Well now. The characters find themselves in an entirely different Rick than the last time they found themselves in a pickle. In this instance, the Paladin has just participated in murder, and it wasn't even the right target! Tracy also has bloody on her hands, but that's old news anyway.
Not sure how its gonna go, cuz some players are indisposed (at the moment) and there's usually hella bantz for every several-hour period, but why wait? ^_^
Oh, if you're new, this is an RP thread based (increasingly) loosely on D&D 3.5, but allowing for any genre or game (but it has to make sense). Feel free to shitpost, or bant, or even join in. Some call this the gay bath-house, but that's cuz they're bored and tired and don't have anything fun to distract themselves with,... like this thread. ^_^
1182 replies and 95 files omitted.
>>40041The amount of xp between two levels is generally something like the number of the level, multiplied by 1000. So it takes 17000 xp to go from level 16 to level 17. That should give you some idea of how much xp you have
It's 5-6 AM in game, so can we skip to morning/afternoon, so we can do things?
>>40046Uh, if calculated right 153000 roughly.
So say Torc spents 17000 xp somehow, does that put him back at lvl 16?
>>40046How do you figure out how much XP you get from a task/encounter?
>>40048It's 10:54 EST in real life. Fuck that. Let us spend new years eve with families and watching the Evil Dead series or whatever
>>40049He's only just above seventeen, so spending a little should put him back.
>>40051My family is asleep.
Nothing drastic is going to happen.
>>40052Okay, Thanks for this shit GM I'm really enjoying it.
>>40054*wakes up sort of*
*Sexes pony, hugging her but still approaching her from behind and not looking at her*
*goes back to sleep*
>>40040I just want to know how bloated she is.
For that matter, I wonder if she still appears pregnant while in her Huge form. Regardless of breed, a hoers fetus is always %10 of its mothers size.
She was half-transformed when she conceived, so idk how big it's going to be...
[bloated pony noises]
>>40060*gets up in the middle of the night to fill body with chocolate cake*
*returns to bed*
>>40058*nibbles pony ears*
*grabs voluptuous pregnant mare breasts*
*cums inside pony* >>40062*kissing intensifies*
*stares into eyes dreamily with Darkvision*
[content pony noises]
>>40060I don't think she should be very pregnant. The sex from which the conception resulted happened only a few days before the second Soros fight, then time skipped three weeks, and then it's been 11 or so days since then. So only a little more than a month since conception. I'd also bet the fetus doesn't increase in size when the mare transforms, which is probably a good thing because it decreases to likelihood that an attack that penetrates the mother also hits the fetus, because a smaller fetus is a smaller target
>>40063*doesnt have to kiss or look at pony because of position*
[1d20 = 18]>>40065*grapples to change position*
"Look at me, Flashy.."
>>40064Last time I asked, it was 3 and a half months.
It'll be a bit difficult when she gets too big to fight responsibly though..
>>40066*turns head*
I know GM said that but I've been keeping up with days
I know you didn't care that we killed a random and innocent mare. Her name was - is - Felicia, and she was a painter, from Philidelphia. But why did you get in my way trying to revive her, when I asked to be taken to the tower, or to have Fae take me to the tower? And why did you burn so many trees in the forest? Slovenia will be sad to see that she can't craft as many things out of wood anymore. And none of it killed Trollestia, who we'll need tomorrow anyways"
>>40069"... I didn't want Troll to get away.. and there wasn't much burned in the end anyway, just a tree or two..."
*licks face again*
>>40070*still somewhat angry, but licks pony face*
*continues humping pony*
>>40072*humps pony, but is still distracted*
"Tracy, do you think I love you? Do you think I am devoted to you?"
>>40073".. I.. I believe so.."
*Humps furiously*
"I know I love you though. You're the only one for me."
*Locks jaws*
>>40074>"but you're not really sure, are you?"*tries to return Tracy's thrusts and kisses, but can't quite keep up, at least now*
Tracy's faggot succumbs to exhaustion.
I'm sorry but I really gotta sleep.
>>40080Good night, and happy new year
>>40080*cums inside pony*I'm'a get a heartfelt dialogue about the characters' relationship problems out of you one of these days
>>40081>>40080Happy New Years Florida fags
>>40026Mebe, I dunno yet I haven't decided
>>40030No! But she can give them distinctive accessories, cuz otherwise they look
exactly the same (downy-white with yellow beaks)
... reads th
OMG. TOP KEK>! I can't even!
>dying >>40084Happy New Years! For us Central Time folk
>>40085To answer an earlier question, Fae has 17 Magical Beast Hit Die, 9 from Dragonne and 8 from Paladin's mount. Of course I have ALL of her numbers.
How long would it take to craft non-magical Mithral Breast Plate for her? How long would it take to resize the superfluous cloak of resistance into a Templar-style Caparison that will fit her? (I checked, magic cost is the same regardless of the size of the subject, so tailoring should probably be possible)
Yeah, why hasn't anyone asked about a gun-blade yet? Just askin
Happy New Years ^_^
>GM is drunk, fuck off nao HNY
>>40090sieg heil gm and thez,happy new year.
>>40087Tracy can't normally use gunz, but she can use anything with a blade.
>>40050>>40052LOTS of math. Its really quite obnoxious in 3.5.
>>40055I don't know how to respond properly. On the one hand I am grateful for your enjoyment, on the other hand I am grateful for your participation. Both cause a sensation of satisfaction that is entirely new and unknown to me, so I can further state that the pleasure is mine. You're welcome I guess is the best response?
>>40094Good mornin'
One of the first things Tracy does in the morning is feed her birds.
>>40092That thing looks badass, but I bet the battery life stinks..
>>40085>they look exactly the sameWill they always look like that?
*attaches an orchid bow to Sammy and a Shy bow to Bunny*