The Ostrich seems confused a bit, and runs towards the Mantis with a bit of haste, to catch him as he leaves, and briefly places a wing on the shoulder in a sort of "don't go" bodily expression. The Ostrich then says to the Mantis
"Foosball is a grey area in the scriptures, and has been hotly debated amongst Football theologians for several centuries. On the one hand, it has been argued that it is a derivative of soccer, which is false Football most foul. On the other hand, it has been argued that it is a fun table-top game that I used to be actually pretty good at in middle school.
All I can tell you is that the Prophet John Elway said the following, in his letters to the Galacticons at the summit of Mount Arararat:
'Yea, and truly I say unto you: In days of old, when knights were bold, and Football not invented, the Dallas Cowboys did descend from on high and attempt to bring forth football into the world, but did fail, for only the Denver Broncos could truly give birth to the Football that is Football. And Lo, Peyton Manning did appear unto them, and did kick a mighty field goal using a cantaloupe, for at the time there were no footballs because there was no Football, and the cantaloupe did explode, and did get runny sticky cantaloupe juice all over the faces of the Dallas Cowboys. And then Rainbow Dash did appear and lick the cantaloupe juice off of the Dallas Cowboys, and the Dallas Cowboys did masturbate. And Peyton Manning did masturbate. And then it was that on that very spot, 1000 years hence and 10,000 years earlier, the Lord Elway did burst forth into sapphire bullets of pure Football, and all the ponies of the land did see Football and did fall to their knees and worship Football, and render praise unto Football and the Lord Elway and His Broncos, and it was good. And the Denver Broncos did come upon them, and did distribute cantaloupes unto them, and they did kick field goals with they cantaloupes, and afterward did eat the cantaloupes, and the Lord Elway said unto them, 'Behold! This cantaloupe is my flesh and my blood, broken for you.' And then he did kick a totally sweet field goal with a different cantaloupe than the ones they were eating because they were eating those, and the cantaloupe did fly three times around the earth and did later fall into the hands of Gene Shalit, who would ingest the cantaloupe and discover that he had a penchant for licking people's buttholes. Do this forever, in remembrance of me.'
Take from that what you will."