Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>103692“Well, I
told him, I meant letting him see you...”
>>103693Why does he look like a gorgon
>>103698>gorgonThought it signalled his Nativeness well.
>>103700“So what are you wanting to do with these... foals?”
>>103701"Maybe take them to see a Moving Picture."
>>103702“Where are they located now, exactly?
>>103705“Okay... why are you taking an interest in them?”
>>103641White Orchid moves all four of his hooves. He’s not perfectly stable, but he did manage his way partly over the fence
>>103710"Well, this should be simple." Silver sees if he can use his telekinesis to at least push White Orchid's lower half down, like a lever.
>>103713Well, unless he needs a roll, he does so. Hopefully it will allow White Orchid to get off the fence on his own.
>>103708Dark Star Finishes his pancakes and stands up a little more firmly than last time.
>>103714The little pony is knocked back out, and falls to the ground, still managing to land on his feat
>>103715He’s able to stand, even if still injured
>>103717"I'm Feeling better already"
He Chuckles
Then he helps blue up and pays the bill
>>103717Silver's tone of voice returns to normal upon the colt touching the ground. "Now, are you alright, White Orchid?"
>>103718“That is good”
The golden pony provides the bill, and Dark Star pays. Skies nods, and stands up
>>103720"Good." He pats the colt on the back. "Now, what do you want to do? Continue looking?"
>>103721“I... don’t know, what do you want to do?”
>>103722The golden pony can only smile and nod
>>103723Silver rubs the back of his head and sighs. "Well, I do not know. I still have work to do, and should probably do, but I do not want to disappoint you two like that..."
>>103723"I Hope SeaBreeze isn't Mad."
He Hails a taxi and tells him to go to the hotel
>>103724“We can see a few more things...”
>>103725“One way to find out...”
They do so
>>103726"Alright then. I wonder what will be next."
>>103727The next area is sort of like a cage, but with thinner and closer spaced bars, almost like chicken wire. The walls do not simply end but curve up to the top, and provide a ceiling to the (smaller) enclosure
this is interesting cage. What would need to be contained by it?"
>>103729On a limb that is set up to hang from a wall, Silver sees one. It’s a bat, hanging upside down, and looking at Silver
Thankfully it is not one of those perfidious web-winged, slit-eyed, vampire-fanged, fluff eared Pegasi, who worship dark forces in their mountain-top cult gathering under the light of the moon, or join communist newspapers and the puppet governments in greatly disproportionate numbers. No, it is a regular bat, completely red in color, with big, cute eyes, and with the dots and texture if a strawberry. Another one hangs nearby, having the coloration and texture of a purple grape
>>103730Silver decides to take a wild guess as to the name of these creatures. "Fruit...bats?"
>>103731Mint Marine smiles.
“Fruit bats!”
They make little sounds. Another one joins, this one looking like a lemon. Their ears are like leaves
>>103732"What bunch of fruits." Silver sticks his tongue out at the bats.
>>103733The bats simply look back at him, while one gets up to fly around in the aviary
>>103734"Ah, well." Silver waves it off. "You know, that makes for very effective camouflage."
>>103735White Orchid: “Imagine receiving a basket full of them. You think they are fruit until one of them opens their eyes. Then the other ones do, then they fly at you”
>>103726Dark Star Pets her as the ride there
>>103736Silver involuntarily shivers. "Or worse...that you do not realize they are not fruit until it is too late..."
>>103738Indeed, unlike those elven-eared ersatz equines who in there cavern cabals conspire and calumny against harmony while cooperating with communists and collaborating with invaders, these bats do not wear their identity on their wings, but rather may competently camouflage as common citruses or culinary curiosities.
Skies accepts the pets, and seems to need the affection. They arrive soon enough
>>103739Should have said, “Unlike those... who wear their treachery on their webbed wings”
>>103739"Or imagine trying to harvest orchard, and you buck tree with bunch of these hanging from it."
>>103741White Orchid’s mouth slowly hangs open as his eyes grow wide, and his head moves back
>>103742"Hmm?" Silver looks to where White Orchid is looking at, to see if there's anything he's missing.
>>103743Nothing more than the image Silver gave him