Is it a RP thread? Is it a shit/fun-post thread? Is it a bantz thread?
Its all 3. Welcome to Mixed Nuts, where we do wtfe and have fun (mostly) doing it, while doing our best to coerce and manipulate one another and see what kinda shit we can get away with, while seeing what kinda shit we can get one another to do.
Don't deny it faggots.
The party's latest venture was BTFO'ing Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein (who eats poo BTW). There's still an awful-big building floating in the water, and the party has designs to try and get inside, but I'm not about to even start that shit until the weekend, cuz in true form, the moment I leave for meat-space there's another 200+ posts when I get back.
These faggots,....
Anyhow, please note that while players are called faggots, blatant and obvious and unquestionably gay shit is not permitted. It is role-play, but keep it hetero, or u will die.
New players are welcome, to start or just to pop in and shitpost, but don't get mad when,....
Pic cuz I fucking felt like it. Xp
1169 replies and 128 files omitted.
>>41357Holy shit my fucking sides are gone
>>41359You should make the staff intelligent (AnCap Alignment), so he can activate on his own, and Make some Handle Animal checks to train him for the General Purpose of Guarding.
Actually, that's a DC 20 check. I guess Tracy could train him for you, since she has ranks in it.
I g2g
>>41360>train snakeIt's a familiar. It'll do it all at command. Also I doubt it's gargantuan (I can't find the wiki page where I am right now, so I can't confirm)
>>41360I was actually gonna put a cople levels in animal shit anyway cause I still wanna get a couple levels in Ranger.
>>41361I'm not finding anything, but I like this
>25 strI can't find size though
>>41362handle animal is a skill.
>>41362You don't get any Ranger spells until 5th level. Also, if you want Animal shit, better to go with Druid, then you could advance as a Wizard and a Druid via Mystic Theurge.
>>41361>It'll do it all at command.Training an animal for a general purpose gives it the skills and understanding to do shit.
>>41366It's not a real animal though. It's an animated staff that can take the form of a giant snake, and that takes the commands of its magical master
>>41367If it could function as a familiar, it must count as an animal to at least that extent.
>>41369.. Sorry.... I'll shut up...
Familiar Hit Dice are considered to be equal to their master's HD, however that doesn't determine familiar hit points, which are equal to 1/2 their masters HP rounded down.
>>41373Even if the hit points are lower, do they still grow in size via increased dice?
>>41374Generally no, and specifically not in this case no. The familiar is considered to have a unique and proprietary magical connection, whereas the Paladin's mount is more of a divine partnership.
>>41364Thats what I meant
>>41369You gotta do the cooking by the book, if the way is hazy-
I'll stop now
Lazy Town memes are the best.
>>41385Hi GM, how long is Mr. Snek?
>>41385But Fae can be of huge size category, correct?
>>41386I cannot detect a metric for determining length. It is listed as a "Huge" creature, and its listed as a "Giant Constrictor"
>>41388That's definitely one of my favorites
>>41387I don't understand what is in contention
>>41391At least on a racial scale for length, "Huge" should be anywhere between 16 ft and 32 ft I think.
He has a lot of HD, so I'd say at least 30.
>>41389Those out of context campaign quotes are pretty great, imo.
>>41395I find these hilarious.
There are a whole bunch just on Jewgle, but the idiots who make them hardly ever bother to pair the quotes with semi-relevant pics.
Posting just a couple more of the good ones.
>>41397Almost all of those quotes could fit into our campaign
>>41401infernuis loves the cannibal pony as a sister.
>>41401Pic 5 is sadly too appropriate for this campaign...
>>41402Torc thinks of the party as that sibling you wouldn't hesitate to punch square in the jaw, but he wouldn't let anyone else punch them
>>41402Trumpaladin thinks of the cannibal pony as that yandere girlfriend you love too much to get rid of, but who infuriates beyond measure
>>41405Tracy think like this as well.
>>41407 This is exactly what I wanted.
Love y'all (no homo)