Well now. The characters find themselves in an entirely different Rick than the last time they found themselves in a pickle. In this instance, the Paladin has just participated in murder, and it wasn't even the right target! Tracy also has bloody on her hands, but that's old news anyway.
Not sure how its gonna go, cuz some players are indisposed (at the moment) and there's usually hella bantz for every several-hour period, but why wait? ^_^
Oh, if you're new, this is an RP thread based (increasingly) loosely on D&D 3.5, but allowing for any genre or game (but it has to make sense). Feel free to shitpost, or bant, or even join in. Some call this the gay bath-house, but that's cuz they're bored and tired and don't have anything fun to distract themselves with,... like this thread. ^_^
1182 replies and 97 files omitted.
You've heard of Elf on Shelf, right?
>>39524"Censorship IS wonderful! I don't know,...."
>>39522You do realize
why its staring the painter (and thus the viewer) in the eyes right?
>>39522"Tracy, can you take me to the tower?"
>>39525I can tell by the look on his face..
>>39525because it wants muh sweet sweet soulcoin.
>>39531*flies higher*
Was she able to pick up any scent back then?
Now, Tracy can detect Trollestia's scent in and about the docks, but with no source (meaning, she's out of range).
Not just that either, its cuz it already has the artist's "sweet sweet soulcoin"
>>39534but what it didnt know was i had a water gun filled with holy water im my pocket
>>39533>>39533"Tracy, what are you doing?"
>>39535spooky. why do you say that?
[1d20+21 = 22]>>39534Tracy, now ~70 ft up, rears in mid-air and howls more monstrously than she ever has before, beside herself with rage.
Intimidate check, because I feel like it.
>>39538If you'll permit me to cross-thread for a moment, this is precisely
why it is necessary and important that an individual know, understand, and appreciate the multitude of metaphysics which I make increasingly available to those not "in the know". Abrahamic traditions have incalculable value and merit, but they omit many elements of metaphysics "cuz spoopy" that leave a number (a small number, but a number none the less) of practitioners/adherents vulnerable and susceptible to,... well spoopy shit.
>>39539*butterfly lands on nose*
*howling siezes abruptly*
>>39540Shall I repost the song for posterity? ^_^
>>39542>>39539Regardless, she makes a bee-line towards the forest, frothing at the mouth.
>>39543What song? The Anime bullshit? I don't watch those
>>39541i understand meta physics to an extent.
>>39536Such entities don't deal in material realms, that's where they're weakest. What one has in their dreams is what is important.
>>39544She's moving at full speed, like a fiery comet.
>>39546Its more to emphasize that the situation just turned a bit "not quite right", as illustrated by the distortions of the song.
>>39551He'd break both his legs from the height, and potentially die from the speed.
[7d6 = 25]>>39551Fall damage at 70 ft would be 7d6. I should emphasize that he has a full corpse with him the whole time
>>39551And what do you intend by that? Intention is a major factor after all,....
>>39554Why does he need the whole corpse?
>>39558Why does Tracy need to go crazy?
Trump survives the fall, but not without injury. Unicorn #647's corpse falls sickeningly nearby. I'll put them somewhere in the midst of the Port, given that they were(?) headed back to the tower.
>>39561Drink a heal serious wounds potion from the flask
Observe surroundings
>>39559C-can't she catch him..? It's inconvenient if he's dead or crippled.
>why is crazy horse crazy?Don't fuck that unicorn, PLEASE.
For the record, this was not my idea. I'm not trying to shift blame, I'm giving credit; this was a brilliant plot device
>>39563necrophilia is degenerate.
>>39563The dead unicorn? Wew!
>>39562 >>39561Near the outskirts I'd imagine
Tracy lands in the forest, and immediately begins running amok scorching the ground-cover beneath her, intent on turning the wood into a total hellscape.
>>39566Tries to ascertain location, and walks to the tower with Unicorn 647
>>39567She makes her way towards the golf course.
>>39568Dragging a unicorn corpse is difficult, especially since the port is already littered with corpses. He can do so of course, but it may take some time. Also, there's the onlookers,....
>>39569The grove then?
>>39570Alright. He cuts the requisite amount of biomass from the unicorn (a severed ear?) and walks with it towards the Tower, bloodied, presumably
>>39572All you need is a hair.
They see the local horsefucker covered in blood, dragging a dead unicorn towards his house.