RP/Shitposting thread - D&D 3.5 base rules, subject to interpretation, review, and elaboration. Open for all to spectate, bantz, shitpost, or full-on play.
We begin this thread in anticipation of the weekend, where most of the party is gradually infiltrating the grand city of Cardishore. With disguises varying from an Emu, Barney the dinosaur, and a mexican clown,... as well as Fae who is entirely without costume, Trump, Tracy, and Infernius try to get a handle on whatever the hell is going on in Cardishore now or in general.
Meanwhile, Torcuil is working to get that damn cannon fixed on the Stray Cat. Meanwhile Stix returns (to the tower?) with not many answers, an over-sized acorn, and definitely no other surprises.
Meanwhile Thez,... poor forgotten and alone Thez who is babysitting the port so that none of the party's enemies see their departure and think "Wah ha ha ha! With them gone I will destroy their precious city!" I mean she gets it,... but still.
>sad dwelf noises
1561 replies and 113 files omitted.
>>60253It was my idea desu, after the item description was posted
>>60252What happened to the hydra hide?
>>60254Tracy's abilities aren't meant for fighting: they're meant for murdering people.
Weren't you going to escape anyway?
>>60257She took that suit apart when she revived the fire giants and ate lunch with them.
>>60259I figured it was gay to keep parts from revived creatures: feels like farming.
>>60257Um... Can Trumpaladin have Aura of Protection? It's a class feature of the 5e Paladin
>>60259I wanna get her a set of magick armor anyway.
What spells were used to make Korak's suit?
>>60261Is that basically a spread Divine Grace?
>>60263Yep. It's "allies within 10 feet (probably like 30 feet by level 17, I haven't checked) receive the benefit of that Paladin's Divine Grace." It's to eliminate that awkward imbalance where Trumpaladin has a high enough saving throw bonus to be confident in a situation, but the mount he's riding does not
>>60264Or if not this, just left him craft the additional Cloak of resistance into a Caparison of Resistance for Fae
>>60264Paladin's mounts already share saving throws. For an aura like that, you'll need a Holy Avenger
>>60262RIght, cuz I'm just gonna tell you
>>60260I am suspicious of your lack of wanting things e_e
>>60267They share the base saving throws. Unless you're letting Fae/Tracy just use Trumpaladin's saving throw roll
>>60266He already has all of the spell to craft it. I think a mantle for a mount costs twice as much tho..
>>60267>lack of wanting thingsWell, I was also kind of over that mundane armor after I (supposedly) got the Armor of Darkness, once I learned that magical deflection doesn't stack with armor AC.
Could Torc enchant Snek's hat to act like a ring of chameleon, except it's a hat and not a ring?
>>60270Just put a ring on his tail.
>>60270I thought Tracy made him a hat of Disguise?
It's a top hat, but it can also look like any other kind of hat.
>>60271That's not the point of asking
>>60272Uhh, I don't remember that.
>>60274I could've sworn I mentioned it.
It takes only a day to make, so she could've given it to him whenever.
>check wiki
>no ebil equivalent to a holy avenger
Blackguard feels like a proto-type class in 3.5e...
>>60274It was the funny glasses with the moustache
>>60268You know what I mean
>>60277The glasses were Tracy's: as an ironic western foil to Thez's ninja mask.
She made Snek a top hat. I think it happened some time after the mummy room.
>>60277No I don't
>>60276Because you already get all of your class abilities from the original class. you don't all of the abilities of the base class
and all paladin abilities as well
>>60280Yes, base saves e_e
>>60279My mistake, I thought the glasses and the hat were the same essential item.
Snek needs a whole collection of hats btw.
>>60280I know. It's kind of lacking as a prestige class tho, since it doesn't really mesh well with most base classes. It's really only at full potential if you're a fallen (epic-level fallen is probably one of the strongest classes).
I guess it did set the thematic precedent for other base classes, like the paladins of tyranny/slaughter in UA, or the Warlocks in 5e.
>>60281That's why she gave him a hat of disguise: it can change into different kinds of headgear as the disguise changes. It turns Snek into a better prop for Torc's memes.
>>60281That leaves the mount very far behind the Paladin when the Paladin has Divine Grace and the mount does not share this bonus
>>60282Well yeah, since a Fallen Paladin loses the great majority of their class powers. They need the Black Guard powers to make up for it
>>60283My mistake, carry on. I was thinking Snek needed a hat for all scenarios, but that works
>>60285Can I still get that chameleon enchantment or no?
>>60284They only lose Divine health, and a few spells.
The part about falling that sucks is that you can't trade all of you're levels if you're below level 20 but above level 10 (cuz that'd be haxx for taking ebin feats).
I liked how the paladins of tyranny and slaughter in UA got cause disease, deadly touch, and those inverted paladin spells tho. They make for a better base class. It's difficult to play a character that's mainly blackguard unless you took it at lvl 4 as a fighter.
>>60284>mount far behindFae has pretty high base saves herself tho.
>>60285Snek needs a hat for all scenarios.
>>60288His hat can change to look like any hat.
>>60286On the disguise hat? No. I'll allow Snek to wear 1 ring, and 1 bracer in addition to the hat/snglasses. BTW, is the Pinochet hat the disguise hat? The sunglasses could also do stuff I suppose.
>>60290They can change on the new year.
>>60287Also, would it have killed them to give Paladin's the option to craft Holy weapons with Holy Sword?
>sneks hat changes to a crusader helmet
>"Deus Vult"
>Changes to Pinochet hat
>"We must physically remove communists"
>Changes to flatcap
>"Vodka vodka cyka blyat"
>MAGA cap
>"10 feet higher"
"Will you fucking stop?"
>"No, this is fun"
>>60290Yes the Pinochet hat is the hat of disguise.
Fair enough, that's understandable.
>>60290Gotta protect those hit points.
>>60292You should try it sometime
>>60296In all technicality a familiar counts as part of the spellcaster.
That's why Torc loses XP if Snek is kill.
So yeah, were you guys gonna come to an agreement, or am I gonna spend 8 hours plotting the party's demise?
>tfw realize we've been shitposting in circles
Do we have a consensus on the scenario yet?
[1d3 = 1]
K, I'll be serious