Its that RP thread again! Spectators can shitpost, new players can try it out with little/no investment, and established players need no explanation.
We return as most of the party is either in Sparintenar preparing for a swank banquet - a custom among the Spartans - or speeding towards; except Thez. ;_;
Our newest player Stix is exploring the surrounding forest area, as is his proclivity as a ranger.
Tracy, speeds toward Sparintenar at full speed for some reason unknown to GM at time of OP.
Thez is at the Sticky Wickett, having brought Bones along to have a mostly one-sided conversation, accented occasionally by >doot
Game is temporally not set to fire off at a particular point, but last thread passed 2nd bump so,....
1414 replies and 107 files omitted.
Tracy lets out a bored sigh, secretly hoping shit will break loose so she can stab shit.
>>55710Whatever happened there, it wasn't discreet...
*licks ear*
>>55711"If you're really bored little pony, we can kill time by checking out the beds"
>>55713"I think the tree rat is about to say something..." Tracy says, bored
Alright. So when I last had consciousness over the game, Baz had entered the scene. Its actually good that I did fade out, cuz I would have otherwise totally botched the scene. I'm going to resume play with his entrance, as it will specify and designate that Infernius does/did not have sufficient position/opportunity to "bite the squirrel", outside of deliberately maneuvering toward if that is his desire.
>>55718Give it a minute, I'm not sure everyone is in thread atm
>>55715Trumpaladin stands, claps, and above all, grins
Okay, he only stands or claps if other people are doing it (at least standing I think is traditional in western cultures) but he grins regardless
>>55721Yes, I'll go full cinema. It'll be that sort of scenario.
For the moment always, best at 1.25 speed
>>55722Now why didn't I ask this before? Before baz enters (because he probably needs to keep his eyes on Baz. or is that disreapectful? Never can tell with foriegn cultures) Trumpaladin takes a moment to note
which minister are in the room (defense, entertainment and so forth) seeing as he has met many of them and he wants to figure out what kind of banquet Sparintenar thought this was, and who they thought needed to be there or could be spared for it
>>55724Its a full reception banquet, similar to the previous one. Being militaristic, there is a certain public ceremony to their foreign relations.
What I mean by that is that there is a good 300 people in attendance, mostly in group formations by table areas. There is a raised podium area - only slightly raised - where are seated the various ministers and Baz himself, but Baz hasn't taken his seat yet.
>>55725Where is the Minister of entertainment?
>>55727Likewise on the raised table area. He in particular is looking to the party with visible anxiety, presumably because Taylor Swift did not make her arranged performance and has not been heard from. Court City was furious she did not appear for their celebration.
>>55728TayTay is probably out conquering the rest of the galaxy.
>>55728>The court city is having a celebrationThis I must hear more about
>>55730Any sign of Infernius?
>>55731The celebration is already passed, but Trump is welcome to inquire further.
>>55732Well, Trumpaladin tries to approach the people of importance, saying he has an urgent message for Renquist and for Baz that is best told personally
>>55732i meant the table with the ministers.
How far away is their table?
>>55733We'll get started in a minute, I'm holding out to see if Infernius shows up, since he wanted to bite Baz
>>55732Oh wait, we're still waiting for Baz to arrive. I mis interpreted that
>>55734Its sorta close I guess, as the party would be displayed prominantly and presently front and center.
>>55737And everyone is sitting? Are people sitting with one another?
>>55738Relatively, I mean I hadn't mapped it out expecting combat
>>55738*speaking with one another
I'm not at my best today...
>>55743You just showed up! Let me dramatize for a moment! e\\_/e
>ahemBaz enters the chamber to the sort of reception would expect of a military group who totally loves and appreciates its leader He pauses at the entrance and visibly sighs. Holding up a tiny squirrel paw, he waves the group to silence. He slowly walks up to the party, flanked and followed by senior officers.
>>55743So he's the one guy standing up in the room to approach the VIP while everyone else is sitting?
>>55745>>55744*Roman salutes* the squirrel.
>>55748He shifts his bazooka to his other hand, and returns the salute.
>>55748*cries tear, and gives a restrained salute to both Infernius and Baz* >>55750>>55744>Baz enters the chamber to the sort of reception would expect of a military group who totally loves and appreciates its leader Infernuis knows baz isnt food now.
>>55750Sensing the significance of the moment, the whole room slowly, gradually, all stand and give the salute. No one says anything, no one makes an outward statement or indication, but everyone notices that one of the spartans has not returned, and those who have are deferring to Trump and co, as having determinate facts and details.
"Gentleman, and feisty lady (he says of/to Tracy). Let us dispense with pleasantries for a moment. Where is our man?"
>>55752[inaudible feisty pony noises]
"For him to be absent, and for there to be such a reception to inquiry can only suggest one thing. A Spartan does not just 'not show up'. His comrades do not say 'Ask the commanding officer' arbitrarily," he continues.
>>55752>>55755"You have missing man? Infernuis will help you find him."
One of the spartans got devourered