>>173104>narrow-minded and skepticYou can thank OP for burning goodwill.
>paradigm of truth being what we perceive and there's no objective reality beyond our reference pointTruth is immutable nobody fucking has the whole picture except God. As in there is objective Truth.
There's also personal perception which is a description of experience, which is true that experience did happen not the validity in full everywhere.
You're trying to assert that perception is enough that subjective truth wins over objective truth.
That's false, and that is why leaving you to peddle the subjective truth is the only real true thing is damaging.
Because nobody would be able to do anything that just requires knowledge that can only be gained that our senses as is can't deal with.
>Oh but Nikon cameraAccepting a tool to expand what is seen, but how do you know what it sees and what you see is in fact reality.
This whole thing is the thought experiment of Maxwell's Daemon, its just some other being feesing you experience after experience how could you even know the difference between it and reality.
What Maxwell came to, is a Trust in God that reality and you being you is true.
>I don't know to engageYou can start with answering the plethora of questions about how shit works in flatearth.
Because alot of everyday stuff simply doesn't work in flatearth all together.
The question is how useful is it?
So far it's actively harmful, there are no positives that it brings that work.
Because all the shit everyone does occurs flatearth can't be true. Nothing on large scales would function.
>Why won't you accept our cult like fascination?I considered it long ago as an experiment and verified how the world works.
Pony shaped planet is still more accurate than flatearth.
>But you can't trust anybody else except us!I considered that too and frankly it's just doing the whole Maxwell's Daemon again.
>Why do holololo memes work, but flatearth doesn't?Flatearth just isn't true. Maybe it's fun to briefly think of that as one possible interpretation of reality, but it doesn't work. It can't be proven true.
In the objective search for truth, the objective truth, flatearth fails so does every member in trying to find the objective truth.
The objective truth doesn't care about feelings or if that answer is disagreeable. It can be continually tested and still show what it shows.
Flatearth doesn't withstand the vicious and vigorous testing.
The 9 Gorillion, has obvious strange and dumb things that contest what is known about how objective reality functions.
It's been tested, viciously, vigorously, relentlessly, everywhere and every defense utterly destructed.
Why the fuck haven't you all been trying?
If this is what trying for flatearth is, please stop. Your lackadaisical methodology is anti-persuasive to anybody forged in the fires of truth.
>I don't get why our memes are considered bad to everyone else?They don't have the harder, hotter, sharper, awe inspiring truth in it.
You have some surface level swill at best.
>Why are you so interested in pushing back?I don't want this stronghold of truth to be compromised.
You're subjective wishy washy methodology can't forge the deep, vital truths of this life. It can't embed hard impenetrable truth into your being.
It can't withstand in the arena of truth.
It fails, the Truth
confirmed by God almighty doesn't.
People might not ever get to what is fundamentally True, but we can try. That methodology you bring will hinder that.
If you all played by the Truth Finding rules of debate we wouldn't be here. But it would mean that you'd see exactly how well flatearth withstands.
Or you all could have gone the fun posting route expanding the creativity and odd-ball mimd expanding thinking.
Or you all could have embraced pony.
Neither was taken, so this thread stands as to the shallow level of advertisement vs the combined methodical penetrative Truth Finding of hoerse fuckers.
So spam for spam our spam is categorically better than yours.
>>173107>Didn't even try debating.>Just spammed shit tier images.>I won because I don't care about anybody else in this communityWhy the fuck are you here?