Is it a RP thread? Is it a shit/fun-post thread? Is it a bantz thread?
Its all 3. Welcome to Mixed Nuts, where we do wtfe and have fun (mostly) doing it, while doing our best to coerce and manipulate one another and see what kinda shit we can get away with, while seeing what kinda shit we can get one another to do.
Don't deny it faggots.
The party's latest venture was BTFO'ing Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein (who eats poo BTW). There's still an awful-big building floating in the water, and the party has designs to try and get inside, but I'm not about to even start that shit until the weekend, cuz in true form, the moment I leave for meat-space there's another 200+ posts when I get back.
These faggots,....
Anyhow, please note that while players are called faggots, blatant and obvious and unquestionably gay shit is not permitted. It is role-play, but keep it hetero, or u will die.
New players are welcome, to start or just to pop in and shitpost, but don't get mad when,....
Pic cuz I fucking felt like it. Xp
1169 replies and 158 files omitted.
[1d20+21 = 41]>>41722I guess that means it does...
>>41723Don't let her get shot...
Tracy makes a bee-line towards the ship.
To hell if it can't be blocked though..
Activate the robe because why not. Smoke is default.
And even though we're out in the open, rolling to move silently.
She's not wearing armor, so make sure to block those hits. >>41729A brilliant technicolor streak speeds from the tower, trailed by a short burst of flame and an obvious and consistent smoke-trail. Its almost like g-major nyan cat desu.
>>41731But no less visually obviously
>>41732I know, just getting in the habit of Sneaking.
[distinct lack of pony noises]
>>41732The beautiful human riding the Nyan cat waives his hand to hail the airship
Does ship look like pic related?
[14d20 = 121]>>41734The ship is significantly elevated and distant from the tower. It will take more than one round to get near the vessel.
Another volley of THUMP's erupts from the vessel.
>>41734He should be totally concealed by the smoke to all creatures more than 10 ft away (is does protect the rider, right?).
I guess she could shirk the smokescreen, if he
really wants it though..
>>41733Rogue fighting style: be stealthy, surprise your opponent, and try to sneak attack them in critical areas
Paladin fighting style: talk to your opponent, and only attack when diplomacy has failed. Then destroy your opponent with brute fucking force
>>41738Use your Detect Ebil once she gets withing 60 ft.
>>41737While she's flying at 80 mph? No way. All smoke will do is leave a trail that will be visible for miles and last minutes
>>41736Yells out at and hails ship
>>41739Good idea. And ethereal jaunt if they shoot the big guns at you
>>41738Torc fighting style: Recreation nukes, everywhere
I just realized that the tartan is ancap colors >>41740When I said "bee-line" I meant she's moving at full speed.
>>41740>All smoke will do is leave a trailThe cone extends 15 ft in front of the nightmare, cloaking its entire body even as it moves.
>>41741>Suggesting the E-wordWhy not?
>>41743Not right now goddamn it! We need to figure out if they are confused Sparintenar allies, a new faction, or who the fuck they are
>>41735More like this, in that the gas-containment section isn't too much bigger than the ship its self.
>>41728"You're the last one to run off in battle, you tell me," she says releasing her technique, assuming also that Infernius has stopped moving forward.
is the ship less then 1040 feet from lenos?
[1d20 = 16]>>41745Are there any distinctive markings? What is the ship like close up. Anything about the ship. Search check
>>41744Just juant on deck, detect ebil, then smite if you find anything.
>>41745Aww, now I can't "leedle leedle lee"Torc looks at the ship and teleports again endinh up next to Thez and Infernius.
"Any ideas for that ship?"
>>41745"me am heartbroken that hitler wanted me to kill addy. brad gets a free cat and me get told to kill my baby."
*points at while cussing about them denting the tower before hime and casts fireball*
>>41748Up close? Good question.
A mechanized device starts up on the ship, causing a "bang" sound about 3x/sec. Which equals 18x/round.
>>41751Tracy searches for what looks like the cock-pit, then immediately jaunts.
>>41752"Didn't I say the same thing?"
[1d20 = 6]>>41753What class is Lenos?
Rolling for magical detecton on the ship. Does arcane knowledge give me a bonus? I'm assuming full levels in it.
>>41754Detect alignment on anything that has an alignment nearby
>>41756"he not your deity though the one you have devoted life to."
>>41758Wait until she gets inside.
She's going to juant inside the cock-pit and give them all a warm welcome.
>>41760Just don't cause a faction that doesn't need to be hostile to be hostile to us. I don't know of any presently existing hostile faction that would have one of these devices
>>41761Just a little surprise, that's all.
>>41753A voice can be heard calling out as the fireball nears, responded to by a call-back from dozens of voices.
The fireball explodes harmlessly against the craft.
>>41758Out of range, and being shot at
>>41759"He's,... wait, I'm... not," she says after moments of contemplation, interrupted by pauses.
>>41760She would have done so, until she rebounds against a rubbery membrane of some indeterminable compound.
>>41763[frustrated nightmare noises]
What is it, an energy field of sorts?
>>41757lenos is a chaotic neutral mystic theurge
>>41763"fine me kill sky pirates then get drunk."
>>41763Very impressive
Force horse to jaunt back, then have her take him over near the deck. Wave and say hello or excuse me to anyone in range
>>41765I like it
>>41757I really hope I get a good bonus
>>41764Essentially yes. It is flimsy, but it while it allows initial movement into the field, it promptly ejects the person caught out of the field at a pace no less than the speed they entered from.
>>41766"Fuck the sky-pirates. Those fucks should have an easy time of it," she says crossing her arms on her chest, and tilting her head.
>>41763*growls and casts airwalk before heading to thez muttering the whole way to her*
>waits for someone to acknoledge Torc
[1d20+21 = 34]>>41757Try and make a spellcraft check to determine what's shielding it. Or even better, get close and dispel the field.>>41769Even extra-planar transport?
Well, Tracy peers closer at the ship now that she's gotten closer.
Spot check to identify/count figures on the ship.
>>41772Detect evil right next to the ship
>>41774I'm eating now - fucking finally - but can you check the wiki to see if a paladin's dispel magic spell may be of any use?
>>41776Idk what works in which scenario, he'll have to try it out.