Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>104310Silver is very glad he is not those candies right now. "Hmm. You two might need napkin, or else some place to wash up."
>>104311The little ponies look up at Silver with big, cute eyes
>>104312Silver feels just a little bit more life inside of him after that. "Hmm. Well, give me minute to look through bags for something." Silver does exactly that, stopping to take a look through his saddlebags for any more napkins he has left over. He might need to invest in some more after this.
>>104313Why would Silver have napkins on him?
>>104314Just checking.
"Hmm...we might need to stop somewhere where you two can wash up. I am not sure what nuns would think upon seeing your faces like that."
>>104315They blink, and continue looking st Silver
>>104316I mean, I kinda figured this was beyond that point, but alright...>>104317"Or..." Silver commences the ol' parent washup trick: licking the side of his hoof and using it to wash their faces. "Hold still, please."
[1d20 = 8]>>104319Well, this is sure to go "swell".
>>104320Well... not a complete job
[1d20 = 13]>>104321Whelp...what else to do about a stubborn mess besides try again and fail miserably!
>>104322This leads to a mostly clean muzzle, with perhaps a spot or two here or there, but the bulk of the mess cleaned up
>>104323"There. Acceptable, at least. Ready to head out?"
>>104221"Iron? The large native?"
Mint marine at least still needs a hug, maybe they both do, but they are ready to head back
>>104326Oh, right. What kind of pony would Silver be if he didn't give the poor colts each a big, floofy hug?
*Poners are presumably hugged, either individually or together*
>>104330Eh...okay? Well, with the hugs taken care off, I guess it's time to head off for the orphanage.
>>104331And thus, it is so. Here's to hoping Silver can meet with Dark Star... eventually.
Among other things that will need to be coordinated >>104332Shouldn't be that difficult. Dark Star knows where Silver is going to be, and he's on right now.Silver looks to the two colts as they approach the orphange. "Thank you for going out on this little galivant with me. I had fun."
Okay, I am going to sleep
Now I have to contemplate whether to continue with Iron, or to to review cases
>>104346Don't be a dummy. Review those cases.
>>104352I think there are doctors trained to help with that problem.
I got to plan out how I am going to do this rescue mission, perhaps alone if no one else shows up.
>>104355You can do it! With the power of Strength, Hope, and Friendship
>>104355You are the second best option for the job, honestly.
Just roll that bluff and some forged documents and you should be good to go.
>>104357The problem is she was denied with the right documents. They just didn't have use for her crossing. So I will have to find a way around the obvious solution.
>>104356But what do you do when friends are absent?
>>104358There's always using the big ass wagon to hide her.
Bluff your way into avoiding the search or at least minimize it, then you cross the border with her to get that sweet victory royale.
Maybe some XP, too. >>104360We would have to cross three times then. Once to get to where she is, once back to her sister, and once more to continue the quest. That would raise the alert to us pretty fast.
>>104361Bluff some more. You are a charisma-based character, use your above-average charisma!
>>104362That could work... though I hate relying on that dice luck so much. But it's worth a shot.
>>104356What do you think? Would that action be allowed?
>>104357This. The only other two nearly as able are Brie and Dark Star, and they don have magical options.
>>104358>>104359The post with the information is
>>103945, besides that Spark can gather more information
>>104363I do not know what action you are talking about
>>104364The action in
>>104360>gather more informationHmm.... I got no idea as to what else I need to gather, but I am guessing there is more to be had if you mentioned it.
Spark ponders for a moment.
"How tight was the security there? Where they checking carts and ponies thoroughly?"
>>104365"The security is really strange They had at least seven guards on that side of the border plus more elsewhere and you can see what is on this side They would quickly check the carts as they left and would question the ponies who left They would ask "why are you leaving?" That's how my Cinnamon Heart was stopped They said she didn't have a good enough reason to leave But they let us through even though we had similar reasons And Cinamon Heart had her papers! It does not make sense to me But yeah when you cross to the Pony side the guards here ask you a lot of questions Like where did you come from have you ever been a member of certain political parties would you pledge loyalty and so on It was really intimidating but they let us through..."
>>104366"Did you see anypony get special treatment going through the line? Anypony that wasn't searched or questioned as hard as the rest?"