Its that RP thread again! Spectators can shitpost, new players can try it out with little/no investment, and established players need no explanation.
We return as most of the party is either in Sparintenar preparing for a swank banquet - a custom among the Spartans - or speeding towards; except Thez. ;_;
Our newest player Stix is exploring the surrounding forest area, as is his proclivity as a ranger.
Tracy, speeds toward Sparintenar at full speed for some reason unknown to GM at time of OP.
Thez is at the Sticky Wickett, having brought Bones along to have a mostly one-sided conversation, accented occasionally by >doot
Game is temporally not set to fire off at a particular point, but last thread passed 2nd bump so,....
>>55271>except Thez. ;_;Torc will gladly trade places
>>55275You could just go to Krenshal now.
Can Tracy check out the stables now?
>>55277That would mean Infernius doesn't want Thez in Sparintenar
>>55276I could, but I have a feeling the banquet will be story important
>>55279Thez needs to protect port barry.
>>55271Reminder of what Trump does before Renquist and Baz arrive
>>54654 →
>>55281Ia Infernuis with you?>forgot BGM in OP ~_~>>55281TY 4 reminder. Does his speech involve admitting that Kefka may be alive?
>>55283No, that he's saving for the leaders of the City. But the speech does involve the glory of Football
>>55282I don't know
>>55283I already spent 20 hours of my life on this thing! I’m not gonna...
*watches again*
Can make use Intimidate and Bluff checks on multiple subjects at once too?
>>55283What are the stables like?
>>55288Calm down. He'll get to you
>>55285He was with you during the flight over there.
>>55289I’ll just watch the opening part a whole bunch to make up for the fact I’m not crazy about the metal.
>>55286U don't have to watch anon, you could just run it in the bg
>>55288They're like areas designed to house horses and other livestock, generally stocked with hay, oats, alfalfa, and lots of salt.
>>55293How many animals in total?
>>55293While you're busy figuring out the precise layout and nature of Sparentinar cavalry, don't forget Trumpaladin is wait for the arrival of important people to talk to
*sips from the glass of water that is generally provided at such banquets before the main food is served*
*Eats free bread*
>>55289I was on-board until I got to Luna and Celestia's parts in chapter one. I can't listen to that>>55295>Torc is triggered by free bread
>>55296They are based on ancient Sparta. They're basically Communists
Try this
>Keep your pants on
But it's Tracy, and not Trumpaladin in the stable
>>55294Eh why?
>>55295Yes, yes, keep ur pants on
>>55300Do they have a lot of warhorses? Is the city's cavalry well-stocked?
>>55300*Pants remain on as he eats bread*
*Notices codpiece on new set of armor is missing... Tries to make it less noticeable*
>>55302Use the hat.
It's a Hat of Glammering: it makes you look dressed to impress, even when you're not.
>>55303But is it still cursed?
>>55295*puts arm around paladin*
"Brad what this place culture like?"
>>55305"Austere and Utilitarian. Very Militaristic. Very ordered, and collectivistic. Pretty well advanced technologically, but no magic. Not much luxury or fun. Mostly a well functioning society I would say"
>>55302Why is his cod-piece missing? Nevermind.
>>55301Is that what you're looking to determine? Could you perhaps offer more info with regard to your intentions?
>>55307"How do they feel about (((Foreign))) influence)))?"
>>55308Just give vague descriptions back like "horses that seemed to be trained for war tend to be lighter riding horses, suggesting a doctrine of light cavalry, perhaps for an army where infantry are the centerpiece, and cavalry are a complement rather than a core. Utility horses likewise tend to be light, although some draft horses for heavier loads exist"
Okay I'll shut up now
>>55308>cod-pieceTracy stole it, again.
>IntentionsMostly figured a horse's first judgement of a city would be based on the condition of the other horses, and Tracy is just looking around to learn some more about the place.
Also, I might want to try to convince them to put on horse shows, if they're so desperate for entertainment.
>>55309They have a squirrel with a bazooka for that
>>55310That's not bad, but I'm going with "Tracy wouldn't be led to the officers/military stables, so this information is not available outside an unecessarily extensive side-quest that the same objectives can be achieved by asking questions rather than snooping."
>>55309"They don't like it. They are autarkic and seem to have existed mostly as an isolated culture"
>>55312I know, Infernuis doesnt.
>>55313That's a better answer than mine
>>55314"Hmmm, maybe they listen to my message."
*accidentally takes a bit of steak*
>>55317"I'm not so sure. The thing is, they don't really have any compelling need for nat soc, because their society is already basically nat soc. They are not being oppressed by jews. They are not being bullied by foreign powers... Well, they are being bullied by
one very important foreign power. And they aren't in a serious economic crisis. But you can try I guess"
>>55313I'd get frustrated and end up killing a bunch of people, so I may as well give up on that then...
>>55296Tracy delivers the papers.
"It's from Woody." she says flatly
>>55317*gives dog*
Torc looks over them real quick
"Oh, her. Thanks for the delivery"
>>55318"Me probably fail anyway..."
>>55319*talks to dog to see if she can be awakened*
>>55321Tell Baz about Hitler.
Wait, are the currently at the banquet?
>>55321What is the matter with you? Bringing a dead dog to a dinner banquet! Have you lost your mind?
>>55321"Well, it may yet succeed. You'll need to convince them that the Court is somehow Jewish. But the thing is, I don't know anything about the Court. That's really more of why I am here. To figure out what the hell is going on"
>>55327The court is Jewish though.
Infernius would have enough ranks in Knowledge religion to explain it too.
>>55328If you want to explain something in character, go right ahead. In the meantime, my character thinks the court city is partly undead and is lead by a kind of magical Joker
>>55327"Me will look around the court for (((courruption)))."
>>55330"No, I mean the people who attacked our city. Hell, who held you hostage. They are unambiguously evil"
>>55324"They don't like the display of human remains for some reason"
>>55330I'm teasing about how Infernius has neglected to specifically feed/interact with
>>55331"Oh me thought you meant court system."
>>55333"No, the Court City"
*takes a drink of water*
"When does that squirrel get here?" Tracy says impatiently
>>55335"So who in charge around here?"
What's actually going on though?
>>55337"One they call Baz. A superb fighter, and a pretty knowledgeable and virtuous leader, as best as I can tell. I met him last time I was here"
>>55338"Where did you get that dog from?"
>>55337"A tree rat..." Tracy grumbles
>>55342Is he still walking through the forest?
>>55345"Who else like stabbing as much as her."
>>55342I walked right into that one.
Torc pets Snek, wondering what's going on
>>55344Stix? Yeah, with the promise of these Gibberniggers I keep hearing so much about attacking.
>>55346"When did she give you the dog?"
*Pets kitty to calm her down, as she seems to be getting worked up in a theological argument with some Sparentinar citizen*
>>55349>is right there"Just now. The poor thing's been wandering around the tower alone all this time because the dumb bull forgot about it. I figured I'd take it for a walk."
>>55352"I haven't seen her..."
>>55351"Gah! When did you get here?"
>>55353*gasps waist*
"I got lonely, so I came here with you." she says
>>55354Trumpaladin is baffled as to why she went right up to Infernius to hand him a dog, but didn't even say hi to him, so he looks at her in a bit of bafflement
*cautiously puts hand on head in a sort of petting motion*
"So when is this banquet gonna start?"
Torc holds up the sketches from Saw hoers, delivered by murder hoers
"I wanna go talk about these"
>>55356*eats more free bread*
*tells Fae to calm down, since she is still arguing*
>*is still waiting for Baz*
>>55360Of course there are! It's Greek hospitality
>>55359"It's not the same now is it? Not that I expected it to last forever. Feels like such a shame, but maybe it's better this way"
>>55361"Uh, so far I've seen trebuchet ammunition of the explosive variety"
>>55365Does Infernius even know what a rocket is?
>>55366They had rocketry in germaneigh.
>>55365"What? You know about rockets?"
Torc then realizes something
"And how did
you know that I was interested in them?"
No metafagging
Trumpaladin turns to Tracy
"Do you still want to be friends?"
>>55369"My friend Aryanne had scientist who invented it."
>>55370"With who?"
*humps leg*
>>55371"Fair enough, but why you asking me? I was considering trying to build one, but I haven't started"
>>55372*picks up pony, and sets her in his lap*
>>55371"uh huh"
*stuffs face with free bread*
>>55374>>55373"Well because me dont know how she invented it."
Eventually and at length, Baz makes his entrance which is joined by a militaristic chorus of applause. Blah blah, banquet. Did anyone want to interject an element into the banquet?
>>55376"Heard of her back at the asylum. Apparently she was given a special parole for her ingenuity."
>>55377Tracy growls threateningly at Baz, like you'd expect her to, but doesn't cause much of a ruckus.
>>55376"You're dodging the question, how did you Know
I wanted to make one?"
>>55377Torc would ask him "Who the fuck are you?" but that may be a bit unprofessional.
*removes former inmate from lap, and stands to smile, clap, and greet Baz*
absolutely removes former inmate from lap*
"That's their leader. Please be polite and don't get us kicked out"
>>55377"Holy shit a squirrel!"
>>55380*unless he gets within biting range
>>55384I would say something polite, but if he's a squirrel it'd probably require a bluff check
>>55385"Sorry about our friend, he is slightly...
>>55381"Me didn't, me was asking you if you want to make one with me."
>>55385"Shh! That's Baz"
>>55386*places arm in front of blue one*
>>55364 might as well have some fun while I wait
>>55390>Actual image of Baz in historical military conflict
>>55390Kek. Did you just make that?
>>55388"Eh, sure"
>considers casting spells to impress Baz>>55391kek
>>55390>>55391>Those helicopters are manned by rebels trying to bomb his bread-redistributing ass
>>55393Not in doors, please
>>55395>Implying the rebels could acquire mi26s any more easily than they could get a loaf of bread
>>55396I meant "Dancing Lights," or "Prestidigitation," not "Summon a celestial triceratops or a smol army of Fiendish giant constrictors"
[1d20 = 8]>>55377*bites squirrels head*
>>55399That escalated quickly.
[1d20+23 = 41]>>55399Damn it, Snek trys grappling Infernius to stop him
>>55397That's beside the point.
>>55401That only works after the attack.
>>55399ReeeeeeeeeeeeeeI was waiting for the right chance!
>>55403>sighCancel that then
[1d20 = 14]>>55399Rope of Entanglement
>>55401You needs feat for that: Standstill.
>>55407I call bullshit
Fae casts "Sanctuary" on Baz
>>55409She could only act after Infernius.
"Such a lovely meal"
Torc starts counting, wondering how long it will take for them to get arrested
>>55410Infernius is too far from Baz, his dexterity too low, and his dice roll too poor for that to land anyways, so it doesn't really matter anyways except that Trumpaladin is now pissed off at Infernius
>>55413Baz is 50+ feet away and you'd need to be within five feet to attempt that bullshit, so (you) can wait (you)r turn
>>55414How do we know he was 50 ft away?
>>55415Because what about
>>55377 implies "he came within 5 feet and was not seperated by a table or an honor guard or any other object"?
>>55416Meh. Infernius would've had time to get close during the blah, blah period.
>>55417That's not how important people introduce themselves. They are separated from the crowd and have guards around them. For precisely this reason
>>55418This scenario interesting.
Besides, that's not how he acted was when Tracy had a snap at him.
>>55419Because he came up close and personal to Trumpaladin trying to intimidate him. That is not what is going on here.
Also, it's not interesting, it's fucking mind numblingly stupid. I have been waiting literal months to get some basic fucking story advancements and you shit for brains keep fucking it up with your fuckery. So I'm having Trumpaladin sell out Infernius and Tracy if necessary, then proceeding with the plan after you two dumbasses realize an epic level dexterity fighter is a hell of a lot harder to defeat than you though
>>55419*is more interesting
Damn mobile..
>>55421Mobile posters are cancer
>>55420>selling out Infernuis Noted.
>>55424If you're going to attack an ally, then yes. Don't fuck things up deliberately for no other reason than "lol let me see if I can get
all of us killed lawl"
>>55424If you weren't actually close enough to bite him, cast Divine Power on yourself first.
>>55426I fucking hate you
>>55425He will respect it.
>>55427Aim at the king and you'd better not miss.
>>55429And he'll miss... Baz won't, nor will his guards
>>55452You dont know that.
>>55454The dice decide m8
>>55455And the dice are so very in your favor
Why do something this pointless anyways? Just to piss us all off and fuck up the evening?
[1d20+25 = 44]
Bluff time
"I'm sorry my liege. My friend was recently infected with a parasite. Ever since he's been kinda strange sometimes. I'm sure one of our friends would be more than happy to punish him. Please accept our apologies. Would you like to see a magic trick?"
>>55456Infernuis thinks hes part of the banquet.
>>55457Great roll.
Wait for GM though.
>>55458Which is why he is walking on his own and is carrying an anti-tank rocket launcher, with trumpets playing as he enters the room, as people stand and applaud
Not even Infernius is that stupid
>>55457Where are you getting +25 from?
>>55460You underestimate Infernuis.
Technically, Infernius is basically gonna jump up and sail towards the squirrel, and then crash onto the table just a bit short.
>>55461>20 cha>20 in bluff skill
>>55461Bluff is one of his few class skills, plus the Char bonus, plus the benefit of a Snek familiar.
>>55464Oh that's right add...
in memory of squirrel general... thing
>>55465>>55457>end result: 47>>55466Top fucking kek
Is GM asleep at his desk again?
>>55466Baz is still alive, don't worry about it. He's just pissed off
>>55468Ah, good. I want to see squirrel with rocket launcher go against minotaur.
>>55469A Minotuar with 42 strength.
>>55471Wrong. You have 36 strength
>>55470*gives Baz xp
>>55471If you didn't actually get to make the attack, take 3 rounds to cast bulls strength, divine power, and righteous might.
>>55472False. I have my items.
>>55473That's three rounds for people to notice what the fuck is going on, and for Baz to assume combat stance
Okay, I kind of want to see that>>5547421+5+12=38
>>55475They'd have to make spellcraft checks to even realize a spell was being cast. Otherwise, Infernius would just look like he's "praying".
>>55477You can hear a spell being cast, and I'm pretty sure you'd see some sort of physical effect on a minotaur about to go beserk
>>55478You get a stat advancment every 4 levels.
>>55480Yeah, and I'm pretty sure you started with 18 and put 3 into strength to get that 21
>>55479Righteous might would be the only one with a significant physical appearance (when Infernius grows yuge). Otherwise, it'd just look like praying.
>>55480>he actually put it all into StrThis mofo..!
>>55481Infernius never allocated his points.
He just had a ridiculous amount of Str.
>>55482Do you think they know nothing of magic? Do you think they wouldn't red flag a "prayer"? And do you really think infernius would look clam at the moment he's sperging out?
>>55484Then you don't get to cast any spells past level 3
>>55484You should convert to Strength domain, so you can tear Soros in half like a phonebook.
>>55485That'd require a knowledge arcana check.
>>55487They're going to know he has hostile intent one way or another
>>55490These people are paranoid as fuck, yes they are
>>55491They'd still need to roll.
>>55492Okay. let them roll then. Or more likely, they just assume that spell casting is a thing (because they are not new to this) and so assume weird mumbling must be some sort of spell, and that anyone casting a spell has bad intent, even if they have no idea what that spell is or even if it's divine or arcane
>>55493Meh. That not how I'd see it.
We'll figure out tomorrow.
>>55494That's basically how they behaved the last time we were there. They don't put up with shit
>>55495I still wanna see shit go down.
>>55485Because why?
>>55487How do i do that?
>>55496Why though?
>>55497Because you are far below the minimum wisdom level to cast those spells
>>55498He's been casting higher level spells all this time. Torc too.
>>55500>55 more postsSOON
>>55500Yeah, because it hasn't been policed, and he hasn't been claiming +4 strength on top of everything else, and so forth
>>55500Torcuil actually had enough int and charisma
>>55497Defenders of Faith had some settings archytypes for convert clerics, although they generally applied to ex-clerics.
In either case, you'd have to complete some kind of quest to prove your faith.
>>55505He had enough unallocated points to do it to begin with, and definitely with Int as the base stat and not charisma
>>55503INT doesn't matter, just CHA
Also, I've made a spell list to make sure I don't abuse spells now.
>>55505Oh, here we go.
Fuck off, all of you. Stop fighting
>>55508Int does matter for a Wizard
>>55502>policedWe all knew, just nobody complained about it.
>>55506>>55509>Int as the base stat and not charisma???
He's a sorcerer, His spellcasting is Charisma based
>>55510Yeah, because 1. he wasn't claiming another +3 ability points when he already has a stat set +9 better than the next highest and 2. He wasn't trying to fuck up everything by using it to attack an essential (and not lower level) NPC who was friendly
>>55511True, but we treated you as a wizard for a very long period of time
>>55504Id have to genocide, to talk to him.
>>55512Implosion is also a 9th lvl spell. We just didn't care because it was funny.
>>55515Yes, but 1. that was a meme and Torcuil has meme power and 2. It was directed at a villain who could have killed us all
>>55515I just came up with the memes, GM did the spells.
But I have decided on a spell list because fuck trying to think of different memes everytime
>>55516Intent does not make a difference.
>>55517I like the memes. Keep them coming.
>>55518Yeah it does when we're handing out powers
>>55521Okay, "when powers are being handed out." Is that better?
I say let him put everything into Str.
Actually. He's forbidden to put points into anything but Str.
Also, let him use his Str modifier for his spells.
Not unless I get a better Paladin like the one in Pathfinder
>>55528No you faggot. Do I get an addition free +12 charisma points just cuz and damage based on charisma?
>>55529Pathfinder melts brains.
>>55532You shut your whore mouth!
>>55533>>55532>>55531Ladys, ladys.
I'm sure we can all reach a peaceful agreement
>>55534You forgot to roll for a bluff.
>>55536Your totally bluffing that we can reach a peaceful agreement.
One day... one day I will spell correctly!
[1d20+27 = 38]
Rolling Sense Motive on Torcuil's faggot
[1d20+28 = 39]>>55539Uh, first a bluff roll
>>55540>>55539>saved by 1 digit
We need to fix this somehow
>>55542Can't fix what's not broken
>>55543Yes it is. Trumpaladin only has two skills he's good at and it just won't stand if a damned mage is going to beat him on this
>>55544>two skillsDo paladins not get many skill points?
>>55543Use Spellcrat to develop a spell that works just like Glibness.
>>55548I agree you deserve a better class.
>>55548The get the same fucking amount as a sorcerer plus more skills to choose from.
Not to mention humans get a bonus.
>>55547I like this idea
>>55550Sorcerers only get like 5 skills, right?
Bluff is their only fallback when spells don't work.
>>55550True, but because you started as a Wizard, you have wizard level Int, which means you have a lot more skill points - at least 50% more. And of course Tracy's class is in large part based based around non-combat skills
>>55551>Bluff is their only fallback when spells don't workKek
>>55551Uh: bluff, craft, concentration, knowledge (arcana), profession, spellcraft.
But they do get simple weapon proficiency
>>55553Sorcerors generally rely on their spells before their skills.
>>55554No fucking shit? I hadn't noticed
Also, what skills
doesn't a rogue get?
>>55557Rogues don't get spellcraft, concentration, autohypnosis, handle animal, psicraft, ride, any knowledge except local... etc.
>>55559The fact that you have to dip into "psycraft" and "autohypnosis" tells us how few skills rogues do not get
And yes they do get handle animal. I think. At least you've been consistently claiming that
>tampering with quints
That's beneath you.
>>55559Yeah, but the list of what they don't have is shorter than what they do
>>55561>>55563Mate, it's been many, many months. Surely you can come up with something more original than "praise epona" for every single trip, quad, or quint that appears on the board. There is no need for more "praise epona" posts
>>55564Better than claiming waifus and pissing everyone off like we used to do
>>55564It’s just a bit of fun... lighten up
Epona deserve all the GETs, you selfish heaven.
If you don't like it, get them yourself and do something better with them.
Tampering with natural digits is bottom-of-the-barrel degeneracy.
>>55566Fuck you.
>>55568And fuck you.
>>55569Would you rather go back to the days where the quads where
>Caliming TrollestiaThen I got banned cause Trump didn't like that?
>>55570>Claiming TrollestiaThat was fun
>I got bannedI got banned too you know
>>55571>I got b& tooThen maybe you shouldn't be abusing the privileges of your position to get your way in imagination land.
>>55572Nigger, you've been hogging GETs site-wide since at least May, and you waste all of them on stupid shit like "Praise Kek" and "Praise Epona." And people have complained about you
>>55573*the triggering intensifies*
I'm retiring for the night
Make sure you see
>>55457 GM
>>55573That doesn't excuse tampering with digits.
If digits are changed, they lose all meaning.
And that
definitely doesn't excuse banning users just because you disagree with them.
>>55577You should probably be banned for GET hording, desu
>lose all meaningThat's exactly the idea. Stop wasting all GETs on your incredibly unoriginal posts
>>55579Bitch, I'll do whatever I want.
And "GET-hoarding" isn't against the rules.
>>55580>I'll do whatever I wantAnd so will I *edits your posts*
>GET Hording isn't against the rulesI can make it against the rules on VX, if you want to play that way
>>55581And I will just show a picture proving Tracy’s faggot did get the GET...
>>55583I can't edit who gets the GET. Why would you need that?
>>55581>I can make it against the rules on VXSince when are rules made up by mods on the spot?
>>55584From my understanding of this:
>>55581>and so I will *edit your posts*Sorry if that doesn’t come across clear to me...
>>55585Well, definitely since Atlas declared VX soveriegn a week ago. But really, the /vx/ board has not been subject to the general mlpol rules. If it were, these threads would have to be deleted as generals
>>55586That changes content, not authorship. Also, how long have you been around? He's been doing this for the better part of a year site-wide and definitely the past several months here
>>55587>Atlas declared VX soveriegn a week ago.wat?
>>55588Oh yes. That happened
>>55587Never got into the chans before this one. Guess I felt I had nothing to add to the conversations. I found this place a few months ago and liked the smaller community. It feels like I can actually speak my mind here.
>>55590Oh nice! How long have you been monitoring these threads?
>>55589That's bullshit.
I'm not going to post on a board where rules are made up on the spot by a single tyrannical asshole.
I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
>>55592Don't worry, all new rules will have proper notice and promulgation. We can even vote on them if you like
>>55592Of course, if you want to just quit posting, I am okay with that as well
>>55594What did Atlas say in his message?
I want to discuss this site-wide on /qa/.
>>55591Just occasionally lurking and enjoying your role plays on this board back then. I usually participate more on the main one. But I have been enjoying this game a whole lot.
>>55597Lol, that's good. I'd like to say we fight less, but no, it's like this all the time
>>55596You know he did that because GM, Torcuil, and Infernius told him to right?
>>55598They TOLD him to let you decide all of the rules on your own?
No. I disagree, I was never told of anything like that; and I'm appalled that Atlas would make such a change without announcing it site-wide.
When did this shit happen?
>>55600Look, if you don't want me to change any rules, then fine, no rule changes. But yes, pretty much. They wanted me reinstated and Atlas gave me /vx/ since it was my idea in the first place, and since it was the board these users were most familair with
But yes, it was announced. Did you read the /vx/ announcement sticky I made 8 months ago? It says clearly the rules are different here
>>112 →>>55601Why didn't you just stay in the discord? You could have talked with all of us in that time
>>55602I said I couldn't use the discord on my computer, and I vehemently oppose giving any single staff member total impunity over any board. That's half the reason I left 4cuck in the first place.
>>55603Eh, maybe we can reshuffle it where I'm back in my old position and it's as it used to be. I'll talk to Atlas
>>55604Is there a link to the staff discord in the nuts discord?
I want a word in this. I'd like to give him a piece of my mind for deciding this kind of stuff in private. These kinds of decisions should be open-board discussions.
>>55605Atlas does not want
any of this stuff public, because it's internal staff disputes that are best left off the board. In the mean time, calm down, take your meds, go to sleep, and Ninjas will pm you or something in Rabbit tomorrow
>>55606Well I think they
should be on-board. All site-issues should be on board: the ideal should be that all decisions are community-driven.
>>55607It's an astonishingly difficult ideal to achieve for a variety of reasons, the biggest of which being the lack of information most users have about issues. If you want to discuss more in Rabbit or something then sure, I can talk, but I am limited in all the things I can say
>>55608Well, it definitely deserves it's own thread.
This feeling is ominously reminiscent of when moot left /mlp/ at the mercy of Scruffy. I am grossly taken aback.
I'll get back to this first thing in the morning.
>>55608To be fair, when you say stuff like that it kind of brings to mind some rather unpleasant thoughts of other organizations that do things behind closed doors. I know not everything can be brought forth to public knowledge, but it doesn’t help ease feelings that we are not getting told the truth.
Now.. if only I could get the damn Rabbit or something to run correctly for once...
>>55609No, moot told scruffy that /mlp/ was a safe for work board. The board was not abandoned, the whole site was in on it
>>55610It's something that enables corruption at our highest levels of government. All administrative decisions should be public, if not open-forum.
Only kikes fear transparency.
>>55611I'm referring to every time since then, on all boards, where mods have had the liberty to interpret and enforce rules however they see fit without higher accountability, and used that privilege to bully the userbase into conformity. The Anon Filly shoah is a recent example.
>>55612>>55610It's a lot like divorce cases... There is a reason. Go someplace private and I can explain, and GM, Torcuil and Infernius do know, but this should not be on the board and shall remain off the board
>>55614You seem to always know when is simultaneously the best and worst time to dab, don’t you?
>>55616I'll make a thread about it tomorrow morning, after I get the chance to gather the facts.
>>55618That's a very bad idea
>>55620It's not going to make things better for anyone, including you
>>55621If there's an issue, people should know about it, so that we can all come to a conclusion together.
The truth is like a lion: set it free and it will take care of itself.
>>55624There are many things tying into this. Get on rabbit, and I or someone could explain
>>55616Like I said, right now the systems that are “private” are not working properly on my computer, so I will have to rain-check that. But secondly, whatever this is, it seems to be draining you. You told me you were stressed to the point where you couldn’t eat. This is not healthy. I want nothing more than to help you guys, but this must be something way over my head to be getting you to lock up all discussion. I don’t like it one bit.
>>55624>>55618Chill faggot theres no issue. Join him on rabbit so he can Elaborate.
>>55627I can't get to my laptop until tomorrow morning, but I intend to get to the bottom of this, even if it open a whole new can of drama. I'm absolutely furious that something like this could've happened without my knowing.
>>55628You should have stayed in the discord.
Ill say again chill the fuck out and let brad explain.
>>55629The discord didn’t work right he said.
>>55630The drama he intends to start bleeds into things he isn't aware of. He needs to chill or it will be
bad>>55628Rabbit works
>>55632Then it isn’t an excuse for me not being able to join the Rabbt because the fucking mobile app doesn’t let me do anything right, and to top it off, it has my email, which I don’t know if it displays to all anons that would join... I can get to my computer in the morning to see if the site is any better, but like I said, I have a bad feeling about this.
>>55634Everything is clean i assure you.
>>55634You're right to have bad feelings about this, but there is more going on and it needs to remain secret for a reason. Think of a sting opperation
>>55636Then can you explain how to get to this properly? I can’t seem to search anything in a way that makes sense to me.
>>55377Okay, I have to explain. This is the last post I made, as I was on the verge of falling asleep and I ebin failed my will save. Plz nobully
>>55642Had a rough day and couldn’t keep from sleep huh?
>>55643Keeping the going ratio, it was another .8-1.4k swings of the sledge-hammer. Been that way all week.
>>55644Isn’t about time you invested in a jackhammer?
>>55645I appreciate the thought, but the strike point is about 6' above ground level, and is at an angle.
If you're familiar with Kendo, it's essentially the "Men" strike
>>55647So, any hints on Gibberniggers, or is that too much of a spoiler?
>>55648Right! Okay, discordant narrative I know but,....
The trail of the gibbers leads and winds this way and that, all through the woods. They seem to wind almost haphazardly, and with no apparent progress, just a general wandering. After a while, the trail Stix is following seems to converge with other similar trails at the base of a very large, old tree.
TF, please permit me the chance to speak with you in advance of whatever you are planning.
>>55649Can’t wait to find out what’s up with these things...
>>55651It won't go how you think it will
>>55650As far as I can tell
>Tracy: pissed that she didn't attack first>Infernius: Try to eat the squirrel>Trump: having a mid-life crisis over this>Torc: Using his sweet bluff bonus to make Baz think Infernius is mentally retarded because of a parasiteAs for why?
Who fucking knows anymore
>>55399Fail, unable to perform action, don't be an idiot
>>55401See this right here, this worked. Why did it work? Because Snek would be relatively adjacent to Infernius.
>>55412SO this
>>55420This is kind of where I'm at desu, and I'll explain why in a bit.
>>55481IIRC, he started with 19 and put 2 points into strength, and the other point into dex. He would have one point to allocate for 16th level though.
>>55508if only,...
Then everything goes off the rails in some non-game meta shit.
As to the initial charge of biting Baz, let's say I allow it. I'm telling you now, Infernius will wake up in the entertron. Remember, you only wake up there if your remains are otherwise destroyed or obliterated (gibs or less). This is not conjecture, this is inevitable. I can describe the process in great detail with or without the dice, but Infernius loses.
>>55654I have a funny feeling Infernius won’t accept the results without a dice roll.
>>55654So, Infernius is ded?
>>55656Most likely because he kept wanting to go through with it instead of backing off.
>>55657Would anyone like to say a few words until he appears in the entertron?
>>55658Alas, poor Infernius... Stix didn’t know him beyond him mentioning the Jews and Hitler... he will be missed for however long the entertron thing takes
>>55659A lot more heartfelt than I would have been
>>55660Well, Stix also hasn’t dealt with any shenanigans that this group has, so I think it makes sense.
>>55661I personally would have said "He desrved it"
>>55662Short, descriptive, precise. I like it.
>>55663Could be substituted wuth "He was an ass"
>>55664Yea fuck you too, pal.
>>55665You're the idiot that tried to ett the squirrel
>>55667*because it was funny.
Where's the link to the staff discord?
>>55669Not sure about staff one, but I think Trumpalidin’s faggot wants to explain some things. I was up all night questioning him and I learned some stuff.
>>55671Not just Trump either
Zald remembered exists. Joy.
>>55655I don't know if you are familiar with this aspect of our long running game, but the dice gods hate Infernius. He has the worst luck of any of the players.
>>55669That server is private, and in any case, I don't have the ability to extend links anymore
>>55673How does the staff communicate with the userbase then?
>>55674There are some things I can explain in Rabbit that you should probably know about. If you don't trust me, GM, Infernius, or Stix may be able to fill you in
>>55674I think he has personal access.
But besides that, I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but come on the discord.
>>55638Apparently, we are not as free to speak on this as we would like to think.
>>55676Or that. He has some explaining that seems to make things a whole lot clearer.
>>55674There is
no way for users to access the staff discord at all? Is it
that opaque?
>>55677I see that in my blissful comfiness, I have allowed things to festure in the darkness that I otherwise would've sprung on immediately...
>not free to speakI will be the judge of that.
*cracks knuckles*
>>55678Come into a discord or Rabbit so we can explain things
>>55679I can't use discord on this computer atm, and I firmly believe these kinds of things to be released to open forum.
Give me a few hours to gather info.
>>55681You need to come into a rabbit or discord to gather info
>>55681Stop acting like a kike.
>>55681You can gather the info by visting the rabbit or discord.
>>55678You will start to see why we are not so free to talk about this if you just be willing to talk with us. I hate this idea too, the info should be free to every anon. But we can’t right now, our hands are tied.
>>55681Fully agreed, but you have to be willing to hear this out first.
>>55685Well I can't access the discord until I get my other computer back.
Please PM me the rundown, if it's that important to keep sekrit.
>>55686Alright, guide me on how to do that. I’m not the most tech savvy sometimes...
>>55688My username is StixFggt97 on there, you just search that and message me from there correct?
I've got my room open if u want
>>55689Oh, wait, sorry. I thought you were GM for a moment.
>>55693Every time I click that damn link... it won’t take me there...
I will try searching for you in the friends menu I guess.
*takes all of the free bread*
Alright, so Baz is here, said what he needed to say; infernius didn't get the chance to bite him.
Now what?
>>55698Now you attempt to convince Baz to give you a rocket launcher? Hehe...
>>55699I wonder what his Spot rank is...
*tries to see if pony is amenable to being pet*
>>55701She's not resisting.
>>55706In front of everyone?
*licks hand*
>>55708Roll a Sleight of Hand check, for legerdemain.
[1d20-9 = 8]>>55709Rolling
Tracy lets out a bored sigh, secretly hoping shit will break loose so she can stab shit.
>>55710Whatever happened there, it wasn't discreet...
*licks ear*
>>55711"If you're really bored little pony, we can kill time by checking out the beds"
>>55713"I think the tree rat is about to say something..." Tracy says, bored
Alright. So when I last had consciousness over the game, Baz had entered the scene. Its actually good that I did fade out, cuz I would have otherwise totally botched the scene. I'm going to resume play with his entrance, as it will specify and designate that Infernius does/did not have sufficient position/opportunity to "bite the squirrel", outside of deliberately maneuvering toward if that is his desire.
>>55714"Okay, but maybe later?"
>>55716"Any time, ~Flashy."
>>55718Give it a minute, I'm not sure everyone is in thread atm
>>55715Trumpaladin stands, claps, and above all, grins
Okay, he only stands or claps if other people are doing it (at least standing I think is traditional in western cultures) but he grins regardless
>>55721Yes, I'll go full cinema. It'll be that sort of scenario.
For the moment always, best at 1.25 speed
>>55722Now why didn't I ask this before? Before baz enters (because he probably needs to keep his eyes on Baz. or is that disreapectful? Never can tell with foriegn cultures) Trumpaladin takes a moment to note
which minister are in the room (defense, entertainment and so forth) seeing as he has met many of them and he wants to figure out what kind of banquet Sparintenar thought this was, and who they thought needed to be there or could be spared for it
>>55724Its a full reception banquet, similar to the previous one. Being militaristic, there is a certain public ceremony to their foreign relations.
What I mean by that is that there is a good 300 people in attendance, mostly in group formations by table areas. There is a raised podium area - only slightly raised - where are seated the various ministers and Baz himself, but Baz hasn't taken his seat yet.
>>55725Where is the Minister of entertainment?
>>55727Likewise on the raised table area. He in particular is looking to the party with visible anxiety, presumably because Taylor Swift did not make her arranged performance and has not been heard from. Court City was furious she did not appear for their celebration.
>>55728TayTay is probably out conquering the rest of the galaxy.
>>55728>The court city is having a celebrationThis I must hear more about
>>55730Any sign of Infernius?
>>55731The celebration is already passed, but Trump is welcome to inquire further.
>>55732Well, Trumpaladin tries to approach the people of importance, saying he has an urgent message for Renquist and for Baz that is best told personally
>>55732i meant the table with the ministers.
How far away is their table?
>>55733We'll get started in a minute, I'm holding out to see if Infernius shows up, since he wanted to bite Baz
>>55732Oh wait, we're still waiting for Baz to arrive. I mis interpreted that
>>55734Its sorta close I guess, as the party would be displayed prominantly and presently front and center.
>>55737And everyone is sitting? Are people sitting with one another?
>>55738Relatively, I mean I hadn't mapped it out expecting combat
>>55738*speaking with one another
I'm not at my best today...
>>55741*walks towards squirrel*
>>55743You just showed up! Let me dramatize for a moment! e\\_/e
>ahemBaz enters the chamber to the sort of reception would expect of a military group who totally loves and appreciates its leader He pauses at the entrance and visibly sighs. Holding up a tiny squirrel paw, he waves the group to silence. He slowly walks up to the party, flanked and followed by senior officers.
>>55743So he's the one guy standing up in the room to approach the VIP while everyone else is sitting?
>>55744Trumpaladin does
NOT grin
>>55745That's what he said.
>>55745>>55744*Roman salutes* the squirrel.
>>55748He shifts his bazooka to his other hand, and returns the salute.
>>55748*cries tear, and gives a restrained salute to both Infernius and Baz*
>>55750>>55744>Baz enters the chamber to the sort of reception would expect of a military group who totally loves and appreciates its leader Infernuis knows baz isnt food now.
>>55750Sensing the significance of the moment, the whole room slowly, gradually, all stand and give the salute. No one says anything, no one makes an outward statement or indication, but everyone notices that one of the spartans has not returned, and those who have are deferring to Trump and co, as having determinate facts and details.
"Gentleman, and feisty lady (he says of/to Tracy). Let us dispense with pleasantries for a moment. Where is our man?"
>>55752[inaudible feisty pony noises]
"For him to be absent, and for there to be such a reception to inquiry can only suggest one thing. A Spartan does not just 'not show up'. His comrades do not say 'Ask the commanding officer' arbitrarily," he continues.
>>55752>>55755"You have missing man? Infernuis will help you find him."
>>55756PSSSST, he's referring to the Spartan casualty from the undead invasion
One of the spartans got devourered
>>55752>>55755Trumpaladin stands
"Mr. Baz, I am sorry to report to you that a few days ago, Port Barry was attacked by a massive horde of Undead. This was evidently in retaliation for damage caused in an infiltration of the Court city when a member of our party was kidnapped and we sought to retrieve them. The Undead attacked in masses with zombies and giants lead by three lichs. However, a group of devourers entered through the Ethereal plane through a weak point in the center of the city
Your spartans showed precisely the initiative, courage, and aptitude in battle that IK would expect of a Spartan. They took up arms against the court city oppressors. And they held the line. They along with our Generals, Ghestapo, and Fight club slew many devourers and kept the city safe. But this came at a price. Several men of every faction did not merely perish, but gave mind, body and soul to in the fight, most especially Fight Club, but including Spartans. They are.... No more. But please do be assured, they demonstrated all excellence in fighting the undead and protecting the citizenry. For no man can ever truly die so long as his comrades live on to commemorate their deeds.
The Lichs and undead were repelled from the city with the help of your Spartans"
Trumpaladin looks down mournfully at appropriate moments
>>55756Now would be a good time to redpill them on liberal jews.
>>55762I hadn't considered this angle, but this angle
>>55762What like communists?
>>55761"I had expected no less. A Spartan only 'doesn't come home' when doing so would amount to cowardice, inaction, and a lack of honor. I am pleased to hear that these men of mine, of
ours, paid a noble sacrifice on behalf of innocents and in the face of terrible forces. I am grateful even. "To bear that which you do not believe you can bear, to spare others that same fate. To hone your mind, body, and spirit, so that they may be expended on behalf of our good people. That is what it means to be a Spartan." he says solemnly, which is responded to by a single, coordinated, and deafeningly-percussive "Huuuuah!" by the entirety of the surrounding room.
"There. Now that that's settled, let us enjoy ourselves a bit. I welcome any news, information, and ideas you may have."
>>55764Well, all 3 liches were jews
>>55765"Commander squirrel, have you heard of jews?"
>>55764For example.
Most of the liches were left-leaning politicians. Tell them about the kikery in left-leaning organizations.
Infernius has the Knowledge Religion ranks to explain everything to them.
>>55765"Huuah indeed! My I approach to discuss details going forward. Strategic details"
>>55765Can Tracy speak with the minister of entertainment?
>>55769He's right there, its not 'approach' at this point.
Baz waves to some of his senior detail, who dispense with orderly directing the assembled soldiery to gather foods and noms. He remains motionless and beckons Trump to continue.
[1d20+20 = 26]>>55771I go talk to some of his honor guards about lich kikes and the jewish question.
>>55771Trumpaladin says this more silently, because he wants only Baz and maybe esential personnel near him to hear
"When the court city sent out an octohedron we penetrated it and withdrew. They destroyed it. But when it exploded.... we heard a laugh. An unmistakable, maniacal laugh. Kefka is back. I guess they have True Resurrection just as surely as we do"
>>55772You're not going to talk to him? Sorry, I neglected to mention he doesn't know the work "Jews", but I'm sure there are some defining characteristics he might appreciate and have experienced, given that (((rats))) are purveysive and Sparintenar doesn't toerate shenanigens.
The entire scene is pierced by Kefka's unmistakeable cackle.
>>55773"If Kefka was an ebin spellcaster, then he could have just used Eidolon to duplicate himself.
We could face two or even three Kefkas next time."
>>55776Idk why I said that in character...
>>55774I thought he wanted to talk to trump.
>>55775"Hitler banishes you kikeka!"
>>55778Not exclusively, and he wouldn't object if he interjected, especially since he hasn't met Infernius (or Torcuil).
[1d20+24 = 36]>>55776>>55775>mfw I gave Kefka an ideaTracy activates her Ring of Spell Turning.
Rolling to Hide
I g2g for 5-10 mins
>>55776"Where the fuck did you learn so much about whatever the hell you are talking about from?"
>>55780"Commander squirrel, me am Infernuis Sheriff of port barry. And me know the true force behind all evil of this world"
>>55783Everyone listening stops, including Kefka, who has materialized in a reclining position in midair above the party, with a puzzled expression on his face.
>>55782How does he know what True Resurrection is?
>'I read it in a library book: The Ebin Handbook.'
>>55785Yeah keep the bullshit to yourself thank you
>>55784*casts miracle to kill kefka*
>>55787Tell us about the Jews first. That's more important.
>>55787By that description, you're using Miracle to duplicate a spell. Please choose the spell in question.
>>55789Also, as far as 9th-level Cleric spells go, Implosion is a better shot if you're just looking to kill something.
[1d20+35 = 51]>>55791Trumpaldin tries to convince Kefka that through the party's normal behavior (and Sparintenar's), he is furthering Kefka's philosophy of finding meaning through destruction
"Face the might of the wunderwaffe! Hahahaha!"
"You see Mr. Kefka? He's your splitting image. Maybe a bit less... able, but he understands"
>>55798Not even close. Kefka erupts in laughter at the attempt. "Oh please, I was most intrigued by what you were saying."
>>55798You can use it for up to 4 rounds.
>>55798Every fucking time reeeeeeee
>>55799"Oh? You expect me to believe that?"
>>55803He'd be jelly if he knew there were people in his court that were more ebil than him.
His reputation is at stake.
>>55803"Oh why so dour? I heard there was a feast of sorts," he looks to Baz. "You don't mind if I crash do you? I don't even require a seat!" he says, sitting in midair, but rotating along an axis that maintains facing everyone.
>>55806What's Baz's expression?
>>55806"I heard there was a celebration recently"
Trumpaladin is shaking , but he picks up a piece of bread and eats it
[1d20+21 = 34]
Rolling to Move Silently.
>>55807Baz is in a ready-stance, but he's not moving.
>>55808"Oh yes, that. I had hoped to lure one of you out to a trap and do horrible things to them. A pity,...." he laments.
"Well i expect some of these (((people))) have infiltrated your court."
>>55809Tracy leaves the building while everyone is distracted staring at the cosplaying freak.
>>55810"Ha me knew that pyramid was no good! Me am too smart for you kefka."
>>55811All seem interested in Infernius continuing.
>>55810"So why are so many of your rivals for power in the Court City undead? Is that the whole regime?"
>>55812>move silently =/= hidingTracy very silently, but also rather obviously, exits the scene.
>>55815"Well everyone else DIES! No one is powerful enough! No one knows the order of chaos like the undead," he laughs.
>>55814(((They))) sifen off your gold and send it to their land. And not just the court city but presumably spartania as well.
>>55781She hid under the tables right before he materialized.
>>55817"Do you know who these airship riding pirates are?"
>>55816Tracy decks it for the mountains.
And she brings Sparkle.
>>55821"Pirates? I don't know of pirates being a nuisance. Your game must be weak!" he rofls in midair.
>>55820Oh fine, no one notices Tracy leave
>>55818"Oh? I'm curious to hear more of this."
>>55823Is kefka's nose hooked?
>>55823"So you don't even know who these people flying around in expensive luxury airships pillaging your lands are? I though you liked to exact tribute?"
>>55822*runs off at safe distance towards the mountains*
>>55825"Oh please, my empire doesn't cover the
whole planet, that'd be too much to fuss over!"
>>55828"Come again? I was expecting more"
>>55829Kefka is pretty whitepilled.
He might have the power to take over or destroy most things, but he wouldn't take more than he could without having to stress over trying to actually rule, because that'd just be a bother.
>>55830He always seemed more interested in destroying things than actually ruling them.
>>55828"Kefka let me ask you about your relationship with the (((rats)))"
>>55829"Too much to fuss over? Who is fussing with you?"
Tracy returns to the mountain trail.
>>55829"More? You think
I'm the only supremely powerful interest in the world?"
>>55832"I don't care for rats. Bottom-feeders and agents of attrition. I prefer direct and exciting chaos to slow degeneracy."
>>55834And she can do that in a few hours. Because she just fucking left Sparintenar
>>55835"Well I know you aren't, I saw several other powerful interests myself. Who Are they?"
>>55834She goes to where she last saw that herd.
>>55835Trumpaladin sits down in a seat, sighs, and looks at Kefka. "Who are these assholes?"
>>55835"Look me gonna be straight forward kefka, me respect you will to action me feel like we could be friends or at least allies.but why you so evil?
What if me told you they're agents in your court working for they're own goals?
>>55838"Oh yes, I come to one of your parties, and you assume I'm just going to cough up information."
>>55839"And what if ME told you that I don't really care? They do what I tell them cuz otherwise smite! And I do prefer smiting those who put up a fight,...." he says with a sinister grin.
*continues towards the mountains*
"I wonder if Stix got eaten yet..." she ponders to herself.
>>55840Trumpaladin extends the bread basket to Kefka
"But when you leave the room, they scheme against you, don't they?"
>>55842He waves his hand absently. "They scheme, what of it?"
>>55840"You are fool you cosplaying faggot! you know nothing of the sneakiness of these usury of these filthy parasitic kikes!"
>>55841Meanwhile, Stix wonders why this tree is so fascinating...
>>55843"I know the feeling. I know what it's like for your allies to abandon you right at the time you need them the most"
Trumpaladin looks around
"Where the hell is Tracy? Did she seriously just leave us for dead?! Anyways, i know what it is like to be schemed against, and betrayed. They are friendly, even helpful for so long. They wait for a moment when you are weak. Only when you are experiencing your worst do they strike. They kick you when you are down. I know the anxiety"
I wonder what kind of uber-spells Kefka prefers.
He sounds like the type to enjoy big, flashy evocations, like Hellball or Animus Blizzard.
>>55846Tracy's only other in-character response would've been to stab. It's better that she left.
>>55848She was his only getaway option
>>55849Wrong. we still have uatchit.
>>55846Kefka yawns obvious. "Bo-ring, I had ho"I ped there would me more excitement. Perhaps cake. Alas. Too-da-loo!" and with that, his form spins amongst its self inwardly, and then vanishes.
*hoped there
Idk what happened
>>55852Inwardly, only to himself, Trumpaladin says "CRITICAL HIT." He looks over for Baz and for Infernius
>>55856>>55857"Unbelieveable! You see that people he doesnt care about his court or anyone unfortunate enough to be there! He Doesnt want to hear about the courruption that follows these agents of filth and darkness everywhere they go! And me have feeling theyre some in your fine city!"
>>55859Hes yelling this to the room.
>>55859"No no, that's not it.
He's afraid."
>>55862"He's only weak when compared to the foes he faces. That most dangerous foe of all. The one that will more surely bring ruin to you and your nation than any foreigner. The enemy within"
>>55861Kefka's too nihilistic and crazy to be afraid of anything. He's one of those "we all die someday" kind of faggots.
>>55864My character assumes that Kefka is motivated in the way he would be motivated were he in Kefka's position? Is that the right way to look at it? probably not. But it's a reasonable enough explaination for why Kefka was so fascinated by the story of jews and why he didn't kill them or why he left at that point in the conversation. So basically that's my character's interpretation and I'm sticking to it until the facts change
>>55863"Me guess,but me really wanted to gain a ally."
>>55866"For a moment I thought he might ask for help"
>>55864This, though I'm not entirely certain where the discussion is going atm
>>55865I cannot edit out the question mark at the end of that first sentence
>>55868Exactly. He's the purest form of CE. No regard for anything; destroys entire worlds on whim alone.
>>55867"Me was trying to help him."
>>55871"He's concerned. There is no way he gets along with every one he s associated with. And he must have many enemies of he can't even tell us who the air pirates are. I think he let us live because he needs us. he needs us to save him from his enemies,
and his friends"
>>55870>pic>I will make a monument to non-existence>tfw you realize that either your monument is made of existing things and must be destroyed or doesn’t exist and can’t be a monument
>>55872Democucks are cowards. They may be using their association for power, but they wouldn't defy him.
Even if they did, it'd just be an excuse to destroy everything.
>>55873A void of emptiness could be considered a monument.
>>55870If any of that were in character, Trumpaladin would respond. "Pfft! then why would he claim the title of emperor if he did not want to rule? Why would he take tribute if he only wanted to destroy?" But Trumpaladin can't respond, because none of that is in character. So stop metagaming and let Infernius and I discuss a character
>>55874The traitor waits for a moment you are weak to strike
>>55875Then you would have to destroy the stuff around it to truly destroy everything as stated, thus making it ever expanding until the monument is all encompassing and thus not a set apart place of memorial, but simply the norm.
>>55872"That sound like reasonable theory, but me think we need to put pressure on him to make him crack so we can see the kikes in the court."
>>55876>emperorBecause he'd biggest and baddest.
>tributeTo pay for his makeup expenses.
Tracy looks for the cows.
>>55879Stop metagaming. If you want tracy to participate, then make her participate
>>55878"How do we put pressure on him? How do we find him? How did we summon him just now even?"
>>55881"He probably has spell on us."
>>55881Not intending for it to be consequential. Just saying that Kefka's a batshit clown who doesn't care about anything but blowing shit up, not even himself.
>>55882THAT is something to be concerned about.
>>55884Like Soul Dominion.
>>55885>metagaming this hardIf you wanted your character to be there you shouldn't have left
>>55886"Infernius... What happened to you while you were in the Court City?"
>>55887"I Don't remember."
>kills merchant
>those digits
>>55889"Well... What do you think he wants?"
>>55891*voice craks*
"I don't know"
>>55893"Why do you think he appeared to us just now? Surely to scare us, but there must be more to it than that"
>>55895"Well to try and scare us maybe."
>>55897"He was very interested in your talk of jews"
>>55898'Me still say he weak."
>>55900"He just flat out told us he isn't the only strong guy here. But we know now he doesn't rule the planet"
>>55894Yeah, sorry, I've got meatspace as well as gamestuff.
>>55902Will Tracy be able to find those ogres again tonight?
>>55901"Yea thats interesting."
Kills 3 merchants
>>55905Please stop trying to provoke fights. We fight enough
>>55906I can kill merchants whenever I want, kike-enabler.
I refuse to bow to censorship.
>>55907You made that post earlier very specifically to provoke and dare me, and no other reason
>>55908I can kill a merchant
whenever I want, faggot.
If you can't tolerate that, that's
your problem.
*kills 72 merchants*
>>55910You're doing it deliberately to start a fight, and that is a problem
>>55911The problem is you thinking you can delet comments, that don't break any rules, at your own discretion, faggot.
It's a fantasy game: I can do whatever I want, and I won't be restricted by your feelings.
>>55912No, you did it specifically to provoke
kills 6 gorillion merchants
Uhm, there's no merchants to kill, for starters.
Sorry, OS was updating
>>55917>no merchants to killOkay...
Lenos is here and gm said to say he is here but he is talking to much so his laptop keeps going to sleep
So I left it open for a bit to see if anyone wanted to volunteer anything for consideration to or with Baz.
>>55924Ooh ooh!
Trumpaladin looks at Baz
"Do you have any idea what that was about?"
>>55922Hi Lenos.
>>55924Tracy left when she realized that there was no cake, and because she's not into clowns.
She's currently back on the trail.
Flash Sentry did nothing wrong!
>>55927Don't mind, systems test
>>55926Hey tracy
Lenos snores lowd enough to wake himself up in the bar at the tower
But anyhow, I left the continuation of the banquet pretty much open for discussion. Tracy could then have conversed with the Entertainment minister, and I apologize that I was not more insistent. Additionally, Trump, Infernius, and even Torcuil (soon?) could interject. Additionally, Baz himself may have answers to questions.
>>55929*polishes counter-top*
>>55930Oh, I was actually expecting everything to blow up, so I took Sparkle and left, since he probably couldn't be revived, and neither could her equipment.
>>55931>not posting correct pic
>>55930Excellent. To Baz
"Has he... done that before? What did he want?"
>>55932How nice of you to be so considerate your own equipment
>>55935Well, when you say it like that I sound like a cowardly rogue; but yeah, that's what I did.
>>55936Ur name
So am I assuming no one wants to offer any information to Baz? Anything at all?
>>55937I was going to inquire the Minister of Entertainment about horse shows, but I guess it's a little late for that...
>>55938Not at all. This is precisely the time or it. I forget the Entertainment Minister's name tho.
>>55937>offer information to BazUh, oh yeah
"We were attacked recently by air pirates, who flew an airship with a magic stone to keep it aloft, and with advanced cannon armament. Do you know anything of this?"
>>55938Maybe she is curious if her husband and best friend survived, per chance?
>>55939Since it looks like I won't be able to hunt ogres, Tracy back discreetly, after not having heard any explosions.
>>55942Goes back
She's outside the building.
>>55941She would've known if he were dead or injured.
>>55940"I don't. Sparintenar had disavowed and distanced its self from all pirates before I became a part." he replies.
>>55945"I see. Do you know what he meant by 'causing a fuss'? I can see Sparintenar has not been quiet under the Court City, but who else is opposing them, good or evil?"
>>55945Tracy suddenly pops her head up from underneath the Minister of entertainments table.
"So, how'd the show you planned with TayTay at the capital go?"
>>55944Speaking of dead or injured lenos appears with a resounding crack and lobs a blob of fine material that hums earily towards trump and hollers "catch its unstable and i cant fix it"
>>55946"I don't know what that could mean, but as far as opposition to him and his rule, that begins at the Silwall"
>>55948Trump, reflex save
>>55949"The Silwall? What is that?"
[1d20+15 = 23]
>>55953+5 base +5 divine grace +4 resistance +1 luck
>>55954I don't think resistance applies to a reflex save,... that sounds more like a will save modifier,... I'm seeing a 19 roll.
>>55956You got a +4 cloak?
The strange object distorts in midair as it sails toward Trump, and upon reacong a range of about a foot, ruptures ourwards as a viscous green goo, which thoroughly covers his front-side and most of his sides.
>>55958"Well that test is a failure"lenos teleports back to the forge in the tower
"What just happened" says the goo covered Paladin
I wonder how much time it'd take to make Tracy's chain Dance again...
>>55961Its stinky. Like 2 day-old, dead and rotten skunk.
And the whole procession of military erupts in at first nervous, and then group and joined laugher with even a few whistles and hoots to accentuate the comedy and comaraderie.
>>55963Trumpaladin uses create water to create a shower to wash the gunk off
>>55964"Gentleman, now that you've had your fun, can you tell me what this "Silwall" is?"
>>55966If he's not going to say anything, can I go find those ogres?
>>55966>she used to do that to him...
>>55965kek, almost liek Trump is addressing GM and LF
Note the perimeter of locales designated Sil along the map
>>55966Ooooh, ur right, and u have dubs. "A frightful mess I'm afraid!" he sys worriedly.
>>55970Tracy is visibly bored
"How messy?" she asks?
>>55923Am i covered in goo?
>>55971"Well Taylor hasn't been heard from in weeks, and we already have a delinquent contract!"
>>55970"Five cities. Indeed. Who are they, and why do they oppose him?"
>>55972"What kind of contact?" she asks, nonchalantly
>>55975Try 7, if u count Silwood and Wulfsil
Torc looks around and rubs his eyes
"huh? where am I again?"
"And why is there no cake?" Tracy says to nobody in particular, cursing her unpredictable cravings.
Just for the record, bloating up won't impede her dexterity, will it?
>>55977"Incredible. Are they united as one?"
>>55979Well, she's pregnant....
>>55978"At a 'party' with no cake. You missed the clown."
>>55981"Clown and no cake? This is a shitty fookin party"
>>55973"Squirrel how you have intelligence?"
>>55981Is she near?
"I can get you some cake, pony"
>>55983Trumpaladin gives a nasty look at Infernius, like he just said something racial insensitive in public
>>55979Not immediately
>>55978Its a banquet, still, though the part are acting more somber than the surrounding military.
>>55980"I don't know. They have always repelled our involvement, as we are within the Emperor's land. Perhaps they might reconsider if you presented yourselves,... or perhaps they might be incentivized?" Baz says with a slightly clever expression.
>>55984*doesn't acknowledge look*
>>55984*whirls around*
"Oh, that'd be so sweet of you, ~Flashy."
[1d20+19 = 20]>>55985"I see. What kind of 'incentive' do you have in mind? I'm guessing they have been able to repel the emperor"
>>55984>racial insensitive>literal nazi
>>55988Where'd that +19 come from?
>>55990"The Democrats are the
real racists"
>>55991+17 base attack, +2 strength. Same as a grapple, but it's a hug
>>55985Oh, still the banquet.
Would some magic tricks impress the crowd?
>>55985Tracy continues to ask the minister for details.
"... So.. just what do you guys do for entertainment around here?"
>>55992>"The Democrats are the real racists"No, we are, goddammit!
>>55992Can str make an attack more likely to land?
I thought you still have to land the touch attack before you begin the grapple.
Just wanna know for future reference.
>>55992"Fuck you, me real racist!"
>>55992"I can say something racist.
>>55997Uh, yes
Yeah, but the 3.5 system is freaking complex and it's a hug, not a real attack, so one dice roll
>>55985"I must say , I am very fond of walls, so tell me all you can about the sil-wall"
>>56003"Zebras should be burned"
>>56001>>55998"Am I going to have to disavow you on television or something?"
"I'm sure I'll hear about this on the New York Times..."
>>56005>>56007"Burn zebras, what what newyork times?"
>>56002Grapple is actually precisely the rule 4 hugs
>>55995"Well ordinarily we leave that to our contracted talent, but Ms. Swift hasn't shown hide nor hair. Additionally no one can remember the strange purple woman who adorns some posters that have been removed, but there is a lingering yet subtle feeling anticipation upon recollection. Basically, we do not contract the talent, so much as the talent contracts
us," he says, throwing up his hands apologetically.
>>56009>Purple woman"... Sounds familiar for some reason..
.. How do you organize these 'contracts'?"
>>56009>>55988>>56002>>56008"Pfft! Nothing more than a purveyor of Fake News from the legacy media. But very powerful"
>>56013"I was never a stock holder, so I never paid attention to such things. But it was a leftist propaganda outlet in what it produced"
>>56015"Hmm most jews are left leaning."