Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>104626Iron ain't doing too well himself. He feels weak. Faint, almost
>>104627>>104628Uh oh.
Iron starts breathing heavily.
(What is... happening to me?)
Any dice roll to save me from impending fainting? >>104629Iron should roll fortitude
Roger that. Night GM. I suspect you'll be the one to continue, judging by how Iron just fell like a trunk from maybe poison.
I don’t know if I can rewrite scene after they are posted but... I’m doing it anyways>>104631From behind him, a figure walks out of the shadows carrying a rifle. It's Black Cauldron, unsurprisingly. She moves forward in front of Iron as Iron feels weaker and weaker. Yet still, Iron can see, and above all, hear, Dr Grant
“Hehe *cough* hehe *cough* haha *cough*,” and with this last cough he coughs up blood
She looks down onto Grant, looks him straight in the eyes and then SLAM! She hits Grant over the head with the rifle, knocking him down. Iron fades… then falls
Did two of my players become the filly?
>>104655We Were always the filly, And So are you.
>>104655Make it 3, I've been the filly for a while now
Shit. That’s s lot of fillies...
Okay, Mental Health hearings are over and thus my last real work for the day
>>104660That's great to hear...I think.
Guys, I think GM got ambushed into another job assignment.
>>104666If you feel like you can manage, we can continue dealing with the seemingly posionous substance either Grant or Pear inserted into Iron.
Roll die, constitution modifier
[1d20+1 = 21]>>104668This better end the low dice rolls from the day prior.Rolling constitution then.
>>104669Iron wakes up in the cavern, to see see above him a pointy field of grey stalactites illuminated by red light. He feels deep pain, and a little woozy, but neither does he feel too weak or tired to get up. Over to his side, Cauldron stands over Dr. Grant, who is on the ground and not moving, pressing against him with what seems to be a bandanna
>>104671Iron grunts audibly, mainly to indirectly inform his partner of his current state of consciousness, and proceeds to stand up.
"Ugh, what happened?"
>>104672As Iron stands up, he feels something tugging upon his chest. Looking down, it’s a piece of white cloth tied around his chest, and thickest near where the wound occurred.
Cauldron answers not looking away from her task
“You just have fainted from blood loss.”
>>104673Iron blinks, poking the cloth on his chest.
He walks over to Cauldron.
"Are you well?"
>>104674There is some blood seeping through on the cloth. Upon touching it, it is painful but not severely so. It feels thick
“Yes... aside from getting shot earlier”
She herself has a bandage in that area on her chest between her collar bone
>>104675Iron nods.
"How is our," he struggles back not nice things for the time being, "other pony doing? What about his companion?"
>>104676“I don’t know exactly”
She says
“He has definite internal bleeding. I am trying to stop the external bleeding right now, as well as apply anti biotic. There is an herb I have that if I can get it inhaled, should help to stop bleeding into the lungs, and keep him from drowning in his own blood. But who knows how it will turn out.”
>>104677Bleppity blep
>>104678So, what's the situation?
Thinking of drawing a Blue. >>104678"Let me try something before we try to stabilize this... pony."
He clears his throat.
"Pear! Are you there?"
>>104679Silver can be leaving the toy shop
DO IT. DRAW HER>>104680No response. At least, no immediate response.
>>104681He shrugs.
"I guess she ran away again after hearing the gunshots.
Looking at Cauldron, he nods.
"We should try to at least stabilize him."
(I do not want Cauldron feeling even more guilty than she already is for killing two ponies.)
>>104682“Or she was never with him. Or she does not want to give her position away”
She continues her work, quickly ripping open something with her mouth
“What do you think I am doing?”
>>104681And thus, Silver leads the two colts back towards the orphanage. "I did have fun, hanging out with you two today. If you would still have me, I would like to do so again some other day." He looks briefly between Mint Marine and White Orchid. "Probably on separate occasions for each of you, though, so we get to do what it is that actually interest each of you separately."
>>104683"Do you need any help with it, I mean?"
>>104684White Orchid:
“Ooh! The rail yard! The rail yard!”
>>104685“No... Unless you have special medical knowledge”
Cauldron pours something into her canteen, then tries to force Grant to drink it, but doesn’t seem very receptive
[1d20+11 = 29]>>104686Iron, seeing Grant lack of reception, decides to try an unorthodox method, quickly jabbing at his flank close to his belly to see if he opens his mouth. Of course it's non-lethal, but also no power attack modifier with it in case he vomits from hitting him too hard.
>>104686"Heh! Yes, White Orchid, I will take you to rail yard next time we do this. Like how I imagine I would take Mint Marine to docks, if he would want to do this again."