Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>104798Yes>>104797Cauldron comes along, with a "bang" as Grant's head is hit on the base of the bridge
>>104799Iron simply glances at the sound with a doubtful expression.
(She definitely needs some relaxing time after this.)
"Is he stuck there?"
>>104801Iron nods, then proceeds to keep walking towards the entrance of the temple.
>>104802Roll Perception... er, Listen and Spot
[1d20 = 16][1d20 = 4]>>104803>two dice rollsThis is not going to end well.
Top is listen
Bottom is spot.
I think I might have a plan.... a weak one, but a plan.... I think...
>>104805That's one whole plan more than I have
>>104804Iron hears something, perhaps chanting or singing, though what it is cannot be discerned
>>104805>>104806LET'S DO THIS!!!!
>>104807Iron's ears twitch at the sound.
"Are you hearing singing, Cauldron?" he asks the partner behind him.
>>104808"Yes, I definitely hear voices."
>>104807I hope I don't ruin this...
>>104806"Hey, Onyx. How convincing can you make a document asking for medical assistance?"
>>104809Iron attempts to pinpoint its location while still moving, albeit slower, towards the entrance.
>>104810"Well, that'd be a letter, It would need a doctor's signature... I think I could do that."
Should I roll forgery for it GM?
[1d20+4 = 6]>>104813Welp..... Let's hope this works
>>104816Does Onyx get to try again?
>>104816"I... I think I bucked up"
Onyx holds up a letter with many ink blotches and shakey handwriting
>>104817I think he has extra paper if GM allows
>>104817>>104818I seriously doubt that Onyx has only one sheet of paper
[1d20+4 = 9]>>104819That's all the permission I need!
>>104820At least it looks a little bit better.
>>104819Pls no forget me. >>104820I mean... it looks a little cleaner
>>104811It's outside
>>104822Iron cautiously moves towards the sound, being sure not to show his hide too early in case of an ambush.
"Who could be singing at a time like this?" he wonders out loud.
[1d20+4 = 22]>>104822Onyx looks extremely frustrated as he trys once again. Going slower this time.
>>104825Yep, hopefully they suck
"Ah ha! This one should work for you Spark"
>>104824This one looks more convincing
>>104825It's not just that. they'll ask questions like "how do you have a doctor's note from Bales if she's never been to Bales" and "why was this not brought up when she tied to cross earlier," and so on and so forth
>>104823As they near the entrance, there is a glowing light intruding into the cavern from beyond
>>104826"Nice. Now for my part. Hooves crossed I can do this."
>>104827I suppose I can only delay this for so long. I approach the border and wait in line to cross.
>>104827Oof, that sounds rougher than I anticipated.With the entrance up ahead, he slowly walks closer to it.
(Is it day time already?)
>>104828"Good luck, yell if you need me"
Fun fact, since Onyx has seen letters of summons/medical letters in the military he gets +8 to his check
>>104828Eventually, Spark eases his way to the other side. He sees a unicorn stallion of grey with a serious expression, and wearing brown.
"Papers, please" he says in an indeterminable accent
>>104830*glares at player*
>>104829He looks outside to see the sky is dark, and a fire burns not far outside the entrance. He sees Pear prancing around the fire, then she stops as she notices the two exiting the Cavern
>>104831*Smiles at GM*
Hey, don't worry. I'll make up for my meta later
>>104831Spark levitates the paper over.
"It's a medical emergency."
>>104833A flash of green light from his horn, and he pushes it away
"Your Papers! I need your papers to cross"
He glares at Spark with almost glowing green eyes
>>104831Blinking, he can't help but crack a little grin at the cute display of femininity in front of him.
Shaking his head and returning to neutral expression, he simply walks towards her, motioning Cauldron to halt for the time being.
(She should know what happened to her co-worker.)
"Anything happen while we were in here?"
>>104835She stops, and now walks slowly in the direction of Iron before stopping by the fire. Above and beyond the fire, there are some clouds in the sky, but none that obscure the gibbous moon shining down upon them and casting the foliage in a dim light. A plethora of stars glitter the night sky.
"I should ask you that... I take it he lost?"
[1d20+5 = 15]>>104834"Sir, you got your papers. I was given permission to cross, to fix the medical emergency, and then leave. And I going to have to report this breech of protocol?"
>>104836He nods.
"He is alive and seemingly stable. We brought him here in case you would not find him in the dark."
With that, he motions Cauldron to come to his position.
>>104837The Unicorn stares at Spark for a moment. Then he looks over to a different pony. Then he looks at Spark's papers
"Very well..." he says begrudgingly, and motions to let Spark pass
>>104838Cauldron does so, dragging Grant
>>104839Iron nods to his partner, turning back to Pear.
"I assume you knew his plan, then?"
>>104839"Thank you. Have a great day."
Spark smiles and continues forward.
>>104840"To get the money or die trying? Yes, I knew. It's the same plan he had before the bandits showed up, really. It's the same as your plan, and it's the same plan the bandits had."
>>104841Spark is allowed through, but
"Do not leave this area!"
He stops and looks for the source of the protest to his leaving.
>>104842Iron's heart tickles a bit for the sad scene in front of him.
"Ponies seek money because it is the one thing that will change their lives for the better. I cannot blame the bandits or Grant for their actions."
>>104843It's the same border guard
>>104844Over behind the fire, about to Iron's left, are two tied up ponies. They must be bandits from the earlier fight. They are sitting upright and gagged. This whole area is slightly cleared, evidently recently, alhough part of that is due to large rocks and thin soil on the terrain. Jungle foliage is nearby, perhaps a hundred meters. The fire is pretty large. The wood for it must have already been harvested and stored out of iron's line of sight, because this is a large fire to be created by a single small female in less than an hour.
"So it is. Tell me, what good do
you think these relics will do for you?"
>>104845Ok... I'm confused. By area, does he mean the checking area? Is he saying not to cross?
Onyx decides to lay in the wagon, a bit bored at his situation
>>104847The inside of the Wagon is already occupied
*looks at u*
>>104846The checking area. Spark may not stray far