Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>104420"It isn't quite the reaction to our plan as I expected. I figured you would either be very much against us or sort of for it, but you seem just hesitant."
>>104421"Why would I be against it?"
>>104422"If we mess this up, we might make the border conditions worse. More families could be separated. More ponies will be kept from going. We have to make sure we pull this off right."
>>104423"Then I guess there's no time to waste, and no room for error."
>>104423>>104424"No. They get ponies trying to cross every day. A lot of ponies trying to cross actually. There's even Equine smugglers who are paid to help ponies cross illegally. There's a lot of fraud. That's why the Changelings have begun to build a wall" he points to the 18 foot mostly steel plate wall "to keep ponies from crossing... though these only exist in the urban areas, and they check every pony that tries to cross."
>>104425"Consider us freelance Equine smugglers for the day. We put the free in freelance you could say. We want to help out before we need to cross for some business... and we don't even have permission to do that. You could say we have a death wish, but we aren't going out until we help somepony."
>>104426"oooookay then. Don't let me get in your way"
>>104426"Death wish is a great way to put it"
>>104427"Oh trust me, I wouldn't let you. Now, to get some papers"
>>104426>>104428"You can get papers. If you are convincing enough, you might even be able to show up in person and convince the guards to let them through"
>>104429I don't think Onyx has been nibbled on yet
>>104431"Then I say we at least try. Spark, what should we try now?"
>>104432"Let's go with your forgery and I will try a performance to get a pony through should it not work. But I think it is a one time act before they see through it."
>>104433"Sounds good to me, all I need is some paper and writing stuff"
>>104434"There should be some kind of shop for that in town if we don't have any. It won't take long."
There's not going to be a post linking to mine declaring a specific action, is there?
>>104436We go get paper from the paper store.
>>104436Now that you've pointed it out, they will!
Hopefully for at least the rest of this session. >>104436Onyx and Spark are making a visit to the Paper Emporium and Quills & Sofas.
>>104437A stationary shop can be found in the neighborhood of Red Fields (Red Fields being the part of Bales that is on the Pony side but on the other side of the river). It's on a street right across the river, with a large window. Going inside there is a sky blue unicorn colt of teenage years at the cash register.
"Hello there!" he waves "What can I get for you?"
>>104439Unfortunately it does not look as if this particular outlet sells sofas. Sadly it looks as if the shop specialization that has resulted from the greater population of Bales has actually resulted in a less convenient buying experience for all those ponies who need to buy both a quill
and a sofa. If only there one a mega-store that allowed for a one stop shopping experience
>>104440"My friend is looking for some paper. I'm sure he knows the kind he is looking for."
>>104441"Oh. Okay. Where is your friend?"
>>104441>>104440"Some normal stationary and some heavier paper that'd you'd see used for official documents and certificates would serve me nicely"
Blue Skies is best pony (again)!
>>104443"Oh yes, we have many types of paper. We have the 125 grams per square meter paper - a pretty dense one. We have the 165 grams, and a 215 grams - that's usually used for business cards. And we have standard copy paper sizes of a 12 by 11 inch, or legal papering, and other sizes"
>>104444Checked as I'm flipped off by a horse
>>104446"Uh, lemme get some sheets of 125 in legal size"
The somewhat excited pony moves from behind the counter towards a shelf, and with a glow of yellow magic, removes some eggshell colored paper
“Here. Legal sized 125 GSM”
Doesn’t doesn’t know why the pony is using Communist units of measurement, but he does receive paper
Strange. Is Spark still considering all the variables of creating a fake document?
>>104451Spark is kill. Press F to pay respects
I'll take this chance to keep the post where I specify Iron's current point, which is
>>104252>>104455>Thinking Iron can rest uninterrupted in his own nightmares, in a pitch black cavern once thought to be an entrance to HellIt’s cute that you think that
>>104456As an outside observer, I can only vaguely remember if this sequence was supposed to be a dream or not.
>>104461I don’t know if that is Brie, but if it is, both Onyx and Spark have absconded in a conspiracy to commit immigration fraud/equine trafficking. Brie meanwhile, should contemplate the information he gained during his questioning
very carefully
Stuff like this is why it sucks that there are no German Pony nations in EaW.
>>104463But it includes not one, but
three German themed nations or sets of nations, including one based somewhat off of Nazi Germany, one based off the Holy Roman Empire, and like two based off of the Teutonic crusader states, besides another one based off the Hanseatic League
>>104464Yeah. But they're not ponies.
>>104456Well crap. Now I'm regretting resting here. Welp, can't back down now!
>>104465>>104464Dread League best nation.
>>104450Welp, I hope I picked the right one. Now to see how much the dice fuck me up tonight
>>104470Dread League was insanely difficult to play before an update last December. Thankfully now it’s much easier to find play
>>104471I gotta admit, the griffons getting lend-lease will definitely throw a wrench in your carefully oiled skeleton. But other than that I rather enjoy them.