Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
1911 replies and 97 files omitted.
>>100534Uh...I don't know? Would that be a Constitution check?
>>100535The Constitution check to successfully melee ghasts.
>>100537You know, the one that forces you to roll in order to be able to melee ghasts because of their rotting smell?
>>100538Oh, the Fortitude save. I'm not sure what relevance that has here.
>>100539It would definitely help reduce the roll amount in order to properly hit a ghast.
>>100540Again, I don't see how that's relevant since the purpose of making firebombs and homemade explosives in this instance would be to set traps, not to melee ghasts.
>>100541Oh! In terms of explosives, try talking to that zebra alchemist that gave you potions. I'm pretty sure they'd help. Or, you know, just make molotovs with vodka and rags. Pretty cheap stuff.
>>100542That's why I'm waiting for an answer from the DM about how many explosives and/or firebombs Silver could make using the 49 Bits he has to his name. Also probably including the cost of the metal hooks and wire he'd need for a tripwire trap.
>>100543The second part would probably require a craft check, but not sure about the first part.
>>100543Well, think about it. For the detonator, you’re going to need a hundred yards of thin electrical wiring, an automobile battery, pliers, and wire cutter. Maybe a light switch, or the same mining-plunger at the bottom of the catacombs. You might be able to rig a flashlight and it’s 9volt batteries as a detonator, I am not sure. Maybe something messy like a stream of low octane gasoline or black powder could work.
The explosives themselves probably require a sack of nitrate-based fertilizer (which may require an agricultural supplier), that marvel of technology known as “the jerry can,” and one or two gallons of either heating oil or kerosine-lamp oil. Containers will be harder to figure out - maybe coffee containers, milk jars, or plastic jugs.
Maybe proper dynamite or ANFO can be acquired from mining or construction concerns.
>>100545I appreciate the help, but that's part of an answer to a different question.
>>100545Shit, I looked it up and it turns out ANFO is actually pretty difficult to detonate - you need a relatively powerful explosive. It’s typically detonated by placing a stick of dynamite in the center and detonating that... if only silver hadn’t used those sticks...
Maybe you can take a rifle bullet, remove the projectile, and place it upside down in the container. I think even a mild electrical pulse will detonate the primer on a bullet, which of course can detonate the grains and then ANFO, maybe using extra gun power in the empty case. Using little clamps on the end of the wire to connect to the cartridge case would probably work better than tying exposed wire around a case... I am not sure if using an empty beer bottle, with a cartridge in the top, is genius, or if the glass is too weak to hold long enough to make the ANFO detonate
>>100548>>100547Uh, maybe the ghasts would like perfume?
>>100549Are you DM, or are you just a rando offering help?
>>100551>>100552Let's just say he's frustrated over the lack of power in defeating the zombo horses.
>>100552Can I get an answer to my original question, please?
>>100554I don’t know. How does he intend to make explosives? I would think cost would be the sum of the purchase price of the elements involved. 1 but for wire cutters, 1 bit for pliers (may want two sets?), 13 bits (at least) for 250 feet of wire, 1 bit for a jerry can, 1 bit for probably 4 gallons of heating oil... I am trying to find prices on things, but really, all depends on what Silver needs abs what Silver buys
>>100555I don't know what all he needs, but I know he can buy up to 49 Bits-worth of supplies. He needs supplies to make a tripwire trap, and supplies for homemade explosives and firebombs (which I am just assuming would be what Equestrians would call Molotovs).
>>100556I don’t even know. How would he make a wire trap?
>>100557I guess it could be simple fishing line attached to a rat trap, which can be set to hit the primer of a shotgun shell that detonates a bomb, and the whole contraption is on a piece of wood
>>10055612 bits for about 25 pounds of nitrate fertilizer...
Firebombs are not terribly practical because of limited oxygen in the catacombs and the fact that Silver needs oxygen to liv. Bottles of air are a thing, but that might be difficult to set up as an effective oxidizer
>>100559Explosives aren't terribly practical either in a crumbling ruin, but Silver's just going to have to go with what he can get.
>>100565>Skies wouldn't help SilverShe literally thinks of Silver as a secret lover. Why wouldn't she help out someone like that?
>SparkboiEh, don't worry about that. By the time he comes back, you'll get 500 bits elsewhere to offer.
>>100565Didn’t Skies already give Silver a large amount of money?
>>100569Don't tell me he didn't know...
>>100569Nope. Skies decided to withhold the payment for the job he already completed until after he does this one semi-related task.
>>100571It's really come to bite him (and me) in the ass.
>>100571Oh yeah... I was thinking of when Dark Star got his gold exchanged
>>100574Eeyup. And now Silver's in a situation where he has 49 Bits to his name, and a choice between either chancing that two potions will be enough to bring back all of those books, or putting a serious risk to his life by getting as much help and ordnance that his remaining 49 Bits will get him.
>>100575Dude. Just ask
anyone for help or a loan, or to get that gun working
>>100576Everyone's either off doing their own thing or are ded and holding up the game, Silver already declined getting a portion of his payment early back when I thought it was within the realm of possibility to do this with the money he had, and he
already asked Blue if she knew how he could get it in working order, and she, his greatest and only connection to the only ponies in the entire city who would be willing and able to fix it up, gave him the most non-committal answer I've ever heard.
>>100578Iron's got the underground connections. I could probably help with that.
>>100578She said “perhaps” and then there was no further inquiry about the gun
>>100578It’s evasive girl-talk. You act like she said “No, Hell no, and dear God no. If you ever mention anything like that to me or anyone else in my organization, I will shove a broken wine bottle
far up your ass.•
>>100580Silver gave her a look like he was waiting if she had something else to say after that, and she said nothing.
>>100581So... lazy day today as well?
>>100567>>Skies wouldn't help SilverShe literally thinks of Silver as a secret lover. Why wouldn't she help out someone like that?