Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
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>>99314>black and boxyDang.Iron presumes the pony with the gun would not have as much damage and accuracy than the two riflemares he had to fight previously. He turns his attention to the sleeping bandit below to see if he has a gun in hand. He will be the first target for his charge.
>>99315He has a rifle off to the side of his chair. In any event, he is unconscious.
Pear comments:
“There are definitely more of them...”
>>99316Iron hums.
"I agree. There are more of them, but I can't reach them with either throwing or punches. The sentry will undoubtedly see me if I try to move closer which will alert all the other bandits in the area."
(There is always using the rifles we took from the riflemares, although I am not a good shot.)
“On the bright side, they aren’t aware of us, and at least one of them is sleeping. They are complacent.”
>>99318Iron nods.
"If that is the case, then they will not take a single native as much of a threat and might try to intimidate me by pointing their weapons and closing in. That would undoubtedly help with the whole range problem I have currently."
He points to the bags.
"There is also coat puncturers and shedders if that does not work. I think waltzing in could work while you cover me."
>>99319“Walzing in? Coat shredders? Why would we let them know we are here when we don’t even know how many or where most of them are?”
>>99320I had a feeling I couldn't from the lack of cover but if that's possible..."You are right, we should continue looking for bandits, maybe even the leader or a right hoof stallion."
With that, he studies the cover to see if he can walk along the covered forest edges to the other side.
>>99321Along the left side there is some cover. At least it looks like the ledge itself blocks line of sight to things to the right and beyond it
>>99322Iron points it out to the others.
"We might be able to close the distance and scout some more if we follow that left side."
>>99323Under the hot jungle sun the two mares have ambivalent responses to the heat. Pear is an academician who has spent most of her life indoors. She is rather small and dainty, and though she is an earth pony, her body has more in common with the unicorns that doubtlessly dominate that profession. But this is not her first run through the jungle, nor even her first week here, and she has accustomed herself to the inconvenience. Cauldron is larger, stronger, and generally more resilient. Whether zebras, as a race, are studier than the average pony, who can say. But Cauldron is clearly studier than the average female. And yet, she has spent most of her life in the city. When she works outside, it tends to be at night. And so she is not well acclimated to the heat in her first day in the jungle.
The same ambivalence applies to the mission in the camp. Cauldron is fairly well accustomed to stealth and even melee combat, and seems to have some idea about how to execute the attack on the camp. What she lacks is a conviction of the necessity of the operation. Pear, by contrast, truly wants to go into that camp. But a firefight is no place from her, if the last battle didn’t make that obvious. Cauldron tried to shepherd her, thinking Pear is out of her element, while Pear tries to press Cauldron forward.
>>99323Cauldron moves ahead, in almost perfect silence
>>99327Woah, I wasn't expecting this. Good to know.>>99328Iron follows along the sneaky zebra to the best of his ability.
>>99329The brush continues in lower bushes under the canopy over the left, within 20 feet of the tent. The one pony is still sleeping. The one on high is harder to see, but still there
“You see that? He’s bored. He’ll be reading a magazine soon enough.”
>>99330Iron nods.
"That is to be expected of a mere bandit," he whispers back to Cauldron. He awaits the moment when the sentry at the top gets distracted, also keeping an eye out for any new additions to the punching list.
>>99333Among other things. Really, there are multiple possible angles of approach
>>99336Drat. Well, the time for scouting is still up then.Iron keeps along the cover, trying to get away from the guards' line of sight as soon and as quietly as possible.
>>99337This is possible, as the ledge is almost complete vertical
>>99338"Alright, those two will be dealt later. For now, let us focus on gathering the current bandit strength," he whispers to Cauldron and Pear (if she's there of course.)
>>99339Caldron does
not trust Pear, but they go forward. It isn’t far at all before two ponies are seen around a barrel talking to each other. There seems to be a wooden panel on it, to make it into a surface for eating
>>99340(So that makes 4 bandits to beat up, huh?)
Iron does a double take of his position in relation to the current foes around him in his cover and wonders if there is more of the camp to explore.
>>99341Indeed there is, to his present left, wrapping around the raised area of the ledge
>>99342If there's more to explore of the camp...Iron keeps on moving along the cover to his present left.
(Maybe I can get a knockout punch from that pony at the ledge.)
>>99343He advances further to the other side. There is a pony at a pot over a fire, who seems to a cook, and another in brown shirt with a gun that is standing guard. He is looking out of the camp, in the opposite direction
>>99344(2 more ponies. It seems we will have to hide as soon as we take out some of these ponies.)
Iron decides to keep going along to see how many more ponies are there to keep track of.
>>99345The next area may be advanced only by waking up tam trail to the top
>>99346Iron looks around from his cover, remembering the bandit looking to the outside, probably at the trail they have to cross.
"We have an issue. Our path from here is going to be without cover, which will let us be spotted almost instantly. I think we need to start clearing this area. It seems isolated enough," he whispers to the team.
>>99347Cauldron nods. She understands
>>99348Iron nods back. He starts scanning the area for the bandits closest from his position to the furthest.
>>99349From where he is now, the cook. But does he remain in that position, or slink back?
>>99350Iron, currently standing in his position, ponders for a bit. He looks to Cauldron.
"It seems we are close to the one escape route further into the camp. Do you have any silent weapons in your possession?"
>>99351She pulls out a trusty crow bar
“Sort of”
>>99352Iron nods.
"It will have to do. I will need you to hide and steal their weapons without noticing. If a shot is fired, no matter the distance, it will attract unwanted attention. If you have a chance to knock them out or kill them, only take it if it is guaranted to succeed and will not compromise your stealth. When you have done that, I will fight them all hoof to hoof."
[2d20 = 19]>>99353She smiles, then slinks off
>>99356Looks like a pole (tent or lamp post) was knocked over
>>99357Iron's ears flick at the scene. He looks over to the guards closest to the dropped pole. She may get into trouble.
Please include target distance. >>99358Okay, that’s all for tonight
>>99363Bap indeed.
Cauldron may be in quite the pickle.