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Should I get therapy?
3153 3155 3174 4006 4267 4527 4711 5066
Is therapy just a joke, or is it worth getting? Who should I do therapy with? Can I trust my entire life's story with anyone who's not on this site?
Maybe if I tell you my life's story, you can give me life advice.

I was raised by abusive lefty parents who hated their smart white son and often tried to push me towards trannyism. Never fell for it.
First I was sent to a shit primary school. A few kids bullied me there and teachers punished me whenever I fought back. I was a fat angry kid who could punch hard when pushed, and they liked attacking me and then running away. But when we fought properly I'd kick their asses. One time I kicked their asses hard enough to make them stop bothering me.
When I graduated from this school I was sent to the special school of a catholic school, and made the personal property of one old bitch there who hated autistic kids. Around that era I got interested in Game Maker and pokemon romhacking but that interest never amounted to anything, though I did have a USB full of GBA roms and romhacking tools and the fact that I was able to code at such a young age when not all kids were learning that should have shown somebody that I had more to offer the world than shitty schools thought I should.
Thanks to that school, my schedule looked like this: Enter a side building, wait for the day to end, sometimes get insulted by the teachers if they felt like abusing me, usually get to eat lunch at lunchtime but sometimes they wouldn't let me (and it didn't matter whether I brought a packed lunch to school or brought money for the school cafeteria) and eventually go home to a house with parents that, when told the right words by my boomer bullies, would freak out and abuse me at home too. Rarely I'd get to join in a classroom... but class clowns would act up until I'd get blamed for it and sent out.
If I had a tape recorder or decent phone, I could have gathered evidence of the shit said/done to me (audio files of verbal abuse, pics of bruises, etc) and posted it online. But I was never allowed anything like that, because my parents feared I might use it on them. One day at school the art teacher bumped me with her car while backing up into a crowd of kids, I was fine but pissed off and the art teacher shrieked and blame-slinged feministically at me until I lost my patience and started barking back, then she put me in front of the headmaster and I told him about the abusive staff members and called him terrible at his job, so he kicked me out.
Then I was sent to a worthless "speshul" school where a few teachers abused me and the students usually watched in confusion when they weren't joining in. Whenever I trusted an adult enough to tell him or her what happened at home, that adult decided to call child protective services, who sent the same fucking boomer woman over to warn my parents that I was talking about what went on at home again. I couldn't get away from my family until I became the problem of Adult Protective Services, where the slightly less retarded and lazy people go.
A woman my age at the autistics-only youth club I attended got mad at me over retarded internet roleplaying nonsense-drama that didn't even involve me, and she lied about me to the cops and accused me of abusing her, even went to some clinic to fake signs of a concussion she didn't have because she's a spoilt bitch who knows how to play her rich parents like fiddles, she was a low-functioning sociopath woman with histrionic personality disorder and every retarded boomer's sympathy. She lied and got away with it, because the cops weren't interested in this case after she cartoonishly fucked up and started gloating about physically assaulting me without realizing it hurt her case. But even though I said to the managers of the youth club and the friends I knew there "If what she said about me was true I'd be in jail so you know she's lying" they couldn't believe me because they were dumb. There was one weird creepy fucker I used to talk to online because his "woe is me, asian school life is sooo hard" shit kind of reminded me of me at the time, but he got severe TDS and stopped being a person once he stopped viewing me as a person so I'm glad I didn't tell him anything sensitive or identifiable that could fuck me over later in life.
Anyway when I went to college, I was lied to and exploited by the staff until I dropped out. They even tricked me into taking a worthless course that turned out to be the dump where they dump the autistic kids and give them a useless fake newspaper to write. I wish I dropped out sooner, trying to live on barely fucking anything is hard enough when your mom took govt money meant for you, but it's harder when you're forced to spend most of your cash on train rides between your college and shitty home every two weeks and all your cunt government can offer is a discount pass. Now that I'm living alone, I've got a free bus pass I can barely use. Government priorities, am I right?

I am an autistic man, I'm 24 years old, I'll be 25 next year, and I've spent so much of my life as property of someone else that I find it hard to notice when I'm hungry or tired and remember that I should eat or sleep without someone or a phone alarm telling me to. I shower every night before bed but sometimes I miss meals, it's what helped me go from obese fatty to only-slightly-overweight. I don't think I know what it feels like to be loved by someone else. Learning makes me happy and I love documentaries but when I tried an online free learning site it reminded me of school and I couldn't do it. Sometimes I talk to people and act charming like those "Charisma on command" youtube vids told me so they'll like me, but I've never given anyone my full backstory before. The only woman in my life I ever kissed was that bitch who falsely accused me and got away with it. I want to say I have no interest in modern women but I still feel the urge to wank to them. But I don't wank any more because of nofap.
954 replies and 197 files omitted.
You know what would be cool?
a Dragon/Grass fakemon with the ability "Hunting Season".
It makes the fakemon's not-very-effective attacks into Super Effective attacks, to compensate for how bad Grass is offensively.
What would be cool is if you stopped treating the board like your personal blogspace.
5347 5350
I thought that was what this thread was for
For shitposting at will >>>/sp/
LessWrong niggas really shat their pants in fear over Pascal's Wager 2?
Thats what you decided to make this thread about, yes. If you werent from reddit, you would appreciate how unwelcome blogs are on an anonymous board, particularly without context.
Information sharing has its blog-ish properties. I cant go on about woodworking/cooking, soap anon cant go on about soap making, filly plush anon (miss u bro) cant go on about plushmaking without blogging elements,... but the focus of the pseudo blogging is to convey technical elements of the field.
And then theres (you), who has a voluminous excess of words and yet manages to say little to nothing beyond "I think this", or "This happened to me" (or worse, "This clearly didnt happen to me, but Im gonna pretend that it did").
There is nothing substantial about your blogposts. People are made dumber - not smarter - by reading them. They are quite literally a dark mark - cancer, if you will - on a site that with a few notable exceptions, manage to keep their posts relatively exclusive to facts and information.
But you're from reddit, so you will continue to shit in this designated shitting thread under the auspices of 'posting content', wondering about what would be 'cool', and insulating yourself from the fact that your posts are the antithesis of 'cool'.
File (hide): 5438C48830338335E4B2AB2C8A99564B-18366847.webm (17.5 MB, Resolution:320x240 Length:00:04:10, nobody k-k-k-kares.webm) [play once] [loop]
nobody k-k-k-kares.webm
You care enough to remind me of your opinions as if you expect me to respect you and care about your opinions this time.
5377 5381
You are incapable of showing genuine respect and everyone knows it. No one expects anything from you except more of the same, but you will get shit on when you do.
Nigga you called me gay when I praised my workout buddy
5379 5381
Nice deflection, but wrong again. I took your description of his 'perfect ass' and oddly specific descriptions of what you would do 'if you were gay' to take the piss. That, along with your 'previous' futa predilection/apologizing, makes it really easy to suggest that you might be in denial about being a homo.
It really doesnt matter if you're gay or not, the salient point was that you consistently absolve yourself of even a modicum of consideration for anons in/around the site, and engage in the most atrocious offenses of decency because you get dopamine from writing walls of text that dont concern anyone but you (read: blogpost). Good luck refuting that point.
Do you want to believe I am a villain here to take the piss?
Blogposting was a reality that posters agreed to live with when /ub/ was made. Everyone knew it was going to happen.
>There is nothing substantial about your blogposts. People are made dumber - not smarter - by reading them.
Then why the fuck are you here? If you don't like his posts, just fucking ignore him. Stop engaging shitposters you don't like.
Your shit flinging is just as annoying as his blogposting.
Villain what? What are you even on about? Can you not go through an exchange without getting hyperbolic and polarized? This isnt an ebin struggle of good versus evil ya know.
Except the purpose agreed on was that the blogposting was to serve a purpose. I addressed that in the same post you're quoting,... if you keep reading,... yeah down there toward the bottom.
Wew, 3 yous for the price of 1!
And yet shit flinging is a time honored tradition of anonboards. But, since you took the liberty to opine
>pic related
theres a guy ITT who has some sound advice.
>If you don't like his posts, just fucking ignore him. Stop engaging shitposters you don't like.
Seriously, who said I dont like him?.
But yeah, Id take that guy's advice if I were you.
I don't think you're going to stop no matter what I say, and I'm not going to waste any of my time to convince you.
I'm just saying it's real ironic to keep talking down to someone for shitposting when you continuously reciprocate it by also shitting up the thread/board. Counter-shitposting is still shitposting.
Cant play chess without an opponent, anon
Man, Sonic Adventure could use a rewrite.
Over 30 minutes of cutscenes and for what? These stories don't intertwine well. Why does Tikal show Gamma and Big some random Chaos and Echidna Lore she forgets to show Knuckles?

Sonic, Knuckles, Tails. Those should be the main stories necessary for unlocking the final story. The other three are too different from real sonic gameplay and too irrelevant to the main plot.

As for minimalist story changes... emphasize the growth of the three leads. Tails has the best story aside from the utterly perfect Gamma, saving Station Square alone was brilliant, just make the second plane better than the first gameplay wise and it's perfect.
Knuckles seemed retarded when he got tricked by Eggman again. All the Tikal stuff should be exclusive to Knuckles and Sonic's routes-
Or maybe instead of arbitrary flashbacks the three can work together to get into the echidna ruins to see a flashback together. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles can be together during a big scene where all three are shown a Tikal flashback to learn the truth about Chaos. This is his Sonic Adventure to stop Eggman and his pet Chaos, and Knuckles's Emerald Adventure too. But Tails is on a Sonic Adventure too. Except it is really a Tails adventure to prove himself to Sonic and grow.
Knuckles's story should be more than searching for emerald chunks. He should be learning more about his people, himself, and the world outside his island along the way. His story ends with him saying "I learned nothing and that's okay". Fuck that. This is Sonic, it's cheesy hedgehog melodrama hour. Knuckles should say something cheesy about how friendship is good.
Seriously, that scene where Eggman tricked Knuckles was fucking retarded. I would have made Knuckles more suspicious of Eggman and Eggman more cunning so the trick can work anyway without making Knuckles feel retarded. As for Sonic, the heroes keep losing their emeralds and seeming retarded. Eggman also seems retarded for telling the heroes his plot at the start.
Chaos should not talk. But some kind of minion to talk to means he can justify shit and explain it in cutscenes to his minion while watching the heroes on screens.
I would have made Tails's attempts to help at the start screw things up and give Eggman the emeralds.
Sonic would say "let's split up and cover more ground and return here soon" and get no more emeralds because he needs Tails's help. Tails would feel awful and feel the need to get emeralds. Tails might even suspect sonic wants to go solo now because the partnership isnt working out. He returns to sonic with two only for Knuckles and Sonic to fight, but instead Tails steps up to fight for Sonic, getting beat up just a little and letting Eggman get Tails's emeralds. Eggman mwahahas, team sonic talks and realizes what happened. From there Tails should want the trio to stick together but Knuckles has shards to find so Sonic and Tails work together. Sonic and Tails take on the Egg Ship and fail, Tails feels bad, heroes are separated like in canon, Sonic lands near Knuckles conveniently as he finds the last master emerald shards in Red Mountain. Sonic gets a Knuckles level full of tricky spindash jumps with Knuckles as a following partner to provide his emerald radar to the player. Elsewhere Tails builds a better plane, but Sonic needs the help of Tails and Knuckles to get into the Echidna Ruins. I think the level was called Lost World? Anyway they take on Eggman together first using Tails's plane and win on the Egg Ship, Knuckles redeems his earlier bruh moment (being tricked into fighting Sonic) by being awesome and he stays behind to destroy this ship so it cannot destroy Station Square (surviving) while Sonic chases after Chaos who heads to Lost World while Eggman heads to Station Square so he can get his cool solo moment fighting Eggman. Chaos Six should be Chaos Five for Knuckles to fight his way and the new Chaos Six should be something for Sonic to chase down and fight. When the three heroes are done they head to Lost World, they each get one level here taking on different challenges to open up a pathway for Sonic, who goes to the center to find a bigass mural. Tikal tells them everything and then a hidden Chaos reveals himself with all the emeralds, transforming and destroying the Mystic Ruins. Not Station Square, the heroes saved that place and it should stay saved. Or it can be destroyed after Tails evacuates everyone. None of that "All's well that ends well, said the guy among the ruins" bullshit.
I loved the idea of each character getting their own Rashomon plot thread but they barely form a cohesive story together. Getting the main trio's threads to converge as one for the main Chaos-related stuff would massively help the pacing of echidna lore and how lackluster the individual stories in this game can be.
And of course, everyone should get a Cannon's Core style level in SA1.
The five Sonic Friends should get their own part in the destroyed Station Square where they search for the Emeralds.
Big fishes for one, Tails flies for one on a time limit, Knuckles climbs and glides around for three, Gamma is dead so Amy gets two hammer leaping between buildings and floating wreckage islands and highways. And then they bring the emeralds to Sonic and Sonic goes Super and penetrates Chaos a few times to rid him of negativity or whatever happened in canon.
5394 5395
File (hide): 4A2DEC209F4698FB8C17665D99F0AF0D-4796453.mp4 (4.6 MB, Resolution:316x480 Length:00:03:45, Proud Faggot.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Proud Faggot.mp4
Proud Faggot.
Got any more videos like that? The chad in that video deserves a medal for staying so calm, I don't know if I'd be able to pull it off.
Also it's ironic that the faggot insists he is "being himself" when every dead meme, globalist communist jewish lie, and hollywood propaganda piece that makes up the identity and faggot culture he's so proud of are as artificial as the makeup he wears.
And what does that faggoted man end the discussion with? Buzzwords and a twitter-tier slogan against the rights of man. The faggot doesn't fear censorship or oppression despite his bellyaching about muh closets, the faggot wants censorship and oppression for his betters. He flees the discussion after revealing his true face, the face of a coward hiding behind makeup and an antiwhite globalist system's protection.
Getting drunk in public is almost as degenerate as being a faggot, which is almost as degenerate as smoking, the subhuman violent act of poisoning the air of others and your own body while enriching globalist jewish tobacco companies. If these vile things are not banned, it seems hypocritical to ban other things like weed and heroin use in public.
5396 5397 5398 5399 5400
Fag in this video is cringe, but so is the grug "debating" him. Stopped watching when his first attempt at deconstructing the faggots argument was an appeal to nature. Animals eat their own shit, rape eachother, etc. Something existing or not existing in nature does not make it inherently good or bad. There are many behaviors in nature that should be avoided, and many behaviors that are unique to humans which are beneficiary. Making an appeal to nature is a vapid argument that can be easily twisted against the arguer.
Watch it again, his errors were actually minimal if any
5399 5439
Humans have reason and don't compare instinctual animals.
This. However, he does expand upon it a bit later when talks about the depopulation of whites. But yeah, that idealization of nature by ourguys is a weirdly reoccurring thing.
1487227052223 (1).png
While reason SHOULD ideally drive human behaviour, the fact of the matter is that ho-mans are unreasonable creatures. Reason is but the weakest driving force of the human physche; this becomes painfully aparent when attempting to rally large amounts of people. You always need to cater to emotion, even amongst wignats.
Most of their decision making is far removed from logical reasoning, a cocktail of chemical substances dictate their decision making. Not unlike the careless, lumbering "reason" of a horny teenager.
5401 5440
The faggot brought up homosexual lions (a behaviour exclusively observed in captivity, when male lions are kept together and fed without the need to hunt live prey and without any female lions around) and homosexual Dolphins (Dolphins are horny sluts who rape seals, birds, divers, seaworld swimming women, each other, they'll even pursue sea creatures not even a furry would fuck and use them like fleshlights).
If humans exclusively engaged in "natural behaviours", they would still be pursuit predators in the wild, never inventing sharp sticks, hunting tactics, complex language, or agriculture.
>homosexual cats
Not a lion tamer, but as one whonhas lots (7) of cats, I can attest that as adolescents they DO engage in buggery. As in, several of my cats have sodomized one another in bouts of sexual exploration.
It happens.
But, they grow out of it it. At least, cats do.
5438 5439
Come to think of it don't Rabbits eat their own shit while Koalas eat the shit of their mothers?
I have no idea if that's true or not but that's another "natural" activity pure humans are too good to engage in.

Btw, I had an idea for a story
>be faggot consumer human who watches tv 12-18 hours a day
>see tv advertisement for transformation pill
>take it, feel motivated to make healthy lifestyle changes that improve you as a man
>nofap, read books, sell TV and gaming PC for home gym and healthy hobby money
>become gigachad
>turns out the pill did nothing. Or was just a vitamin supplement. Or it turned the hero into something cooler like a werewolf or elf and that's why he suddenly cares about his health and cannot stand globohomo shit. And then he moves to live with the elves/werewolves/whatever and kills the Vampires hell bent on killing all good humans to make enslaving the rest easier.
And that's the story. Does it sound good?
>>>/vx/163088 →
It's only tangentially related. Although am almost certain the issue is in the question itself.
You do these a lot. Then again, they may not be 10/10 eye-opening questions, but they are at least something for an otherwise almost dead site.
>hay guise did u no that koalas eat each other’s shit hahahahaha isn’t dat funni?
>btw here is a completely unsolicited synopsis of some random story idea I just thought up, that I will never write, that would be absolutely awful even if I did write it, because there’s not enough substance to generate an actual story from, and also because history has repeatedly proven that everything I write is absolute dogshit, but it doesn’t matter anyway because the only reason I am posting this is because I want the 0.0001 seconds worth of dopamine rush I will get from having a complete stranger on the internet tell me that my absolute dogshit idea for the absolute dogshit story I will never write, regardless of what anyone thinks of the idea, is the greatest idea anyone has ever had
Why do you do this? Why can’t you stop?
>If humans exclusively engaged in "natural behaviours" they would still be pursuit predators in the wild
Yes, which is why it is retarded for the grug to also make an appeal to nature by calling the faggot "unnatural". Also, tool usage and "hunting tactics" are not things that are unique to human intelligence by any measure, so those were kind of bad examples for you to use.

I'm glad that we agree.

Stop posting.
meant to reply to >>5400 as well with the first portion of my post
5447 5473
Tbh i wanted to put the story idea somewhere so people will know I thought of this first even though I'm busy wavedashing
5450 5473
Serious question not directed at (you): How does internet posting apply to copywrite law?
In that this is an anon board, one might assume 'not at all', but being that I could testify as to the irl name of the poster, one could make the argument that this post IS evidence of concept.
The point is not to emphasize doxxing or anything, Im more referring to this as perhaps another form of a poor man's copywrite
>Poor man's copywrite is where one takes creative product - script, story, song, etc - places it a sealed envelope and sends it to themselves. The sealed and post-dated envelope can then be submitted as evidence of ownership/concept in a copywrite dispute, so long as the seal remains intact.
I wonder if any legal authorities on /mlpol/ might be able to comment?
I would assume that it doesnt apply in this case, as the post-date serves as indicator of having been officially prossessed and processed by government agents, and a website cant be said to operate in the same capacity, but in that the site, post, and content COULD be assessed for tamering, a case could still be made.
How about those stories posted online under
>all rights reserved
Does it actually bear as much legal weight as a formal document? Is it even possible to conserve ownership of a fic?
Lawfags, get in on this shit.
I love memes like this because they bring everything into perspective.
>it even possible to conserve ownership of a fic?
Thats what Im wondering. Im sure that it would need to be a 'complete' work, I mean you cant copywrite a summarized plotline cuz the details can differentiate one work from another.
Eh, probably not something that could pan out.
Rewriting my fucking sonic fangame plot is a pain because there are so many continuity errors with this franchise.
Remember when the classic games had the bare minimum amount of writing and still fucked shit up, calling each new island THE home of THE chaos emeralds (not a different set of emeralds), and sometimes introducing eight emeralds or giving them the wrong colours?
Unless each island that was "the original home of the Chaos Emeralds" was once part of one big continent that split apart, this shit makes no sense. And that's Japan sonic. American Sonic had its own BS. How many times was Knuckles tricked into working for Eggman by the time SA2 came out? Five?
There is beauty in the simplicity of the older games. SA1 tried pretending it had a massive story that required 6 unique perspectives to tell, although for some reason all the Echidna Lore (BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO CUT ME OFF) gets split up and scattered between stories that fundamentally do not involve Echidnas or ancient civilizations. People praise the stories of Tails and Gamma and sometimes Amy in this game because they are so focused. Yet they still have echidna lore flashback scenes better suited to the stories of other characters more involved in the story of Chaos.
SA2 split one convoluted story of cartoonishly evil globalist UN supervillains killing everybody aboard a space station built by Eggman's grandfather so that his daughter wouldn't die from Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome - You know, fucking Space AIDS - into two paths, Hero and Dark. They turn out so much better when modded into one story path. Still has holes.
The moon is whole in Sonic Heroes and Shadow The Hedgehog and 06 because "the moon rotated"? This is so fucking retarded.
Fuck it, my game shouldn't touch anything in the stories of other games.
It should be simple and concise. Eggman is up to his old tricks again, Sonic goes and stops him, roll credits after some fun fights.
Trying to autistically retcon away every plothole and inconsistency would bloat my story and piss off anyone whose headcanons for rationalizing away said plotholes and inconsistencies differ from mine.
funny joke
What did the canadian weeb say to the cute tsundere kitsune?
"You're a cute tsun, eh?"
Two fucking pokemon forums wont let me post my game in the fangame section of their forums, what do?
Cry moar
Wow, what a cunt
Get a load of this "helpful commentary"
You make it easy to believe you're like this for my sake, rather than your entertainment.
When did:
1. I ever say I dont enjoy it?
2. Anyone ever say that if you blogpost about stupid shit, you're gonna be rewarded with 'helpful commentary'.
Sounds like you're operating from a false predisposition that you're entitled to your preferred response.
5471 5472
Who's your favourite Sonic character?
Mine is Tails.
Mine is Nigel
Amy Rose
Okay, I'll give my legal insight on this.

Copyright protects specific literary expression. As soon as it is written, it is protected by law, without a need for registration and regardless of who you are. Copyright does not protect ideas and concepts, nor does it protect names or words. Copyright law is standardized internationally and can be applied internationally.

To prove a copyright, prove that you wrote the specific writing first. I would think a screenshot with the (You) dated shortly after it was posted with the time stamp, along with a signed affidavit would be a good start.
>Copyright does not protect ideas and concepts, nor does it protect names or words.
So, theoretically, if I avoid taking actual fragments from the show, I should be good to go?