>>151503>NASA PHOTOSHOPPED THIS IMAGE!<Literally just searching the text in the image reveals it's from a video tutorial on using photoshop, and has no actual connection to NASA.In this thread we see the mortal predilection for mimicking the actions of their superiors, without comprehending those actions, nor even attempting to comprehend them.
Mortals have seen people claim that the establishment sometimes lies, and have some vague inkling that the establishment cosmology has foreboding implications. Thus the earth is "obviously" flat (because coming up with their own individual view is harder than just copying someone else's view), and those unsettling possibilities are rendered harmlessly false.
Mortals have also seen people post examples of doctored images to support their claim that someone is lying, so hey, here's a doctored image, it must support my claim!
In addition to searching the text, if one reverse images searches the red version of the picture, the only place it shows up red is in places where they're claiming it's proof of the mars landings being fake, and never shows up anywhere being claimed as a real photo of mars.
Any anon who's worked at a grocery store (or similar) will be familiar with another form of this mimicking behavior, where "people" grab food that's behind the stuff in front without knowing
why real people do it. As such, those "people" often get products with the same exact expiration date as the product in front (and waste both their time and the stocker's time), or sometimes even get a worse expiration date if things happen to have been stocked improperly.
This mimicking is also why it is impossible to have a real discussion with a mortal, because they do not comprehend how an exchange of ideas and a resolution of differing opinions works, nor can they comprehend the idea of multiple different views being reasonable interpretations of the limited information and experiences available to the participants. They've just seen the general flow of "debates", and mimic the behavior of the "winning" side.
Remember anons, while it is very tempting to try and dissuade these unfortunate "souls" from their errant path, it is often a waste of time. Many such circumstances are such that anyone who
can comprehend why the position is wrong, already won't believe it, and those who do believe it can't comprehend the reasons it's wrong. It's an example of the typical human behavior of assuming that everyone is relatively similar to oneself, which makes anons believe that surely this "person" simply hasn't encountered the alternative viewpoint, and is completely capable of understanding it. This belief is, sadly, often incorrect.