This session promises to be,... I was gonna say out of the ordinary, but that's ordinary for this continuing Game. Blah blah, this is an RPG thread, blah blah, new players welcome.
Lets get to it.
>>14314 →T> I don't care, he's a slaver, and I will stop him
>>14316can me cast spells to help you?
>>14317"Thats fine, but the fights mine. I'm not letting a slaver control people again."
Odd, that op pic was deliberately a thumbnail, yet it appears in big. So much for the ants joke>>14316This isn't the first time Korak's profession has hit a nerve
>>14311 →"If we have to fight Korak, we all fight Korak. But should we need to split between his soldiers and him, I think we can arrange that you and either I or Inferius are the ones who take him on. Also what Inferius said"
"I really hope we don't have to fight him though. It was difficult enough with all four of us, we really can use his knowledge and his power, and you see how much the townspeople love him. I also don't know if Tracy will show tonight"
>>14319Who is saying that?
>>14320no trump this could work if torc 1v1s korak and wins we might gain koraks respect.
>>14318>>14316"That's fine, that's fine. As I said, I think I can convince him to stop and do something else more profitable"
>>14319Thez was sold as a slave as a child
"Actually Inferius, that's a very good idea. Let Korak challenge Tourcil to a duel in exchange for who knows what. Whoever wins, we win"
>>14323"He won't stop, trust me. I've seen it before"
>>14324"Have you ever seen me before? Has he?"
>>14324torc how you gonna fight him me need to know what spells to cast.
>>14326"Inferius, we may need your spells to compell him or to stop his men from aiding"
>>14327Ah, as GM.
Did I forget the slavery in the backstory? Well I'll fix that
>>14295 →>[sounds of magical sparks as hoofs connect]>we marefriends naoWhat time is it in game time? Anyway, Tracy keeps leading Slovenia past the forest into the meadow, keeping a sharp sense out for potential threats, while getting to know the unicorn pony rambling the kind of girlish nonsense that girlfriends normally make with eachother, until she finally lands on the relevant topic of the worldly horses:
"... bla bla bla marestuff bla...
And so, as far as I've read and observed, the equines of this world aren't anywhere near the same as they are in Equestria. Aside from size and intelligence, the real difference is that they don't really have any organization: princesses, no towns or laws. They either work as livestock or bound about in the wild like animals.
Some of the unicorns seem to act like holders of authority, but it seems more like some sort of religious thing than anything else. And don't get me started on the "Earth" horses; they don't even have a
trace of magic inside of them.. bla bla bla more marestuff...
I could only wonder, if my child, as a foal, were born into a world like this, would it be considered chattel until it spoke up for itself? I want to make sure that my foal has the best upbringing possible, but in a world like this... bla bla bla ravings of a pregnant female bla bla bla..
I know this is shitty, but it's the best I can do for now, in this state... I'll finish their chat and her propositions in a few minutes when I get this stuff out of my system, then move on to the next step.
>>14330Afternoon, and take your time.
>>14328why you not trick him into dueling torc alone?
>>14332"As I said before, if we can do this with no fighting, we don't fight. If this degenerates into an all out war, we fight an all out war. I am not sure if Tracy is coming back, so keep that in mind when determining if you want to get violent.
By diplomacy if possible, by force if necessary."
>>14331So no time to get the treasure?
"You want to know why I'm sick of this shitbag slaver?" Torc says, anger and sadness growing in his voice.
"(((they))) took over my land. Their dystopian ideology brought sorrow to me and my family. (((They))) enslaved the people that didn't agree with them. Slowly I learned about "Wallace's Army". We where going to try to tak bake our land. I became a member, and quickly climbed the ranks. We slowly gained more members, and started carrying out attacks against (((them))). Eventually one of our members was caught. He ratted us out, and we where ambushed at a meeting. I escaped, but my family was found and enslaved before execution. I tried to rescue them, but they where executed by a firing squad before my eyes. I promised my revenge against (((them))), and escaped to the mountains. There I learned of Meme Magic after finding some manuscripts in a cave. I studied for years but I became careless and was found by a patrol. I luckily escaped, thanks to my magic, but I was injured during the escape. I returned to my cave and passed out due to injury, stress and blood loss. And then I woke up in the pryamid."
>>14334Plenty of time, the tree is only few minutes away by tower.
"bla bla bla marestuff bla..
... and so, from the books I found at the tower, I learned quite a few things about this world. The equines here may be different from our kind, but under certain circumstances, they can be changed...
Tracy and Slovenia continue walking away from hoo-man civilization as Tracy's faggot suffers from crippling headaches
>>14335"I see.
Tourcil, you were not here for this, but here is what I learned from Korak. Sechs confirmed it and it matches with what Thez told me.
There is a greater evil at work here. There is an arch mage who demands massive tribute from all lands and who kills at will. He rides the Tarrasque as a mount. This man is a slaver on a much, much grander scale than Korak. This man is this realm's incarnation of Bolshevism - the all inslaving ideology. This arch mage is this realm's version of "Wallace's Army." I do not think we can defeat him as we are now. We need help and allies. As you well know, Korak is an asshole, but he hates the mage, wants him dead, and he has power and resources. We need Korak as an ally to kill the Greater Evil. He has offered his ship, I think we can get more out of him, and at minimum we get information from him.
That is why we must keep Korak alive"
>>14336Oh good
>>14335that sad torc, me have similar story, infernuis was born just outside of Germaneigh,unfortuenantly for infernuis me was born cursed with red pelt.
because me cursed me never have friends,that make infernuis sadboy. all minotuar and even ponies used to bully infernuis when me was little.
this made infernuis mad so me go into mountains to get away from bullies. thats where infernuis see book under rock
it was book by Adolf Hitler. (infernuis have confession to make friends, me cant read but me can read book for some reason).
infernuis spend years getting redpilled in mountains.infernuis try to go home after tell people truth about the (((griffons)))
but instead of getting told "infernuis you great" me get told "those griffons dindu nuffin theys good boys and the opressive minotuars need to stop being so racist."
talk go on for awhile and the news get to (((lord weimar))) he then have infernuis hanged for heresy. very sad story me know. that differnt book fom one i have now.
>>14340no cry trump, the fhurer wouldnt want you cry.
I hate asking for spoilers/reminders, did Trollestia say that that golf course back there was her territory/responsibility? I forget.. She, as a celestial charger, would be able to detect anything going on in her territory, right? Tracy loathes Trollestia and doesn't trust her at all, but she feels obligated to lead her to a place where she'll be safe from hoo-man civilization and predators, so what she said earlier could have impact on her course of action.
Fuck! My brain is melting.
>>14342Troll's grove is precisely that, a place where aminals are safe from hoomans
>>14341*stays strong for the Fuhrer*
>>14339>the redbull got red pilledKek
>>14338Torc thinks for a second before getting an...
Unusual smile
"Sure, fine. But still let me figh....
Did you just call my army the bad guys, ye bloody bastard?"
>>14345Kek, I'm sure that was an indeliberate misinterpretation.
>>14343>doesn't want them to meetWell fug.. A rational person would lead their new friend to the animal refugee camp, but Tracy...
*holds temple in extreme pain* .. She might do what's right.
Give me a few minutes to unwind.. In the mean time, I'd appreciate any response or personality background on Slovenia, especially her opinion on worldly horses and other equines.
>>14345>>14344we need plan guys how we deal with korak?
>>14347What do you mean 'doesn't want them to meet'? Troll is at the tower. Unless you burn the grove to the ground, she won't interfere.
>>14345"I may have misunderstood you, that's not important. What is important is that there is a reason Korak needs to survive and become an ally of ours. Maybe we can make it where he agrees to duel you in exchange for a promise - a promise we can enforce with magic if necessary. But in any event, let's delay fighting until we see just how amenable he is"
In a distant dimension, an ancestor of Trumpaladin from Southern England smiles>>14347There are a number of places you could keep her that no one would find her and you wouldn't need Trollestia
>>14349Troll is mlp unicorn and not actual horse, or have I been misunderstanding shit again.
>>14350Just let me fight him
>>14350This, also I don't think she would get along with Trollestia, if they ever got into a conversation.
>>14351"Just let me fight him" was said by Torc, he has an audible edge to his voice by this time, and he looks like he's begging
>>14351She is an MLP unicorn with Celestial Charger (unicorn equivalent of a Cauchemar vs Nightmare) attributes.
>>14353i say you fight him!
>>14348"Obviously, we all go to the Football game. We will all be expected there anyways. I meet Korak and get a feel for him. I will try to convince him there and then, and should that not work, we'll do as I say in the circumstance"
>>14353"Tourcil, I understand your pain, even if I never suffered as greatly as you, but for the greater good and to fight the greater evil, you may have to put your personal issues to the side tonight. Korak might want a duel, and it may come to pass that having you be the one who demands he end slaving is the best choice, but it may also not go down that way. We must be flexible, and we must be resolute in our task of preparing to fight Judeo-Bolshevism in all dimensions
>>14354Now I want to waifu her again
>>14356Pssst,... you want me to have Lenos head the tower for the tree?
>>14355"Inferius, things don't always go according to plan. We may fight him, we may not. Be patient and be temperate in emotions"
>>14357While we are talking? Yes. Yes I do.
>>14356Torc looks Trump dead in the eyes
"Let. Me. Fight. Him."
>>14356no trump torc fight korak and thats te bottem line because infernuis said so.
>>14359>>14360"Let me talk to him first"
>>14358The tower starts moving in said direction.
Popcorn intensifies
>>14362i shave my head and grow a goatee.
>>14361"Fine, you can talk. But any hostile action and I'm stepping in."
GM, how can I enchant an item to change in size at the players will?
>>14364For the ITEM to change in size? Uhm,....
Book flipping intensifies
>>14365Yes, preferably a weapon
>>14364me can change your size.
>>14366Can you be more specific? Like, how small to how big?
>>14368Uhh, about 1 foot up to 4 feet.
>>14369So, you want to be able to pocket a weapon when not in use. What sort of weapon?
>>14370No, I want Torc's dagger to be able to become a full sized claymore
>>14364>>14363'Tell you what, I can think of two ways this goes down. The first way, my way, is that I encounter Korak at the pregame and start talking to him. As soon as I have a grasp on his emotions, I will make a plan from that point on. I will ask you all to be present, and please, above all else, be willing to do as I say. Yes, this would include stepping in if there is hostile action. If he asks to personally slay you, I will encourage him to do it in the form of a duel. You can then challenge him to end slaving. I will try to comfort him by telling him there are more profitable professions than slaving. At every point, we adjust the plan to the present circumstances.
Now, what we can do, is have Tourcil himself go to Korak, and challenge Korak to a fight. I personally believe Korak will be more willing to take a fair fight if the fight is public at the stadium, but who knows. If Tourcil challanges him at the ship, he may set his own conditions, but if he loses, I think he will have to surrender the elves. I will try to keep the men from intervening"
>>14371There's a couple of ways to accomplish that. If you want it integral to the item you'll need to enchant it, but otherwise you can change the size with a 1st level spell.
>>14349No, I, the faggot, do not want them to meet. I'll figure something out..
>>14354Wait, she's an
MLP unicorn? How big is she? Where is her cutie mark?
Fuck, everything is different now...
>unicorn equivalent of a Cauchemar vs NightmareCharger is objectively more powerful. Cauchemar is just physically beefy.
>>14373I'd prefer to enchant it, but if it can't be done before the battle I'll settle for the spell before the fighting
>>14372infernuis will open up a can of whoop ass.
>>14373GM, how much information can I pick up on a sense motive check next time I meet Trollestia?
>>14374shrugsSorry, no one asked about cutie marks. At least I didn't make her an alicorn,...
>>14375"LENOS!!!" a shrill cry from the city can be heard from the butcher shop.
>>14376"Uh... when?"
>>14378Is that in Town and we are in the tower?
>>14377Depends on the die roll. Anything from "Suspicious" to "You perceive ________". Tracy did a sense motive on the robots and with a 20 got the full rundown.
>>14379Yes. She's got a powerful voice.
>>14379whenever on whoever.
>>14378Woo hoo
I'm gonna disappear about 18est. So please be aware when my posting stops I'll be back in about 1-1:30 hours
>>14378Well, which characters are ponies and which are just regular horses then?
Also, how does a pony Charger's stats compare with a regular Charger (a pony is much smaller)?
>>14382"Excellent. I was very glad to have you when Tracy disappeared at the docks this morning... I was afraid that could have gone badly and I had no armor."
>>14378Well, Lenos is the one in charge of the tower. Would he mind if he investigated the source of the disturbance while we tried to get the treasure?
>>14385So far Tracy, Troll, and Slovenia are the only MLPonies, but won't be the last. As for stats, I'm keeping hers Charger 'cuz her character was 'always a charger' (in Game terms)
>>14386Disturbance? That was the butcher lady calling out what Torcuil wants and how to get it (size-changing sword)
>>14388I see. Have we arrived at the treasure and may we set the tower down to recover it?
>>14386infernuis was doing what was right.
>>14388Well I know Lenos is the person to ask
So Torc goes and finds him
>>14387>Trollestia is a ponyWell, that royally fucks up my charts...
Anyway, Tracy leads Slovenia towards the end of the meadow, and finally swallow her pride and explains to the unicorn that she'd be safe at on the other side of the river, and that she'll be back for her as soon as she can.
I assume Slovenia would have questions following this development?
>>14390"And thank you. Are you ready to get the treasure? I do not know if it is guarded
>>14391pls get treasure first
>>14392I've learned that making plans makes things worse
>>14389>set the tower downIt can be lowered to allow characters to disembark without falling if you like, but it doesn't exactly have landing gear.
>>14392S> Thank you. I've been contained for so long, I could really use a good run. I will await your return.
>>14393You don't need everyone to get the ducats. Also
[20d1 = 20]>>14393Roll perception for magical items
Does spell craft give torc a bonus for.this shit?
[1d20 = 2]>>14396Fug
Numbers in wrong places
>>14394LET'S DO IT
>>14395I mean to say that they transfer the money to it
And okay, we retrieve it with no Tourcil
>>14396Is that a real roll?
>>14397Fuck this shit, Torc trys to find Lenos for enchanting
>>14400we need to get the treasure m9.
>>14396Aww... thats 20d1s
>>14395Tracy offers Slovenia a knife in a gesture of good will as she departs.
"Oh, by the way. A tall, prissy, white unicorn might show up around these parts some time. She won't hurt you, but she's super religious in a weird way, and she's an all around troll. I wouldn't trust her if I were you, but I can safely say that she won't hurt you, physically...
.... Anyway, there's something very important I need to attend to for now, so I gotta go. So long, friend."
Tracy heads back towards the tower (I assume the big tree is between the tower and the grove?)
>>14396>rolled 20 1'sF
>>14400He's up on the dais, piloting
>>14401>>14399The tree is unoccupied, and the characters can retrieve uninterrupted. Uncharacteristically, Lenos sets the tree about a foot off the ground, so characters can literally walk up onto it.
>>14405Walk up to it, and inspect location.
>>14403S> Thank you! she calls after as you depart
>>14405readies zweihander to burn any gibberniggers.
>>14405Tracy converges with the groups path towards that location.
>>14407Its a big fuggin tree, with a wide base that tapers as it rises.
[2d20 = 17]>>14410in stealth*
Also, roll to detect jibberniggers
>>14411Well I don't know where on or around the tree this alleged treasure is. Spot check I guess for anything out of the ordinary
>tfw I'll never live this 20d1 down>>14405I patientally wait for him to finish piloting
>>14412listen and spot, but it's too late for that...
Gosh, I'm not in it today...
>>14414At least we don't know how big your dick is.
>>14415If your character passed out from being awake for 32 continuous hours, no one could blame her>>14416Kek. None but his childhood doctor knows how big it is
>>14412No gibbers, its daytime
>>14414"Newp!" Lenos says kicking himself off the chair he'd placed at the dais so he doesn't have to stand the whole time.
"So, I've been watching the whole time. What you want to do is pretty simple. It wouldn't take but a moment."
Both head to the forge, quick jump/cut-to
"You got a preferred trigger word?"
[1d20 = 20]
"Inferius! I actually don't know where the treasure is precisely, and the person who usually does this shit has been missing since morning. Investigate the tree for wherever the treasure could be"
Also GM, spot check on whatever
>>14417She's criminally insane: 32 hours is a piece of cake for her (legally).
>>14418So it can't be telepathic?
"Praise Kek"
>>14419>implying you have SpotTracy continues towards the tree, in stealth.
>>14423You know, I would usually ask some one else to help, but that person isn't here and hasn't been very reliable lately
>>14419With that roll? You found Hoffa. Seriously, yes you find the trapdoor.
>>14421"Telepathic? That'll take another quick jump/cut-to"
>quick jump/cut-to"There you go. If you want to enchant it further, let me know. I love makin' shit."
>>14423Spot is an 'untrained' skill, meaning it can be done without experience or training, and with that die roll its solid.
>>14426Thx Lenos
gtg be back in about an hour or so
>>14426Excellent. Open trap door
"Inferius! I found something! Come look at this"
So Trump and Infernius are busy bringing treasure back, Torcuil just got his knife made into a sometimes big knife, and Tracy is headed back toward the tower, which she notes is over the big tree.
>>14426What about special skills like Control Shape? It doesn't say "trained only", but it doesn't say untrained either.
Tracy continues towards the tree in stealth.
>>14428*opens trap door ready to burn anything that might be inside that isnt the treasure*
>>14428Inside the door is a layer of dust and a single set of hoof-prints. Otherwise the area hasn't been disturbed for a week or more.
>>14430Trained = spent time developing, whether instructed or not.
>>14431>closes the door and reopens it with an intimidating pose
>>14432Well, I look around for treasure
>>14432See where hoof prints end
[2d20 = 37]
Spot and Listen checks to sense nearby creatures/characters.
Actually, for that matter, Tracy decides to check on the treasure by phasing through the ground into the chamber as she walks over it.
>>14436We see where the hoof prints end
Do we witness a who knows what enter the room?
>>14434>>14435The hoof-prints lead to a widening cavern filled with rows and rows and rows and
gawdThe wealth is very neatly arranged, piled, and sorted, as though a Jew had gone through every piece multiple times.
>>14436Oooh! Delightful!
Spotting anything is impossible I'm afraid, but Tracy definitely heard someone cough, coming from the backside (respective to the entrance) of the tower.
>>14438Nope, the whole cavern is completely empty, except for ducats.
>>14439Take a moment to recognize and memorize the patterns
>>14439*pale blue ghostpony suddenly appears out of fucking nowhere in the dark, dusty treasure trove*
"Hi, Flashy!"
"I see you found your way to the treasure."
*tries not to die of a heart attack*
>>14440Everything is sorted by type (or lack of type, in a few cases). Like coins are together, like gems are together, like everything is together. Its enough to rival the previous holdings of the tower.
>>14441Shoulda seen that spoiler coming. Nice pali btw
>>14441I shit you not, I turned on "hover image" as an option, and then forgot about it. So when I hovered over the spoiler and the tracy filled half my screen, it was a genuinely a jump scare
>>14441>>14442"Tracy, why did you literally vanish from my hands when I needed you to guard from the pirates if necessary, and where the happy hell have you been all day?"
>>14446*Fell to the ground after the jump-scare. Still startled as all hell*
>>14447Kek, this is too good
>>14448i give tracy a beer shower
>>14442>>14447Aren't Paladins immune to fear?
Anyway, I've got only a few minutes to types so:
"You were just doing a friendly business deal with Korak, right? You didn't need me. I came here to check on the treasure."
oh shit g2g
>>14450"And business with Korak can get messy. Why didn't you say something to me before you left, anything. You been here the
entire day?"
Tracy is now dripping with beer
>>14450Fear, yes. Startling. No.
>>14450Godspeed faggot. We'll await your return
>>14455Mother fucker, I need to ask essential questions
>>14456Ask away, I can fill in; I know what Tracy knows.
>>14457I you sure? It'll take creativity to avoid suffering for that dramatic as fuck exit she made"Why the hell did you vanish on me without notice? And you say you were here
all day?
>>14458bear with if the diction is off"Not here, I've been doing a favor for a... friend." she says with a hint of a smile.
>>14458"Did you miss me?" <insert Hi flashy image>
>>14459"Uh... okay. Now why did you leave so abruptly? I really could have needed you"
>>14460"Yeah. Yeah I did. I could have needed you. And you scared the hell out of me...
Did you kill the Unicorn? Korak's. You know damn well who I am talking about"
>>14461"I didn't even think about it. I had a sudden idea and I just went with it."
>>14462"She's safe, and she's fine. MAYBE I'll tell you where she is."
>>14463No way in hell Tracy's faggot would have played it like this"Please, please, please NEVER poof out of my arms like that again. Not without notice. Never."
"I don't know what you are implying, but I will deal with it later."
>>14464Maybe, maybe not. Tracy just gained a friend, so she's on brain-drugs right now. I don't think he'll mind, since I'm leaving out specifics
I am so sorry for disappearing right after that....
>>14466I had Tracy tell Trump she was busy helping a friend. That was all u missed
>>14466>>14467want to start over? If so,
>>14452 is my last post which you should respond to
>>14467Wait, where did we leave off now?
>>14468>she told himAw fug....
>>14468You basically said that she knew where the unicorn was
>>14471You can replay
>>14471No details, just a vague brush-off response
>>14472I did no such thing! I deliberately left it as vague as possible, with no specifics!
I also got Trump to admit he missed Tracy,.... Xp
Can replay tho
>>14474You said "She's safe, and she's fine. MAYBE I'll tell you where she is."
That's basically saying "she's not at the ship"
>>14475I hate to say this, but I think you got a better outcome than I was expecting
>>14470Yeah, lets start over
Tracy promised Slovenia that she'd be free from hoo-mans>>14452"You seemed to get along with Korak quite well: I didn't want to interfere and
cause things to become messy.
I only got here rather recently. I've been around town and the forest doing pony things. I figured I'd drop by here to check and see that thieves didn't get a hold of the treasure.
>>14477>canon and dub dubs
>>14477"Tracy, you of all people.. err, ponies, should know that Korak is dangerous. I kept you by my side because things could get messy with Korak and I could have been attacked. I did not have my armor on. Thankfully Inferius and Fae were there but I could have really
needed you. And I thought I did need you to find this treasure.
Tracy, you can't just literally vanish on me, or really on anyone, without a word. People rely on you. We depend on you. We have to."
>>14479[flattered pony noises]
"I was confident in your ability to take care of yourself, but I'll be more considerate in the future if you need help defending yourself.
I'll be there for you,
To be honest, my only other character goal if the unicorn thing didn't work out was to have Tracy kill Korak for shooting her earlier. She still wants him dead.
>>14479"Don't get all cocky about it, it's not about raw strength, it's about
Trust I need to trust that you will be there when needed. That I can rely on you. If you need to leave, if you think you can leave, you need to say something. Just say something. Literally anything other than damned vanishing.
... You know you are supposed to be a mother..."
>>14482>'Brb, Going Ghost.' wasn't enough".. Alright then, Flashy."
>>14483Was that in dialogue? I missed that"Now... I'm not going to ask a lot of question about this, because I do not want to hear you lie to me, and because really I'm afraid to hear the truth. But I am going to learn the truth later from Korak regardless of what you say and I'd rather hear it from you first. Please, answer me this: Did you kill her after I left the docks. Do not bullshit me that you do not know what I am talking about. Korak said he saw what looked like Bob at the docks this morning, and I know you have done it before"
>>14484>Did you kill her>her "Um, who now?"
>>14485"Already shitting me I see. Fine. I'll play your game. The Unicorn Korak has. The one he found on a tropical Island, who is white with beautiful pink mane, who seems to be an Equestrian, and who has a Fleur De Lis cutie mark. You know who I am talking about. Did you kill her after I left the docks."
>>14486>Implying your character would have any reason to suspect that at this pointThe guards probably haven't even realized that their cargo just disappeared.
"Now why would you ask me that, Flashy? I did nothing like that."
Oh right, this is that 'time' Torcuil's faggot mentioned. He's busy then.
>>14488"Why would I ask you that? Because you've done it before. You have killed almost every horse you have come across for some reason. You killed at least one of our three horses in the stable. I heard you tried to attack Trollestia. I know you are jealous and you consider them competitors. You vanished this morning at exactly the time Fae - who is not for sexual and who I do not understand why you do not like - showed up, and right as Korak and I were talking about the unicorn. So you can bet I am afraid she will end up as that poor copper colored mare. And behold, Korak asked me as I was trying to get a lock of hair to revive her - you know, in case she went missing like poor Copper - that he saw a florescent green bow. You know, like the one that follows you. So tell me now, because Korak will tell me later - Assuming you didn't do something to him - did you do with the Unicorn as you did with Copper?"
>>14491Fuck. I repeat phrases too many times
>>14492No worries, thanks for the reminder about Bob
>>14488It's entirely possible that if Korak never intends to give Trumpaladin the unicorn, they won't even notice by the game tonight
>>14491"Trollestia had it coming, and I haven't harmed any other unicorns lately."
*turns towards the treasure trove*
"How much do you think we have here?"
>>14494>gains wisdom (not literally)
>>14496He'll probably blame the poor guardsmen for not shackling the thing right and allowing the unicorn to teleport away.
GM, can you answer the question in
>>14495*scan to see how much treasure there is*
>>14495"I don't know, but I can tell you I canrecognize where the pattern is disturbed. Go clean yourself up. You are covered in beer."
quickly, as either he or she should be walking away
"You better not have harmed her"
>>14497No, he's seen enough shenanigens from the party to know they had a hand in it. But that's a matter for another day.
>>14498Quantifying the value involves numerous (NUMEROUS) appraise checks,... but as I said to Tracy, it rivals the previous treasure in the tower; its just alot neater.
>>14499He might've not been as suspicious if someone hadn't been so insistent in touching it...
>>145005 gorillion?
>>14502i start moving the treasure onto the tower.
>>14499That kike was forewarned that there was a horse murderer on the lose, and that the body could vanish spread across the bay. He has no one to blame but himself
>>14503no just five
*minotuar pout*
>>14504Noted. Waiting a sec before illustration
>>14504I say it should go to rebuilding Port Barry: it was taken from the people of Port Barry after all, and they still have to meet the Emperors tribute...
Infernius should take it to them.
[1d20 = 9]>>14502Well then, bring down carts if they fit, and start loading. Try to appraise value if possible
Profession check to appraise
>>14508we have to transport it someway tracy.
>>14509On which part? If it was counterfeit, the jews would have separated it and used it commercially (meaning, used it to pay for stuff)
>>14508That was my first thought, but Port Barry is already mostly rebuilt as the city had more wealth in reserve than I thought. I do think we're going to have to pay off the Emperor
>>14510>implying that was in dialogueIt'd be bonus points for a Nazi Cleric if he returned the Jews' ill-gotten gains.
>>14511Which ever stack is target by Inferius
Spoiler, none of it is ingenuine. The gold has value by weight, the gems have value by volume and quality. If its there, its worth something
>>14515Whelp. Start loading
>>14517It will take several trips. This can be cut-to if the party prefers
>>14518But quality. I did mention quality,....
>>14510A real Cauchemar could probably drag more than 5,000 pounds
>>14513>>14515could lennos play thison the way back to town? but could he edit it to say thez?
>>14520He wants to be able to know if any is taken>>14521Are you transforming for pack animal work?
>>14522Fukking kek. It'll happen.
>>14523Nope, the dust around the room is quite conclusive; this spot has been barren for several weeks now.
>>14524Ah hell, Just try to count it as it is moved
>>14523She could probably at least turn into a heavy warhorse at will with a Control Shape check.
>tfw part of you is amused and part of you is tearingly-awestruck
"B,,, Baka">>14525Can do. Objections?
>>14528Count as loaded onto warhorse Tracy and moved into the treasury
Does it matter how much? Just keep bringing it in cartloads and let the townsfolks count it there.
>>14530Best idea. So is it moved?
>>14530It's for a different reason. We'll keep it in the tower treasury for the time being, and move it or distribute it later
>>14531Sure, move it.
Infernius, look up your spells and see what fancy magic tricks you could do to impress the people upon returning the Jew-gold.
>>14533If you move it in the town right now the pirates could steal it, the mage could appear at the game and we could need the tribute, and all sorts of contingencies that make it wiser to keep it until we know its fate
Ahhh fug it.
As the party begins ascend the tower with the last bit of jew gold, they suddenly realize that the tower - its shining surfaces glistening in the departing sunlight (its getting toward sunset) - are dotted with dots. Not dots, but people. Pirates specifically, all standing menacingly and with a sneer. Its almost as though an uppity dwarf coached them on how to appear, so perfect is their stance. At the entrance to the tower stands Korak, both hands atop the hilt of his sword, standing as regally as he can (and with his affects, is pretty regal).
"Ah greatly appreciate the contributions ye've made toward mine cause." He chuckles, which is joined by the pirates.
The pirates have bows and swords, while Korak stands motionless (horizontal, cuz of the gravity affect, but still oriented to be looking down on everyone from a great height).
>>14536I did indicate that Tracy heard a cough before she entered the treasure lair,... she neglected to follow up
>>14537So are they on the surface? How are they addressing the party?
>>14538Ah, well "Come again" is directed at Korak for "mine cause"
But we need Tourcil
[1d20 = 12]>>14535*removes self from cart and stands forth growling menacingly, rage beginning to boil as she transforms*
roll for intimidation, and add +2 for ranks in bluff
how far away are they?
>>14538Fucking knew it.
Wtf did Lenos let them in?
>>14540Cry out "INFERIUS! TOURCIL!"
Enter the tower
>>14539They're along the surface of the tower
>>14541Good question (and pali), but will be addressed
K> With all the loot ye lot have brought up, I'm almost inclined to let all the previous injuries and offenses slide. Almost" again, more pirate chuckling.
He raises his hand, and many (not all) pirates raise their bows.
"So then Mr. Trump, how's about we make a deal."
>>14542Oh its far too late for that, this happens as the party is still on the ground.
Vanish like a fucking ghost
Enter tower
>>14543"Does that deal involve the people of Port Barry taking back the money that belongs to them?"
How far away is the first pirate?
>>14546Fae skids to the ground aside Trump.
"I see you're in a bind. As you command."
K> Why involve the townsfolk? They live in a happy little bubble, where the real world doesn't infringe on their prosperity! How am I, who are YOU to take that away?
>>14547The first is about 90' from the bottom tip of the tower
Draws knife with maw ready to reappear as soon as she knows how much distance she has to-
>>14549Is it a clear charge? How many behind him?
>>14548Get on Fae, and ride out of sight from Korak underneath the tower, try to go to other side of tower
>>14548what you do here! should you be blowing your first mate?
>>14550They're spaced strategically and sporadically, requiring distance to engage and then re-engage.
>>14551K> Ah, me monologue. Always wasted. Boys, do your thing.
The remaining pirates arm themselves with bows. Those with bows drawn center on the party. With Trump and Tracy's departure there's only 2 targets.
K> Don't fire unless ye can be sure of the shot. No sense wasting good munitions!
>>14555 Are they all on one side? Come up from behind on an archer and attack, one by one. Can Fae claw people off of their footing so they fall 90 feet?
>>14555So, I can't cleave?
stay ethereal and fly up into the tower
>>14555i whisper
kek at them
>>14558Cast a fucking spell
>>14560that is the choatic word of power
>>14559Better cast a spell fast
*Tracy covers her spooky armor with Magic Vestment +5*
>>14553>>14554K> Cute, a minotaur is insulting me. Do u liek ponees?
He says mockingly.
>>14557Tracy closes in ethereal
>>14558Out of range, I'll let you mulligan that one
>>14559You're just in time! Korak stands at the tower entrance, while his pirates dot the surface of the tower.
[3d20 = 37]
The attack is, appear from behind an archer, have Fae attack with claws if possible, and then with Quick Draw, Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you, on the archer with Vanderium
Can Tracy zone in on an area where she can plow through a bunch of targets at once?
[6d20 = 61]>>14565Trump takes initiative on Fae, closing distance to the nearest pirate>
GM, how clustered are the pirates?
>>14565 when near pirate
>>14535Good thing Torc is in the tower
>>14568They aren't, they're deliberately spaced.
>>14566Nope, they thought of that.
>>14566Please let me bulldoze some faggots with my new feats...
Torc runs out of the tower
"Oi! Ye bloody wankstain, over here"
>>14571And I wanted to weaken them with Dragonne Roar, but here we are
Trump has first move, which he's in range to attack the first pirate.
The order is Trump, Tracy, Tocuil, Infernius, Pirates, Korak
Tracy continues to move while ethereal until she is right beside Korak
[3d20 = 27]>>14575Fuck You Fuck You and Fuck you with Vanderium. Fae should have pounce. can she bite or claw?
[1d6 = 6]>>14577In Trump's advance, a single arrow strikes him from one of the pirates
>>14576Or at least in the same room
[1d20 = 1]>>14578She does, but Vandereim is beefier and doesn't involve a loss of momentum
>implying someone who follows a chaos god would wait his turn
I cast spell
Oooh. That sucks. Vandereim slips from Trump's hands as he levels what would have been a devastating attack
>>14582Noted. Keep her mobile. Tell me if there are ever more than 5 pirates within the 120 foot zone
I have no idea what the spread of the enemies is, or the layout of the tower.. I'm confused as fuck...
She moves between stealth and ether until she finds a tight cluster of pirates she can charge.
>>14584Inferius, please
>>14583what spell
>>14587They anticipated Dragonne Roar and Cauchemar charges. They are spread out evenly across the surface with ranged weapons. Like soldiers advancing against an enemy in a spread to reduce casualties from artillery
>>14590I noticed that, but what does the spell do?
>>14591Go straight to where she heard Korak, stealth AND ether
>>14593they get diagnosed with death m9
>>14594Fug.. my brain really is melted tonight...
>>14587They're deliberately spaced to avoid clustering
>>14591More like they anticipated fireballs n such
>>14597Go to where Korak is.
>>14593 wa mou shindeiru didn't work
So i went intellectual
Nightmares can change planes with 20th caster level as a free action: can Tracy do so during a charge?
[3d20 = 21]If it is my turn now after the Pirates and Korak, then my move is quick draw on the weapon smasher, and Smash, Smash, Smash, on the guy's long bow
>>14600>20th Caster level
>>14601>Astral Projection and Etherealness (Su): These abilities function just like the spells of the same names (caster level 20th); a nightmare can use either at will.
>>14588Kek. Vandereim falls spinning to the ground shouting "You limey bastaaaaaaaaaaaaard"
Tracy closes in on Korak's position (ethereal)
>>14599And you wonder why? You can't just meme people dead
>>14601You just moved and lost ur sword!
>>14603I mean my move in the next round
Its Torcuil's move, who is entirely unnoticed by the pirates. Particularly, he can close range with Korak directly.
>>14603Ugh fine.
Torc grows his dagger to 4'
>>14605Tracy closes in on Koraks location.
brb in like 5 mins i use my turn to catch vanderheim and cast insect plauge.
I think it's Pirate's turn then Korak's turn now?
>>14607Is she near him yet?
>>14610The order is Trump, Tracy, Tocuil, Infernius, Pirates, Korak, so your next round will be after the pirates. Korak is an asshole but there are a hell of a lot of archers, they are difficult to kill at present spacing, and sitting here as an arrow sponge with no lethal weapon while Korak has two people on him is not pleasant or an efficient allocation of limited resources
>>14611What did she do this round?
>>14606Torc tells Korak to cease his faggotry
>>14612I'm not sure, but GM advanced, so it must have been something. My guess is got closer to Korak
From Trumpaladin's position, how many rounds is it to the next pirate, and how many rounds is it to Vanderiem?
>>14608No worries, I just had to help move a couch for individuals who lack the foresight to say "Hey, could we get your help moving a couch? You're not doing anything RIGHT FUCKING NOW are you?"
>>14612Closed on Korak
>>14613Rly? Thats ur move?
>>14616Torc is now holding a full sized claymore, so yes
One of the pirates drops dead from a brain aneurism cuz GM is salty
>>14617So Torcuil, full-sword bradished,... talks shit. Korak is unimpressed. Infernius?
>>14619i think torc was saying he attacked...
>>14618The first and so far only Pirate to be harmed tonight!
GM, I have three questions - After the longbowman before trump
How far away in terms of Rounds is the nearest archer
How far away is Vanderiem?
How far away is Korak?
[2d20 = 18]>>14622Not an attack (Molyneux meme anyone?)
Korak lets go of his sword (which dangles from his wrist from a chain) and whips out his pistols.
"Talk to me hands," he says, firing at Torcuil.
>>14619with my move action i catch vanderheim then i cast plauge of locusts.
>>14624Torc uses the braces
[1d20 = 2]>>146231. about 1 round distance per.
2. On the ground (about 100 yards ish)
3. Toward the top, so ~60 yards
[4d20 = 42]>>14603>>14616Oh, I see (sorry)
Tracy stealthily observes Korak and stalks until she's just a good 10 ft away from him (or however much distance she thinks she would need for the attack)
Then she lunges out of the phantasms (sneak attack?) and charges him, with a Full Attack (can do upon charge because of Dire Charge)
A full attack should be
2 flaming hooves
1 slash from a shortblade
Since the chain moves with her mind, attack with that too.
With improved Multiattack, she take no d
[3d20 = 37]My Turn!
Quick draw on my weapons smasher. Three attacks with weapon smasher on the Longbow of the archer who is immediately before Trumpaladin
Dialogue to archer: "you're lucky my sword slipped. After you boss is dead, you may still be employed"
>>14628reeee wait your turn
>>14628take no penalty from several natural weapons*
>>14627How many yards per turn?
>>14629>20Alas poor longbow, we hardly knew ye
>>14631For most, 10'/round at a walking pace. Elevated paces uncur penalties to incoming attack, but are available at 3x speed (on intial run).
>>14628Gotcha, in a sec.
Infernius misses Vandereim, and has the chance to pursue or engage. Decide quickly. ^_^
>>14633i go after vanderheim.
>>14633Mounted on Fae?
>>14634Yeah you're fine, I'm just salty because I am now shot and without a lethal weapon
I have Infernius casting insect swarm. Is that still go, or is he diverting?
>>14628>tfw dead if this doesn't hit something
>>14638Uh, so,... which one?
>>14626After using the shield Torc strikes at Korak.
Also, when do the British police attack us for weapons?
Do only butterknifes and sticks count?
>>14628Cone of Smoke is automatic, right?
[12d20 = 138]>>14642K. Infernius (on Uatchit, cuz otherwise its freefall) speeds after and catches Vandereim.
Since Torcuil hasn't shown himself, Korak fires both shots at Trump, one of which lands (the 7).
The pirates unleash a volley of arrows at the party.
>>14640It could be worse. You could be shot, without a lethal weapon, with no ability to do pinkie pie dimension breaking, all while being the prime target of like 30 archers
>>14643They can bin Tracy's knives when they pry them from her cold, dead hooves.
>>14645..W-what about my sneak-charge?
[3d8 = 17]
Three shots hit, one to Trump, and two to Infernius.
>>14645My move:
Get the fuck out of the line of sight. I came from beyond line of sight, I can go back to it quikly
>>14649"Inferius! Come with me!"
>>14647Tracy is next after Trump, who's move it is
>>14649That takes you off the tower. U can do that tho.
>>14651"New Strategy Inferius! Join me on Uta... your mount
>>14652If it means I am out of the line of the bullets and arrows then yes
>>14653i will my next move
>>14653K, Trump retreats to below the tower.
Tracy's move.
>>14655GM, where on the Tower is Korak?
>>14657You actually made that one last round. This is a new round and you can make a new attack
I would add that I want to add poison to that kunai, if possible.
>>14660Korak? Evidently not, since he shot me and Inferius at the end of last round
>>14645Who did the arrows hit if anyone?
>>14661He got charged with both hooves, by a 1,200 pound animal, that slashed with a poison kunai and a chain, filling the room with smoke, and he didn't flinch, you say?
>>14659A little late. Going with
>>14628The chain catches on something. As for the other attacks.
K> Bees
Deftly and with fluidity, Korak taps the tip of each weapon as they are bared (with his sword), diverting their course and rendering them harmless.
>>14665Forgot he had that
>>146622 hit Infernius, 1 hit Trump
>>14663Didn't flinch confirmed. Its almost like he expected a great flurry of attack. Cuz you know, he's done this before.
>>14665How does Torc's attack go?
>>14665All three weapons? Even with Concealment from the smoke?
Wait what just happened?
Torcuil's move
You really shouldn't announce yourself when you have cover and stealth
[1d20 = 15]
Wait, Torcuil is attacking? Rly? Okayyyyy,....
>>14670>announce yourselfWait, when?
>>14671As Torcuil levels his blade for what must SURELY be a square strike, Korak dips and twists his blade, tapping the claymore wide and leaving Torcuil open.
He's thought of that,....
>>14672Tourcil had an advantage of not being noticed by Korak, but then he did things like yell "cease your faggotry"
[12d20 = 121]
The pirates unleash another volley.
>>14676Inferius said his turn would be moving to Trump's position on Uatachit carrying Vaderium
>>14677Inferius and Trumpaladin should be out of line of sight
[3d8 = 16]
One pirate manages to shoot himself, while 2 score hits, one of which is a crit.
>>14673>waits for gm to tell how my attacks went>he ignores it until I think of a new one>by the time I post a new one, I get the last one usedFuck
>>14677Alright! Our second enemy casualty for the night!
>>14665If both her hoofs were diverted, and Tracy was charging at full speed, where did
Tracy go?
>>14683My guess is right into the line of fire
>>14684She was charging right towards Korak though, within 2-3 feet of him.
She's as big as a Clydesdale: something had to have happened.
>>14681I'm doing my best. From this point on I'll disregard the previous and focus on recent/immediate activity. Thats the best I can do.
>>14685Spoilers, Korak has improved evasion (no penalty to surprise attacks) so her surprise missed.
Tl:dr The party is fighting another player, not some random monster.
Torcuil's move
>>14686I understand, but....
You know what, I'm just salty, fuck me
If her attacks were diverted, but she's still charging full speed, can she follow up thatcharge with a bull rush and push him against a wall with her chest (has improved bull rush)
Oh yeah, it's my turn!
Take the sword from Inferius, who hopefully is near enough, and start flying up a side of the tower that is definitely not the side all of the archers and Korak are on.
(I want dialog to inferius when he is here)
>>14688Wait I thought I was just after the Pirates?
>>14693An animal so large as to be damned difficult to stop at full charge, is going to be damned difficult to stop and turn around at full charge
>>14688Where is he standing on the tower?
[1d20 = 11]>>14694DC 17
no bully, he's a salty rogue
Unfortunately, Korak dodges the first (I'm assuming) anvil.
>>14697DC 17?
>>14699GM, how many rounds to fly around the otherside of the Tower and attack from round the top?
>>14700i bring vanderheim to trump. and then cast insect plauge if i can.
>>14700If I can ask Inferius
"Follow me, and let's attack Korak from 'round top!"
>>14701dc 17 means you needed to roll a 17 to get it.
>>14704lets go stomp a mudhole in his ass!!!
GM, where is Korak on this tower?
>>14708Uh... can we get like a drawing or something?
>>14702On Fae? 2
>>14704Possible interjection
>>14708>GM goes back to his shoop
The pirates are liberally and equidistantly spaced across the surface,... almost like Korak has an idea of how the tower works and knows a bit about its layout, etc.
Across all surfaces? Is Korak on a single surface?
[2d20 = 3]
Korak fires another 2 rounds, this time at Tracy (who is close range).
[12d20 = 91]>>14713All surfaces have gravity, I told you that long ago.
And Korak misses wildly. His pirates unleash another volley of arrows.
>>14715.. Unless I have no idea how this game works..
>>14716GM, are the archers evenly spaced across all surfaces?
>>14716One shot hits Infernius, cuz he's the easiest target.
Trump's move
>>14721Charge towards Korak. However long it takes.
"Follow me Inferius!"
[2d20 = 9]>>14723I'm assuming you mean attacking, and while Infernius failed to mention "Giving Vandereim back" I'm assuming thats ur game.
>>14722You should draw a sword
>>14724Vanderiem was given back in the previous turn
>>14726A pity for that 1 then, there it goes again,....
"Ye bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard"
As he falls again
>>14728>>14727>>14726clean the fucking butter off your fingers.
Spoilers, this isn't EVEN the fight you need to worry about
>>14726Use your longbow.
>>14731I figured.
>>14732Do I still have it? It hasn't been mentioned for a while
>>14731It demonstrates why we should be worried
>>14734Unless you threw it away, you should.
>>14734clean thy danmed fingers!!
>>14734You do. Its Tracy's move, but yes you have ur longbow (and some arrows cuz I'm not THAT much of a dick)
>totally digging the Glory song tho
>>14737Too late for that.
>>14738I have no bonuses for ranged attack, but fuck it. The alternative is the weapon smasher, and I don't want to destroy something as valuable as the pistol.
[1d20 = 3]>>14738Where did Tracy go after her charge failed (she's a big mare, she's going somewhere), Is she in his square?
Improved Bull rush, push him back and knock the wind out of him. (would snap at his throat if I could).
>>14740Oh yeah, pistols
Torc steals those again, just like the first time
>>14742God fucking dammit...
>>14742And he'll move out of the way like a matador
>>14742Don't fret, Korak's ac is 46. You'd have needed 20's regardless.
"He's a slippery fuck"
>>14743You're attempting a pickpocket? Nao?
>>14746What happened to Tracy though? She's moving full speed.
>>14746It worked the first time, so yes
[1d20 = 14]>>14742Per dice (and I'm allowing veto dice above) unless its a 20, it misses. Korak has his game on TIGHT
>>14749With a "Ting, ting", Korak whirls and avoids incoming attacks.
Torcuil's move
>>14746I think he meant the magnet staff.
>>14752I summon ryuk and have him beat the shit out of the pirates.
>>14754Sad Alex came to save us!
>pirates didn't notice him, because he looked like one of those Weeping Angel sculptures
>>14753Oh Riiiiiight.
>>14754And from left field as fuck, Sad Alex joins the fray, unleshing Ryuk (who can readily kill low-level mobs like pirates) with ease! In fact, Ryuk is happy to do so cuz,....
Well played
>>14757Ryuk! Only kill the pirates on this side! We need the others for later!
A blurr of black and white consumes one pirate, then another, then another, before (as is increasingly expected) each pirate falls before his deathly intent.
Korak stands in solitude, unimpressed, but his teeth are grinding.
>>14761"Something wrong Globalist?"
>>14761>>14762"Careful! I want to offer the pirates jobs when this guy is dead!"
>>14761Torc speaks
If it's playing out this way, I'm going to personally fetch Vanderiem. Third time is the charm!
>>14763*jojo pose engaged*
>>14764Steal his gunz first.
>>14762>>14767"Silence his false song!"
>>14769>waitSTEAL THE GUNZ!
>>14771Have you never heard of a duel?
Besides, he already did that
>>14774I have, but I like the idea of four Melee fighters taking on 1 melee fighter better than a ranged fighter shooting helpless melee fighters
You know, I thought "I'll roll a separate dice for Sad Alex, just to avoid mussing up the order."
He rolled a 20.
Sad Alex, your move again.
>>14774You're Chaotic: fug da rules.
Steal gunz.
>>14775Oh, so you're the one that did it. Xp
>>14778I like rules, but I like not getting shot while I don't have my sword even more
>>14777I order ryuk to kill the captain with holy blast.
>>14778>>14777>>14776FUCK Y'ALL I'M DOING THIS SHIT
Torc challanges Korak to a 1v1 duel
GM, I go for my sword. The one that is on the ground. Again
[4d8 = 11][1d20 = 6]>>14765On it. Voids ur move, but things are spicy.
Infernius also can move.
>>14779He's serious, dice related
>>14783Shut up you had your chance!
Despite the imminence of the attack, and the suddenness of it, Korak deftly maneuvers around the blast.
"Not the first wave of hate I've danced around me boy!" he taunts
>>14786Summon him to me. We have a Globalist to kill
>>14786>no one is letting me do my intense autismREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>14787You came out of nowhere, I'm doing this
GM, how does that challenge go
Its Korak's move, and he's seeing all kinds of opponents.
"Well now fellas, it seems there's more to ye (and of ye) than meets me eye. This sounds like fun!"
His pirates have cowered, not expecting such revelations (are now non-combatants) but Korak is fixin' for a fight.
Unfortunately he disappears in a puff of smoke.
>>14791Whoa, WHOA. No. I have done many things, but I haven't rigged any aspect of this fight for anyone's favor. You're fighting a well-seasoned, most effectively suited player right now. Deal with it, and quit your crying.
>>14792It is my time. To kill!
>>14792Dude, just let us play 5 on 1.
"Alex! Can you have Ryuk cough up little pieces of the pirates? We don't need their whole bodies, just enough so we can revive them later. We will need their votes in the final battle against the globalists"
>>14793"There's more to you too apparently. Running off with other people's money, trying to keep people docile - You're Bernie Sanders taking donations!"
>>14793>blueballed[ANGRY NIGHTMARE NOISES]
Wtf did he go?
Spot check
Gallop over to moaning pirate (survivor) and start ripping out his belly sketties in predatory fury.
>>14793There are hundreds of thousands of words in the english language. But no string of them can express how much I hate this goddmaned fucking outcome
>>14794... It's a meme. Trump, prior to the election, claimed that several elections had been rigged. After he *won*, he had the audacity to claim that he would have won New Hampshire but for electoral fraud.
[1d20 = 12]>>14790Ur Trump. U can't summon Ryuk
[1d20 = 8]>>14797wtf did I just type?
I'm never taking this crap again....
>>14796Yea you have to give him an apple though.
>>14800I was summoning Vanderiem, who you said in the post I linked can move on his own
>>14803*gives apple to ryuk*
>>14801Don't do drugs kidsTorc has a 1000yd stare. After about 3 minutes he teleports to his cave, in a puff of smoke, and fire
>>14806"Find him! Leave my personal army alone!"
>>14807I changed meds on my idiot doc's suggestion...
Still Alex' move,... will forfeit tho
>>14809>belly sketties?what is this rick and morty?
>>14809I am always sober, always, and I am still like shit
>>148108? 7? I'm not even keeping track.
probably wasn't supposed to mention that
>>14812Never seen that show. It's just the meds...
>>14811I make ryuk find klorox.
[8d20 = 95]>>14814REEEEE!!!!
Address them:
"I am making you an offer you can't refuse. Become employees of the town or Trump interprises, and you'll have wealth, adventure, women, and we won't kill you right here and now"
DIPLOMACY! I should have a natural +28 modifier
>>14816Give apple to ryuk. I need little pieces of the dead pirates. We need them to fight the Globalists just as we needed disillusioned Bernie Sanders Supports
[8d20 = 92]>>14817[bloodthirsty nightmare noises]
*licks fangs and growls*
Roll for Intimidation (+2 with bluff ranks)
>>14819Unless that helps, don't do it. If it helps, do it again
>>14820She hasn't killed anything tonight yet, but she
must soon.
>>14812I think its fluffy ponies
Torc teleports back, and begins blinking to see if thats how Korak escaped
>>14821"Save it for the ones who turn down the offer."
>>14822Becomes Ethereal to investigate as well.
Ryuk speeds at Korak, tinging off Korak's magnificent defense in the process.
Now surrounding Korak are Trump, Infernius, Torcuil, Trump, and Ryuk (on behalf of Alex).
Its Infernius' turn.
>>14822torc feeling okay?
>>14825Where is Tracy?
Charges towards Korak's location.
>>14825i demand you fight torcuil 1 versus 1. no funny busssiness.
[3d20 = 12]>>14825YES! ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK with Vanderiem who I got earlier
>>14826>>14828Torc turns to Infernius
"Now that you mention it...."
Torc activates the blinking and grabs Korak
"No, I'm not"
And Torc takes Korak to the Ethral Plane
>>14828[bloodthirsty nightmare noises]
"Let me at him!" frothing at the mouth
>>14816"Oi, he's over here, hiding in a crevasse"
Ryuk points
"You didn't think he magicked away did you? Its a simple sleight of hand,...."
>>14830>>14825i cede my turn to torc
[3d20 = 16]>>14825>when it's my turnTracy Charges Korak at full speed and makes a Full Attack
2 flaming hooves
1 bite
>>14837The Dice gods want Tourcil to fit Korak alone
>>14838Praise Kek, his hand be upon me.
>>14838You'll need a consensus to make that stick
>>14840Oh I'm attacking the next turn, it's just that the dice gods will override my decision
>>14839I'll allow it, if Infernius voids his attack. (waiting)
>>14840Unless I can start diplomacy with the living pirates and offer an apple to ryuk to make him give me parts of the eaten pirates
>>14845Parts, yes. Living pirates,... not so much.
>>14843Mien nigger
Just prepare yourselves, my autisim is in full gear now
>>14847There should be like 7 or 8 living pirates. Diplomacy on them, and parts from the dead ones. Collect one by one, living and dead
So in spite of his dire situation, Korak maintains his defense and buffets attempts by Torcuil.
"Ye again. Whaddya ye want? Did I bruise ye mum?"
Fight is increasingly 1v1 so make ur bets/claims now cuz GM is putting blinders on
>>14850No, Ryuk had his way with them. There are no more pirates.
Torcuil's move (unless intervention)
>>14852REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Apple to Ryuk
>>14854Nom nom nom
To Alex> I like that one
>>14852I give him a apple and ask him yo cough up the pirate.
[3d20 = 18]>>14853>implying she'll stopRepeat
>>14836[angry nightmare noises]
>>14857*moves into corner and hangs head in shame*
>>14852>>14856I need at bare minimum one living pirate (revived is fine)
>>14857*pets evil monster*
>>14857Ting, ting, whthonng
(all fail)
Torcuil? Get funky w/ them memes,....
>>14859[sad nightmare noises]
>>14861"Why are you sad... whatever you are?"
>>14851Torcuil steals the magic pistols using the magno-rod, then holds one in each hand.
"You see, I really wish to kill you. I have no time nor patience for
slavers. So ask yourself one thing Korak..."
Torc levels both pistols at him
"Do you I feel lucky today? Well, do ya punk?"
>>14862"Oh. Right. You wanted to kill things."
[2d20 = 23]>>14863dice determine stealing
[1d20 = 2]
My Move:
Go to Kitchen. Gather all apples
Engage in diplomacy with Ryuk: - Gib one finger from each pirate for apples
[1d20 = 6]
One pistol flies from his hand.
"Boy, I ain't been lucky since I was born!"
Shoots at Torcuil with remaining pistol.
I still have a modifier of +28, so that means I have a 30
Which whizzes to the side,
K> Defensive stance, Bees, with pockets
>>14870C-can I charge again?
>>14863Now steal the other one.
>>14871U really wanna get in the way of this?
[1d20 = 7]>>14870Fuck that
Torc fires as fast as he can pull the trigger
Torc uses his shield to block anything coming at him
And a roll for stealing the second pistol
>>14871tracy cage if you still in there please stop.
>>14872Pwease I need at least one Pirate
>>14872She's beside herself with anger at this point
>>14874[angry nightmare noises]
*cloud of smoke thickens*
>>14874Inferius! Gather corpses if they exist!
Korak has one pistol with his magic shield, and his sword. Torcuil (in spite of his absence of armor and ANY protection) stands in the wind. His tartan robes and kilt billow around him, his hair dancing across his face. The only thing about him that remains umoved.
His eyes.
>>14876torculi needs to do this for his dead family.
>>14881"Thank you Inferius"
Trumpaladin tries his absolute best to get pirate pieces from Ryuk. Also see if there are any still alive
Tracy begins loading the parts and equipment into her >Rape Dungeon
>>14873Torcuil fires a shot (more a warning than anything, he has no procficiency), as he runs toward Korak, a claymore-shaped knife in his other hand.
>>14875Shush nao
>>14876Clouds of smoke billow and escape from Tracy, who is increasingly "dissatisfied with the outcome".
"Alright then boy, I guess its my turn then." Korak says to Torcuil menacingly.
T>Feint, Acrobatic Charge, Precise strike.
>>14883Not if I don't get my pirates
[2d20 = 27]>>14879Works for me
>>14878>>14884"Listen you bastard, there's only one way you're returning to the normal world"
Roll 1 detect gap in armor and shield
"Lifeless, dragged behind me"
Roll 2, knife becomes full sword, aim for weak spot
Korak feints gto the left, but stabs to the right. His first hit lands, gashing a decent wound, but as he retracts his sword <pting> a sound erupts as a random kunai (WTFE?) disrupts his attack combo and knocks his sword just outside his reach.
>>14889Does this mean I can attack now?
[1d20 = 10]>>14889>random kunaiSpot + Listen to find source of kunai
[1d20 = 15]>>14891forgot other roll
[1d20 = 17]>>14887Without weapon, you bare your (unenchanted,... seriously) Claymore against the pirate.
>>14893Ooooh. I WANT it to hit, but it pings of his magnificent armor.
"I Hope ye're hidin' more under yer robes than,... well you know." Korak says with a sneer, readying himself.
"Tourcil, if you want help..."
>>14893But lenos did the dagger to sword thing
>>14890Nope, unless you are in the ethreal plane
Torc blinks back to dodge. Takes twenty steps forward, turns around, aims and blinks back
Can I ride Tracy or is that dangerous?
[3d20 = 37]
Make one last spring at him, (poor torc)
full speed charge (dire charge = full attack)
2 flaming hooves
1 poisoned knife
>>14898Uh, I'll repeat what I said in
>>14901I think I could do that riding Tracy
[5d20 = 33]Torcuil has one of Korak's pistols, while Korak has the other and his sword (and his floaty hexagonal shield).
>>14897Yes, it is big nao, but thats it. Its not any more magic than you asked.
>>14899God damn right
As Torcuil winks back into reality, he sees Tracy and Trump converging on Korak fro sides.
>>14899Should've used the chain too...
>>14902Make Ride check nao
Wait, what
[3d20 = 21]
[4d20 = 35]
Korak, for all his finesse and skill, can't keep up with 5 attacks at once. The last attack hits, the other four are blocked per dice.
>>14905I thought being able to take out loans unabated was more important than being able to ride monsters bare back. pls no bully
>>14906Friendship is Magic faggot
>>14908Can I attack again nao? Or is it Tourcil or what?
>>14909Some fucking paladin you are...![disappointed nightmare noises]
You can ride her without the check, but without it you can't attack.
>>14911So, can Torc at least kill him, i promise it will be good character developmemt
While the initial response to the barrage is mixed, it does sway the outcome. Korak takes a couple blows which are not life-threatening, but which compromise his ability to deftly maneuver around weapons and murder. I could roll a bunch, make players sweat for a minute or two,...
but yeah. The fight hasn't ended, but its course was decided when friends got fully involved.
[4d20 = 61]>>14911Tracy makes another full attack, this time also lashing the chain with intent to entangle his blocking weapon
[1d20 = 18]
Trumpaladin cries out to korak he charges him, "Where is the fucking Unicorn!"
Three slashes
[2d20 = 20]>>14917Other two dice rolls
So, (I didn't drag it out like I COULD, but yeah) Korak kneels in shambles. He's been beaten (lit and fig), tossed about, and extremely man-handled. He's seen better days
Quick question, the end came so suddenly;
Is everyone killing Korak?
>>14919Tracy grabs his body and phases through the floor (there will be no convincing her to drop it)
>>14919i cast plane shift on myself after healing torc.
By all means, ask GM's opinion
[1d20 = 10]>>14921NO YOU FUCKING DON'T
grabs Tracy
>>14920we are about to be.
>>14926Planar shift affects touched things too you kike
>>14921Tracy phases and is gone. Infernius heals damage to Torcuil, before,... which plane exactly?
>>14919Torc walks up, pistols in hand
"Guess you weren't so lucky, bastard"
Torcuil puts the pistol to his head
Those listening closely can hear a faint whisper as he pulls the trigger
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you honey."
>>14927You forgot to CAST IT
Also, can cast etherealness again at will
Trumpaladin retrieves anything from the pirates
>>14928Tracy brings the pirates body to >Rape Dungeon, along with all of his gear.
>>14935No, he just grabs you like Fucking Freddy Kruger. It affects touched objects
>>14933I'm actually going to fucking kill myself
Wha the actuall fuck is this shit
The pistol explodes in Torcuil's hand, causing non-damaging cold burns across the surface.
GM, make Tourcil kill Koarak and don't let that Kike take the body to her Jew cave
>>14939>mfwLOL you lost the gun!
>>14937Game is irrelevant. Fuck off for now.
What are you on about Torcuil's faggot? This comes from Thez' faggot.
>>14940Tracy is already well on her way to impenetrable dungeon
>>14946She doesn't have the body though
>>14946*grabs body, just in case it didn't work the first time*
[1d20 = 16]>>14939t
"Hmmm, maybe you are lucky"
Roll for Torc to shove dagger throught the heart of Korak, then expand it to fullsize
>>14944It was a joke, I'm not actually gonna kill myself
>>14948Grabs horse, in case it didn't work the first time
>>14950>trying to grab a ghost
>>14951You have to be in the material realm to grab the body
>>14952Only for a moment
*phases through fingers*
>>14953Oh No You don't. I've got you like fucking Freddy Kruger
GM, this is why I need Dominate Monster
>>14956Plane shift works by touch
>>14957If it worked once, she could just do it again and you would've used up the spell.
>>14949You had better not. You (both Torcuil and his faggot) have given color, shape, and mystery to my(her) life. Neither will say what you should do, but both would,... well I suppose both would carry on to the best of their ability.
Neither would be the same. Torcuil is part of the Game, and his removal would be levels of catastophic.
>>14959Tracy takes body to her dungeon
>>14958>>14960But each time she plane shifted it would affect touched creatures. How do you think you got Slovenia? Because your plane shift works by touch. How do you think you would take his body? Because your plane shift works by touch. How does someone ride a cauchemar? Because plane shift works by touch. So he grabs her like a cow at the rodeo
>>14961Death roll like an aligator
>>14959Are there living crew members or dead crew members anywhere in sight?
K, so Korak is done, and no sooner. The jew hoard is safe/secure, Korak himself is unkilled but at mercy, and I need a minute. Fuck off
>>14959OH OH
>>14962Hold on Like a fucking Rodeo champion
[3d20 = 56]>>14964>he has to be willing to become ethereal, unless he's deadFull Attack
*stomp him to death with flaming hooves (full weight), then maul his throat out* (he is helpless, so it
has to land)
>>14966>no ride check
>>14965"We can Geas him now"
>>14965K, that rattled me a bit, I'm not ashamed to say. Whooah. Good the. Lets continue.
>>14968He already dead
*drag his body through the floor*
Korak, his pirates all decimated, and though a bloody battle (oh just imagine it) kneels in defeat. His jaw is tight.
>>14971I think GM is ignoring us
*is sad*
There better be at least one crew member left over after this
>>14965Tourcil, want to Geas him?
>>14970I see where you are coming from, I didn't really specify and my sarcasm didn't help"WHAT MONSTER"
Torc picks up the other pistol, and runs over
"What'll ye have" Korak sys between gritted teeth
>>14977[merciless nightmare noises]
>>14972>Pirates all decimatedLook for decimated pirated
>>14977Can she attack him or not?
>>14977"I thought I stabbed this bastard?"
Torc takes the other pistol, and ends koraks misrable life
Torcuil levels both pistols at Korak, who kneels helpless.
"Do it. Ye've got yer reasons I can tell. I didn't ask for a second life, let alone a first. I do what I do, to the best of me ability. Me men lie dead for all me strategy and planning, and the Game goes on. Your move Scotsman."
>>14978*pets frustrated nightmare*
>>14980lol no
>>14981WAIT! Let me ask one question first!
>tfw just want to kill something
>>14986Torcuil is holding the reins on this one, its his call.
>>14988It is, and I'm asking him nicely
>>14988[barely restrained nightmare noises]
>>14987A random hostile animal appears next to Tracy,
[sounds of mauling and stomping]
>>14992Can I have a random living or dead pirate?
Torc lowers the pistols while firing, and blows a hole in each of Korak's feet
>>14981Is that your final answer? No bully if so
>>14995"Acgh, ye fuk. Fine, ye win"
>>14995Thank you
To Korak, "WHERE IS SHE!" Trump screams as he hits him repeatedly
>>14997You can take it if I get my question
>>15002I'll take it no matter what happens. It's mine.
>>14996>>14998Thats it
Le fin
Torc keeps the guns, noting to do some training as he has become rusty again.
"Yo Tracy, you can have Korak after Trump's done"
So as the party who, having obtained the Jew hoard and secreted it upon Trump tower, having defeated Korak and his scoresof pirates (the former at the party's mercy), finds themselves again staring at an eerie glow coming from the Football stadium.
>>15005"WHERE IS SHE"
I'll deal with the glow later
>>15005take Korak to >Rape Dungeon before investigating eerie light
>>15003*puts hand over pony mouth*
"That's just fine. But for the moment, he's mine"
>>15004Kept. Take care anon.
>>15010What does Korak say?
>>15008"Inferius... want to fly over and check that out as we finish up here?"
>>15005Torc notices the glow, and womders what the hell is going on
>>15005i fly to the football stadium.
>>15013wanna ride torculi?
>>15010Have Korak give a satisfying and true answer so I can turn the still living Korak over to Tracy and go to the stadium
>>15010Tracy drags Korak into inescapable dungeon, disarms him of all his clothes and gear, and leaves him shackled in pitch-black chamber without doors or windows.
>>15017She then moves towards town.
>>15016plot twist korak is atlases character
>>15019Welp, I would be dead
>>15005If it weren't for muh football, I'd suggest moving the stadium: it clearly attracts spooky shit.
>>15023That's just the power of Football. It attracts spooky shit
>>15024thats pretty spooky man
>>15014Infernius, riding Uatchit like a surf-board soeeds off toward the stadium.
>>15017It will take some time to divest him of his 'accoutrements'.
>>15019No, Korak is from a faggot GM knows (nice try tho)
>>15024>>15025Blame /vx/. Hell, blame me if u want. I have no regrets.
>>15026*infernuis and torculi*
>>15026Pwease gib answer to question
>>15026Torc is with infernius
>>15026Tracy is an expert in this particular field: give her three minutes to make the faggot butt naked.
>>15030You get him when I am done with him! tourcil gave him to me then you
Kek, 3 minutes is 30 combat rounds.
>>15028Which question, I looked (non-exhaustively) and didn't find
>>15029Both them then, speeding toward the stadium
You had your fun.
>>15032What did he do with the Unicorn.
>>15032Cast Zone of Truth or Suggestion if necessary
Wait... Wtf is Trollestia? Wasn't she in the tower.
Lazy cunt; crashing in the stables and always skipping out in all the boss fights.
>>15036She was in the stable with her elf harem