Is it a RP thread? Is it a shit/fun-post thread? Is it a bantz thread?
Its all 3. Welcome to Mixed Nuts, where we do wtfe and have fun (mostly) doing it, while doing our best to coerce and manipulate one another and see what kinda shit we can get away with, while seeing what kinda shit we can get one another to do.
Don't deny it faggots.
The party's latest venture was BTFO'ing Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein (who eats poo BTW). There's still an awful-big building floating in the water, and the party has designs to try and get inside, but I'm not about to even start that shit until the weekend, cuz in true form, the moment I leave for meat-space there's another 200+ posts when I get back.
These faggots,....
Anyhow, please note that while players are called faggots, blatant and obvious and unquestionably gay shit is not permitted. It is role-play, but keep it hetero, or u will die.
New players are welcome, to start or just to pop in and shitpost, but don't get mad when,....
Pic cuz I fucking felt like it. Xp
1169 replies and 151 files omitted.
>>40835 →>"Me too!"D'aww, thez likes Trumpaladin
Thanks for the sword and the belt>so can fugI mean, it's nice for the hero to have around a girl to charm
>FacepalmBut how?
>Al Thez>AlIs she like a 9/11 Hijacker?
>>40842It would be more accurate to say that 9/11 hijackers have incorporated mannerisms and customs of hell, than to suggest the opposite.
>>40842Every time I have to wonder "What was said that I clearly missed because the order is jumbled" or "there's a clear gap in posts" or "Someone's been banned" or,....
Again (inb4 reeee) I'm not saying don't, though I don't often agree to why when you do.
>>40838>keep it hetero, or u will die.This rule was clearly made because you are afraid that Trumpaladin will steal your husbando. I am offended at this blatant self-serving
>>40847No, it is entirely to do with that trap-faggot who wanted a tight boi-pussy feat way back. If you can have him, you can have him (but u won't keep him).
>>40852Why'd he get the nickname "Flash"?She has the Endurance feat: she cannot be tired-out so easily.
>>40854Because he goes from the 50 yard line to the endzone in a flash of course. He's also gone from your bed the next morning in a flash
>>40859"What, you think I'm worried? Threatened? If you seem to be distressed or set upon of course I'll jump in, but who am I to fight your battles for you?"
>>40860"hes not saying he wants to fight me."
>>40861"But I thought us being together was degenerate,...."
>>40864Smiles affectionately. "And if you're willing to tell Hitler no, why should I worry about Trump's advances?" ^_~
>>40866"What, are you saying that Trump is more persuasive than Hitler?" she says with mock shock and outrage.
>>40869"I have +34 on Diplomacy checks, you know"
>>40869"no me say me love you and if that means me get cursed so be it."
>>40872She cuts him off at the 3rd "me" with a deep, long, and passionate kiss,... which is quite a feat for her to surprise him with cuz he's like 2x as tall as she is. "A pity I can't enlarge size anymore,...." she laments when they finally break.
>>40874You don't understand love.
>>40876You don't understand devotion
>>40878Because he's already devoted to God and Country
>>40877>>40876infernuis understands both.
>>40877Lecture me on Devotion when you learn to actually follow your Code of Conduct, Mr. Paladin.
*Goes to bed like he should've 8 hours ago*
>>40882I do follow the code of conduct!
I just have a very liberal God apparently
>>40881Pull the other one what?
>>40880Then why chose waifu?
>>40888"And you thought you could seduce Infernius,...."
>>40889"Are you suggesting that if I can't keep my legs clear then I can't seduce him? I'm not sure I see your point"