>>103361white Sar
Born 7 years before Dark Star. White Star was the Beloved First Born Son of North Star.
His Days were mostly spent with his Father Tilling, Picking,rotating crops.
He Came to understand the Spirit of the Farmer,Very well.As He Grew His Demanour Changed From one of happy and content Colt, to One of longing to Serve his country.
North Star and Dark Days Were Able to Scrounge up enough money to send him to School.
This is where he,First Heard of The Going ons of the political world in New Mareland.
He Fell in love with the idealology almost instantly. Taking to it like a Seapony takes to water.
About half way through his 2nd year in School He got the news that he was going to be an older brother.
White Star Was Very Excited to meet his little brother, And when the Day came that he was going to Meet him.
He knew for sure they were going to be best friends. As they Grew older they Formed an unbreakable bond.
He was Very Protective of his little brother, He interveind muliple times to help Dark Star when he would Mouth off to the wrong pony.
White Star was Grief Stricken when his Father Passed away in the war, but he knew he had to be strong for his family,And he knew that his Father Died in Service to the Greatest Country on the Planet.
This is Around the Time he Dropped out of School, in order to Provide for his family. He went to workon the docks for a short while,this bored him to no end. so after about 3 mounths, He applied To the Equestrian Air Force.
He was placed under Seargeant Maple Leaf, as a Workpony that Clears the runways for take off.
He Advanced through the ranks Fairly quickly,This Time in the Air Force Hardened him to the World, But he was still loving towards his MareFriend Sour Patches whom he met in Training, he was still warm to His Brother and Mother as well.
Until She was murdered by Scar. He was at home the Night the police Brought Dark Star home, he was filled with Rage at the news of what happend to Dark Days. He consoled the Anguished Dark Star. This Around the time White star got involved with weapons smuggling to New Mareland.
This was also around the time larry berry Campagined on Agrarian reform and won, then he siezed their farm. and that put DS and WS(and his mf)out on the Streets. where Dark Star resulted to stealing, so White Star could feed himself and Her.
then as we know sometime after that the Great War started which liberated Equestria.