Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>103264This question seems to intrigue them. White Orchid in particular responds with enlarged eyes
>>103265"This life is incomplete without friends. It is something I know very well."
>>103268"This world, it can be cold, hard, and uncaring at times. Trying to weather it alone wears on you. It tears at your very being, as if trying to make you into its splitting image. But with friends, it is easy to withstand its influence. Friends care for you and about you, not out of sense of duty, or guilt, but because they are simply your friend, and because they know you would do same for them. They share some of same interests, laugh at some of same things, and even when they do not, they are always there to support you. They offer shoulder to cry on when you are feeling down, smile with you when you are feeling great. They console you are your lowest, and they celebrate with you at your highest. They are warm, friendly, caring. They are opposite of how this world can be. And together, you and your friends supporting each other, when you face against harshness of this world, you are stronger than you ever are alone. Together, you can withstand anything, overcome anything.
"We were never meant to be solitary creatures, and we were never meant to be alone in this world. Even in our earliest days, before civilization, we were together, in our herds, supporting each other to make survival that much easier. That has not changed, even after so long."
>>103269Mint Marine looks up, and nods at Silver with big, purple eyes. He takes in the lesson
White Orchid also nods, though in reaffirmation. To him, it is well known dogma
>>103272Silver looks at the exhibit. "Perhaps they all know already they are in cage: you would have to be very unobservant, or else, not to notice cage bars. But, because they have each other, they can pull through where this lone one is having trouble. Perhaps he will decide one day to look for friend, or another winterchilla will make attempt to become his, and he will be able to stay strong because of it."
>>103273He nods, trying to understand this new point of view
>>103274Not really >>103277Oh whoops. I didn't actually see it was
a) A gif
b) A gun pointing cat
Any message you've gotten might have been severely distroted by my carelessness.
>>103279>>103281Now we need the other two peeps.
>>103275"I do wish best for him, no matter what path is right." He looks away from the enclosure, silently wishing for a friend for the lonely winterchilla. "I wonder what other creatures they have here. Maybe they have something from my homeland, like wolverines. Those were nuisances back home."
>>103283“Ooh! You think they have wolverines?”
“What are wolverines, and why are they a nuisance?”
>>103285"They are like badgers, except bigger, stronger, and more ferocious. Meaner, too, if that is even possible. Some can be as big as pony. They wander alone in forests of Severyana looking for their next meal. They are like to go into rage should their next meal try to fight back. Supposedly there are rarer, bigger versions called Dire Wolverines which can grow to 12 feet long, and weigh as much as 1 ton. Both versions make it very dangerous to go into forests alone, and sometimes one will wander too close to town or village. I do not know if they have any here on display, but it would be worth taking look. Might be they also have bears or Severyanan tigers."
>>103286MM: “Oh dear...”
WO: “Neat! Let’s go see if they have any”
>>103287Silver nods to White Orchid, and addresses Mint Marine. "You do not have to come along if you do not want to, but it would be appreciated to know where you will be so we can find you."
>>103288>that happeningWow, I can't believe Silver is fucking dead. >>103290Silver nods again, and thus sets off to look for if they have any wolverines among their more dangerous animals.
>>103291I'm not even sure if Silver has a weapon on him. >>103287Sorry for my absence as of late. I,ve been in The Real world. And i've been less depressed latly as a result.
I just got home, and im very sleepy. I'll probably be on Saturday.
>>103293It's good to see you're doing better, Starry boi.
>>103292There are indeed wolverines in the mundane section. This is an enclosure that is fenced off and at a lower level, with plenty of rocks and plant life inside
>>103296Silver looks down into the enclosure. "I definitely remember those. Very glad they are down there."
>>103298A pair of the big clawed, brown animals are down there, wondering about their business.
White Orchid stares at them a moment, and Mint Marine tries to take in the sight of the animals
>>103299I wonder what they do all day, with them being down there all time. Silver keeps an eye on the two colts to make sure they aren't going to suddenly fall into the enclosure.
>>103300They don’t look like they are going to fall in. Yet.
“My grandfather used to tell me about Wolverines. I didn’t understand much, but they sounded impressive”
>>103302That's a load of Silver's shoulders. For now.
"They very well can be. I got into fight with couple when I first left home to make it on my own. One of first major scars I ever got was from them." He looks over to White Orchid. "What did your grandfather do, by any chance?"
think he was a farmer out in the Hayseed forests”
>>103304"Seems pretty far south for wolverine encounters. Maybe he traveled in his younger years?"
>>103305“I don’t know... the way my mother talked about him, maybe”
>>103306Silver gives him a curious look, prying for more.
>>103300“Well... she would remark about him hiding things in carts, and avoiding the Revenue men”
>>103308"Tax evasion?" He considers it for a second before shrugging. "I can understand sentiment little bit."
>>103310“I don’t... know. He would cook things”
>>103311Although he's a little hesitant, he asks: "Like what?"
>>103314"...You okay, little one?"