Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
1911 replies and 89 files omitted.
>>99972She narrows her eyes and lets her mouth fall open at this non-sequitur answer
>>99971“You hardly need to join the SSA. The Revenue Service, Immigration, and sometimes even the Department of the Interior can use help, and they are not part of the Party.”
>>99973Silver scratches his chin in thought. It certainly isn't something he considered before. "Maybe. I will have to finish this job first, at very least, then give that consideration."
>>99974“And can I expect it done soon?”
>>99975"Certainly, I was going to catacombs next, after I get replacement saddlebags and potions. It will be done today."
>>99976She nods in acceptance of this answer, with a generally professional pose and manner.
>>99975"So, What do you have to do at work today?"
>>99977>>99978"Unless either of you need anything else, I suppose I will see both of you later, I hope." Silver chuckles a bit as he taps the bandages still around his neck. "If I do not get mauled by ghasts before then, that is."
Got a couple questions that might impact how I handle this job: how much weight can Silver hold using his telekinesis, and how far out can he levitate items, both in and out of his line of sight? It’s going to be a couple hours before I can respond
>>99980Kinda figured. We can wait.
>>99978“Well, we are looking into a leak in the local civil service and will likely make an arrest once a culprit is isolated. Besides that we have the usual. Observing ponies, maybe conducting a sting, talking to informants. And as always, analyst work.”
>>99979She nods
“Don’t get mauled.”
Maybe 15 pounds?
>>99982"Stings sound fun."
He smiles
"i might as well see what Sea Breeze has for me while im here."
>>99983“You should check in with him at sone point.”
>>99982"I will try not to." Silver gives Skies a salute before turning around and heading off to the first destination of his list: a tailor or similar store where he can find a good replacement for his damaged saddlebags.
>>99985A tailor can be found in shop a street over.
>>99986Well, that sounds like a perfect place to find what he needs. Silver parks his cart outside the store and heads inside to take a look at their selection. He wants something with plenty of internal space for larger items, a couple secure internal compartments for valuables and other important items, a couple external pockets or pouches for things like potions or small throwing weapons, and it needs to be made out of a durable material. He also looks to see if they have any good belts or bandoliers, as well as belt bags, satchels, or belt boxes. There's no such thing as too much storage.
>>99987That’s quite a tall order. Fortunately, in Baltimare, nearly anything is available, if only you have the money
>>99988Then the question is how much it would cost.
>>99989The whole set? I want to say 150
>>99990Silver is going to have to scale back a bit, then, at least for now. He looks at how much the saddlebags alone will cost.
Alright, tomorrow I have another interview. This one is actually pretty much all the way across the state, so much so that I had to get a hotel room. I think this one is more likely to pan-out than the other interviews. Anyways,
>>99992Witnessed. I'm guessing this means you're going to bed now, so goodnight if that's the case.
>>99992Oh, I see, I come online and you're leaving. Good luck
>>99992Oh, and good luck with your interview!
>>100009Okay now I'm just confused.
"I like it!"
You be quiet
I just thought of a rather interesting idea.
A monk sergeant.
Always has a helmet the soldiery of his/her country uses.
Charges his/her enemies barehooves to inspire courage among his/her team akin to how British Officers usually stood out in the open for that reason.
Always has a shotgun to deal with close enemies that can't be reached by his hooves. Because his punches could be considered the same as a point-blank shotgun shot.
No armor to speak of for max dodge.
You want a small backstory?
Pony was super into fanatic militaristic propaganda about changelings being the ultimate threat. He decides to enlist *insert country here*'s army to do his/her part in dealing with the bug scum. His will and prowess proved to be quite efficient in the field, granting him the position of Sergeant eventually.
While he was quite skilled, nothing could ever prepare him for the ambush that had been laid.
A hail of bullets from a group of changelings hiding inbetween the trees demolished his entire group of 5 ponies during a scouting mission. In a swift frenzy, he rushes each of their positions and cracked, punctured and blasted all of them to their demise without mercy.
Months later, the army disbanded after his country surrendered which at this point sounds like it's Equestria, leaving a bitter Pony to live in what was now New Mareland's territory.
Now that I think about it, did the New Marelanders kill any Equestrians?
>>100015Just because.
I need to git gud at creating more compelling characters so I'm essentially dumping character ideas to see what garners positive reception.
>>100017Am I there? Or over here?
>>100021And so, the three people at three diferent locations are the only ones to appear.
It's times like these where I would like to play two PCs to try and create something or have an interaction. Okay, Silver can definitely advance
Okay... 50 bits for the pack
Spark was helping a wounded pony
Iron requires much more scene set up, so I am less sure