Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
1911 replies and 99 files omitted.
>>100584Let me see if I can struggle through. I guess I can provide the next detail
The object Iron sees looks like a jaguar, made of shiny black rock
>>100585sighSkies is not the kind of pony to do good things for a pony just because she considers them “a lover,” especially not to prioritize that over her work
>>100587Iron absent-mindedly picks it up in order to see it in more detail.
(This seems similar to the dog idol I have picked off from the bandits.)
>>100586you sure bring the fact that they have a Degenerate Secret relationship a lot though.
>>100588Indeed, it looks similar to the other idols, carefully carved from the black rock
>>100590Iron nods to himself.
(My perception is as good as ever)
He looks backwards at their other two teamembers with idol on hoof to see their reactions.
>>100591Cauldron leans forward, and twists her head a little, squinting towards it
Pear looks straight at it, eyes wide an intense
>>100592Seeing Pear's clear interest, almost to the point of metaphorical hunger, Iron decides to ask her about it.
"What can you tell us about this?"
>>100593“It’s an idol. Of Tezcatlipoca, god of hurricanes and discord.”
>>100594Iron is sort of weary over carrying such a thing, handing it over to Pear.
(She will like having it from how surprised she was.)
"What would cause somepony to drop the idol on the floor?"
>>100595“... see for yourself” she says, pointing a hoof, and sounding more than a little unsettled
She lints over to another body - the third body. Unicorn, grey with white mane that is carefully combed over to the side
>>100596Iron walks over the body, a bit unsure now of their cause of death, to see what he can detect in terms of see what could have happened.
>>100597Brown jacket with many pockets. Looks like bloody wounds
>>100589Do you come in just to bitch about Skies? The only reason the “secret relationship” thing happened in the first place is because you has Star be a shit to her
>>100598Iron rummages through the jacket for anything useful or to see what kind of bloody wounds he's looking at.
Puncturing wounds, slashes, that kind of thing. >>100599Deep puncture wounds, and a letter
>>100600Letter? Iron decides to open it in order to see what's in it.
"Seems this pony has been punctured somehow, so this is definitely not due to a simple tumble."
“Looks like bullet wounds”
“Dear Peer Review,
Despite the funds for field expeditions being lower this quarter than in the last quarter of the previous fiscal year, I have decided to approve the expedition to the upper snake river site. The possibility of the basin being host to the lost treasure of emperor Hummingbird Feathers, is sufficient to warrant the investiture of limited fiscal resources, as your paper on the subject, published in the South Equestrian Journal of History, managed to become the 20th most cited publisher paper. This horde has been long sought after, and finding it could allow portions of it not donated to the Museum of History, or viscously stolen by the Natives Right’s Association, to be sold and added to the endowment fund of the University. More importantly - indeed, far more importantly - such a discovery could convince the be Dean to allocate more funds to the archeological and history departments, and could even attract public grants for further study, as well as provide fruitful material for future publications.
Dr. Grant from the Archeology department will be joining you in co-leading the expedition, as he has experience in the field, and hopes that any clues to the whereabouts of the final resting place of Hummingbird Feather will help him secure the department chair. An adjunct professor in Anthropology, Pear Faucet, who specializes in the religious practices of the natives, shall accompany you. Although the Anthropology department head, Critical Theory, claims that she has yet to publish even a single article and her contract renewal is in question, her knowledge of the native language and the region will be an asset. We recommend also taking a number of graduate students and other relevant adjuncts. They should be chopping at the bit for the chance to put field work on their CVs.
Best of luck,
High Chair.”
Another letter, this one scribbled down, rather than the carefully typed letter before
“Dear High Chair,
We have located an old temple two kilometers from Snake River that seems to be the location described in the sixth century account of De Llama. Based in a new amber if factors we believe this site to be the most probable final resting place of Humningbird Feather and the missing treasure of the Marexica. Unfortunately, one if the graduate students seems to have gotten drunk at a bar in Stableside, and bragged about our intended expedition to a number of colonists there. We are afraid this may inspire treasure hunters to try to examine the site in their own, regardless of the dangers of such ruins. We shall proceed with utmost haste. Your faith in us is not misplaced.
Sincerely, Peer Review”
>>100602Iron's eyes dart through the text, getting quite a bit excited to see there's an ancient treasure that could even enrich an entire 'U-nee-verse-i-tea' enough to grant awards, confirming Pear's testimony. He takes note of her apparent novice background and flimsy financial position if he thinks what a contract is what he thinks it is.
"It seems word of this exploration spread out by one of Pear's companions back at the 'bar' at Stableside. I am guessing this is why these bandits are here."
(Natives Rights' association?)
He passes the letters to Cauldron for her to have a read if she wants to, and gently bows to the assumed recently dead Peer Review for his predicament, paying respect for the shameful death he has suffered.
>>100603"That sounds about right. They trick travelers into revealing information about what items of value they may have, then follow them, and ultimately rob them."
She reads the letter:
"I remember hearing about Hummingbird Feather in School. He was the last free King of Tenochtitlan, a native kingdom after the overthrow of the Quetzalcoatl Empire. Tenochtitlan was united into the Principality of Equestria under viceroy Valiant Cello of the Equestrian South, and General High View. The city was described as having great suits of gilded armor, fine gem be-speckled brooches, and other great treasures, but disappointingly little was found when the city was taken. Hummingbird himself was made a prisoner in his palace, and ultimately died there."
>>100604Iron nods, processing the information.
"So everypony is looking for the rest of it, like the bandits and Pear's companions are doing. I can see why the pony told us his boss had a lot of ponypower."
Seeing that the dead pony isn't going to reveal anything more, he decides to trek a bit more. He takes the small breather between Cauldron's talk and the walk to ask her a question.
"How experienced are in your line of work?"
>>100605Cauldron: "Well, it looks like you may get the treasure you wanted..."
Is he asking Pear or Cauldron?
>>100607Whoops, I meant Pear.One of Iron's forelegs wraps around Cauldron's neck as they walk, clearly pumped up for the chance of a lot of money in his hands.
"It will not only be my treasure, but
our treasure."
smiles at Iron
"I can get into that"
Pear answers
"I've been with Mistkatonic University for three full semesters now, this would be my fourth. I've been teaching classes for longer, received my PhD at John Haykins. I've been on two other field expeditions, one in this region."
>>100598No, this happend because you decided you wanted to laugh at me.
>>100609Iron smiles back.
"I knew you would like it."
Turning to face Pear, he nods.
"You are basically new to this, are you not? You seem like you frequent more safe locations to teach."
>>100610No, it
didn't>>100611"As I said, this is my third time in the field and my second in this area. Murderous criminals is new to me though"
>>100612He nods again.
"Is writing books part of your job?"
>>100613"They want all professors to produce at least one published article a year. Published in academic journals"
>>100614Iron seems rather confused about her lack of book writing if the letter is right, apparent to Pear.
"Have you written a book?"
>>100616His confusion is still apparent.
"Is that not what you are supposed to do?"
>>100617"So says the department chair"
She says this with a hint of derision
>>100618His confusion turns into curiousity as she openly mocks the idea or the department chair.
(Whatever that is.)
"You seem displeased with it. Why?"
>>100619"The machinery of the university is geared more towards producing worthless papers, gaining money, and competing for the hierarchy with still more papers, then it is about actually discovering new truths and understanding old truths. And that arbitrary publishing goal is part of it. I wanted to
find something really interesting, something worth
reading about before I published. I was glad to see Peer Review and Dr. Grant oblige me on that, and let me come along."
>>100620"That was until you found out it was to find a secret treasure full of gold, right?"
>>100621She answers, firmly if non-responsively
"The period between the fall of the Quetzalcoatl Empire and the early colonization by Equestria's southern expansion was a turbulent time for the Tenochtitlan basin. It endured long lasting night, then blistering heat, chaos and turmoil, then war, and it all ended with the Cocoliztli epidemics. It could hardly be a wonder if some of the natives decided their best course of action was to pledge fealty to those very gods they believed were besieging them - the gods of death, strife, plague, and divine justice - in the belief they might be more inclined to dispense mercy ... and they could do it here, in this 'gateway to the under world,' in the Snake river valley, this part of the forest that never
really fell under the power of the Equestrian Crown. Not then, not now. They must have sneaked away their treasures, and the body of their last king under cover of darkness, and brought him here, where the sunlight never reaches, but neither would the Equestrians. Maybe they hoped that if they could not escape death, they could at least take their treasures into the next life. Maybe they thought they could bribe the gods. And maybe, just
maybe, the Equestrians buried Hummingbird in a pauper's grave, and Tenochtitlan was never as rich as everypony wanted to believe it was.
But uncovering long forgotten truths is kind of why I am here, isn't it?"
>>100622Iron nods.
"Ah, so you
are a little thrilled over knowing if the treasure exists in order to record it into a book, judging by how much thought you have done for this."
>>100623“I have put very much thought into this. More than just a simple book”
>>100624Iron nods, turning his head towards the path.
(She seems to care more about its existence than its value. Nifty.)
With all questions that came to his mind has been answered, he keeps walking the trail, now confident he's close from how one of the dead leaders of this expedition.
>>100625Okay, that’s all for tonight
I have risen to ask:
Will you reveal how the expedition team died when the dream ends? I want to see if my deductive skills are in order.
>>100628I hope to complete Iron’s present storyline over s number if sessions this week.
I also hope to advance the group arriving in Bales. And maybe Silver, if he stops wallowing in pity and does something
>>100629While it doesn't exactly answer my question, I like the answer nonetheless. Whenever you're ready, type out the appropriate continuation of the trail path/anything you wanted your characters to say.
>>100629Reeeeee, I've been waiting a whole week to be able to continue!
>>100631There's always selling your body for money. I hear it pays well with good performance rolls.
Alternatively, you could do some shady bodyguard as a mini-sidequest to try and amass money
>>100631Silver pretty much has the following options:
Continue in indefinite limbo
Go in alone with modest objectives
Try to Maximize finite resources and clear the catacombs
Ask Dusty Outback for some kind of help
Ask Blue Skies for at least a partial payment, or maybe for weapons
Ask Dark Star for help
Wait for Iron, and request his help
Ask the parish priest for help
He can probably do more than one of the above
>>100634As comfy as the infinite limbo might be for the elderly stallion, his player is gettin' kinda bored of all the waiting. The goddess-damned waiting...
Well, he's already at the catacombs. He might as well could make at least one trip, get some books out, then start getting some help going forward by talking with Skies about partial payment and fixing up that SMG of his.
Did Onyx actually take the other SMG in the catacombs, or did he leave it behind on the floor where it was? >>100630>>100629I is now officially ded for the day. Sudden sleepiness has come for me.