Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
1847 replies and 155 files omitted.
>>104737Understandable enough, he thinks to himself. While he hopes that Mint will get a chance to speak a little about marine life before they arrive at the orphanage, from what Silver knows about White Orchid and colts in general, he has his doubts as to that possibility.
A little, I think. You certainly try to make her seem malevolent when you describe her, but to me at least she comes out more as just narcissistic. She doesn't really mean evil in most cases, she just thinks very highly of herself and Pegasi in general.Either way, I noticed an issue with her left eye that's bothering the hell out of me, so I may as well see if I can't correct her facial expression a little. >>104742Badly injured>>104743White Orchid speaks, Mint Marine does not
>>104746Darn.Iron, poking his chest wound again, simply shakes his head dejectedly.
"We must stay here and rest. I am in no condition to fight anypony or thing that could try to attack us, unless we are sure not to encounter anything bad on our way back to civilization."
>>104746Silver does at least understand that.
>>104743There’s an episode of Netflix’s “The Crown” set around 1956 or 58 that centers around Prime Minister Winston Churchill receiving a portrait of himself commissioned from a famous painter. Everyone who sees the portrait praises it for being such an accurate representation, and for the general quality of the art. Churchill, however, clearly doesn’t like it, and hides it or covers it when he can. Towards the end, a man confronts Churchill on the portrait. Churchill states that he hates the portrait because it depicts him as old, decayed, decrepit. He says “ it’s cruel” the man retorts “age is cruel!” and that settles it. At the end of the episode, Churchill is seen setting the portrait on fire his backyard. An epilogue text says that that portrait of Winston Churchill is “considered a lost masterpiece.”
Made some adjustments to her eyes and mouth that I hope helped to fix the issues with her expression. Or, at least, helped to lessen them.
>>104750The additions do their job properly. I'd say it's an improvement.
>>104755Haha! I got someone.
So, what did you think of the adjustments to Blue Skies' image? Helped at all?
>>104756It definitely conveys a sense of malign glee, but I It leaves me wondering if that is what I wanted, or if I would have preferred a more neutral expression. I wonder what she would look like colorized
>>104758Well, I could try giving her a more neutral expression, but coloring it would most certainly be the thing I would do to finalize it, as in I don't intend to make any more changes.
>>104756I don’t know, after the “just a narcissist” comment, I haven’t been able to think clearly on the subject
>>104758And here is Skies with a more neutral expression, for you to judge accordingly.
I'm not very good with advice, much like I'm not very good with most everything, but I do have this bit of advice to offer: the characters we create are rarely the characters we end up with. I created Silver Sword years ago, back when I first "Joined the Herd", to use the old phrase, and even back then I used him for RP. Admittedly, it was fairly shitty RP between a bunch of strangers on the internet with more than an unhealthy amount of ERP involved, but you get the idea. Through those months, maybe even years I spent on that site, interacting with the other characters and the world we had managed to create, the plucky young adventurer with a sword in his telekinetic grasp and a hunger for stories of adventure changed. It wasn't necessarily a good or bad change (though I would like to imagine it was in the end for the better), and he was still Silver Sword, but he changed. Much like how he's changed during this game. The grizzled, old mercenary stallion from Severyana, years after his original adventurers, isn't quite the same pony that he is now today, thanks to the interactions with the characters you and all the other players have made and the world we've helped to craft together. And just like before, I would like to think of it as a good change, like through our interactions we have helped to make all of our characters more refined, and make them the best they could be. It's almost like we're making them more...human, as time passes.
So, I suppose what I would say to you is: don't be so worried about how the Blue Skies of now isn't quite the character you had imagined when you made her. Characters change as they interact with the world around them, just like how we change. All that matters is what you make of that change.
>>104762Good advice, my fellow horseperson.
>>104759I was originally going to suggest just some of the lower portion of the thick upper eye line of both eyes, to give them a slightly rounder and less intense appearance, as well as erase a small portion of the grin, so that as a whole the portrait would have the same expression, just more subtle
>>104764Uh...huh. Would have helped to know that before making these changes.
Now this is surprising. No new thread yet no attempt to talk from either Silver "The Floofer" Sword or Pear Grant Black Blue Butter Skies Cauldron
I'm back. Hopefully so is Onyx.
>>104768I want to point out that Saturdays are the only day of the week I am usually neither working nor have to sleep early, so Saturdays being more silent than even weekdays is... not helpful
>>104769Does he live?
>>104770Fuck, I thought it was Pear Butter, not Faucet. FML. Well then, if you wish to advance Iron's segment in order to get closer into being available for that group mission, he stated that in his condition, he cannot simply go out unless they were sure of minimal encounters with ponies of greedy intent.
>>104772>he stated that in his condition, he cannot simply go out unless they were sure of minimal encounters with ponies of greedy intent.Cauldron raises an eyebrow
"That hasn't stopped you so far"
>>104773Iron purses his lips, then shrugs.
"Oh alright. I guess we have taken too much time being here, and we might get quite hungry and thirsty if we still stay here for any longer."
Walking over to the pots, he starts the process of putting the pots on.
"Hopefully it is night time outside."
>>104774"It should be night time, though the jungles are not well known to be safe at night time. We will need water"
>>104775"We do have the stream in here, but we could also take some from the river."
He lowers his voice for only Cauldron to hear.
"Since we are mostly going to follow that back to the concrete jungle and all."
He is half done with the pot equipping
>>104771You may want to think exactly how Spark is going to execute whatever he intends to do
>>104776"I wouldn't trust either without boiling first" she helps to put on the pots
>>104777"Do you have boiling equipment?"
>>104778"You use fire, and a pot"
>>104780Iron nods, finishing up the pot equipping with Cauldron's strong, smooth hooves.
"Now that we have that covered, we can go."
Looking back at Grant, he ponders for a bit.
"We should take him to the entrance in case Pear cannot find him in here."
Cauldron ties a rope around Grant, then one around her, and proceeds to drag him unceremoniously
>>104770I kinda forgot it was Saturday.
>>104782Nodding, they go back to the entrance.
>>104785Cauldron turns on a flashlight and looks down on the area cautiously, pouring over it with the light
"Looks clear"
When they go down and by, they see that at least one pony from before is gone, and the scene has been rummaged through. The golden chalice seen long before in the other chamber of the cavern now lies on the ground next to the stream. Crossing the stream is permitted by the steel bridge placed there earlier by the bandits
>>104787Iron nods.
"They should not have any ammo on them, since we looted them from their downed forms. We should be clear."
He proceeds to carefully place a hoof on the steel bridge, testing its durability against about 500lbs of weight.
>>104787I didn't upset you, didn't I?
>>104788The steel bridge creaks and bends, but seems to hold
"I had thought the ammunition had run out on the Submachine gun when I discarded it... he had less than half a magazine full. I think he must have taken the ammunition out of that Bandit's pistol."
>>104792Thank you for trying to draw characters here, even don't appreciate it... It's very good to have art relating to the game >>104793It's always nice to see your characters immortalized with the pencil."You did. I meant the rifle ammo they mostly used."
Iron attempts crossing the steel bridge.
>>104796Iron nods, brushing off the small droplets of sweat off his forehead.
"And they should still be licking their wounds, too. Maybe retreat back to their origins."
He waits for Cauldron and Grant to come along.