Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
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>>100321"Mit der Zeit werden Sie feststellen, dass ich mehr Schutz brauche als Sie. Aber ja, ich werde jeden niederschlagen, der dich bedroht." Brie says finally, giving both Lings headpats.
He's getting eated isn't he? >>100329Wesley pulls himself up, and somewhat over Brie (or under him, if he is sitting up, and looking out the window at the passing scene. For Kerr, this answer seems to be exactly what he wanted to hear, and he comes toward, towards Brie, looking st him, then jumping off n the bed to curl up on the end of the bed near Brie. He too, is ice cold
[1d2+1 = 3]>>100331Normally, bats are (IRL) so I'm suggesting that odd roll = colorblind
>>100330>3Now that that's settled, Brie cranks up the heat in the cabin, since both of 'em are so cold. Even bugs like snuggles
ask me how I know that e_e >>100335Right across from the door is a little beige bob that allows control of the heat. When Brie returns, his two weird cat-things try to snuggle up with him, Wesley again taking the wall, and Kerr, the corner of the bed by the window. He can feel them against his fur. There’s something
endothermic about these ersatz foals.
The train proceeds down the hill at great speed, and levels out into coniferous forest. Whether Brie knows it or not, he has passed the mountain range that divides north and south Equestria, and fall pines dominate where farmland and bare deciduous trees did before.
>>100337Brie grudgingly allows the Lings to snuggle and steal his warmth, his faggot types with a hint of irony, because his body temperature tends to run a little high and has o occasion had his body heat stolen for precisely that reason.
>>100340They like his body heat...
Wesley lays down and snuggles up, while Kerr repositions himself to be partly on top of Brie once Brie lays down
>>100341Brie rests his hooves on the both of them, recounting the course of the day and how they didn't end up in pony custody somehow. He lost a few more of his favorite blades, but he did pick up a shiny new one. Hopefully next time there's a crisis he doesn't have to hold back so much though.
>>100342The train barrels through dense forests, the same as once his the resting place of the Pillars of Equestria, a light snow starts to fall outside.
It’s more than a little cold in the car. Even with the blanket, it feels cold. The leaves if the trees become more and more dull. Hell, the green floors do the same, as the world fades. It’s been a very long day, and an even longer night. Brie has lost a bit of blood. He’s more than a little tired. From somewhere in his future, Brie can feel a dark wind blowing. But the energy is sapped from him, and he falls asleep
>>100344Not good enough to avoid falling asleep
>>100345It was bound to happen sooner or later
>>100344And thus, with that, Brie loses a sliver of himself, possibly forever, to the Changelings. He wasn't the first to do so, and probably not the last.
Also, it was kind of a self fulfilling prophesy. I initially figured that while changelings would take pretty much any opportunity they got, they basically stripped that pony earlier, and so didn’t really need anything from Brie. Rather, they just wanted physical warmth. But with all the talk, I figured it would be anti-climatic if they didn’t>>100350tastes like cotton candyWell, that’s all for tonight, but Brie has a train stop next time
>>100351I did say 4 hours ago that he was gonna get eated, it comes as no surprise to me
and TBH, I'm surprised that it took this long>>100308 ... aaaaaaand Brie wakes with a start, feeling cold and vulnerable and struggle-snuggled?
>>100353Basically. A large weight on top of his chest, and a crackling sound
>>100355As he regains consciousness, the crackling turns into more of a purring sound. Kerr seems to be literally overtop of Brie, and Wesley is still to the side, emitting a kind of purring sound. More light comes into the cabin from outside, where the scenery transitioned to snow covered pastures and fields of wheat
[1d20+8 = 27]>>100356Brie attempts to remove himself from the bugpile without disturbing them.
Escape artist
>>100357Brie has somehow managed to do the impossible: he has escaped the big pile. Kerr remains curled up, now on the bed
[2d20+10 = 34]>>100358He briefly goes over all his acquired stuff (the shotgun, the carbine, the bits from the vault) and then thoroughly inspects the sword he lifted.
Appraise and Search (both have the same modifier)
He's looking to determine if they're magical or not.
>>100359The short sword is something of a gladus-like design, bladed on both sides, implying it is designed principally to be a stabbing instrument, it is thick enough to give the instrument the integrity needed to act as a slashing weapon. It doesn’t look optimal for utilitarian purposes like husking coconuts, so whoever made it intended it to be either a weapon or a ceremonial tool. The handle has alternating beige and brown rings, and the metal on the side of the handle is a slightly different color than the color of the blade. The metal on the inside glows iridescently, while the metal on the outside is duller and darker. It does indeed seem to be magical, glowing shinny and chrome, a fact that the previous owner tried to hide with an electroplated outer coating
There is also a necklace, a plain ring, a pair of sunglasses, a couple flares
>>100360Flares? As in, emergency roadside?
Brie puts on the sunglasses.
>>100361Yes, roadside flares. Must have been on the floor of the postal car
They seem relatively normal thus far, though they darken his field of view ever so slightly. They seem good for bright environments
>>100363His future's so bright, he's gotta wear shades
If you curse him so help me,....In silent contemplation, Brie stares out the window at the snow-covered fields.
>>100364It’s pasture land at the moment, with a barn passing further in the distance. A silo sticks out, lonely over the prairies.
>>100365Is Brie in any way conscious of the fact that he got nommed?
As a sidenote, the concept of being snuggled by bugs is not foreign to me. I'm regularly snuggled up against by spooders who like that I'm warm
>>100366A sense of foreboding, a reduced ability to see color (which only really applies to the carpet because everything outside is white), a feeling of being tired (which he should have regardless for obvious reasons, and a feeling of being very cold (which could just be because it’s below freezing outside).
If changelings are cursed with being vampires with nasty bites, they are blessed with the symptoms they bestow on their hosts being ordinary enough for most ponies, awaking hung over, in a cold room, and perhaps already depressed, to not think anything unexpected.
>>100367[i]the idea was the imply that the changelings are cold-blooded, and so seek other sources of heat
>>100368That's generally how bugs work, they like warm things even if they're spoopy and it might get them squishCan Brie tell thereabouts what time it is?
>>100369>>100371>>100372Just be glad you don’t have to deal with bed bugs that grow to be the size of large dogs, as the ponies do.
>>100370At least 10 AM. The sun came up before Brie went to sleep
>>100373Reee, none of the bars are open. Fine, he'll sit and wait for the Lings to wake up on their own.