Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>104153“As always, where brutality or bloodshed is involved, we prefer it not be associated with either the Blackhooves or the Caretaker government. Once definitive proof of Criminal activity is found, there is still the option to call in for reinforcements, up to and including Territorial Reservists”
>>104152He stops, and briefly looks up to Silver, with an expression of surprise
>>104154Silver still has a worried expression despite his relief at seeing Mint respond. "Mint Marine, can you see me? Can you hear me?"
>>104154"I'll Make sure to leave my badge at in my Room,Good To Know."
>>104155No immediate response
>>104156“Whatever is going on there, it has lasted a while now. At least as long as the caretaker government has been in Baltimare. It can wait a while longer. Perhaps with sufficient subtlety and discretion, you may need only make a probe before Baltimare PD or Customs makes a formal raid. But do not treat it lightly.”
>>104157And there goes all of his relief. He gives Mint another shake. "
Mint Marine!"
>>104157"I will not treat it lightly at all,sir. Trust me. its personal. these bucking beaks and ziggers need to be stopped from coming in."
>>104158Mint Marine moves back suddenly, almost like a startled dog or cat. His eyes are wide and focused on Silver
>>104159“Very well. Again, refrain from Brutality where possible, and disassociate it from the Caretaker government where it is unavoidable. Preserve evidence of crimes to justify any larger raid, or for public opinion.
>>104160Silver looks
very worried about the poor colt. "Mint, please, respond to me."
>>104161“Very well. Information will be provided to you in a packet. And Please recover.”
>>104162He looks at Silver with big, wide open eyes, and says nothing
>>104163At this point, Silver is on the verge of breaking down, himself. "Please..."
>>104164Mint Marine sniffles, and blinks
>>104165"Please..." Silver gives him a weak shake.
>>104169And thus Mint Marine has successfully made an old pony feel dead inside. Congratulations!
>>104167He walks towards the door and exits it.
>>104170At least Silver has company
>>104171And thus he does so
>>104172And thus, Silver gets up, feeling defeated. "Come on. We have been in one place for far too long."
>>104173Silently, they both get up
>>104174Silver suddenly has a lot less energy than he did a couple minutes ago. But, he's still, for the most part, following the whims of the colts.
>>104175“Look like you took quite a beating”
>>104176The colts don’t really know what they want to do at the moment
>>104177"Ha, you should see the Changling that did this to me. she got blown in half."
He rubs his barrel where he got shot and winces
>>104177Silver at this point would rather just get finished with this leg of the trip, an opinion that does not help the colts in the slightest.
>>104178“Impressive to see you are still walking after that”
>>104179If Silver wishes to end what was supposed to be a chance for the poor, traumatized foals with no parental figures nor means, to have fun and get over their recent trauma, he may do so
>>104181Alright.... I’ll refrain from character shaming. Silver is free to do as he does
>>104180"yea it got me 3 times. i thought i was gonna die for a second there."
>>104184He nods, and speaks back to Dark Star in his rather deep voice
“As is always the risk in meeting an opponent. You found her, placed her back into a corner, and she she tried to take you out before you could react. Nevertheless, you held firm, and you prevailed.”
>>104185It’s just a question of when to execute the next stretch
>>104186"That i did. But if it wasn't for Blue. I Wouldn't be here to talk to you now."
>>104187So when the stretch happens, I will have a half-health recovered Iron too, right? Making sure that Iron has recovered half-health or Iron recovered
to half-health.
>>104182I am
incredibly easy to pity-pressure into doing something. Even if they're just fictional characters, I don't want them to have a bad time, but now
I am having a bad time because of that. Short version of what I would normally type here is that I have no clue what to do or even what I want to do, all I know is that I want to do something else and yet don't want to be a dick to the colts.
>>104191Why did you talk about the changeling younglings, then?
>>104190"Yea it is. hey have you seen silver around? I Think i need his help on a job."
>>104191Aww, I’m sorry. I do no for want the game to be unpleasant or un-fun to play (even if sometimes I feel sorry for my own fictional characters)
>>104193“I did see him earlier today. He was approved for use of an automatic weapon, and left to complete some task”
>>104194"Hmmmmm did he say what the task was?"
>>104195“No. I know only that it came from Blue Skies”
>>104196"Hmmmmmmmm, i guess i'll ask her that when she gets out. Hey You want to Get a Whiskey later?"
>>104198Dark Star Smiles
"Good to Hear, I Could definitely use one."
>>104199He nods again
“After getting shot like that, I can imagine”
>>104203Yeee>>104204"So How's Everything Been Going With You,Felipe?"