>Mixed Nuts
To some, its a delightful role-playing venture based (loosely) on 3.5e D&D rules. To others especially a particular german poster,... love you btw its the worst thing to happen to Mlpol (which is saying something, cuz there's,....).
>What it do
On weekends we engage a dynamic storyline based largely on the GM's capacity to create and illustrate the situation. Sometimes he's a faggot tho.
>What about me?
New players and shitposters are always welcome. We have prohibited excessive >lewd, but it does still happen, and non-players can assume casual roles as available (at the moment the world is a desolate wasteland tho so not for a bit). If wanting to play, make a post about it in thread and there's plenty of anons who can steer anon in the right direction.
At the moment the party is starting to appreciate that - from their future-jumped perspective - the worst has already happened. All that is left is the denouement, but at the same time there's still a glimmer of hope. Deep within the ruined city of Durpistan, where Thez has made a last vestige of resistance against the forces of George Soros, the party contemplates their next move.
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>>63182"No, I met Seiben, his son. And he was great. He was kind and friendly that everyone of you AREN'T," she says with a wave. Now when I say a wave, I don't mean anything lasting. What I do mean however, is that she (Addy) has a certain force of presence, where she can 'wave' her emotional state into the immediate surroundings. At the moment she's sad and hurt, because all she's ever known is ignominy, for reasons beyond her control or ability to mitigate.
>>63184"Who are YOU to tell me what to do!?"
"DD, please, it's,...."
>>63187"Who am me? Me am Infernuis "mother fucking" Preston, me am the one who you are angry at. Beat me it will make you feel better."
>>63187"Me am the deadbeat that never got to see you grow up. Me am the loser who wasnt here to protect you and you mother."
>>63187>He was kind and friendly that everyone of you AREN'TTorc grimaces at the words
"Heh, first I found out the poor unicorn I brought here is pretty much being killed everyday and I get spat on and insulted by father and daughter..."
Torc stops the spell and walks away again
>"Damnit you emotional little bitch" >>63192Torc begins to point his gun, but stops and lowers it
"Forget it, I'm gonna go see what I can do"
He trys making his way to a watch tower or the likes
>>63193"You see this?! This is the only one of you who isn't a pussy!"
"No! I've lived by your rules, I've hid from everything. To what end?! Where am I to go from this except to
And to this, Thez has NO response. All that can be heard from her is choked breath and astonished silence.
>>63195*breaks grapple*
*bends addy over knee*
"You will listen to your mother!"
"Like,... like all my friends,"
>>63195Wait, did she just say Torc is the only one who
isn't a pussy?
>>63195Trumpaladin interjects, though perhaps with not enough force to overcome what is going on in front of him
"How do I get back"
>>63195"Oh stop it, he just wants to leave the room to get away from drama. Now all of you hush. I need to get back to the past. I mean, we need to get back to the past"
[1d3 = 3][1d20 = 15]>>63200As he says this they hear a ray sound
"Hey shit this feels good"
Torc casts Ray of frost on one of the lizard people outside the walls
Stix, still confused, lays down in the other room and waits for the group to settle down. Seeing that this could be a lengthy wait, Stix takes a rest.
>>63203"So,... so does she." Thez says, and Infernius can see that just saying this, admitting it, literally crushes her. "She didn't,... doesn't deserve this world."
*changes into dragon form and roars at inferniosj Ive had enough no apprentice of mine is going off half cocked. You think your a terrible father. Out of 5 kids only 2 of mine are still alive and i wasnt around to protect them.
>>63205Wakes up with a start at the sound of the roar
Let's go of the pony, and moves back in the room closer to the door, with Pony 2
Lenos hits the button. In an extra-ordinate display of grandiose dragon-ocity he grows to immense size, embracing his full dragon nature.
His tumultuous dragon-breath beats down on Infernius. (not the napalm dragon-breath)
[15d6 = 46]
Torc casts freezing sphere at a large group of the reptiles.
It's his form of stress relief
>>63204*flys towards court city*
>>63208Oh even better
*jumps inside lenos mouth*
Trumpaladin goes for a walk
*spits out foul tasting bull*
You sorry excuse for a bull. I have half a mind to let my children practice their breath attacks on your worthless hide. But that would be a waste of the time i spent training you. And i wont deprive your daughter her father or my friend her mate (pathetic as he is at this moment). Instead ill do this for now
*casts forcecage*
>>63214Who said that?
Also he's in a magical force-prison. Remember that time Lenos and Thez fought (might've been early for Infernius) yeah that one.
>>63216You have a 20 by 20 cubeto move around in
>>63216Yes, though Infernius is limited to a 20x20' space.
>>63218*lifts spiked eye ridge*
Really? A weak imitation of the spell i cast over myself all the time. You really think thats going to affect me?
>>63220>>63218I did allude to this,... directly,... not long ago
And Infernius was there for it
>>63221I remember reading that post
>>63224With the post, I was referring to Infernius casting Fire Storm and everyone crouching, versus Lenos casting it and Thez saying (at the time) GTFO to her sole charge.
As far as ethereal jaunt
>>63222Is it a walled cage, and/or are there windows?
>>63225"Um.... excuse me. You said something earlier about undesirables, or whatever you called them, that you think might be responsible for sending us through time?"
>>63225Its the cage of bars the bars are .5 inches thick with .5 inches in between
>>63226Look at post 62717 i believe on the previous thread
>>63225Its not a windowless room. But unless he can become less then .5 inches thick he cant get out using etheral jaunt
>>63226Understand, the party is a new thing to Thez. For ~ 15 years there's been nothing but Addy. I understand there are misconceptions on Infernius' end, but Thez' side it very dark and resentful, with cause.
>>63230He knows that makes it worse.
>>63231I don't think he does. Maybe
I'm missing something, but I have a real hard time identifying with is position. Having not been responsible for his own absence, I have a hard time buying his shame and regret. I have a hard time seeing him resentful and angry - aside from outrage - at the situation he finds himself in. To be honest, I expected Infernius to be the
last character ready to throw salt.
I could be wrong though.
>>63232Are you fucking serous m8?
He sees how much they've suffered by addys comments and thezs demeanour.
>"There's always a way."
A>"Shouldn't you guys take this on board? I'd guess ur gonna talk about stuff that the other characters would wanna know."
"Not always, me learned that hard way."
>>63233If that's your concern, you're misunderstanding. As the world stands, Thez (and hers, by proxy) are living on borrowed time, and when that time runs out,....