt she'll
ever be back. Little pony, I know she embarrassed you, but she's afraid of you now, and she won't forget it."
>>41450"I know.. but if I ever see her again, I'll
erase her."
[happy pony noises]
>>41450Unicorns are easily startled, but she'll soon be back, and in greater numbers
>>41452>in greater numbersHow many equines is she willing to sacrifice to save her own skin?
>>41452Kek, what's that quoted from
>in greater numbers*Finds Felicia, and hugs her like a cuddle toy*
>>41453Fucking this
>>41454>what's that quoted fromStar Wars
>>41454>not knowing the quote>>41452I see what u did there
>>41454>what's that quoted fromH-how? How dp you not know?
>>41456Hello there