Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
1847 replies and 152 files omitted.
>>103050While I'm waiting around, I'm trying to figure out some universe-appropriate names for firearm manufacturers. What would be the pony version of Winchester? Would the name play off of the -chester part of the name, like Chestnut, or would it play off of the Win- part of the name, like Windigo?
Please wait, while GM translates shit
>>103053>Wesley, du solltest dich an Onyx erinnern. Ja, er war die meiste Zeit der Zugfahrt katatonisch, aber Sie erkennen ihnJa, er ist der große rußfarbene. Er hat weniger Aura als der Knochenkopf.
>>103056*Is pat*
Oooh! I've got a good ponified firearm name!
>>103057"I see they're just full of surprises...."
He noogies the colt a bit
Gimme a minute and I'll think of a Mossberg one
>>103062"Welches ist der Knochenkopf?"
>>103067Spark gets the impression he is being talked about... and not in a positive light.
>>103067"Warum ist ER der Knochenkopf?"
>>103071"Wegen des Knochens, der aus seinem Kopf wächst"
Wesley places his right hoof over his forehead
>>103072Brie thinks about it for a moment, looks over at Spark, nods twice, and turns back to Wesley.
"Ja, das macht Sinn"
>>103073The little ersatz pony sort of smiles, and nods at Brie
>>103075Hmmm.... on to the wagon?
>>103077>>103076He/they can get hitched up. Do they feel like they have adequate supplies?
>>103076>>103077>>103078Brie doesn't, luckily he has other bit-notes that he swiped from the safe. He just hadn't gotten around to provisions yet.
But no, I won't be able to get to that tonight, unless its super-brief.
>>103080Oh noes!
>>103079>>103077Anything else they wish to do in the city before heading West?
>>103081Nope, Onyx would just have to grab his halberd and hitch up to the wagon before they leave
>>103081Acquire provisions. Brie has 100+ notes gaffled from the safe, he would use those to get noms.
Too late, passing out
(do we really need to role-play groceries anyway? Dried meats, dried rations, dried fruit)
>>103086Nah, just take note of expenditures
>>103087>>103086>>103082>>103079Will the horned fellow, the utensil-throwing rockhorse and the bat orphan ling sympathizer be able to carry out the mission set out by themselves?
>>103088That’s the question we all have
>>103087Will do. Brie still has (iirc) about 100 bit-notes from the train safe, and the Lings should each have 600 bit notes from Comte's safe, which he gave them when he thought he was gonna get killed during the revolutionary's train attack.
>>103088>>103090>pic related >>103092That sounds approximately right, although I may need to revisit the earlier threads to verify. Be sure to leave money for
other expenditures that arise, especially if the group wants to ever leave the Changeling lands
>>103094Alright. I'll be ready to continue in a couple hours, though I can't speak for Sparks and Onyx, who's participation would technically be more essential going forward.
Alright, so we're at the Hotel, we've got the carriage, we've got the food,... ready to disembark? Oh hey, maybe a map would be good.
>>103100Maybe there is somepony who has intel about the place you want to go, but it could notify the bugs of your arrival.
>>103101Well, its not like we're gonna sneak up on them,....
[1d20-1 = -4]
Gather Information - Seeking a map or directions
[1d20-1 = -12]>>103103Well thats lovely. 2nd attempt
could set up an ambush to capture you and make sure you're not a threat or something along those lines.
>>103105*bap* Bad! Stop giving GM ideas!
>>103105>>103106More likely a Partisan group would approach them and question as to whether any of them are changelings, I'd think, especially if none of them showed any interest in being escorted safely out of Changeling-occupied territory at that moment.