>>165808To further clarify this point.
According to Eric Bidet, the proportion of the distorted object (ship) that is obscured is relative to the distance and pverall volume. Meaning, as something becomes more distant and miniscule, the more of it's body becomes obscured, at least if the earth was flat. Which it is not.
You can tell using the ship video, because the overwhelming width of the ship is quite prominent right up until the point that it disappears over the horizon.
Again to Bidet's assertion, the proportion of the vehicle that is distorted should be relative to the overall volume. Thats observably not the case. The entire height of the ship dsappears over the horizon WELL before the width does so. Unless they sailed into a sea of piranha solution, and that supertanker got dissolved from the base up, it is impossible for the flat earth model to account for the ship's disappearance, no matter HOW many straws of 'perspective' and 'zoom' one grasps at.
Simply put, when one comprehends physics, math, proportion, etc. - regardless of what their opinion of round/flat earth - that ONE video conclusively proves that the earth is not flat.
Which is also why OP won't touch that video with a 10 foot pole.
That he persists with this flat earth nonsense while knowing that his position is literally impossible - no matter how much rhetoric/pilpul he attempts - is the cause by which I assert he's a filthy glownigger, probably tasked with monitoring/obfuscating site activity (and most likely, just one of hundreds who have been sent to various chan-boards to keep an eye out for any Christchurch-esque activity).
Having said and having grasped his motivation, his position has long since been illustrated as arguing in bad faith, intellectually dishonest, as well as laughably unsupportable, excepting individuals one or more standard deviations of intellect below the average.