Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
1761 replies and 93 files omitted.
>>100796So what shall Silver do with his newfound extension into three dimensions and presence in the ever flowing stream of time?
>>100799It was written: Go to room, grab bits gun and bring it to Blue. Sadly, I don't think Silver is going to find her, maybe.
>>100795Dark Star looks around for anypony who might be their superior
then he hugs blue
"Your the best partner anypony could ask for."
>>100802*poner is hugged*
And thus, Blue is saved from dying from a lack of love
>>100801Silver may begin to start losing his spacio-temporality
>>100803M8, he told you Silver's actions. It's right there on
>>100784 at the end.
Unless you don't want that to happen, which in that case I apologize. >>100803"So Should we get a taxi?"
>>100807“We could. Do you have a plan?”
>>100808"If I'm Being honest? Not Really. But I Have A silver Tongue, i'll find out who did it."
He Grins
>>100810She nods, smiling at that
“How do you intend to find them and seperate them?”
>>100812 makes his way back towards the tavern?
>>100813No, he can do the thing, I just didn’t see the words “decides to” in you post when I read it 2 hours ago and Argentina’s “m8” at the beginning of his ost sounded rude and really pissed me off
>>100814Okay then. I suppose all that's left is to wait for travel time.
>>100815Well, plenty of time has passed already, so he should be there
>>100816Oh, neat.As Silver steps up to the GBH, he gets the feeling he's going to become intimately familiar with this place before his business on this plane is over with.
I hope Skies is actually here, and is easy to find. >>100811"Well, i think i'll tell him something is outside."
He Hugs her again
>>100818*poner is hugged by third party*
>>100819*poner is also hugged by Dark Star*
“If you need help luring them outside...”
>>100817She is not in the lobby though
>>100820Thankfully, there's likely a pony right at the receptionist desk he can ask for Blue's whereabouts. At least, I'm assuming, and if I'm assuming correctly, then it would be in Silver's best interest to ask them: "Hey, do you know where Blue Skies is at moment?"
>>100820"Maybe we could lure him into an alley?"
Dark Star Raises an Eyebrow and puts a hoof to his chin in thought
>>100821“Blue Skies...?”
She looks young and new
>>100822“Hmmm... that might work”
>>100823New blood? Silver nods, only slightly worried that she doesn't have any clue who Skies is. "Yes. Pegasus mare, pale blue coat, blue mane, has weird accent. She is agent here, deals with subversive activities, counter-espionage, that sort of thing."
>>100824Her eyes go wide, big magenta gems between slightly fuzzy ears the color of crushed ice.
“I don’t have much to do with espionage.”
A more familiar voice answers, after pulling away a cigarette
“She went back to Sea Breeze’s office
>>100825She's Nimbusian. 'Course she has a weird accent, at least to Equestrians and New Marelanders.>>100826Silver turns to the source of the voice.
Dusty Outback? And somehow, a bewb gets grabbed, by an unexpected bat-hoof
>>100830But Brie, you can't grab bewd while hugging. It's like super far back unless you 'hugged' her from behind
>>100827Yes. Yes it is
>>100825Since always. It’s an accent that is sort of like a Spanish accent, and otherwise impossible to describe
>>100829And they’ve go out into the lobby. Silver is there, for some reason
>>100830Oh dear
Also, see
>>100661 >>100832Silver is very glad to see this familiar face. Even more so to see Skies pop out of the aforementioned office as if on cue. He waves at Skies to get her attention. "Thank you, Dusty. And thank you, Miss...?"
>>100833"Hello again, Star. Did you get your room, here?"
>>100834"I talked to sea breeze about it, he didn't say no. but i'm not sure if it was a yes,."
>>100834>>100834Dusty has his characteristic almost indifferent frown as he taps his cigarette over what is hopefully functioning as an ashtray, while the new pony, a small earth pony, answers
“Ink Ribbon”
“Silver?” Answers Skies
>>100832I was expecting an Aussie-like accent.
>>100837Same, with a name like dusty outback
>>100836Looks like Skies already got Silver's half of the introductions taken care of. "It is pleasure to meet you, Ink Ribbon."
With that, he turns to Skies. "Remember what I asked you about that SMG? Do you have more definite answer for me now?"
>>100835"Well, I suppose you will have to ask later, when you have more completed jobs under your belt perhaps."
Iron's talking about Blue's accent. >>100837If she were from New Mareland, then yes, but she is not. Just imagine an Iberian Spanish accent and you’d be about as close you can get.
>>100838Dusty Outback is a different character
>>100839She extends s hoof for a hoof shake... awkwardly withdrawing it if there is none back
Skies blinks
>>100841Wasn't expecting Spanish-like accents.
>>100841What kind of pony do you think Silver is? He would never leave a pony hanging like that, especially when that pony is as respectful a young mare as Ink. "My name is Silver. Silver Sword."
He turns back to Skies. "While we were having breakfast, I asked if you knew of way I could get SMG cleaned and fixed. You just said 'perhaps' and did not elaborate any further."
>>100841>>100842i was expecting a greek one
>>100843She shakes his hoof, but has a very weak grip and is probably dominated by Silver
Skies: “I’m... not sure. I only have so much experience with those”
Dusty: “You say and SMG?”
>>100844>>100842Well, it’s not Spanish, it’s Greek. But I don’t know what the hell a Greek accent sounds like because I’ve never heard a Greek speaker in real life or in media, and I can barely even find videos on YouTube when I specifically look for Greek, whereas the 50 permutations of spanusg speakers are so insanely common that at work today I had multiple moment where my lack of fluency in the Spanish language and Anglo accent made things awkward. YouTube can’t tell me what a Greek accent sounds like, but it can tell me that it sounds similar to almost Mediterranean accents, especially Iberian Spanish.
Personally I don’t really imagine Skies with an accent, and I cannot really even imagine what a Greek accent would sound like, but I know that logically, she would retain a Greek-sounding accent, whatever that is
>>100846Silver is a bit worried this might go awry, with so many third parties near. "Yes?"
From what I've personally heard, it's a bit of a weird mix between a Mediterranean accent and a Slavic accent. >>100848It does seem kind of Slavic at moments>>100848“What is this about an SMG?”
>>100846>>100848Dark Star watches the them talk, but it appears if he's lost in thought
[1d20+3 = 19]First legit dice roll in a while, now much do you want to bet this is a nat 1?>>100849It makes sense, considering the surrounding cultures, languages, and accents.Sense Motive: Silver considers the potential risk of telling Dusty that he has a Bits Gun.
Just imagine her with whatever accent you like. If accent matters, I assure you I will note it.
>>100851He wants to know why the hell Silver is talking about a prohibited weapon, but also kind of wants to talk about SMGs
But dusty outback definitely should have a New Mareland accent, even if, in my head, he sounds and generally acts like Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad >>100854Well, there's no way Silver could bluff his way out of this, so he'll just have to roll with it and hope the consequences aren't too severe.
"Yes, I found SMG down at catacombs. It definitely would need cleaning and maybe little bit of fixing before it could even begin to be used, but it would be very useful tool to use against those ghasts."
>>100855“Ghasts? The ones that killed Private Green Basin?”
>>100856"Submachine gun, yes."
>>100857Silver nods. "Very same ones."
>>100858“You know that Submachine guns are severely restricted weapons, don’t you? They are not for personal use.”
>>100859"...I have since learned that, yes."
>>100858"Oh,Sorry. i was just thinking of a plan for a mission."
>>100860“So why are you talking to miss Skies about a submachine gun?”
>>100862Silver shrugs. "I was curious, I suppose. It would have made my job significantly easier."
>>100863He nods
“I’m sure many ponies feel that way. Especially rebels and gangsters”
>>100864"I imagine. I can safely say I am not part of either group, at least."
RIP Silver's aspirations to have an SMG.
>>100870Ah! Don't scare me like that, you big meanie.
>>100865“Uh Huh. Civilians are not allowed to have submachine guns. Not for shooting coyotes, not for home defense, not for sport, and not for... actually I don’t understand what you are doing”
>>100877"Doing work for her." Silver points at Blue. "Getting rare and in some cases irreplaceable tomes and books from ghast-infested catacombs, and putting to rest any undead that get in way of my mission. Not very easy task when one hit from them can be enough to completely paralyze you."
>>100878He looks over to Blue Skies for verification
“I contracted him to collect a number of books that may be of interest to Section 13 and other researchers in Sunset. Yes, there are a large number of very dangerous... entities in there.”
Skies comes closer to Dusty. Closer, and she whispers something into his ears. He nods a little, his eyes widen, and he nods more affirmatively. When she pulls away, he relents
“Very well...”
>>100879Thank you for doing me that favor.Silver raises an eyebrow, wondering what he means by this. "Hmm?"
>>100880“Your work may not have a civilian character after all”
>>100881He actually has to chuckle a little at that. "It usually does not, no."
>>100882This comment prompts Dusty to look over to Skies for interpretation. She shrugs
>>100883Silver, himself, offers that much-needed explanation he needs. "Work of this nature is not very new to me. This type of enemy is new, but delving into dangerous places nopony else would go, fetching items for clients, and dealing with deadly opponents are among things I have been doing for past 50 years."
>>100885I dunno. Dusty's presence is making things needless complicated, and I don't know how to deal. I can't deal, man!>>100886Silver, left with really nothing to reply to that, just stands there, looking a bit awkward with so many ponies around.
>>100887Relieved of any necessity to search Silver for illegal weapons he implied, but did not state that he possessed, Dusty backs off, and the same is true of Skies... not that she would have bothered with a search for unconfirmed weapons
>>100888"Right. Well, I suppose I will just...go do thing." Regardless of whether anypony heard him, Silver turns to leave the building and hitch himself back up to his cart.
>>100889And thus, it is Silver's turn to fuck up his chances for an SMG by failing to communicate clearly
>>100889>>100892Actually, Silver told Dusty "I found an SMG in the catacombs," so presumably he'd let Silver go restore the gun to operation and use it
>>100894Why you speak like Jeff Goldblum?
I’ll think about it
>>100895I'm bored, mostly.
I have no idea who that guy is and I can't fathom him saying this sentence ever.I shall hug everyone standing!
Or accomplish Iron's dream, maybe. I have no idea.
So who was that guy that pretended to have poked Skies' teats? Was that Brie or that bard guy? Who will be available when?
>>100900I'm here, though I might be on-and-off. Got company over.
>>100900I should be available in less than an hour
Are Spark and Onyx just ded?
Life took them over for an extended massage ection.
>>100905>>100906I suppose it would be wrong of me to not leave an F if everyone is doing it.
>>100908Actually, I thought of a way to not have them get arrested and potentially gunned down
not ONE word about it would have been me pawning the guns off on them that might have gotten them killed! XP Alright, I should be ready to start soon. The last post for Brie, Onyx, and Spark was
>>100661. Dark Star and Silver were at the hotel, perhaps walking out
>>100912Do you need some time to think Iron's new encounters/debating on whether you should make the light malfunction or not?
>>100914>>100726It was never stated that there was no treasure in this room, any more than it was stated that the were immovable, that there was nothing interesting on the walls, or that the painted wall panels
in front of Iron was solids or otherwise less interesting than the solid white limestone walls to Iron’s left and right
>>100912Before leaving the train, Brie pops back into Onyx and Sparks' room. "I have an idea!" he exclaims, seizing the 3 rifles (there were 2 carbines and a shotgun, one of the Lings had one of the carbines) and bundles them in his jacket.
He then uses his cloak's disguise ability to make the bundle of firearms look like a guitar case (desperado anyone? anyone?).
>>100915I think I get it now.Iron, for his part, looks back towards the wall he thinks has bypassed by using the stream in order to find any sort of switch or way to open.
(I would rather not break anything, as it could anger the gods.)
>>100918I don't know that they can't, the spell places a glamer on you and your possessions, and it works better when the possessions approximate the size and shape of the illusion.
TBH, I'm gonna try and pawn the guns off anyway since the Lings aren't proficient and Brie can't even use them since
>not unicorn, but it would be a shame for them to go to waste. The city seems urban enough that there's probably a seedy griffon shop that will take them
>>100912Eeyup, unless you were serious about
>>100893 >>100921I mean, Silver never asked anyone “hey, can you help me restore this gun to working order?” So they have to assume he was going to do it by himself
>>100920Okay, so Brie can make the set of guns covered in a coat
look like a guitar case to an outsider. What he cannot do is make it have the physical presence of a guitar case. That means he can’t just carry it by a handle unless he has done way to rig it like that
>>100922I mean, he was going to, but then everything happened.
So, I suppose this is where I ask: who would he ask, and would they accept? >>100922No, but he can lay it across his back?
>>100924Of he can secure it. Otherwise, it will just fall off when he moves
>>100923>>100927Don't worry, Silver. The guy will definitely want to make the zombies that killed his friends stop moving.
He'll gladly let you repair and clean your SMG using Skies and stuff.
Believe in yourself and don't overthink your sentence and you should be fine.
...It can't be this hard to solve your issues, are they?
Brie could use the bedsheets and his knives to carve up some rags to tie the things in his back while Silver stops overthinking the issue and ask to repair and clean the gun so that he can avenge the suspicious stallion's friend.
Come on gaiz! Believe in yourselves!
>>100934Oops. Guess that's what happens when you boop at random.
How's it going? I'm 'bout to have sum lunch
>>100935Gonna have something good?
>>100936Ricotta, squash and vegetable flavored ravioli with some good sauce. I'd say is bretty gud
>>100937Nice. I'm just having some bratwurst and mac n' cheese, myself.
>>100938>bratwurstinsert ghey joek hereIt sounds appetizing, although I never tasted it in my life. Not even the Mac n' Cheese, tbh.
>>100939It's a fairly 'Murican food combination, I think. It's pretty good.
>>100940Can't say I'll try it soon but it's good to know it exists.
So, is Silver going back to ask to fix the gun?
>>100941I suppose? It would be nice to know if they will or if
they'll just take the gun away from him first.
>>100942If only he could test the waters with strategic questioning
>>100943So the answer is yes, they'd take the Bits Gun away.
>>100945I don't know what to tell you. I am a socially inept retard, if the umpteen million times Silver's screwed up weren't already enough indication. Some days, I am significantly more socially inept and/or retarded than normal.
>>100945Fuck it, might as well try. I'll either surprise myself or I'll have to give up all hope of clearing out the catacombs.
Would I be correct in assuming that Skies would be exiting the hotel immediately after Silver, since she and Star were going on a mission already?
>>100947She should be leaving shortly
If Star’s player ever gets back >>100945Hoofs up for gun rights! All the ponies need all the weapons!
>>100948Well, when she does, she'll likely find Silver outside, hitched to his cart and pondering on what the hell he's going to do now. He will most definately want to speak with her. Again.
>>100953Neat.Silver leans into the petting, his ears angling to the sides of his heads. He sighs half from the pleasant sensation of the touching, half from being misunderstood almost every time he speaks. He speaks to her again, keeping his voice low so he can't be heard by any eavesdroppers. "Skies, do you know how I can legally get SMG cleaned, fixed, and get ammo for it? Or way you can make it legal for me?"
>>100955For all of the advantages being Severyanan has given him, language skills are certainly not one of them. Still, he smiles his soft, friendly smile at Skies to show that he's thankful for her help. "That would very much help. Thank you."
>>100956D’aww“If you’ll follow me...”
Skies starts back in, to the back through lobby, through the center door, down the hall shortly to her left, and into her office
>>100957Silver does indeed follow her, after detaching himself from his cart with a practiced ease.
Been thinking of other ways Silver could ease the burden of trying to clear all of those ghasts: could he set up some sort of barricade to hinder the progress of any pursuing ghasts? Something they would need to climb and clamber over before they could get to him, giving Silver the perfect opportunity to lay into them? >>100958She looks through an expandable folder of files on her desks, peers through it, then pulls out a sheet of paper, and begins writing down on it with a pen
Submachine guns were never legal in the great majority of Equestria for civilian ownership, or even for police forces for that matter. The only exceptions had been the Forbidden Jungles, the Dominion, and certain areas east of the Everfree where farmers, ranchers, loggers and plantation owners could carry Submachine guns to protect them from the almost surreal wildlife. This was discontinued, for fear that bandits in the forests, or left and righting radicals in the Dominion, could get ahold of them.
“And... here you go” She hoofs over a signed piece of paper. “A paper temporary license.”
>>100959Silver accepts the license, looking it over. "So, this will let me get work done on SMG, and get ammunition for it? Do I go to any gunsmith willing and able to accept it? Or do I get work done here?"
>>100959>>100960C9hgrats f9r ten09rear8oiy gett8hg a functional SMG.
>>100960“There are ponies here who know how to operate a submachine gun”
>>100962"That...isn't really what I asked." It is at this point that Silver brings out the dirty Bits Gun that was hidden in his bags to show to Skies, now that they're alone in her office. "Do you know specifically where I should go to get this in working order, and to get ammunition for it?"
>>100963“Just ask Dusty. He’s former NMAC”
>>100964Silver nods. "Thank you. There
is one more thing you could do for me to make this job significantly easier..."
>>100965She squints her eyes and tilts her head slightly at Silver
>>100966Silver lets out a sigh, and swallows his pride for what he's about to ask. "This job has proven to be far more costly than I could have imagined. I did not exactly have fortune when I came to city, and this job has left me with no funds at all to buy more supplies to deal with ghasts who get in way of mission. To finish this additional task you have set for me...I need some extra funds. Not much, just small portion of payment we agreed upon early."
>>100968“I see...” she hesitates for a moment
“Since I already have most of what I need... I guess you can have some now...”
>>100969Silver looks like he
really didn't want to have to ask for this, but that he has no choice. "I can assure you it will be put to good use towards finishing this job."
>>100970“Follow me...”
She exits her office, and turns to the right, going further down the hall, until there is a door she opens and goes through. This hall has brighter colored walls, and returns to a section of the hotel holding rooms. She turns to one on her left, and goes through. Besides tables and cabinets, and the end of the room is a green safe she opens
“A thousand should cover it, yes?”
>>100972"And... Here's a stack of Gold and Silver certificates"
She hands him a large number of paper bills
>>100973"Thank you." Silver takes a look at the bills.
>>100974Seems to be Equestrian legal tender... with some alterations to the bills. Gold certificates of 20 bits each
>>100975Still strange to see paper bills instead of coins... Silver pockets the bills. "When this is over, I am going to treat you so much, you will be spoiled through-and-through."
>>100976She bats her eyes at him, and resides her left hoof so that her knee is below her chin
The prevalence of paper money is totally not because the occupiers are trying to create new money to spend on costly occupations and war or anything
>>100977Silver lightly nuzzles Skies' cheek. "I suppose I better get on it, then. Sooner I get done, sooner I can spoil you. Perhaps someday soon I will have to be your own personal unicorn servant for duration of day?"
Nah man, they totally aren't doing any of that. >>100978“D’aww, Silver... You're too sweet”
Then she comes closer to him, carefully placing her muzzle by his ear, and whispers
”That’s not going to make me pay you more money >>100980That gets a chuckle out of the stallion.
"In this case? Being with you is payment enough." >>100983>nat 20As much as Skies might see ulterior motives in everything other ponies do, this time it seems legit. Or, at the very least, the prospect of doing this to try to get more money out of her was the farthest thing from his mind.
Seriously, I had no intention of trying to get more money out of her this way. >>100982>>100983>>100985All Silver's secrets and feelings are belong to Blue Skies and he must reveal them
Skies, for her part is a bit surprised
But she's also exposed and huggable/nuzzleable
>>100987Well, he has an...unusual...taste in cuisine. He thinks he
might be unwittingly responsible for Rosa Maledicta discovering her affinity for necromancy. He as-always is worried about the future, both of his family and of his people. And his current thoughts seem to be dominated by a combination of creative ways to eliminate many ghasts at once and how nice it will be to return to Blue a success.
Oh, and seeing a clear opening, he almost pounces on Skies, wrapping his forelegs around the back of her neck and giving a further nuzzle to her cheek and the side of her neck. "I will see you after I am done, yes?"
>>100988>that first partWat
Unsure if she needs to guard her neck, Skies says
>>100989>All Silver's secrets and feeling are belong to Blue SkiesI think he took that to heart and just posted some of the now owned by Skies thoughts.
>>100989Because why not.
With this Silver relents in his hug assault. "Thank you for everything, Skies. I hope you have fun with Star, wherever you two were going."
>>100991“Yes, we need to get on our way.”
>>100992Silver steps to the door, holding it open for the
occasionally nice mare.
>>100993Skies walks out, goes left, in turns a left corner, down the hall again and through a door to the lobby, the same door as to reach the stairs
>>100994"How do you not get lost in this labyrinth...?"
>>100995Where is edge hoers? >>100996"It's not too difficult once you've been around it a few times..."
They lead back into the lobby, where Dusty Outback, and probably Dark Star, have not left
>>100996>>100997Edge Horse needs to show up more regularly
>>100999That goes for Spark and Onyx too, but we can't really keep track of eachother in the horsefucker forum.
Speaking of keeping track, what about Iron's dream sequence? I'm rather surprised it's still not done yet.
>>100999Agreed. Should we wait for him before we continue, or are we good?
>>101003What a strange question.
Why not? It's supposed to be an epic about exploring an ancient temple in an attempt to both get some riches and beat up some 'bad' guys.
Problem is, I thought you were still plotting where to go next after my responses went unseen about 2 or 3 times. I made Iron go back to the wall that Cauldron and Pear would be as the last action. You can pick the thread up from there.