Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>103639He hangs his head, then moves his legs, and shows himself to be stuck
>>103640Silver lets out a sigh before coming over to help him. "Alright, let us see, here..."
And I'm back.
Feels great to sleep continuously.
>>103651>Have me hanged.She probably means hang her arms in a tight embrace over my neck!
>>103653>>103652Princess Luna shall show you the true meaning of the phrase, “hung like a horse”
>>103655Right. Because she'll hang her
forelegs on my neck. Silly me, mispronouncing that.
inb4 Equestria frees itself from bughorses and New Marelanders through Nightmare Moon's rise to power.That, or the New Marelanders just cum straight on the spot when seeing such an authoritative and strong mare >>103654Skies may not know what to say, but she does look expectantly at Dark Star. She is exceptionally cuddly
>>103657He looks up and smiles at her
then he pets her
She looks at him with those turquoise eyes. The top of her head is soft, and her ears come down as his hoof makes contact
>>103659You have any references for what Dark Star looks like? Thinkin' of drawfagging.
>>103661He’s posted a couple images
>>103661>pic related>>103660He smiles, Genuinely happy
He then Goes back to eating those Delicious Pan Cakes.
>>103661>>103664Although i did change his cutie mark from that to a Fasces
>>103667I never noticed he had a toxic sign.
Bundleofsticksism all the way!
>>103664The pancakes are delicious. But Blue Skies continues staring at Dark Star, evidently expecting something
>>103669You could take this downtime for some of that Big Dialogue that Fleshes out the New Best Pony. I'll try some small talk with Cauldron for the time being.Poking Cauldron on her shoulder, Iron's walk is a bit slowed.
"Did you get some of the flowers you wanted?"
>>103670Uh, good luck.
I thought thay by now you would've started already tbh >>103673*coo*
That’s what she wants. She leans into it, even as the table is in the way. She is both soft and feathery
>>103671“Before our trip took a... side tour? Some”
>>103674"Want To Go Visit the Boys with me?"
>>103677>"Want To Go Visit the Boys with me?"Well, shit, guess Silver needs to get done galivanting with the colts, soon.
Also, I'm finished with the drawing of Dark Star. Just need to get it scanned, then I can post it. For some reason, it looks a bit more like anime than I was expecting it to, and I don't know why.
>>103678We shall see how anime it actually is.
tbh Star is sort of an anime character in at least some standard. >>103677“Well... I guess I could...”
Whelp, here it is. I'm not very good at drawing, but I do genuinely hope you like it, DS. I also got the thing I did of Silver scanned, so y'all can see that in its whole glory.
Not sure what to do about the empty space on both of them. Might be I'll doodle some other stuff for the characters at a later date.
>>103683I Do. you did a Good Job.
>>103682"Great. i'm Sure they'll love you."
>>103686She smiles awkwardly, and turns her head and eyes away a bit
“Well... we should probably meet with Seabreeze to show him you’re still alive”