Is it a RP thread? Is it a shit/fun-post thread? Is it a bantz thread?
Its all 3. Welcome to Mixed Nuts, where we do wtfe and have fun (mostly) doing it, while doing our best to coerce and manipulate one another and see what kinda shit we can get away with, while seeing what kinda shit we can get one another to do.
Don't deny it faggots.
The party's latest venture was BTFO'ing Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein (who eats poo BTW). There's still an awful-big building floating in the water, and the party has designs to try and get inside, but I'm not about to even start that shit until the weekend, cuz in true form, the moment I leave for meat-space there's another 200+ posts when I get back.
These faggots,....
Anyhow, please note that while players are called faggots, blatant and obvious and unquestionably gay shit is not permitted. It is role-play, but keep it hetero, or u will die.
New players are welcome, to start or just to pop in and shitpost, but don't get mad when,....
Pic cuz I fucking felt like it. Xp
1169 replies and 156 files omitted.
[5d6 = 11]>>41149"Relax idiot, I punch harder than that, wtf was that?!" she admonishes, still falling but flipping over so she's vertically oriented properly.
>>41148Huh, there's a weird shaped thing in the air over there. It looks kind of like a boat, but suspended by a big blob that its attached to.
>>41149"Uhm, were you gonna?" <whoooof> she vanishes as the ground speeds nervously close.
[1d20 = 17][1d20+5 = 22]>>41151"..... Flashy.. We have company.."
Spot and Search checks, to identify figures creatures and/or get a closer look at the vessel
(forgot what my goddamn ranks were again... let me get out my sheets) >>41155Where a boat would have a sail, this device has a large balloon and a handful of little propeller things. It appears to be angled at Trump tower and closing.
>>41154*Doesn't resist grapple, knowing it'll at least be 5 minutes before it's her problem*
"~Teehee!" *giggles like a school-filly*
Infernius says the one word that would have avoided waking up in the Entertron, and saved by a dark surf-board of a fly (still with pretty-shiny gemstones, jewelry, and exquisite saddle that would make Rarity blush).
*looks around while slowly floating to the ground*umm thez does that look familiar to you *points at boat thingy*
>>41163Uatchit envelops Infernius' face with her proboscis. Thez nearby is again standing on air, while Lenoa floats down, as though lsying on a giant feather.
>>41166>>41165>The lord hath come to punish the heretic You'd better explain yourself carefully, Infernius. He's not fucking around.
[1d20 = 4]>>41167"Some big flying boat thing shooting explodey-thingies at the Port..."
*turns around*
"..~Now, where were we?"
>>41170"Are you shitting me?"
*is thoroughly distracted*
*pushes into reclining chair*
>>41173"I don't know yet, but,"
the strange vessel has turned its self, displaying a long and skeek vehicle, with a curiously shaped balloon. Several grey puffs have appeared along the surface.
>>41171"~Hmmmmmh..! Sounds like they brought the big guns this time..."
*Puff-out chest fluff and snuggles*
>>41176"~With pleasure…"
*Slides mare-bewbs against crotch*
*Is out of the movies and at a different bar now*
>>41177Dubs, they are getting bigger,
>>41178Don't worry, all we're deciding tonight is "Who gets blown up?".
>>41186*pets horsey to relieve anxiety about whatever is going on that he missed*
>>41184Trumpaladin grows curious, and tests something
>>41190that's cute but the conditions of us leaving that little nub in place are that you don't use it to impersonate staff, so don't give that impression to people please
>>41192i mean i see no harm in using it for rping if you want, just make sure people know ur not staff
>>41193*is cowing now, before Lord Adolf*
"Um... O-okay... Uh, sorry"
GM, which Abjurations can be made Permanent?