Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>103793She smiles back at him
“Well, I guess we need to go in”
>>103796"Lets Go."
He steps towards the door
>>103797The two ponies go towards the door. Felipe is somewhat surprised to see Dark Star in that state, and opens the door for him, leading him into the lobby
>>103798"Thanks, Felipe."
He continues towards the desk
>>103799He sees Sea Breeze, and Sea Breeze looks back with clear concern “Are you alright?”
>>103792When there's an afraid foal, it's a father's job to comfort them. Something Silver knows all to well as he goes to Mint and pats him on the back. "It is okay. Most vampires who would be left in Equestria, as I understand it, are just ordinary ponies, like you or me. They just want to make it another day. Still, you have big ponies like me to help keep you and others safe from any mean old vampires that have thirst for blood."
He turns to White Orchid. "I suppose it is little bit, yes. I do wonder what they truly are like, even with danger meeting one could pose. I have heard they have super-equine strength, ability to turn into bats or wolves, and ability to command minions or other creatures of night."
>>103801Mint Marine is not fully placated: “but they drain ponies completely of their blood!”
White Orchid is impressed by Silver’s account of Vampire powers. “Ooooooh!”
He looks back to the bats in evident curiosity, wondering what they are hiding
After thinking about it further, I think what I had thought I would do in dialogue due Iron is best saved for later
>>103802Silver gets a grin on his face. "You say that like that would stop ponies like me."
>>103804We can probably just proceed
>>103805White Orchid zooms in on the bats as he gets closer to the wire
Mint Marine: “what do you mean?”
>>103807Alrighty. I shall Iron-post.Iron squints his eyes on the path ahead.
"How long have we been walking?"
>>103807"When I know ponies like you are in trouble, I will go to great lengths to see you made safe, even if there is threat that I would lose all of my blood." He ruffles Mint's mane. He's starting to like the action, himself, even if he's the one doing the mane-ruffling. "Either way, I do not know where you have been hearing about vampires, but I do not think they can suck out
all of your blood. Or at least, it would take them very long time to do so."
>>103809“Are you going to fight them as they suck out your blood?”
>>103808“A few minutes now...”
>>103800"I'm Fine,Sir. Just Got a little Lead poisoning."
He Laughs
>>103810The heavy clip clops continues as the duo travels ever closer to the pots.
"Alright. Do you remember the plan?"
>>103810"That I would. But I doubt I would need to." He smiles at Mint. "You have nothing to fear from vampires. I can tell you there would be none here in city, and certainly none that would try to hurt you. Besides, vast majority are just like you or me. They have their hopes, their dreams. They just want to live their lives...err, 'un-lives' as best as they can." He's suddenly reminded of his (short) time with the changeling drones, and how much like ponies they can seem to be, when you get past their...strange eating habits.
Perhaps that is what many vampires are like. Maybe not. I do not know. Somehow I keep missing Brie's player. I kind of need to cook up a plan with him because we are entering a critical part of the mission now.
>>103811“I heard you almost were killed”
>>103816He nods.
"We will first try to simply take the pots. If they stop us or have taken at least one of them, we bring up our massive contributions to reach this temple and securing it from the bandits. If that does not work, we intimidate. The last part can either be knocking them out or killing them."
His mind reminds him of the possible option to woo the history mare.
"Hopefully we do not have to come to that."
>>103816"Those rumors were greatly exaggerated."
>>103813“.... but if you’ve never met a vampire, how do you know they are harmless?”
>>103818This gets a smile out of Sea Breeze.
“Let’s go to an enclosed room and speak about what happened this morning”
>>103817“Very well”
>>103819Iron nods again.
"Any advice of your own against dealing with these two before we commit?"
>>103820“I’ve never been in a circumstance quite like this before, and I don’t know these two ponies. All I can say is expect them to ‘know somepony’ or something like that”
>>103821The three go down to the usual room, which still retains many of the features from its origins as a hotel room, despite its current purpose as a secure conference or interrogation room
They sit down. Sea Breeze says,
“Tell me
precisely what you heard, and what happened”
>>103822He nods, a focused look to where they're heading.
"I understand. Let us get what is ours."
>>103819"I did not say they were harmless. I said I believe they were much like us. I mean, would
you go and try to suck another foal's blood out for no reason?"
>>103825“Well, no... but I’m not a vampire”
>>103826He gets a chuckle out of that. "Fair enough, but point still stands: would you just attack somepony randomly without reason?"
>>103828"Then what would cause you to believe that you are suddenly attacked by vampire out of nowhere?"
>>103829“Well that’s what I saw in the movie...”
He trails off at the end of this softly spoken sentence. He pulls his head back and a little of the the side as he breaks eye contact.
“But they drink your blood. It feeds them, or gives them superpowers or something...”
>>103831"Perhaps. It might be they need that life essence to continue to live. I do not know. But there are easier ways to acquire blood than attacking ponies, especially if you are vampire trying to avoid being found out. It might be they can subsist on blood packs, instead." He lifts an eyebrow at Mint. "What movie did you see, exactly?"
>>103823"That may be Hard Sir, I Don't Exactly Remember that much previous to getting filled with lead. Except the Fact that the police mare i was talking to turned into a Changling."
>>103833He looks at Dark Star seriously
“Did she say anything?”
>>103832Mint Marine’s eyes go up at the thought of vampires acting his life essence as well as his blood
“It was...” he looks up trying to remember “No-Nose...” he struggles a bit more, but eventually conceded defeat
“I don’t quite remember...”
To the side can be heard a “RAAA!” and a “whihehehe!” whinnying sound as White Orchid rears back, then moves back in fear from the aviary cage
>>103834Unfortunately for Mint, this new occurrence takes priority. Silver jumps up and quickly tries to get a hoof on what's going on.
>>103835A bat has hissed or otherwise made a threatening sound directed at White Orchid, who was startled by the noise, and now Mint Marine is somewhat startled as well
>>103837"...White Orchid, were you taunting bats?"
>>103840Silver sighs, though he's slightly amused at his coltish long as he doesn't get hurt by them. "You are both alright, yes?"
>>103842"Good." He looks between the two colts. "Perhaps we should leave these bats be for now."
Mint Marine:
"These bats... Vampires... they are almost as bad as Changelings"