Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>103588It's difficult to resist such disappointed faces. But, rules are rules. "At least we get to see them. And it is not like you can not interact with them. You just can not touch them."
>>103590A strike right to the heartstrings. "Come on. We do not want to get in trouble and get kicked out, yes?"
>>103592Shimmer observes, and now encounters, the scenes described in
>>103547 >>103593They hang their heads in defeat, yet another one in a life short, but overflowing with disappointments and unfairness
>>103595He gives them a pat on the head, each. "Maybe some other day I will have to take you two to petting zoo."
Next, in a similar enclosure, giraffes are visible
“I’ve never seen a giraffe before...”
>>103597I'm not even gonna touch that sentence...>>103598"Neither have I. I have heard that were they come from in Zebrica, there are tall trees, so they needed long necks to be able to even eat."
>>103599"That's interesting. But how do their necks get long enough?"
At the moment, one walks up casually to a tree, and starts to rip leaves off
>>103600"Maybe they just stretched their necks over and over again until they could finally reach leaves?"
>>103602“Maybe. Hehehe”
The giraffe reaches out for more leaves
Alright. It's nap time.
Taking some time for some actual shut-eye.
I'll check in again in the morning if you're up as wel.
>>103603"Hmm..." Silver stretches his neck up as far as it will go. "Am I doing it?"
>>103608“Hehe” the little ponies giggle and laugh
>>103609After a few more seconds of stretching his neck up, he gives up. "Aw, well, I suppose I am still not giraffe. Yet."
>>103610Mint Marine is laughing. White Orchid laughs as well, “if you keep it up, you will be able to eat free leaves someday too”
>>103611"You make good point. I will keep practicing. Anyways, want to see next exhibit?"
The giraffe looks back with an almost offended look at Silver and the foals.
The next area also has a low fence, and more grass
>>103613"Hmm, more Zebrican animals?"
>>103614Not necessarily. A giant tortoise lumbers through, slowly going towards a cabbage that has been placed on the ground
>>103615"That is one big reptile." Silver peers over the fence.
>>103616it looks back over at Silver with a partial smile. It must be at least as tall as Mint Marine at the shoulders
>>103617"I wonder where these tortoises live. I do not think I have even seen anything quite like this." He pauses for a second while that sinks in. "Now that I think of it, that is probably exact reason behind exotic animal exhibits in zoo."
>>103618Mint Marine is a bit amazed
“I’ve heard they live on the islands far south of here... it’s nice to see one”
>>103619Silver looks to Mint Marine. "How far south? Spa Islands? Or even further?"
>>103620“I think there are some on the Spa Islands... but some are further”
>>103621"Neat." He continues looking at the tortoise. "I do not know anything about lands further south of Spa Islands. I think I heard though that there is tribe of dragons on some islands far south of here, across ocean."
>>103622“Oh yes... great big isle of dragons, and other dangerous creatures”
>>103623"Probably not very good vacation spot, but it sounds like okay place to see."
>>103622he looks at Silver and blinks
“Will you take me?”
>>103625The question surprises Silver. He most certainly wasn't expacting
that question, out of the ones he would be expecting. "Uh...well, I do not if I will ever go, or get chance to go, but...I suppose if I ever do, I will come to you?"
>>103626He wags his tail and smiles slightly
“I hope that if I do go, the creatures I meet are more like this tortoise than those Pukwudgies”
>>103627This one he can work with better. "I would not think so. Especially if you go to take look at local marine life. I do not think Pukwudiges can swim." As expected 'Pukwudigies' is not a word that comes naturally to the Severyanan.
>>103628It may not slip off the tip of the younger, but the terror instilled in the last encounter has ensured that the name of the Pukwudgies shall be seared into Mint Marine’s mind
“I hope not... I hope they can’t use boats either”
>>103629Silver chuckles at the image that crosses his mind. "I do not think they make boats that tiny."
>>103630“Hehe... I would like to see the boats sometime. The ones in the harbor”
>>103632Well, that is a spooky roll.>>103631"We will have to go sometime, then." Silver looks to the two colts. "In meantime, do you two want to go to next exhibit?."
White Orchid is leaning over the fence trying to lean in to touch the tortoise, his hind legs in the air
>>103634Silver has to pull out the father voice for this one. "White Orchid."
>>103635The colt has basically managed to balance himself on the upper wooden rail of the fence, with the first half of his body sling inside of the enclosure, and the other half dangling outside. He moves his eyes up towards Silver
>>103636Silver gives him the old fatherly 'come on now' look he hasn't had to use for a while.
>>103637The little pony blinks. He had not received such a look in a very long time, and though he averts his eyes, he does not react.
>>103638Silver's voice takes a more stern tone. "White Orchid. You are going to get all of us in trouble. Get down from fence."