Its that RP thread again! Spectators can shitpost, new players can try it out with little/no investment, and established players need no explanation.
We return as most of the party is either in Sparintenar preparing for a swank banquet - a custom among the Spartans - or speeding towards; except Thez. ;_;
Our newest player Stix is exploring the surrounding forest area, as is his proclivity as a ranger.
Tracy, speeds toward Sparintenar at full speed for some reason unknown to GM at time of OP.
Thez is at the Sticky Wickett, having brought Bones along to have a mostly one-sided conversation, accented occasionally by >doot
Game is temporally not set to fire off at a particular point, but last thread passed 2nd bump so,....
1414 replies and 104 files omitted.
>>56371Tracy continues down the trail, slightly slower, but having a lot more fun.
After walking for a while, Tracy stops to enjoy the scenery and have a picnic.
*whips out mystery-meat sandwich*
*whips out chihuahua-sized sandwich*
Tracy prods the peculiar stone.
Trumpaladin tells of the creation of Earth, although the moon and the Heavens would have to wait for a different separate explanation
"In those days, the earth was a lot more elliptical than it is presently, and I was wearing a belt at the time. When all the melancholy dwarves became cheered up by the almighty prattling of John Holy Shit it's Literally John Mother Fucking God Damn Horse Fucking Elway And If You Don't Fucking Believe Me I Will Come To Your House and Skull Fuck You And Yes That is a Verbal Threat Elway, they joined together to sing the praises of the almighty Denver Broncos."
>>56381Tracy just grins at this.
[1d100 = 50]Tracy has a contest with Sparkle to see who can eat moar sandwiches.
vid semi-related for Tracy
>>56329So, how long does travel take for these sort of things? I have no point of reference.
[1d20+23 = 28]
Trumpaladin rolls profession check to see if he can begin the process of setting up a franchise of the American Football League in Sparintenar
So legit off the cuff, here's what I've been thinking. I'm spending WAAAAY too much time on backstories and sculpting "existing" dynamics, and then trying to nudge the party into resolving those dynamics. Not every session needs to an ebin megalythic struggle, or some over-the-top strategem. I'm not exlcuding such thing...
>>56383kek, one satisfied hamster
... but not every scene needs to have days/weeks worth of scripting and structure behind it. TBH, that recent exchange with Tracy and Birbs v. the random Ogres was lots of fun, and was totally off the cuff. This recent with the bitey-stone is likewise. So basically, while I will present major cataclysmic scenarios, I'm also gonna work on less-dangerous but still-troublesome scenarios for players to contend with.
>>56388Whad'ya mean aww? I just mean that there will be more curiosity to bantz and shitpost periods
>>56835 →Not long, usually just a matter of reminding GM he's being a faggot.
Stix enters into an area that shows small signs of civilization. Its barely a village really, with only a single building set up as something of utility shop.
>>56391It’s ok GM, multitasking the other players can be challenging.
Stix meanders over to check out this shop.
[1d20+35 = 42]
*Continues preaching the Power and the Glory*
>>56383>>56384Ah, I was hoping he'd win.
"Ha! I am eating for two after all." she says, looking down at the stuffed and defeated dog.
>>56387So long as there's things to kill and/or loot to be dragged back, I'll be satisfied.
Tracy puts Sparke in her saddle back and keeps walking, with the little barnacle still latched to her hoof.
>>56393Upon entering the shop, Stix is immediately greeted by a skinny and dark-brown skinned boy who immediately recoils at his presence.
"Shoo! You can't be in here! Shoo!"
>>56396Takes a few steps back
“My apologies. Have I done something wrong?”
>>56390Does that entail we might have encounters during shitpost periods?
>>56397"Ye gads! It talks! What the fuck are you on about? Witchcraft!" he says, becoming increasingly bewildered.
>>56398Yes. Nothing onerous, but I'll look for ways to spice up the intervening periods with whatever flavor I can cook up.
[1d20+57 = 65]
Trumpaladin figures that he ought to return the hospitality of the Spartans by setting up his own little entertainment venue. Specifically, a game between the Generals and The Spartans taking place on a training field. The Spartans are not fully trained, but it's good to show the ministers and the townspeople that they are learning. None of these people have seen a football game before, so they ought to see one. Serving Doritos and Nachos and Hotdogs and lower quality beer and other essential Football Treats to those in attendance, which would be Spartan leaders, military men, and assorted commoners I guess.
Combining Profession and = Diplomacy modifiers because I'm sure it will stir up controversy
>>56399Sounds great.
Tracy keeps walking, deciding to explore the area a bit before turning back.
Can we put the same profession skill ranks into multiple different occupations? I put all of mine into "larceny".
>>56399He steps back out the door to try and show he means no harm.
“I don’t know of any witchcraft. I have always talked to my memory. Anyway, I was just visiting your fine establishment here, wondering what you may have to sell. If I am not wanted though, I will leave.”
*something about missing thez*
Tracy turns around as soon as her faggot realizes he's not going to get an encounter in these mountains.
She returns to the port.
>>56404Go try to find her.
>>56404"Rest assured, for even as your waifu is away... and mine just vanished on me... Elway is with us always. Praise American."
>>56403"You're serious aren't you, this isn't a prank? I've never seen a talking horse before. I'm a little out of my element. I just provide low-level wares for the locals, and occasionally supplies for travelers. This isn't much of a store, more of a depot."
>>56407“I am quite serious, though I can’t blame you. Before today if you said I would be exploring a strange new land with little clue as to where I am, I would have laughed at the thought.”
“But back on the subject of your store. If you will have me, I would love to see what you have to offer regardless of what you think the quality is.”
>>56408"Well we don't carry much. Bait for fishermen, some climbing tools for the mountain-types, general provisions for travelers. We don't really stock weapons or armor or anything like that, but as far as mundane tools and supplies we have a good selection."
>>56409I'm gonna need a bit more for that. What do you mean by, and what scope of "red-pilling" are you offering here? There's countless red-pills you could be talking about, from GMOs, to Vaccinces, to Common Core, Agenda 21,... give me a ballpark
Shit, who was I supposed to look for at the Rusted Duck?
Tracy is wandering through the Port, window-shopping through any shops she hadn't checked out before.
>>56411Tracy checks out the mage shop to look for a crystal ball or some other kind of gypsy trinket.
>>56410Walks inside to look at the gear and provisions
“How has business been lately?”
>>56411I don't remember desu
>>56414"Fairly steady. Folks been coming this way from the north with increasing frequency. Port Barry seems to have become quite a hotbed of activity."
>>56413Tracy rings the little bell thing on the counter autistically.>>56415Oh, I figured I'd try to look for Eric, since Brad's faggot seemed to think it was important.
>>56415Examines the climbing gear
“That’s good to hear. Though I’m a bit surprised this is just about the only store I can see around here if that’s the case.”
>>56417"In this village, sure. There are plenty of larger places in Port Barry and um,..." he seems to struggle with the names, "The other cities north of here."
>>56416A waifish old woman meanders to the counter and looks at Tracy. She then looks around the store and doesn't see anyone else. "You then?" she asks.
>>56419"Yes, please." Tracy says
>>56418 does Stix even have money? I just remembered to ask that... “And if you don’t mind me asking, is there anything in the line of work around here, or should I look in the other towns?”
>>56421"You mean like trade-craft? Well theres a good number of folks who have homesteads in the hills and the surrounding area who might take a liking to a fella with some skills. Otherwise there may be communal areas in the cities where one can offer services. I must admit, I'm not sure what you mean."
>>56420She blinks a few times. "Anything yer lookin fer?"