Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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[1d20+3 = 13]>>103316Sense Motive: Silver gives the colt a concerned look, as well as looking for what could be wrong.
>>103317Silver is asking a child of perhaps 11 to remember what he saw his now deceased grandfather doing when he was perhaps 5. Silver is suggesting that the child’s grandfather was involved in illegal activities, and White Orchid neither wants to dishonor the memory of his grandfather, not does he understand many years later what he saw but didn’t understand then
>>103318"...Apologies, forget I asked. I was just curious about him, is all."
>>103321Silver decides that now would be a good time to change the subject. "I wonder, if they consider wolverines to be mundane, then what is it they consider to be dangerous?"
>>103322Mint Marine is still staring
“They don’t look too threatening so far”
>>103323"I guarantee you, it is much different story in wild."
>>103324“Well... let’s not meet them in the wild”
Roll die
[1d20 = 18]>>103325Oh boy, I'm ready for Silver to fuckin' die.
>>103326Silver does not lose any foals
>>103328Well, thank goodness for that.
"I wonder what exotic animals they have here. Do you two want to look?"
>>103331And thus, they galivant in search of the exotic section of the zoo.
Pear Faucet is new best pony
Anyways, I have to go to sleep now
I wonder what question GM had for both Starry boi and I.
>>103337I'm betting it's for changing allegiance from strictly Black Hooves to mercs.
That, or dealing with Skies' love triangle. >>103338I'm thinking it's either your spoiler, or that he'll ask if we would want our characters to collaborate on a job for the Black Hooves.
>>103339>>103338That wasn’t it. It doesn’t look like Dark Star will be back soon
>>103340You'll get him tomorrow.
He should be there according to his last post.
>>103340>>103341/pol/eague day 3, and we'll get to see Starry boi (hopefully). Tomorrow will be a good day.
>>103345'Course I rose early today. Can't miss the big game, after all.
>>103346But Silver, the game is in about 4 hours.
>>103347I'll say it again, can't miss the big game, after all.
>>1033472 hours, unless they're as >LATE as last week
>>103349Kek, that was an 'orrible show. Still, we tied despite it.
>>103351>>103352>>103353Now that all three of you are here, you could present your question to the floof and edgeboi.
Okay, so a question for players, and really Dark Star and Silver in particular.
Several of you have mentioned characters in your character’s backstories that could plausibly make an appearance at some point. Dark Star has an aunt, a brother, and Scar. Silver has three children. No one else has any likely characters, though Iron alluded to a sister, and Spark to unnamed family in Canterlot.
So, if these characters are introduced, how do you want them to be handled? Should they be controlled by the players, should they be controlled by me? Should they be controlled by me at introduction and for the first quest or what have you, then controlled by the players? How would you want to do this?
>>103356>Allusion to a sisterR00d. Iron also had a brother.
In the case you do want to introduce them to the game, the best bet not to accidentally mischaracterize them is by giving him/her the player in question to control. If you feel like it's too much power, you'd have to study how the players use the new PCs, then try to emulate the personality you got out of them.
Although I don't think there'll be a problem with Silver since you already took some of their created characters and didn't complain.
>>103356Oh, THAT is the question you were going to ask. Wasn't expecting that.
First off, you should definitely be the one to introduce them. There's no doubt in my mind that you would have the best ideas on when, where, and how to introduce them. After that, it gets a bit tricky. If we control them, there's the risk that we'll just end up talking to ourselves and get nowhere, while if you control them there's the chance you might accidentally mischaracterize them. I'm thinking maybe you should control them, though, and that you can ask for appropriate help with the characters when you need it.
>>103356i would prefer if you controlled them.
>>103358>>103359Well darn. I'm guessing you'll control all of the PC created NPCs then.
>>103358>>103359Alright, just tell me essential personality traits, likes or dislikes
>>103360*hordes NPCs*
>>103361Y-you better treat them nice!
>>103361Give me some time to think about it.
>>103361>>103363Same, gimme a minute to put it into words.
>>103363>>103364Well, I've finished building the monk character in a mechanical level. How are you two going along?
>>103365still thinking about the personalities