Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
>new thread
>doesn't tell us
>>103007IKR? I was waiting in the other thread
>>103008Alright, so is Brie ready to go?
>>103007So that's why I didn't hear anything more.
>>103009Back to the hotel, or en route to
contented sigh the Hive?
>>103011Lets have the characters meet first at the hotel
>>103014Hi, how are you?
>>103015So.... is Onyx dead? Maimed? In a coma?
>>103016If I survived, then so did you.
>>103016Are you a big dumdum? GM wanted you to talk to Brie in character.
>>103016Onyx has sustained no damage. Since he's been on autopilot, he's been removed from the actual killing. At this point, if he's either in the foyer or outside the hotel, he would be greeted to the sight of Brie hauling an impressive (both in size and accoutrement) carriage.
>>103016 By this time, he has finally recovered from his hangover
Next time, be sure to drink plenty of water, and eat a greasy breakfast
>>103018>big dumdumExhaustion will do that to you
>>103019Okay then, Onyx steps outside and looks over the carriage that Brie is hauling
"How much did this cost?"
>>103021Looking around to make sure nopony is near enough to overhear, Brie winks and says "About the price of a pair of carbines and a shotgun."
Brie silently curses himself for not having the foresight to make himself appear as a young pony, just to fuck with onlookers.
>>103022"I'm not sure if that's the best price, but oh well. I assume I'll be hauling it?"
>>103025"We can take turns I suppose, but," he looks down at himself. "I suppose I'll be alright on flat ground, but anything more adventurous would require either you or perhaps tandem. And what do you mean 'not sure that's the best price'? This thing is weatherized against cold, rain, and even flooding. I'm told it will float away if the wheels lose contact with the ground,... but that aside its got mud-traction wheels, reinforced axles and frame for offroading,... honestly pulling it is probably going to be the biggest difficulty.
>>103026"And, pray tell, why did we need all of that?"
He walks around it a few times for inspection
"Hauling it won't be a problem though, that was my whole job in the army"
>>103028It’s pretty big, fairly blocky, and has both metal and wood on it’s black painted exterior. The ground clearance is high, and the wheels are wide, have a large radius, and are wooden at the point of contact
>>103028"I don't know that we do to be honest. I have no idea the terrain, weather, and situations we might find ourselves in. Besides, the firearms were free, bloodletting aside."
>>103031"Fair enough, I guess. When should I be ready to leave?"
>>103032"That depends. Have you seen Sparks, and the little ones? Last I saw them, they looked ready to eat him. I told them to ask nicely, but I can't guarantee they listened."
>>103033"I'll go up and check, gotta grab my halberd too"
Onyx heads up towards the room
>>103034You see this cutie. What do?
>>103034You should find a pony in there still petting two changelings in disguise completely equally... as long as they didn't eat me.
>>103035"Uh, um, hello ma'am. Can I help you?"
>>103037"Don't be a knob, that's Wesley."
>>103038It’s a colt, there are just no cute colt pictures
>>103037It continues looking up at Silver mud with big, unblinking blue eyes
>>103038That would have been nice to know before I said ma'am>>103041>a coltthanks for specifying that
>>103039"Sorry, can't really see it... him that well"
Onyx turns his not blind eye to the colt
>>103041>SilverONYX. Damn it, it looks up at ONYX
>>103044*silently Hi anons Onyx*
>>103048*silently closes his eyes, and enjoys the pets*
>>103046Wait! HEY>>103050"So... uh... Spark? You around here?"
>>103051"Yeah? How goes it bartender?"
>>103041Here's one
>>103050"Wesley, you should remember Onyx. Yes, he's been catatonic for most of the train ride, but you recognize him don't you?"
Brie then remembers himself, shuffles close enough for a whisper, and reiterates:
"Wesley, du solltest dich an Onyx erinnern. Ja, er war die meiste Zeit der Zugfahrt katatonisch, aber Sie erkennen ihn"
>>103052"Ah good, the gang is all here. I'm doing well, yourself?"
He continues to pat the colt
>>103056"Good. The changelings haven't killed me yet, which is always a plus."
>>103050While I'm waiting around, I'm trying to figure out some universe-appropriate names for firearm manufacturers. What would be the pony version of Winchester? Would the name play off of the -chester part of the name, like Chestnut, or would it play off of the Win- part of the name, like Windigo?
Please wait, while GM translates shit
>>103053>Wesley, du solltest dich an Onyx erinnern. Ja, er war die meiste Zeit der Zugfahrt katatonisch, aber Sie erkennen ihnJa, er ist der große rußfarbene. Er hat weniger Aura als der Knochenkopf.
>>103056*Is pat*
Oooh! I've got a good ponified firearm name!
>>103057"I see they're just full of surprises...."
He noogies the colt a bit
Gimme a minute and I'll think of a Mossberg one
>>103062"Welches ist der Knochenkopf?"
>>103067Spark gets the impression he is being talked about... and not in a positive light.
>>103067"Warum ist ER der Knochenkopf?"
>>103071"Wegen des Knochens, der aus seinem Kopf wächst"
Wesley places his right hoof over his forehead
>>103072Brie thinks about it for a moment, looks over at Spark, nods twice, and turns back to Wesley.
"Ja, das macht Sinn"
>>103073The little ersatz pony sort of smiles, and nods at Brie
>>103075Hmmm.... on to the wagon?
>>103077>>103076He/they can get hitched up. Do they feel like they have adequate supplies?
>>103076>>103077>>103078Brie doesn't, luckily he has other bit-notes that he swiped from the safe. He just hadn't gotten around to provisions yet.
But no, I won't be able to get to that tonight, unless its super-brief.
>>103080Oh noes!
>>103079>>103077Anything else they wish to do in the city before heading West?
>>103081Nope, Onyx would just have to grab his halberd and hitch up to the wagon before they leave
>>103081Acquire provisions. Brie has 100+ notes gaffled from the safe, he would use those to get noms.
Too late, passing out
(do we really need to role-play groceries anyway? Dried meats, dried rations, dried fruit)
>>103086Nah, just take note of expenditures
>>103087>>103086>>103082>>103079Will the horned fellow, the utensil-throwing rockhorse and the bat orphan ling sympathizer be able to carry out the mission set out by themselves?
>>103088That’s the question we all have
>>103087Will do. Brie still has (iirc) about 100 bit-notes from the train safe, and the Lings should each have 600 bit notes from Comte's safe, which he gave them when he thought he was gonna get killed during the revolutionary's train attack.
>>103088>>103090>pic related >>103092That sounds approximately right, although I may need to revisit the earlier threads to verify. Be sure to leave money for
other expenditures that arise, especially if the group wants to ever leave the Changeling lands
>>103094Alright. I'll be ready to continue in a couple hours, though I can't speak for Sparks and Onyx, who's participation would technically be more essential going forward.
Alright, so we're at the Hotel, we've got the carriage, we've got the food,... ready to disembark? Oh hey, maybe a map would be good.
>>103100Maybe there is somepony who has intel about the place you want to go, but it could notify the bugs of your arrival.
>>103101Well, its not like we're gonna sneak up on them,....
[1d20-1 = -4]
Gather Information - Seeking a map or directions
[1d20-1 = -12]>>103103Well thats lovely. 2nd attempt
could set up an ambush to capture you and make sure you're not a threat or something along those lines.
>>103105*bap* Bad! Stop giving GM ideas!
>>103105>>103106More likely a Partisan group would approach them and question as to whether any of them are changelings, I'd think, especially if none of them showed any interest in being escorted safely out of Changeling-occupied territory at that moment.
>>103103Upon obtaining a map, Brie can see that a Bales itself is pretty much perfectly on the border.
The area is defined by the convergence of two Rivers, where the Unity river meets the Wye. The Unity runs south from the Crystal border and the Neighagra, while the Wye runs West and slightly south, until the Wye and the Unity merge, and the Wye continues running South and West. The city of Bales is located on this convergence, with the main commercial area and the great train yards being east of the Unity and North of the Wye, an industrial area south of the Wye, and residential areas on all sides.
The Border between the Changeling Lands and the Bales District of East Equestria is West of the Unity, and North of the Wye, right across the river leaving most of Bales in East Equestria. A portion of Bales located West of the Unity is also in East Equestria, but sone little satellite communities are in the Changeling Lands
>>103088>Utensil throwingIt was utensil whispering unless something happened while he was in an alcohol induced coma that I don't know of
>>103112So can I assume that the map directs toward the hive?
>>103114To Brie’s West are 2 million square miles of formerly Equestrian and Crystal Empire land, and only then the Changeling Core Lands. It’s peobably safe to assume their are new Changeling hives in the occupied Lands, but those are not on the map. The closest big pony city is Whinniapolis at around 150 miles Northwest, but there are closer, smaller cities
>>103115Brie shows the map to Onyx and Sparks.
"So how do we want to do this? Its not too late to back out."
>>103116“No backing out, but maybe let’s not go in the most obvious spot to get caught.”
>>103117"Fine by me. I doubt we'll be able to make the trip without trouble, either from the Hegemony or from native creatures, but I'm for minimizing the threat."
>>103116>>103117>>103118"Well I can't very well back down now. I'm not sure what would be the best route. But preferably somewhere we actually can take the wagon without it being more trouble than help."
At this point, the main concern should probably be whether they want to enter the Changeling Lands by admission by Customs, or whether they want to enter without admission. Also there’s the question of where to cross
>>103120I meant preferably no minefields, sharp rocks, forests are out, and I suppose mountains are too. Why I say the paved road sounds wonderful!>>103121Without admissions sounds easiest/best
>>103121>CustomsYou can do that? I assumed you had to sneak in like it was Mordor n shit
Look what you fags have done. Now he's thinking.
I'm calling it now, one of the three won't return from this trip.
And if they all do, then it's not gonna be easy
>>103122>Minefields, sharp rocks, forests, and mountainsThis region is relatively flat, so no mountains
>>103123>MordorI had initially intended the colony territories, if not necessarily the hives, to be little more threatening than the Soviet Union. But now that you mention it...
>>103128>FlatWew, Onyx can manage the wagon on plains. Prepare the little house on the prairie references.
>Little more threatening than the Soviet Union>Implying the Soviet Union is better the MordorShame
>>103129What? No Oregon Trail references?
"You already made one"
Quiet you
>>103131You missed my post about fording the river then
>>103132I was going for another reference, but that, too.
>>103130Should they stick to more rural areas, they may want to avoid certain water sources, as well as be certain they avoid any sort of lice
>>103130I mean we can shoot buffalo until we have too much meat to carry back, but I think that's murder in this world
>>103134Hopefully one of us has survival as a skill...
Just kidding, no one takes survival ranks.
>>103135"So we're going where there's roads
kek then? Fine by me. Is there ANYTHING we might need that I haven't acquired?"
>>103134I'm assuming that Water is included in those provisions, but if not, consider this my bid to have water available.
>>103136"Roads or plains, I can work with either. As for supplies all I need is good for the trip."
>>103138>Parrot NPCsOh shit, that’s a good idea
>>103143I like the idea of smol pegasi that act like birds
>>103144Like pic related. I remember there was one where she'd ask for breadcrumbs to a nigger but I can't find it.
>>103145I'm more afraid it'll try to perch itself on somepony's shoulder, making them fall down.
I'll be unavailable for a bit
>>103148True. The actual movie parrot had a way to perch on others' shoulders.
Honestly, it's a better pick.
>>103143>>103144>>103145Meanwhile, in Severyana...
Alright, so what are we doing?
>>103159Iron's having a marem full of ponies he barely interacted with.
Don't know about the others.
Batty fellow, know that it is a joke and you don't have to puke into the toilet. >>103159Loading up everypony into the wagon to start.
>>103159Silver's currently taking a pair of colts to the zoo, like the good pony he is.
>>103162inb4 they're disguised changelings
>>103159I think we're ready to disembark. Is tipsy full up?
>>103166Able to be balanced easily in one hoof I hope. I pictured a shotglass originally, but it is sort of up to what the bartender in the first bar on our first mission passed out that day. I don't recall that the moment.
>>103164Alright, declare your next action
>>103162They come upon what seems to be the zoo - a beige stucco wall with trees belong it, a ticket window in a little booth, and an opening with a white, arched sign that says "Baltimare Zoo" on it
>>103168"Это зоопарк, если я когда-либо видел." He trots up to the little booth. "Three tickets, please. One adult, two foals."
>>103171I approve of this action.
>>103170The yellow earth pony, with orange mane and a red uniform says
"Alright... 3 for a foal, and 5 for an adult... That'll be 11 bits."
>>10317310 Bits in notes and a 1 Bit coin, it is. Silver addresses the colts on his back as he's (presumably) hooved his tickets. "This will be fun!"
>>103175Probably a good idea to head inside and see what they have and where, first. Maybe they have a zoo directory, or an information booth with maps.
>>103175Can we see the chained ponies at the other end of the zoo?
>>103175Legitimately, the next action would be to head out on the most well established and stable road that is indicated on the map, that leads toward the Lings' home-hive.
>>103179Oh no. I'm in a temple with more metal bits from taking down a group of bandits several times making sure Cauldron gets more than her metal bit she received.
You're at the zoo.
>>103178This is a difficult question to answer if taken literally. Let's start with the issue of simply crossing the border. To do so, there are two separate bridges that go across the river where the border is on the other side - one in the North over Unity, and one in the South over Wye - and one that crosses into Red Fields, where the opposite side is in the same country, but there is a land border three quarters of a mile away. There is of course also the river itself, which may be crossed, though probably not with the carriage, at least without a ferry
>>103176The mundane, the exotic, and the dangerous
>>103181What about the VIP changeling chambers?
>>103181Hmmm. We could float the river,....
>>103181Wasn't it said that the wagon would float away in a flood?
>>103184That's true of a regular car, You still wouldn't drive it into a deep river, especially because you know it won't float for long
>>103183Unless maybe it
can be made to float for a while
Silver turns again to the colts on his back. "Well, this is your special day, after all. I feel like you two are more qualified to choose what to look at first than I am."
>>103186They bolt straight out of the gate
>>103187"...Дерьмо." He chases after them as best as he can. "Wait! Hold up!"
>>103188White Orchid to the left, a little further away, and Mint Marine to the center, a bit closer
Brie goes catatonic cuz debates
Iron is in limbo for the time being.
>>103191Mint Marine is outside the Winterchilla exhibit, looking at the little fuzzy creatures through the bars
"Uh... Oh... okay"
>>103193Silver silently curses the likely-bad decision to let them choose where to go. "Okay...
be safe!" He chases after where White Orchid went.
>>103194Down a little stone path, past some trees, he can finally see white orchid, on a fence overlooking an encloser where some foxes are kept
>>103195Oh thank goodness... Silver lets out a sigh of relief as he approaches Orchid. "Splitting up and bolting right out of gate was not exactly my idea."
>>103196>>103197Come on, Silver.
They only want to have fun looking at the animals
all alone and without supervision >>103197"That you two would come up with ideas and we would go to see them. It is alright this way, I just want to be able to make sure you two are safe, and that you do not get lost." He ruffles White Orchid's mane and looks at the foxes.
>>103199It's a family it seems. A male, a vixen, and at least one pup is visible, sitting on a section of grass near a little pool of water in the enclosure. The pup is playing around, or trying to
White Orchid closes his eyes and enjoys the mane ruffling
>>103200What happy-looking fox family. Hmm. I wonder if there is any deeper meaning as to why Orchid choose this enclosure to look at. He pauses in the ruffling of the mane, no matter how nice it may be. "Should we go look for Mint? He might like having company while looking around zoo."
>>103201He continues staring, now somewhat more sadly
>>103202"What is wrong, little one?"
>>103203"Many things... let's go find him"
>>103204"Hey." He puts a hoof on Orchid's right shoulder. "It is no use to go find Mint if your own business is not in order. Tell me what is wrong. Even if I can not do anything, acknowledging what is wrong is good idea."
>>103205"You say Mint Marine needs a companion... all of the sisters and even the other orphans place the two of us together. And in a way we are. But it's for all the wrong reasons"
He is definitely tearing
>>103206It doesn't take long at all for what the colt means to hit him. "Oh...OH! I apologise, I did not think...I am sorry, really." Silver sits down, putting himself more at Orchid's level as he stands.
>>103207"And on top of that, even the little foxes have a mommy and daddy"
Now he's crying, holding his head down
>>103208Silver feels like this is good time to hold the poor colt close, and give him a shoulder to cry on. "Just let it all out. It is okay."
>>103209White Orchid is the larger and more muscular of teh two ponies, but even so, he is soft and fluffy on the outside. Well, a little
*crying pony noises*
>>103210Silver stays largely quiet while he lets him cry it out. He occasionally tells him that it's okay, or he strokes his mane or pats his head or back. Mostly, for even as fluffy as Silver is, he stays strong for the poor colt so he has something to lean on, support himself, and keep himself grounded.
>>103211White orchid leans against him, silently, slowly soaking Silver's fur
>>103214It's been a while since he's had to do this bit of fatherly duty, but he happily takes up the mantle for the colt who needs him. He has as much time as he needs for White Orchid.
>>103215It's a good thing there are no ponies in Baltimare that would want to kidnap or hurt Mint Marine, because that foal is still unattended
>>103215"You kind of remind me of my grandfather..."
>>103219"Oh? And what was he like?"
>>103220"Old... always happy and kind... missing a lower leg, I never knew why. he gave me gummy candies"
>>103221Silver chuckles. "Well, I can only hope to strive to be like him. Minus missing leg, that is." He wiggles his legs a little.
>>103223he looks up at Silver with big, happier, but still tear filled eyes, with an expression only a child could give. It seems to be saying "buy me gummy candies"
>>103224Silver responds with an smiling expression only an old father/grandfather can give. It seems to say "I will later".
"I am sorry about what I said before, but there is more practical reason to go and find Mint Marine; it is not good idea to leave colt unattended in public place, no matter circumstances."
He follows Silver, and briefly looks back to the vulpine enclosure
>>103226Silver waits for him, while considering what White Orchid said to him. "...White Orchid? What would you say to spending some more time together tomorrow, just you and me?"
>>103227"We could do that. Maybe"
>>103228Silver chuckles some more. "Well, my day is open tomorrow, unless something suddenly comes up. If and when you want to spend time together, I would be more than happy to."
>>103229He smiles and wags his tail
>>103230It's always nice to see a smile on his face. He starts trotting slowly towards where he last saw Mint Marine, motioning for White Orchid to follow. "Thankfully, I only have little bit of work to do after we part ways, then I will be finished with work for while if I so chose. I just have to dispatch some zombie-ponies from catacombs near outskirts of city."
>>103231"Zombie ponies?"
Mint Marine is actually in precisely the position he was left 4 or 5 minutes ago, staring at the Winterchillas
>>103232"Ghasts, really." He rubs the back of his neck with a foreleg upon realizing that it's probably inappropriate to tell him this if he doesn't have any idea that the undead exist. Still, he's committed now. "Soulless corpses of ponies that have been resurrected by dark magic and necromancy. Catacombs they are located in is connected to quarry some company is working on filling in, so I was hired to put them to rest so they can not hurt workers, or anypony else for that matter."
He turns to Mint Marine as he approaches. "Are you doing okay, Mint?"
>>103233White Orchid's eyes go wide
"What do you do?"
Mint Marine:
"Huh? Oh. Yes. I am okay"
he looks at Silver, but turns back at a single winterchilla that slowly walks across a mulch covered bottom of the cage/covered-enclosure
>>103234He nods at Mint, and gives Orchid a bit of a confused look. "Hmm? What do you mean? What I do for living?"
>>103236"Like I said before, I am soldier of sorts..." He sighs. "...I am mercenary. It is what I use to describe my job, even if it has little bit of dirty connotation. Ponies hire me to fight for them or protect them when they can not fight for or protect themselves. I also sometimes am hired to fetch or gather something for ponies, or to send messages through areas that are too dangerous for others."
>>103237Fetch quests as a jobWhite Orchid subtlety nods, and looks uncertain about how to feel about what he’s heard, or if he even understands what Silver told him
>>103238I.E.: Every Bethesda RPG ever."It was not my first choice of career. Still, it pays bills, sometimes I make difference in world, and it is how I met my wife, long ago." He looks into the winterchilla enclosure, curious about this type of animal.
>>103239Silver may have to describe how he met his wife
It's a small, fuzzy little creature with six limbs, giant ears, a fuzzy tail, and little rodent teeth. Kind of cute. During the day time, anyways. They dash about in the cage. Mint Marine particularly seems to be focusing on one that remains mostly in place, and does not interact with the others
>>103240What strange creatures. Seems like Mint has found one that acts remarkably like him.Silver gives him a slightly abridged version. "I met her...what was it, 44 years ago? She was leader of group of brigands that were terrorizing roads and caravans. When I had fought through to center of their camp, I found her there, demanding one-on-one duel with me. We fought for what seemed like hours until our bones felt as if they were going to break and we could barely move our muscles. It was this beautiful dance of death, and we gained respect from each other for it. In end, though, I was victorious, and so I took her captive, to bring her back for reward. Over journey we got to know each other better, started to fall for each other. By time we had almost arrived, we were in love. And so, I released her, and she stayed with me, our hearts belonging to each from then onwards."
He lets out a sigh. "She was...beautiful. In more ways than just her beauty on outside. She was like hurricane: fierce, untamed, furious...but, once you got to her eye, she was calm, serene, peaceful, kind, loyal, strong. She was sweet on those ponies she cared about, and protected them from dangers to best of her abilities. She knew what it was like out there in world, how harsh it could be, but she never let it get her down. She could brighten your day simply by being in her presence. I loved her. I truly did" He looks down, sadly. " in better place, now. Has been for while. I still miss her, every day, but...I am glad I got to know pony like her, and got to father three foals of my own, thanks to her. She helped to make this fool pony's life worthwhile."
>>103241White Orchid tilts his head
“You... married a bandit?”
>>103250He seems a little amused by the question. "I suppose that is one way to put it, yes."
>>103252Mint Marine looks over, and comments
“She sounds lovely”
>>103253Silver smiles at Mint Marine, though it's bittersweet. "Thank you. She was indeed." He continues looking at the winterchillas. "Looks like you have found one you like."
>>103254“I like looking at the animals... this one is by himself, even though he’s surrounded by the others”
>>103258"...Sorry. Just idle thoughts."
>>103259He then says
“They are all in a cage, but only that one seems to know it”
>>103260"Hmm? What makes you say that?"
>>103261“The others play around as normal”
White Orchid interjects
“They don’t feel caged because they are with their friends”
>>103263"Perhaps both have merit, in some way." He looks at the chilla in question. "I wonder how long he has been alone. Is this all he knows?"
>>103264This question seems to intrigue them. White Orchid in particular responds with enlarged eyes
>>103265"This life is incomplete without friends. It is something I know very well."
>>103268"This world, it can be cold, hard, and uncaring at times. Trying to weather it alone wears on you. It tears at your very being, as if trying to make you into its splitting image. But with friends, it is easy to withstand its influence. Friends care for you and about you, not out of sense of duty, or guilt, but because they are simply your friend, and because they know you would do same for them. They share some of same interests, laugh at some of same things, and even when they do not, they are always there to support you. They offer shoulder to cry on when you are feeling down, smile with you when you are feeling great. They console you are your lowest, and they celebrate with you at your highest. They are warm, friendly, caring. They are opposite of how this world can be. And together, you and your friends supporting each other, when you face against harshness of this world, you are stronger than you ever are alone. Together, you can withstand anything, overcome anything.
"We were never meant to be solitary creatures, and we were never meant to be alone in this world. Even in our earliest days, before civilization, we were together, in our herds, supporting each other to make survival that much easier. That has not changed, even after so long."
>>103269Mint Marine looks up, and nods at Silver with big, purple eyes. He takes in the lesson
White Orchid also nods, though in reaffirmation. To him, it is well known dogma
>>103272Silver looks at the exhibit. "Perhaps they all know already they are in cage: you would have to be very unobservant, or else, not to notice cage bars. But, because they have each other, they can pull through where this lone one is having trouble. Perhaps he will decide one day to look for friend, or another winterchilla will make attempt to become his, and he will be able to stay strong because of it."
>>103273He nods, trying to understand this new point of view
>>103274Not really >>103277Oh whoops. I didn't actually see it was
a) A gif
b) A gun pointing cat
Any message you've gotten might have been severely distroted by my carelessness.
>>103279>>103281Now we need the other two peeps.
>>103275"I do wish best for him, no matter what path is right." He looks away from the enclosure, silently wishing for a friend for the lonely winterchilla. "I wonder what other creatures they have here. Maybe they have something from my homeland, like wolverines. Those were nuisances back home."
>>103283“Ooh! You think they have wolverines?”
“What are wolverines, and why are they a nuisance?”
>>103285"They are like badgers, except bigger, stronger, and more ferocious. Meaner, too, if that is even possible. Some can be as big as pony. They wander alone in forests of Severyana looking for their next meal. They are like to go into rage should their next meal try to fight back. Supposedly there are rarer, bigger versions called Dire Wolverines which can grow to 12 feet long, and weigh as much as 1 ton. Both versions make it very dangerous to go into forests alone, and sometimes one will wander too close to town or village. I do not know if they have any here on display, but it would be worth taking look. Might be they also have bears or Severyanan tigers."
>>103286MM: “Oh dear...”
WO: “Neat! Let’s go see if they have any”
>>103287Silver nods to White Orchid, and addresses Mint Marine. "You do not have to come along if you do not want to, but it would be appreciated to know where you will be so we can find you."
>>103288>that happeningWow, I can't believe Silver is fucking dead. >>103290Silver nods again, and thus sets off to look for if they have any wolverines among their more dangerous animals.
>>103291I'm not even sure if Silver has a weapon on him. >>103287Sorry for my absence as of late. I,ve been in The Real world. And i've been less depressed latly as a result.
I just got home, and im very sleepy. I'll probably be on Saturday.
>>103293It's good to see you're doing better, Starry boi.
>>103292There are indeed wolverines in the mundane section. This is an enclosure that is fenced off and at a lower level, with plenty of rocks and plant life inside
>>103296Silver looks down into the enclosure. "I definitely remember those. Very glad they are down there."
>>103298A pair of the big clawed, brown animals are down there, wondering about their business.
White Orchid stares at them a moment, and Mint Marine tries to take in the sight of the animals
>>103299I wonder what they do all day, with them being down there all time. Silver keeps an eye on the two colts to make sure they aren't going to suddenly fall into the enclosure.
>>103300They don’t look like they are going to fall in. Yet.
“My grandfather used to tell me about Wolverines. I didn’t understand much, but they sounded impressive”
>>103302That's a load of Silver's shoulders. For now.
"They very well can be. I got into fight with couple when I first left home to make it on my own. One of first major scars I ever got was from them." He looks over to White Orchid. "What did your grandfather do, by any chance?"
think he was a farmer out in the Hayseed forests”
>>103304"Seems pretty far south for wolverine encounters. Maybe he traveled in his younger years?"
>>103305“I don’t know... the way my mother talked about him, maybe”
>>103306Silver gives him a curious look, prying for more.
>>103300“Well... she would remark about him hiding things in carts, and avoiding the Revenue men”
>>103308"Tax evasion?" He considers it for a second before shrugging. "I can understand sentiment little bit."
>>103310“I don’t... know. He would cook things”
>>103311Although he's a little hesitant, he asks: "Like what?"
>>103314"...You okay, little one?"
[1d20+3 = 13]>>103316Sense Motive: Silver gives the colt a concerned look, as well as looking for what could be wrong.
>>103317Silver is asking a child of perhaps 11 to remember what he saw his now deceased grandfather doing when he was perhaps 5. Silver is suggesting that the child’s grandfather was involved in illegal activities, and White Orchid neither wants to dishonor the memory of his grandfather, not does he understand many years later what he saw but didn’t understand then
>>103318"...Apologies, forget I asked. I was just curious about him, is all."
>>103321Silver decides that now would be a good time to change the subject. "I wonder, if they consider wolverines to be mundane, then what is it they consider to be dangerous?"
>>103322Mint Marine is still staring
“They don’t look too threatening so far”
>>103323"I guarantee you, it is much different story in wild."
>>103324“Well... let’s not meet them in the wild”
Roll die
[1d20 = 18]>>103325Oh boy, I'm ready for Silver to fuckin' die.
>>103326Silver does not lose any foals
>>103328Well, thank goodness for that.
"I wonder what exotic animals they have here. Do you two want to look?"
>>103331And thus, they galivant in search of the exotic section of the zoo.
Pear Faucet is new best pony
Anyways, I have to go to sleep now
I wonder what question GM had for both Starry boi and I.
>>103337I'm betting it's for changing allegiance from strictly Black Hooves to mercs.
That, or dealing with Skies' love triangle. >>103338I'm thinking it's either your spoiler, or that he'll ask if we would want our characters to collaborate on a job for the Black Hooves.
>>103339>>103338That wasn’t it. It doesn’t look like Dark Star will be back soon
>>103340You'll get him tomorrow.
He should be there according to his last post.
>>103340>>103341/pol/eague day 3, and we'll get to see Starry boi (hopefully). Tomorrow will be a good day.
>>103345'Course I rose early today. Can't miss the big game, after all.
>>103346But Silver, the game is in about 4 hours.
>>103347I'll say it again, can't miss the big game, after all.
>>1033472 hours, unless they're as >LATE as last week
>>103349Kek, that was an 'orrible show. Still, we tied despite it.
>>103351>>103352>>103353Now that all three of you are here, you could present your question to the floof and edgeboi.
Okay, so a question for players, and really Dark Star and Silver in particular.
Several of you have mentioned characters in your character’s backstories that could plausibly make an appearance at some point. Dark Star has an aunt, a brother, and Scar. Silver has three children. No one else has any likely characters, though Iron alluded to a sister, and Spark to unnamed family in Canterlot.
So, if these characters are introduced, how do you want them to be handled? Should they be controlled by the players, should they be controlled by me? Should they be controlled by me at introduction and for the first quest or what have you, then controlled by the players? How would you want to do this?
>>103356>Allusion to a sisterR00d. Iron also had a brother.
In the case you do want to introduce them to the game, the best bet not to accidentally mischaracterize them is by giving him/her the player in question to control. If you feel like it's too much power, you'd have to study how the players use the new PCs, then try to emulate the personality you got out of them.
Although I don't think there'll be a problem with Silver since you already took some of their created characters and didn't complain.
>>103356Oh, THAT is the question you were going to ask. Wasn't expecting that.
First off, you should definitely be the one to introduce them. There's no doubt in my mind that you would have the best ideas on when, where, and how to introduce them. After that, it gets a bit tricky. If we control them, there's the risk that we'll just end up talking to ourselves and get nowhere, while if you control them there's the chance you might accidentally mischaracterize them. I'm thinking maybe you should control them, though, and that you can ask for appropriate help with the characters when you need it.
>>103356i would prefer if you controlled them.
>>103358>>103359Well darn. I'm guessing you'll control all of the PC created NPCs then.
>>103358>>103359Alright, just tell me essential personality traits, likes or dislikes
>>103360*hordes NPCs*
>>103361Y-you better treat them nice!
>>103361Give me some time to think about it.
>>103361>>103363Same, gimme a minute to put it into words.
>>103363>>103364Well, I've finished building the monk character in a mechanical level. How are you two going along?
>>103365still thinking about the personalities
>>103361Wait a second, do you want the brother or the sister as an NPC/PC?
>>103367For me it isn't figuring out the personalities, it's just figuring out how to translate what I've got in my head down into a readable format.
I mean... you don’t have to make them now. I just wanted to avoid doing something with a character that is greatly opposed to your conception of them
>>103370I have a feeling that in my case, this is not going to be an issue, since Iron's quest will not continue until a certain parameter I don't know of checks out.
>>103361Think I've got something, though it's more in bio form than anything. Apologies if that's not what you're looking for.
>Silver Rain:A member of the old mafia creed. His life parallels his father's in some ways, with regrets about how he left his family behind and the things he's done since coming to Las Pegasus, regrets that he hasn't found a good way of coping with or solving yet. He's strong and hardy, he can handle himself in a hoof-to-hoof fight, and learned a couple things about saying the right things to the right ponies during his time in the Sin City. His thoughts are often occupied by family, whether it's the one he left or starting one of his own. He appreciates trust and honesty, and dislikes disloyalty and just general stupidity (as well as "those damned Wingbardians"). His favored weapons are a full set of Brass Horseshoes and a right-side Wingblade left to him by his deceased mother. He also carries a police-model .357 revolver, though he most certainly favors his hooves in a fight.
>White Light:A bit of the black sheep in the family. She's quite intelligent and skilled with magic, having graduated with top honors from Canterlot University in the schools of magic theory and practical applications of magic. She's friendly, but has problems with initially interacting with new ponies, though they aren't as bad as they were before the semi-frequent visits with her brother Spec. Still, she favors a magic treatise or good book to most social interactions that don't involve her family. She worked in the Royal Canterlot Research Institute before the end of the Great War, working on various projects such as the "Luna Nova" Prototype Magic Rifle and the Magic-Nuclear Reactor. She isn't the
most physical pony in the world, with her body somewhere in the chubby range, but in the rare fight encounters she has her magic more than makes up for it. Similarly, she doesn't have anything on her in way of a weapon, besides a spell book she keeps with her at all times.
>Spectral Streak:To the soldiers of both Equestria and Hegemony, most know him as "The White Death" due to his lethal accuracy in combat, but to his friends and family he's more simply known as "Spec". His military career has been fairly successful considering the general lack of fighting experience Equestria had. He distinguished himself in the Stalliongrader Civil War during the Battle of Baicall and has participated in a small number of volunteer forces sent off into foreign wars. The recon company he led, the Hengstwolves, grew to prominence during the Great War as a sort of commando unit, combining Special Forces training with the general recon training they had already received. He is very close to his sister White, with frequent visits between them until the beginning of the War put that to an end. He's driven, calm under pressure, and knows how to brighten up the days of those around him, though the experiences of the Great War had made him harder, more cynical, and almost fanatical in his goals to protect ponies and put an end to the Hegemony. He believes a good portion of the Equestrian General Staff was incompetent during the war, for instance with the lack of evacuation orders for Las Pegasus or the lack of supplies in the Siege of Shire, and believes that the age of the Grand Battleplan is dead and gone. While his feelings about the State of New Mareland aren't exactly warm, their position creating a safe haven for ponies fleeing the Hegemony's brutal regime means he's willing to leave them be...for now. His favored weapon is a scoped Lavender Rifle he's modified slightly, though he also knows how to use the left-side Wingblade left to him by his deceased mother.
>>103372Pretty sure this is what he was looking for, albeit he'll have to fill the blanks in terms of stats, feats and other skills depending on how much the GM will use the now tangible NPC.
>>103373Considering he's be far better at that than I am, I'm fine with that. I thought the bios were alright, at least. He's also free to add, remove, or modify as he sees fit, I can only give the template to use.
>>103372Just a couple misc. things I thought of to add:
- White's likes include a good book (romance is her guilty pleasure), research, and the occasional slice of chocolate cake. She dislikes the kind of stuffy, snooty behavior she experienced much of during her time in Canterlot, as well as just that general kind of full-of-yourself behavior. She also does not have much of an opinion on the various factions fighting over Equestria besides favoring which ones will let her pursue her passions of research and magic, and which currently aren't a risk to the safety of her family.
- Spec has a common saying he's attached to his Hengstwolves: "We Resist, We Fight, We Bite". He's carved this phrase into the stock of his rifle.
>>103371What are you bitching about?
>>103375Eh, it's nothing my dude.
You got what you asked for.
>>103369Let me give you an example of how I think about it:
White Orchid:
Temperament: Sanguine?
Extroversion-Introversion: More extroverted
Conscientiousness: probably lowish
Neuroticism: lowish
Agreeableness: high, and well learned on politesse
Openness to Experience: medium to low, learned conservatism
Willpower/Assertiveness: fairly high
Other relevant details: has been at the orphanage for a long period of time and has mostly adjusted. He has imbibed the teachings of the nuns fairly well. He does not show his trauma under most circumstances
Mint Marine
Temperament: Melancholic-ish
Extroversion-Introversion: more introverted
Conscientiousness: relatively higher, maybe because of boredom
Neuroticism: medium
Agreeableness: medium to high
Openness to Experience: relatively higher
Willpower/Assertiveness: less assertive
Other relevant details: between a poor family situation and horrific abuse, he’s not taking it well. Less adjusted to the orphanage, and perhaps more curious
>>103377Ah, so you use the JP method of creating character personalities.
>>103377I've never seen it done like that before.
>>103379I mean, I never write it out, but I do try and think through how they would react to various things, what motivates them, and why
>>103361white Sar
Born 7 years before Dark Star. White Star was the Beloved First Born Son of North Star.
His Days were mostly spent with his Father Tilling, Picking,rotating crops.
He Came to understand the Spirit of the Farmer,Very well.As He Grew His Demanour Changed From one of happy and content Colt, to One of longing to Serve his country.
North Star and Dark Days Were Able to Scrounge up enough money to send him to School.
This is where he,First Heard of The Going ons of the political world in New Mareland.
He Fell in love with the idealology almost instantly. Taking to it like a Seapony takes to water.
About half way through his 2nd year in School He got the news that he was going to be an older brother.
White Star Was Very Excited to meet his little brother, And when the Day came that he was going to Meet him.
He knew for sure they were going to be best friends. As they Grew older they Formed an unbreakable bond.
He was Very Protective of his little brother, He interveind muliple times to help Dark Star when he would Mouth off to the wrong pony.
White Star was Grief Stricken when his Father Passed away in the war, but he knew he had to be strong for his family,And he knew that his Father Died in Service to the Greatest Country on the Planet.
This is Around the Time he Dropped out of School, in order to Provide for his family. He went to workon the docks for a short while,this bored him to no end. so after about 3 mounths, He applied To the Equestrian Air Force.
He was placed under Seargeant Maple Leaf, as a Workpony that Clears the runways for take off.
He Advanced through the ranks Fairly quickly,This Time in the Air Force Hardened him to the World, But he was still loving towards his MareFriend Sour Patches whom he met in Training, he was still warm to His Brother and Mother as well.
Until She was murdered by Scar. He was at home the Night the police Brought Dark Star home, he was filled with Rage at the news of what happend to Dark Days. He consoled the Anguished Dark Star. This Around the time White star got involved with weapons smuggling to New Mareland.
This was also around the time larry berry Campagined on Agrarian reform and won, then he siezed their farm. and that put DS and WS(and his mf)out on the Streets. where Dark Star resulted to stealing, so White Star could feed himself and Her.
then as we know sometime after that the Great War started which liberated Equestria.
>>103380I meant the OCEAN method of creating character personalities.
Got mixed up with something else I saw related to it.
>>103380So something like this?
Temperament: Choleric
Extroversion-Introversion: Extroverted
Conscientiousness: High
Neuroticism: Low
Agreeableness: Medium to high
Openess to experience: Medium to high
Willpower/Assertiveness: Medium
Other relevant details: The elders’ favored child for his attentive, flexible and dutiful nature. Unearthed latent Earth Pony magic (very weak psionic powers) through special tutoring by Stream, one of the younger elders.
Back home now
>>103381That’s pretty good. White Star sounds sweet
>>103383Uh, okay
>>103382I... also don’t know what that is
>>103384i'll write up His Aunt in a bit,You can make scar whichever way you wish.
>>103384>Don't know what it isReally? Perhaps you know it as the Big Five personality traits. That's another way it's called.
Okay, so who wants to play?
>>103385I have a few ideas for Scar
>>103386Oh. Yes, I looked to the big five when writing that, though mostly extroversion-introversion is the only one I really look to. I more often think about the four temperaments.
>>103388I'm going out on a limb here and say all three present players.
>>103389Uh... I think Silver is trying to take the ponies to
A new exhibit at the zoo?
>>103390Iron is waking through the cavern
>>103391Dark Star’s pancakes have arrived
>>103392Eeyup. Something more exotic, hopefully.
>>103392"Did you find any metal bits for the coat shredder?
SMG" he whispers to Cauldron as they go for those pots.
He smiles at the waitress
Then he digs in to the pancakes
>>103393I don’t know if that’s Brie, but if it is, Brie is set to leave Independence, Missouri, with his companions on his wagon
>>103394Silver comes upon a larger enclosure, with more Jungle like and thicker foliage, and cage bars on the viewing area above
>>103396Extra buttery. Skies has nothing to say at the moment
>>103395“No... only a pistol and one clip for rifle”
>>103397"This seems exotic." He looks into the enclosure. "I have never been in jungle before."
>>103398White Orchid:
“It’s gets pretty wild not far south of here”
No creature yet
>>103397Iron nods.
"It will have to do."
Sneaking a glance at Grant and Pear, he checks if they're armed with anything.
>>103397He looks up at Her
"Getting shot really works up an apatite."
>>103399"I am not very familiar with this area. North-east, North-west, yes, but my work actually has not brought me down here before." He looks up at the viewing area. "Perhaps we can actually see what is in here from there?"
>>103401“It looks like it. Are you sure you are okay?”
>>103400Neither appears to be armed with anything, as they cross over the ridge inside the cavern
>>103402“Well, maybe”
As Silver looks deeper inside, he can see the denizen of the enclosure almost blending in with the foliage around it: a very large, yellowing colored frog with no less than six big red eyes
>>103403"Just a little sore.i don't think i'll be getting in anymore gunfights for awhile."
He Grins
>>103403"...What kind of godless land bred those things?"
>>103403Iron feels a bit more confident in his and Cauldron's odds, but can't shake off a little seed of doubt with him.
(If this Grant fellow attempts anything and is subsequently killed, Pear is going to be extremely unreceptive to any sort of contact for a very long time. I should try to avoid that.)
A low buzz from all of the metal bits inside him, combined with the slightly shorter breath intake from that last punch he received, only makes the seed spread its roots further.
(I am not going to be able to take him down non-lethally and Cauldron is not going to take any chances)
He focuses on the stallion's physique, comparing it to Cauldron's.
>>103404“Well, the thing about here is, you never really know when your next encounter will be”
She then adds
“Be grateful it’s more pacific here than in some occupied areas”
>>103405Mint Marine
“The plaque says these are called Bufogren. They can be found in the Hayseed swamps and the forbidden jungles.”
The bufogren gives off a strangely high pitched “ribbit”
>>103406Females being smaller than males, the fairly buff, for a mare, Cauldron is around the same size as the prissy unicorn that is Dr. Grant. Cauldron could probably win
>>103407"Oh i'm Grateful. Still hurts to be shot though."
>>103407Silver looks a tad disturbed by this realization. "That is...uh..."
>>103407Iron sighs.
(Alright. She could win against him in a hoof on hoof fight, but making her risking her hide again sounds quite bad.)
His mouth puckers.
(Perhaps he can still find my raw physique intimidating enough to make him not attack.)
Blinking, he turns to Cauldron.
"Do you have any particular spots to sell the contents inside the pots?"
>>103409“What is it?”
The creature blinks with all six of its red eyes, and opens its tubular, toothy mouth
>>103408*she pays him*
“You’re feeling better at least than that worker. And probably better than that corrupt cop we arrested”
>>103410“There are multiple black market dealers”
Iron’s 0 HP is as plainly visible as a red sweatshirt, if that red sweatshirt left trails of blood
>>103411"...I do not know that I have words for that." He looks over to White Orchid for an explanation, as if he can explain all of this away.
>>103411Crap.Seeing how he's leaving a trail of blood as he goes, he thinks that Grant will catch on and see right through the tough colt charade.
(Only other option is to claim merit of getting the place clear of the bandits to explore and loot its contents.)
He nods.
"Like that griffon you escorted me to?"
>>103411He Smiles and rubs his Head against her hoof
"I Wonder which gang he's with?"
>>103412White Orchid has a smile on his face
The bufogren gives another strangely high pitched “ribbit”
>>103414“There’s only one criminal syndicate in Baltimare. The question is, who else is he connected with?”
>>103413She responds
“Well... yes, like that Griffin I sent you to, but he is a scrap metal dealer. Artifacts usually go through an antiquities dealer.”
>>103415"That is one word for it." Silver looks for the next exhibit, or at least the one closest to it.
>>103415Iron raises in eyebrows, somewhat relaxing his posture.
"You mean he could buy all the metal I just got inside my body?"
>>103415"That is... A Intriguing Question. let's hope he talks."
>>103416The next exhibit is a watery one, with a large set of blackish rocks at the bottom, but no foliage yet visible
>>103418She sighs
“Getting then to talk can be difficult... I think I could have made that Worker
>>103419Iron frowns, kicking a pebble in the way.
He looks at her saddlebags.
"How much are you carrying?"
>>103421“I’m carrying what I brought, plus the rifle and the ammunition”
>>103420It’s pretty plain, until the rocks start to move
>>103422Nodding, his mouth flattens.
(This means that the pots
must be extracted.)
"So, what is you opinion on the ponies in front of us?"
>>103423“I do not trust either of them”
>>103424"I understand. They are taking what should be ours."
He frowns.
"Did you speak with Pear when I dived in the stream to reach the other side?"
>>103425“Only briefly. She tried to talk to me about history”
[1d20 = 2]>>103426He nods
(She's cold to her. Hopefully Pear doesn't 'convince' her to shoot her)
Using his limited empathy, he tries to gauge for as many reasons as possible to explain her distrust.
Apart from potentially taking our rightful loot. >>103428His frown is quite noticeable.
(She is such a good secret keeper. I guess I will have to ask directly. Hopefully she does not have to conceal any sort of hidden motives.)
"What makes you distrust the mare in particular?"
>>103422Silver indeed takes notice of this. "Are there creatures underneath rocks? Or are rocks themselves creatures?"
>>103429“I never trust the bourgeois. And she’s so quiet, following along without saying much”
>>103430Oh, it’s the rocks themselves. Below Silver is a massive crocodile, which is almost rocky in its exterior appearance
>>103432"Oh, I think I have heard about this one, before, actually." Silver most certainly would
not want to face one of these in the wild.
>>103431"I do not think we have that much in common to talk about with her. Still, she does not seem
too suspicious."
He looks over Pear's form.
"Is bourgeois related to her job and state of life? She seems quite frustrated with it."
>>103434"Yes, those!" Silver looks at the cragodile. "It looks like very big specimen."
>>103435“She works indoors teaching things that happened long ago... I don’t trust that as a career”
>>103436“It’s big alright!”
>>103437That causes him to cock his head.
(Would she trust the elders then?)
>>103436She waves a hoof
“Doesn’t seem like honest work to me”
>>103439Iron nods.
"But she seems to know what she is talking about. Does that not make it the slightest bit honest?"
>>103440She waves the hoof again in front of her face
“Oh, nevermind”
[1d20 = 19]>>103441Iron blinks in confusion
(It is time for empathy to tell me what she feels. Hopefully.)
>>103442Feels about what? About Iron or about Pear?
>>103444Cauldron’s distrust in Pear seems to be two fold. The first is a general contempt for the concept of a liberal arts professor, rooted in the belief that certain groups of “intellectuals” are a part of a parasitic class that produces next to nothing of value, while being weak and having a sort of arrogance about it.
The next issue, and the more serious one, is that Cauldron doesn’t really know Pear well, and she does not trust what she does not know. To her, Pear is kind of mysterious. Who is she exactly? How did she escape the bandits? Why is she following Iron and Cauldron? Why is she talking to some guy who evidently collaborated with the bandits, and evidently wants to take the treasure? All of these surround the questions of
what does she want and
what does she know that we do not? All of these questions can have perfectly innocuous answers, but they may not.
Thus, Cauldron doesn’t fully trust her
>>103445Ah, so it's a mix of lack of respect for her profession due to other ponies in her work do next to nothing and expect to be respected for it and simple lack of knowledge about her motives and facts she hasn't shared, as well as being against our inmediate interests.He nods, now understanding her reasoning.
"The gods set this up for us. Her part of the deal was accomplished. We have little to worry about."
>>103446Something to that effect“Very well...”
Cauldron doesn’t sound perfectly convinced
[1d20 = 13]>>103447I don't expect her to. Speaking of being convinced...Iron decides to feel how has his relationship with Cauldron changed after dealing with the bandit menance.
>>103419"maybe we can use the same play we used last time."
he puts his hoof to his chin in thought
>>103449“What do you mean? The jail interrogation?”
>>103448She seems more comfortable around Iron now
>>103437Silver smiles at seeing Mint so excited about the cragodile. "I wonder: how rock-like is it actually? Or are those just scales with rocky-appearance to help it ambush prey better?"
>>103451The gragodile opens its mouth as it swims along, and produces a “rurrr”
Mint Marine: “I
think it’s more rock like...”
>>103450Iron grins to himself.
(All is going according to plan.)
Alright. I think I am ready to tackle pot 'negotiation' and know at least some possible outcomes such as
a)Cauldron shoots both Grant and Pear, which hopefully doesn't happen
b)Both exploration ponies back off from being injured when she aims her equipment at them
c)Grant reveals he was the bandit leader all along, contracting them to make sure he got all the treasure to himself, essentially justifying his death, but adds the possibility of getting us fucked over unless Cauldron can withstand more shots than Grant and/or Pear pulls a power move against him.
d)Iron proclaims he and his partner are the ponies responsible for reaching the inside of the temple, triggering the empathy of the exploration team, hopefully not having to spill anything vital and leaving in relative good terms. I find the last one doubtful tbh >>103453e) Grant gives Iron a single punch, with -1 modifier in damage because of low strength, and Iron collapses in defeat
>>103452"What interesting creature."
>>103454True, but I'm not counting on Iron defeating them with his magestic muscles.It would also aggro Cauldron into shooting him, so I think that would, eventually, turn in my favor. However, I think I know what you're implying. Either rest or pull out a potion of cure minor wounds. Let's try the latter while we're on the move.Iron looks at his striped partner.
"Do you have any magic drinks to make me feel better?"
>>103455“Oh yes, there are many interesting creatures out there”
>>103457Silver looks to Mint Marine. "Do you know any other interesting facts about them?"
>>103458“They have incredibly powerful bites, and live in swampy environments...”
>>103456“You’ve consumer a lot already. I have part of a container”
>>103459"I am glad it is down there, outside of its meal range."
>>103459That's a scary crocHe's rock-hard."If it makes me able to at least land an actual punch instead of a poke on somepony, I will take at least part of that part."
Iron is reminded of Cauldron's one wound on her chest.
"You could take the other part in order to be at full strength."
>>103461>>103461There’s only
part left
>>103460And a good thing the foals are up there
“Yeah, imagine being in there with them. I’m just fine staying at a distance”
White Orchid too is leaning on the railing and looking over
>>103462Darn. Now I feel guilty.Iron reluctantly nods.
"Alright, I will drink it."
How much HP do I get? A 1d6? Half health?
>>103462"This was not what I originally had in mind when I thought 'exotic', but this is still nice." He looks between the two colts. "Should we see next exhibit?"
[1d8+2 = 10]>>103463Let’s say this much
This new enclosure is at almost ground level, with bars in the side looking in, and concrete walls above that. It’s larger, more open, and with deciduous trees planted inside
>>103465>10 HPNot bad.Iron is now partly energized and ready to throw down against any attempt from the expedition ponies from taking the loot.
"Thank you, Cauldron," he whispers. "You are a lifesaver."
>>103466I was hoping for less, but that is the risk of the diceShe smiles
“And the way you work, you need one”
>>103465"This seems more like temperate environment. But what are concrete walls for?"
>>103467You can make the posh pony a bit more stronger if you want, like a +1 or +2. Crit damage with a 3 would instantly knock Iron out in one hit.Iron chuckles, then smiles back.
"I am glad it is you."
>>103450"yeah perhaps,it would work again."
>>103470That is true. It'll still be a 2v1 where hopefully one of us takes him down, unless Pear prefers her own partner instead of the two foreigners that stole some history from her and has a weapon too."Since they are ahead of us, they will most definitely reach the pots first. If they leave them be and explore deeper into the cavern, we simply pick them up and leave. If they pick it up or are guarding it, we point out we are the reason we even made the temple explorable so we deserve the pots. If that does not work, we turn to intimidation. Failing that..." A little drop of sweat. "I am not sure to kill them or knock them out."
>>103471And there Silvet sees it, lying lethargically on a rock under the sun: a large lion, but with back wings, horns, and the tail of a scorpion. From its mannerisms, it doesn’t look very threatening, merely resting lazily. But it’s where size, muscles, and sharp teeth show its potential.
>>103472“But he’s seen you”
>>103473She tilts her head, evidently as puzzled as Iron is
“Well then”
The ponies ahead have disappeared out of line of sight
>>103474"We will have to improvise for that last part."
Iron feels the urge to pick up the pace, going from a walk to a trot.
>>103474"He's seen me and he thinks i'm with his gang."
>>103477“But he got arrested immediately there after, so he will know something is up”
>>103476“Yes it is!”
Both colts are excited to see a live manticore
>>103478"i'll be ""Arrested"" too."
>>103478Silver is kind of excited, too. "I have never seen one of these up close. Look at size of that stinger..."
>>103479“He was in the car after you got shot...”
>>103480It’s pretty huge.
“They say these things can swallow a pony whole”
>>103481Silver looks down at the size of his own body. "I think it might need two bites to eat me."
>>103483Silver smiles at that. "It seems content, just laying there."
>>103481"was he? i don't remember much except you dragging me out of there."
>>103484“He doesn’t look like he has to worry about anything”
>>103485“He saw you and me together in the back, then you confronted him, then he was ambushed by me as he left, then he was in the back seat as you came in shot and mentioned you killed his partner, who was a disguised Worker. He was arrested by me, and I took him to the blackhooves after dropping you off”
>>103486"well there goes one way to interrogate him, Damn."
He Goes Back to eating his pancakes
>>103486"He probably does not. I wonder how long he has been here."
>>103488“There are ways of extracting information, it just takes more less time, and creativity”
>>103489“I... don’t know... doesn’t seem too bad to me”
>>103490"I suppose so. Should we leave him be to look at next creature?"
>>103493“Well, some-pony wise cousins interrogate him, he could be offered a deal or some sort of incentive or threat, and so forth”
>>103492Silver tilts his head. "It is your decision. What do you want to do?"
They get a last look at the Manticore, before moving along
>>103504"So many interest creatures in this zoo. I can only wonder as to what is next."
>>103507In the next pin, there is not only thick bars, but a thick glass-like substance, perhaps plastic around a smaller enclosure. This one is dominated by grass. Inside, are multicolored blue, pink, and red hedgehog-like creatures
>>103490"Well, i guess thats true."
>>103509For the moment, Skies is left silent
>>103508"Well, it
seems like little bit excessive, but knowing what we have seen so far, perhaps there is more than meets eye with these."
Alright, so I have gone through the 4 countries in the “Burning Sea” update and have thought through how their cultures would affect military occupation and eventual colonization by an expansionist New Mareland.
The best country in the group for any would-be colonizer is The Free Towns of Gryphus. Gryphus is a region that was lightly populated by settlers from the Gryphian host and then colonized by a trading company from Sicameon. It’s sort of like the Hanseitic League. Since, knights from the Herzland have joined as well, and they own considerable land. Now the society is split between the Company, Natives, and the Knights, as well as Free cities that are probably associated with the Company, but I can’t be sure. The society overwhelmingly is dominated by the company on top, then the knights, then the natives, and they all speak different languages. This society is basically ideal for any colonizing power, because it’s so divided and top-heavy. First off, eliminate the knights. This should be easy, because many of them should be killed or captured in the initial conquest, and those remaining can be given the choice to accept a more obscure roll in society, leave the country, become essentially a local lord under a higher colonial authority, or accept a position in the Territorial Army. The fifth choice, fight and die, is one that could preserve their dignity, but also one that anti-partisan forces can handle quickly.
The Company can and should be cannibalized in the same way, with those at the top removed and replaced with Pony corporations and executives, many of the workers and leaders forced back into the general population, and some executives integrated under pony leadership, or perhaps even left in place as equals (if desirable). Confiscation of property may not be wholly necessary if New Mareland companies, coming from a richer, more technologically advanced, are able to outcompete the Gryphus company to begin with. The natives, and maybe a working proletariat class, should be beneficiaries of a portion of any power or wealth taken from the other two classes. The Gryphian language, for instance, should be elevated, and the country divided into autonomous areas giving more relative power and land to these lower classes. Hopefully, this lowest class should be placated by their elevation. Illiteracy is moderate in the country, and it’s a bit poorer, leaving room for improvement in the lives of its inhabitants. Free Towns can be either given more autonomy, or integrated as needed. The interior area of the country is only lightly inhabited, and thus may be suitable for Pony settlement
The County of Cyanolisia is almost as suitable. The area of Cyanolisia is historical Minotaur territory that was conquered by the Griffonian Empire. A Griffin noble class was installed to rule the country, with the costal areas being dominated by griffin towns, and the inland area, the “Outback,” being basically a no-go-zone for the griffin population, as it is inhabited entirely by unruly Minotaurs. The griffin population is ordered hierarchically, with an unelected count, a separate military, a “capitalist” class, and presumably a lower social level of griffins. Griffins are a minority, with Minotaurs at minimum being 55% of the population, perhaps even 90%. The country is in basically perpetual insurgency, and at fear of invasion by neighboring Minotauria. There are multiple opportunities here, including simply replacing the top of the Griffin nobility and capitalist classes with Ponies and continuing the status quo, reducing the status of Griffins and raising the status of Minotaurs such that the two groups are somewhat balanced and the colonial administration is on top and mediating, deport the entire griffin population and grant the Minotaurs semi-autonomy, hoping they’ll be grateful, and give the country over to The Republic of Asterion in exchange for an alliance.
The next country, however, is absolutely terrible for colonization, that being The Republic of Asterion. Asterion was founded by the Minotaurs, who migrated there from the area that is now Nimbusia to escape Pony rule. The founded a number of colonies that became a confederated republic, before that was turned into a monarchy after unrest. The mainland colonies were invaded and colonized by the expanding Griffonian empire, and later, the islands of Minotauria were conquered as well, and placed under a puppet regime for ~170 years, until the fall of the Griffonian Empire allowed them to regain independence as a republic. Society is relatively equal among classes and racially homogenous, although the various minotaur tribes disagree with and dispute each other. However, the Minotaurs are united in an irredentism towards the former possessions on the mainland, an opposition to Monarchy, and against any kind of foreign occupation. The determination of the inhabitants not be subjugated, as well as the absence of racial or class divisions for a colonizer to exploit, makes Asterion very difficult to hold indefinitely. The country does at least have extensive tribal divisions that may be exploited.
It may be asked whether Asterion needs to be conquered at all, and the biggest reason it would be is because it has the largest supply of rubber in Southern Griffonia, as well as very respectable steel and tungsten reserves that could hardly be passed up. Perhaps one option in dealing with Asterion is to force it into an alliance as a junior member, perhaps after conquering the islands, installing a fascist government, taking control of the natural resources, then giving Cyanolisia over to a newly “independent” Asterion to form a “greater Asterion” under the direction of New Mareland. This would be at least somewhat comparable to Hungary in WW2, which joined Germany as it regained territory lost in the treaty of Trianon.
>>103513So basically, Cyanolisia, Gryphus and the Company will, inevitably, be controlled by superior horsepower and using their diversity of races and current ruling powers to subjugate while the last one cannot be annexed without some serious extermination. Am I reading this right?
And now we get to the worst of the four countries to try to colonize: The Federated Parishes of Sicameon. Sicameon began its existence 750 years before present, when a number of syndicalist… communes? Whatever the hell the subunits of Syndicalism are, “parishes” I guess. Anyways, they formed a confederation together to help resist invasions by foreign powers. Eventually, they were conquered by the Griffonian Empire under Emperor Grover the somethingth, and the country was made into a duchy. However, the population resisted the Griffonian Empire, destroying armories, assassinating officials and so forth, until the Griffonian Empire withdrew after an occupation of 80 years or less. (I wonder if this is a reference to the Dutch winning independence from Spain after the 80 years war). Sicameon is thus the only country to win its independence from Imperial rule through resistance prior to the revolution.
Sicameon continues to be an independent federated republic of syndicates, although it’s more centralized now, and it still instills patriotism through national holidays celebrating its independence. It relies primarily on militias for defense, which of course means more disciplined, trained, and possible armed griffins for possible partisan actions. The economy is relatively egalitarian, the nation is racial homogenous except for a few Minotaur migrant workers. The country is fairly advanced by Griffonian standards, and fairly industrialized. It’s actually pretty close to perfect with very few problems that need solving, so much so that Sicameon rely feels out of place in My Little Pony generally – where griffins are portrayed as being less well off than ponies – and in Equestria at War especially, where pretty much every country on the planet has something seriously wrong with it. The only problem Sicameon has is pirates and mafia, with there being an option for the Mafia to corrupt the government and sort of take control. The existence of bandits, mafia, and pirates isn’t necessarily good for a colonial government, as they can be a whole new faction to fight or contribute to arms trafficking to partisans. The country has a large navy that it is easy to imagine refuses to surrender and instead goes to a foreign nation. If Hippogryphia, for instance, were a hostile power, it’s conceivable that it could send arms to nearby Sicameon.
It’s worth asking why you would invade Sicameon in the first place, rather than just leave it free or leave it to Wingbardy. Unfortunately Wingbardy must always be conquered as New Mareland as it always attacks sooner or later. Sicameon, on the Historical path, forms a pact with Asterion and thus must be attacked to attack that nation (which will also justify a war goal against New Mareland if New Mareland holds Cyanolisia… which is the only option for a port expanding East). Harmonic nations have a nasty tendency to intervene in every war of conquest not done by a Harmonic power no matter where it is on the planet. There’s also the fact that Sicameon is right along the path from New Mareland towards the East, and thus sort of necessary for the ports and supply lines. It has a great set of factories, even as the resources are lack luster. Simply, there’s not much sense in leaving it alone, especially if it attacks first. At the same time, there are not many options for subduing it. It cannot be colonized in a normal matter. As a fully independent Republic, it will recognize being given the status as an autonomous district or a vassal state as inferior to its proper station, and even occupying until the danger passes, then granting it independence is questionable, as republics of that sort tend to hold national grudges for extended periods of time.
The least bad option with Sicameon, I think, is to do to it basically what America did with Cuba. Conquer Sicameon, and annex a tiny area for the exclusive purpose of creating a naval base. Take the most important industries, and deliver them to New Mareland based corporations. Then, place the Mafia in power. The whole country would be ruled by a mafia cabal, while New Mareland industries can exploit the resources. Nominally, Sicameon might be entirely independent, while being open to New Mareland citizens, corporations, and interests. Cuba in the first half of the twentieth century, especially under Batista, was pretty much exactly this.
>>103515>>103513That, of course, is assuming alternatives are possible. The final option is one I like to call, “Operation Enduring Occupation.” That is, just accept that no long term colony, nor amiable puppet state can be created, and the only way to deal with a subject territory is through indefinite military occupation. This is of course the worst option, because it definitely requires a number of military forces as garrison and probably dooms the territory to eternal partisan warfare, but at least it allows resources to be extracted, infrastructure to be used for logistics, a portion of industrial production to be taken through exactions, and some troops to be raised as territorials.
Let’s use some historical comparisons to try to understand how many troops would be necessary for a military occupation. The German Occupied Zone of France, in 1941, had a population of 25 Million, and had a German occupation force of 100,000. (This is before the Commando raids, so those probably aren’t defending from naval invasion). As another point of comparison, Iraq had a population of 31 million in 2009, and the maximum number of U.S. troops ever to be stationed in Iraq was 180,000 in late 2007. This sounds like a reasonable number of soldiers even for a small nation like New Mareland, as most of the subject territories are also small. There are a little more than 4 million inhabitants in Sicameon, and 6 million in Minotauria. (For comparison, the entirely of East Equestria is probably about 28 million). This means something like 40-60 thousand soldiers could garrison Sicameon and Minotauria combined.
That is, of course, assuming the situation is less bad than a complete revolt. To use more pessimistic figures, in 1920 the Mandate of Iraq had a population of 3 million, but perhaps 135 thousand British and Territorial soldiers were required to put down the mass revolts. (Some say those numbers are way too high. Also, the British won in only a few months). The Mandate of Syria in 1925 had a population of just over 1.7 Million, and a little over 14,000 French soldiers. That number ballooned to 50,000 in 1926 to put down the revolt that occurred there. In 1943, in Operation Case Black, 137,000 Axis soldiers were involved in an operation to try to put down partisans in Yugoslavia, which had a population of 15 million. (The operation failed).
So that's something to think about.
>>103516>>103515I assume extermination is not viable due to something akin to sapient rights?
>>103525>Anonymous of PonyvillePonyville confirmed as a town in Florida
>>103527Absolute truth there.Seeing how the town usually has a ton of monsters attacking it.
Ursa minor, wandering magician turned megalomaniac superpony, random zebra making the townsponies cower in fear in their homes, Bugbear, a giant castle that sprung from the ground.
It's definitely Florida, now that you mention it.
>>103525>>103527>>103529Oh my god, every episode can be described as a Florida man does X article.
>>103529I was going to object to the giant castle popping out of the ground being something that never happens in Florida, but then I remembered hearing about some weird loner immigrant guy who built an entire castle all by himself in Florida, and was sometimes claimed to use supernatural or strange magnetic powers to do it. Also there's the Disney World castle appearing out of the swamp >>103532I'm expecting to see a Florida man headline for Ponyville on the newspaper now.
>"Ponyville Pony shed a Manitcore's hair off and made a doormat out of it" So accomplishing something tonight may be possible
>>103534It certainly is within that realm.
>>103534I don't think I can participate this time, sadly.
>>103512The hedgehogs move about, before noticing Silver through the scratched, plastic wall
Has Brie and co disembarked yet?
>>103538Yes, just chose the destination.
Again, the options are to cross the river into a town on the other side, then go through customs or try to jump the wall, to cries a bridge directly into customs, or to try to cross the river further north or south and attempt to avoid being noticed
>>103539I thought we were resolved to Customs
>>103540Alright, take a pick of where
>>103537The scratches are a bit alarming, but he waves at them anyways.
>>103541What do you mean where? Following the map along the most civilized and paved >road toward customs, and then from there onward - making detours as necessary - opting for the most paved route from our location to the Hive in question, assuming that last part is determinable from the map/directions acquired
There are other wisdom scores involved in the determination
>>103545>>103543Alright. Brie goes along a road that leads through the center of town. It's a well trafficked road with many ponies with carts - carts being definitely more popular than any mode of transport that is propelled by its own power - and past tall buildings, tenements, a library, and row houses, until the river front and a few derelict hotels are reached.
Here, at the riverfront, Brie encounters a bridge. There's something out of place, almost anamchronistic about this bridge, as one side of it has a set of turrets almost like a castle wall. Indeed, the red stone facade on this part of the bridge does have a couple low towers that makes the whole contruct resemble a medieval fortress. The bridge itself is a concrete or perhaps stone archway, about the equivalent of two lanes wide. Not much traffic passes on the bridge. At the center of the bridge, in a span perhaps two arches in length that lies between the bridge's two towers, the red stone turret stops, and the pavement of the bridge turns a subtly lighter shade of grey. This little span seems to mark a great change in the scenery moving forward. There are a number of buildings on the otherside, but these become increasingly likely to seem unoccupied, or perhaps even over occupied. A shop is abandoned and its windows broken, while a hotel seems to be converted into makeshift housing where more than one family shares a studio. Broken windows are common, as are buildings with great gashes and collapsed walls. Carts are fewer in number, but when they are seen, they are seen overloaded with grandfather clocks, suitcases, and farm animals, headed in the opposite direction. A couple ponies look on to Brie and company as the pass with evident curiosity or confusion.
As they progress further, they pass what was once the Red Fields Fire-station. Now, it has an automobile, and a small barbed wire barriacde around it, as well as a number of Griffins in military uniform. They wear a brown uniform that Brie has likely not seen before, as well as brown caps, and wear on their shoulders a green flag with yellow cross. This is hardly the last view of soldiers to be had, as Brie nears what seems to be the crossing point.
Just beyond a two story apartment building is what seems to have once been a road. "Once been," because there is now a wall spanning down its length. It's made of steel, including both plates and grated sections, and perhaps only 18 feet in height, but it's there. It's what's along this road that is more interesting. There is a guard tower on one end, and a number of ponies standing around. These ponies wear a light green uniform, and are accompanied by similar brown uniformed griffins. The Griffins stand around, sometimes bored, sometimes talking to each other, often smoking, but occassionaly taking careful note of the movements of a line of ponies in a fenced off section. It is this line of ponies that the uniformed ponies mind themselves with, as some uniformed ponies talk to the ponies, some shine lights in their eyes, and some look over papers, while still others search carts that are pulled through. The ponies themselves vary in appearence. Some look as anxious as a pony can be. Some are patient and look well off, often wearing relatively fancy clothing. More than a few look fatigued or even ill, though the ponies around them see no need to quarantine them. They may look famished.
Above this whole scene flies a flag that is not unfamiliar, though rarely seen flying. In some ways it resembles the Equestrian flag, the one with two princeses together in the center of blue field surrounded by stars. This one, however, has fewer stars, and the princesses are replaced by a pair of horse shoes. Whereas the Princesses of the Equestrian flag faced each other in evident unity, the two horsehoes of this flag face away from each other, though their backs meet in the middle. It's almost like a pair of horseshoe magnets back to back, polarizing that which is around them.
Brie himself heads towards a shorter line, mostly of better off ponies, heading towards a pair of ponies on the other side
>>103547Holy shit, that's a lot of text.I think I can get into the game, actually. If you're up for it, of course.
>>103542The little hedgehog things move along. Then they see Silver. They turn, one by one as if in a formation towards silver, and stand on two legs, silently. Then they arch their backs, and screech
>>103548If Iron has moves, sure, but note that I want to have some more dialogue between Grant and Pear, which will have to come before it is interrupted by actions, and will take some time to type
>>103549>Iron has movesI don't know what do you mean by that, but sure. I can wait to hear that dialog.
>>103551Brie and company experience what is described in
>>103547. He may move forward through the checkpoint, talk to players or accompanying NPCs, back the hell out, or take whatever other measures you can think of
>>103495Sorry i got drunk last night. and kinda lost track of the thread.
>>103556I think that post was supposed to be “sompepony else could interrogate him.” Anyways, good to see you back. And stay away from alcohol, it’s bad for you. Unfortunately, I have to go to sleep right now.
Is anyponer here this morning?
>>103560I sort of am, but not for long.
>>103560I am.
>>103549Silver's ears fold backwards at the sudden assault. "Well..."
>>103562You said that last nightBut more seriously, that’s fine. I’m still at work but have absolutely nothing to do>>103563One of the creatures turns its back towards Silver, and shoots a quill as a projectile in the direction of Silver and the colts. It hits the plastic, and is deflected. White Orchid moves back, while Mint Marine dives to hide under Silver behind his forelegs
>>103564Silver flinches in surprise, half-expecting to look down and see a quill stuck in his hide before he realizes that it was deflected. "I suddenly see why there is plastic screen." He looks first back to White Orchid, then down to Mint Marine between his forelegs. "Are you two alright?"
>>103565Oh shit! Well good luck. I am technically at work for these next three hours, including a long lunch break that shall be spent at a local taco place, so I will be posting from phone and may not have a long set of dialogue ready. But I’ll keep it in mind>>103566“Y-Yes” says Mint Marine, looking out. White Orchid has flinched as well, even if he did not dive for cover.
“... Pukwudgies”
One of the brightly colored little creatures leans forward and gives a “Raaah!” While two more must believe their business is concluded, as they turn away and start to wonder off.
>>103567"They seem like fairly aggressive creatures, for being so small and colorful."
>>103568“That, they are”
White Orchid is trembling a bit, and the Pukwudgies stare now
>>103569Silver takes note at how afraid the two colts are. "Should we leave them be and look at next exhibit?"
Mint Marine takes another long look at the Jelly bean colored terrors before moving off
The next location is more open, with just a basic fence and some grass
>>103572"Hmm. Some kind of grassland creature?"
>>103574The first creatures to be seen are little brown rabbits with antlers on them. They seem almost curious, and approach
>>103576Dark Star Continues eating
>>103576"I think I have heard of these before, but I can not think of name." He waves at the approaching rabbits. "Hello little ones."
>>103577I’m not sure what Blue Skies would have to say at this moment...>>103578They don’t say anything back to s Silver, though one of them blinks. The little foals come closer to the fence, and lean over it
“Jackalopes!” says White Orchid
>>103579"Aw, yes, that is name." Silver does much the same as the foals, though all he needs to do is peer over the top of the fence. "Cute little things, these."
>>103580Well fuck, that sucks>>103581White Orchid leans a hoof forward, into the cage, in an attempt to pet one of the Jackalopes.
“No touching the animals” says a brown mare, who looks a big older and wrinkled, definitely skinny.
>>103585Silver lets out a chuckle and musses up the colt's mane. He remembers being like White Orchid, once. "Sorry, little one." He also waves to the mare as a friendly greeting.
>>103587She still has a serious look
Now three of the Jackalopes have formed up
>>103588It's difficult to resist such disappointed faces. But, rules are rules. "At least we get to see them. And it is not like you can not interact with them. You just can not touch them."
>>103590A strike right to the heartstrings. "Come on. We do not want to get in trouble and get kicked out, yes?"
>>103592Shimmer observes, and now encounters, the scenes described in
>>103547 >>103593They hang their heads in defeat, yet another one in a life short, but overflowing with disappointments and unfairness
>>103595He gives them a pat on the head, each. "Maybe some other day I will have to take you two to petting zoo."
Next, in a similar enclosure, giraffes are visible
“I’ve never seen a giraffe before...”
>>103597I'm not even gonna touch that sentence...>>103598"Neither have I. I have heard that were they come from in Zebrica, there are tall trees, so they needed long necks to be able to even eat."
>>103599"That's interesting. But how do their necks get long enough?"
At the moment, one walks up casually to a tree, and starts to rip leaves off
>>103600"Maybe they just stretched their necks over and over again until they could finally reach leaves?"
>>103602“Maybe. Hehehe”
The giraffe reaches out for more leaves
Alright. It's nap time.
Taking some time for some actual shut-eye.
I'll check in again in the morning if you're up as wel.
>>103603"Hmm..." Silver stretches his neck up as far as it will go. "Am I doing it?"
>>103608“Hehe” the little ponies giggle and laugh
>>103609After a few more seconds of stretching his neck up, he gives up. "Aw, well, I suppose I am still not giraffe. Yet."
>>103610Mint Marine is laughing. White Orchid laughs as well, “if you keep it up, you will be able to eat free leaves someday too”
>>103611"You make good point. I will keep practicing. Anyways, want to see next exhibit?"
The giraffe looks back with an almost offended look at Silver and the foals.
The next area also has a low fence, and more grass
>>103613"Hmm, more Zebrican animals?"
>>103614Not necessarily. A giant tortoise lumbers through, slowly going towards a cabbage that has been placed on the ground
>>103615"That is one big reptile." Silver peers over the fence.
>>103616it looks back over at Silver with a partial smile. It must be at least as tall as Mint Marine at the shoulders
>>103617"I wonder where these tortoises live. I do not think I have even seen anything quite like this." He pauses for a second while that sinks in. "Now that I think of it, that is probably exact reason behind exotic animal exhibits in zoo."
>>103618Mint Marine is a bit amazed
“I’ve heard they live on the islands far south of here... it’s nice to see one”
>>103619Silver looks to Mint Marine. "How far south? Spa Islands? Or even further?"
>>103620“I think there are some on the Spa Islands... but some are further”
>>103621"Neat." He continues looking at the tortoise. "I do not know anything about lands further south of Spa Islands. I think I heard though that there is tribe of dragons on some islands far south of here, across ocean."
>>103622“Oh yes... great big isle of dragons, and other dangerous creatures”
>>103623"Probably not very good vacation spot, but it sounds like okay place to see."
>>103622he looks at Silver and blinks
“Will you take me?”
>>103625The question surprises Silver. He most certainly wasn't expacting
that question, out of the ones he would be expecting. "Uh...well, I do not if I will ever go, or get chance to go, but...I suppose if I ever do, I will come to you?"
>>103626He wags his tail and smiles slightly
“I hope that if I do go, the creatures I meet are more like this tortoise than those Pukwudgies”
>>103627This one he can work with better. "I would not think so. Especially if you go to take look at local marine life. I do not think Pukwudiges can swim." As expected 'Pukwudigies' is not a word that comes naturally to the Severyanan.
>>103628It may not slip off the tip of the younger, but the terror instilled in the last encounter has ensured that the name of the Pukwudgies shall be seared into Mint Marine’s mind
“I hope not... I hope they can’t use boats either”
>>103629Silver chuckles at the image that crosses his mind. "I do not think they make boats that tiny."
>>103630“Hehe... I would like to see the boats sometime. The ones in the harbor”
>>103632Well, that is a spooky roll.>>103631"We will have to go sometime, then." Silver looks to the two colts. "In meantime, do you two want to go to next exhibit?."
White Orchid is leaning over the fence trying to lean in to touch the tortoise, his hind legs in the air
>>103634Silver has to pull out the father voice for this one. "White Orchid."
>>103635The colt has basically managed to balance himself on the upper wooden rail of the fence, with the first half of his body sling inside of the enclosure, and the other half dangling outside. He moves his eyes up towards Silver
>>103636Silver gives him the old fatherly 'come on now' look he hasn't had to use for a while.
>>103637The little pony blinks. He had not received such a look in a very long time, and though he averts his eyes, he does not react.
>>103638Silver's voice takes a more stern tone. "White Orchid. You are going to get all of us in trouble. Get down from fence."
>>103639He hangs his head, then moves his legs, and shows himself to be stuck
>>103640Silver lets out a sigh before coming over to help him. "Alright, let us see, here..."
And I'm back.
Feels great to sleep continuously.
>>103651>Have me hanged.She probably means hang her arms in a tight embrace over my neck!
>>103653>>103652Princess Luna shall show you the true meaning of the phrase, “hung like a horse”
>>103655Right. Because she'll hang her
forelegs on my neck. Silly me, mispronouncing that.
inb4 Equestria frees itself from bughorses and New Marelanders through Nightmare Moon's rise to power.That, or the New Marelanders just cum straight on the spot when seeing such an authoritative and strong mare >>103654Skies may not know what to say, but she does look expectantly at Dark Star. She is exceptionally cuddly
>>103657He looks up and smiles at her
then he pets her
She looks at him with those turquoise eyes. The top of her head is soft, and her ears come down as his hoof makes contact
>>103659You have any references for what Dark Star looks like? Thinkin' of drawfagging.
>>103661He’s posted a couple images
>>103661>pic related>>103660He smiles, Genuinely happy
He then Goes back to eating those Delicious Pan Cakes.