Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
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>>100785Three cheers for Silver! Hip hip, HOORAY! Hip hip, HOORAY! Hip hip, HOORAY!
>>100787He's Standing there when she walks out
"Hey. Do you know colton hill at all?"
>>100790“You don’t? Not really. I’ve been around there about once.”
>>100788A happy moment for a sad old horse
>>100791Now all he needs in his life is a machine gun, then he will finally be a happy horse.
>>100792I mean... Spacio-temporality is a good start, but he’s still missing a few things
>>100791"I usually stay away from that part of town. to many Ziggers."
"Would you like to come with me? 4 eyes are better than 2."
He Smiles at her
>>100794She smiles back
“You’re still a rookie, so it’s best you go with a partner”
>>100793Probably, but a machine gun will help. Maybe.
>>100796It'll make him feel whole again.
Or at least keep his wholeness away from zombos
>>100796So what shall Silver do with his newfound extension into three dimensions and presence in the ever flowing stream of time?
>>100799It was written: Go to room, grab bits gun and bring it to Blue. Sadly, I don't think Silver is going to find her, maybe.
>>100795Dark Star looks around for anypony who might be their superior
then he hugs blue
"Your the best partner anypony could ask for."
>>100802*poner is hugged*
And thus, Blue is saved from dying from a lack of love
>>100801Silver may begin to start losing his spacio-temporality
>>100803M8, he told you Silver's actions. It's right there on
>>100784 at the end.
Unless you don't want that to happen, which in that case I apologize. >>100803"So Should we get a taxi?"
>>100807“We could. Do you have a plan?”
>>100808"If I'm Being honest? Not Really. But I Have A silver Tongue, i'll find out who did it."
He Grins
>>100810She nods, smiling at that
“How do you intend to find them and seperate them?”
>>100812 makes his way back towards the tavern?
>>100813No, he can do the thing, I just didn’t see the words “decides to” in you post when I read it 2 hours ago and Argentina’s “m8” at the beginning of his ost sounded rude and really pissed me off
>>100814Okay then. I suppose all that's left is to wait for travel time.
>>100815Well, plenty of time has passed already, so he should be there
>>100816Oh, neat.As Silver steps up to the GBH, he gets the feeling he's going to become intimately familiar with this place before his business on this plane is over with.
I hope Skies is actually here, and is easy to find. >>100811"Well, i think i'll tell him something is outside."
He Hugs her again
>>100818*poner is hugged by third party*
>>100819*poner is also hugged by Dark Star*
“If you need help luring them outside...”
>>100817She is not in the lobby though
>>100820Thankfully, there's likely a pony right at the receptionist desk he can ask for Blue's whereabouts. At least, I'm assuming, and if I'm assuming correctly, then it would be in Silver's best interest to ask them: "Hey, do you know where Blue Skies is at moment?"
>>100820"Maybe we could lure him into an alley?"
Dark Star Raises an Eyebrow and puts a hoof to his chin in thought
>>100821“Blue Skies...?”
She looks young and new
>>100822“Hmmm... that might work”
>>100823New blood? Silver nods, only slightly worried that she doesn't have any clue who Skies is. "Yes. Pegasus mare, pale blue coat, blue mane, has weird accent. She is agent here, deals with subversive activities, counter-espionage, that sort of thing."
>>100824Her eyes go wide, big magenta gems between slightly fuzzy ears the color of crushed ice.
“I don’t have much to do with espionage.”
A more familiar voice answers, after pulling away a cigarette
“She went back to Sea Breeze’s office
>>100825She's Nimbusian. 'Course she has a weird accent, at least to Equestrians and New Marelanders.>>100826Silver turns to the source of the voice.
Dusty Outback? And somehow, a bewb gets grabbed, by an unexpected bat-hoof
>>100830But Brie, you can't grab bewd while hugging. It's like super far back unless you 'hugged' her from behind
>>100827Yes. Yes it is
>>100825Since always. It’s an accent that is sort of like a Spanish accent, and otherwise impossible to describe
>>100829And they’ve go out into the lobby. Silver is there, for some reason
>>100830Oh dear
Also, see
>>100661 >>100832Silver is very glad to see this familiar face. Even more so to see Skies pop out of the aforementioned office as if on cue. He waves at Skies to get her attention. "Thank you, Dusty. And thank you, Miss...?"
>>100833"Hello again, Star. Did you get your room, here?"
>>100834"I talked to sea breeze about it, he didn't say no. but i'm not sure if it was a yes,."
>>100834>>100834Dusty has his characteristic almost indifferent frown as he taps his cigarette over what is hopefully functioning as an ashtray, while the new pony, a small earth pony, answers
“Ink Ribbon”
“Silver?” Answers Skies
>>100832I was expecting an Aussie-like accent.
>>100837Same, with a name like dusty outback
>>100836Looks like Skies already got Silver's half of the introductions taken care of. "It is pleasure to meet you, Ink Ribbon."
With that, he turns to Skies. "Remember what I asked you about that SMG? Do you have more definite answer for me now?"
>>100835"Well, I suppose you will have to ask later, when you have more completed jobs under your belt perhaps."
Iron's talking about Blue's accent.