RP/Shitposting thread - D&D 3.5 base rules, subject to interpretation, review, and elaboration. Open for all to spectate, bantz, shitpost, or full-on play.
We begin this thread in anticipation of the weekend, where most of the party is gradually infiltrating the grand city of Cardishore. With disguises varying from an Emu, Barney the dinosaur, and a mexican clown,... as well as Fae who is entirely without costume, Trump, Tracy, and Infernius try to get a handle on whatever the hell is going on in Cardishore now or in general.
Meanwhile, Torcuil is working to get that damn cannon fixed on the Stray Cat. Meanwhile Stix returns (to the tower?) with not many answers, an over-sized acorn, and definitely no other surprises.
Meanwhile Thez,... poor forgotten and alone Thez who is babysitting the port so that none of the party's enemies see their departure and think "Wah ha ha ha! With them gone I will destroy their precious city!" I mean she gets it,... but still.
>sad dwelf noises
1561 replies and 113 files omitted.
>>58797The individual is not barring the gate, they're more raining fire down upon the port.
>>58795>pic >>58799How to get my grounded character with a bow that is difficult to use correctly to stop an attack by a flying cloaked figure... hmm...
Stix makes his way around the port to see if he can get a better view on who is attacking, and a better angle of attack.
>>58801The figure is not guarding their flank at all, they seem intent on terrorizing the available populace. Many of the existing martial factions (the Gestapo, the Generals, etc., which Stix isn't familiar with, but suffice it as a couple groups of coordinated hoomans) have taken up positions along the wall and are attempting to expand the threatened area of the target.
>>58802Time to see if this bow is useful or not..,
Stix whips out his bow and digs one end iron the ground to stabilize it. He readies an arrow.
“Just don’t miss and you won’t have to deal with much... I hope”
He pulls back on the string with his teeth. He steadies his aim for a moment and releases...
>>58803This is why earth ponies don’t have bows...
>>58804If I can stop forgetting to clear the email... that would be nice too... ugh I hate my forgetfulness
>>58805Your almost as unlucky as me.
>>58806I’m guessing everyone but us went to bed now.
Hey we should make a 9/11 thread.
>>58784Sorry, m8.
I would've stayed up later, but I thought you went to bed.
I'm ready to play today though.
>>58800I will, I was just setting things up so I wouldn't forget
>>58803Kek, don't worry, I've got something in mind
>>588089/11 thread?
>>58810No worries, I got caught up in videos and passed out
>>58813>is only disguised as a mantis>still scuttles >>58815She's taking the disguise very seriously.
>>588159/11 "conspiracy" thread.
Are there any shops in the city?
>>58818Yes, but Tracy hasn't encountered them yet. The area she is scuttling through is still technically the "outside" area of the city.
The thing is, while the city has a degree of artistry to much of its design, much of the city is not designed to be traveled or wandered through, its more of the aesthetics of a stone garden,... except concrete. Long story short, with very few exceptions (and all will be explained) most areas area not intended for ppls.
>>58819"Can we get a quick rundown?"
^Yea what he said.
>>58819What can Trumpaladin see from his vantage flying?
>>58819Tracy dashes through the city, abandoning stealth to scuttle at her full speed.
She eyes the gaudy aesthetics and wonders to herself what she could find in a cushy neighborhood like this one.
She gravitates towards the source of commotion she saw earlier.
>>58821From Trump's vantage point, he sees much more of the same that Tracy can see, except at a certain point he notices the city transition into something of a square and a park area, where there seem to be hundreds of people meandering around and interacting with one another. He's too far off to see what they're doing, but it is undoubtably the source of the ambient noise of ppl.
>>58823>scuttle scuttle>>58820Who said?
>>58825Tracy scuttles uber-fast towards the noise.
>>58825Well, sounds like it would be a good idea to slowly come down onto a street before the park, and proceed on Fae's back towards the people
<zing> Stix' arrow goes wide right of the target, but not before alerting the target to a new source of arrows. It turns and looks at him for a moment, cocks its head, shrugs, and then dashes toward one of the troop positions along the wall who are attempting to flank. Stray arrows buzz past the intruder every so often, but it is clear that there is enough range that the projectiles are easily avoided."Let's see how you fare up close and personal!" they taunt as they close position against the troops.
>"You know, you could let me wander off and find a meal..."
"Because you can't have good relations with a race you let your friend eat"
>>58830*mumbles about torc not waiting for Infernuis*
>>58831I thought he was in Cardishore?
>>58829“My father always told me I was a disappointing shot”
He rushes toward the troops as well in hopes to aid their battle.
*looks for things worth stealing*
You can sunder a spell-book or holy symbol, right?
>>58833Stix bolts toward the stairwell that leads to the troops' position. As he speeds toward, he can hear the sounds of a few hoomans being beaten.
>>58836As in, you can incapacitate a wizard or cleric that way?
>>58838Yes. Wizards depend on their spellbooks, and clerics rely on their holy symbols. Bards and Sorcerers (and arguably in some cases, Paladins) r the only base classes that can operate without a class-specific tool.
>>58839You still need a holy symbol to turn/rebuke undead, right?
>>58837He winces at the sound, but draws his dagger and pushes forward.
“What is this thing’s problem? Did he lose his life’s savings in a bet here?”
>>58839Trumpaladin approaches the people to see what they are doing
Tracy is still scuttling towards the sound at full speed.
>>58839If my holy symbol is broken,can i carve it into my body and get the same effects?
>>58834You're the one who decided to stay at the banquet
>>58843>>58844As Tracy and Trump approach from separate positions - the former scaling a small wall separating the civic area, and Trump from a more obvious position - the attention of the crowd seems to shift to a stage-area setup in the park. There seems to be a public address going on, and those in attendance are fixated on the source, which is a Raven-haired woman in a vibrant outfit.
"Welcome, newest entrants and talented performers, to Cardishore!" to which the crowd erupts in cheers and applause.
>>58847Tracy lurks closer, in stealth.