Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
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>>99102“Very well.”
The three begin their trek down the hillside, through brush that is a bit thicker than before, as the trees are not as tall nor the canopies as thick as elsewhere. Some of the plants are bid deader than before, or at least, a bit yellowed. Otherwise, the journey is fairly uneventful. Cauldron enjoys the scenery, occasional looking at plants, while Pear is sometimes impatient, sometimes annoyed by the heat, and other times anxious
>>99103Iron feels slightly cheated by the lack of a lake but thinks nothing of it for now. He pokes Pear. "What can you tell me about this path that caught your eye enough to suggest it?"
>>99104“It gets us there” she says, dryly
Now who says there wasn’t a lake?
>>99094What're you talkin' 'bout? I'm always here.
>>99108>>99107You know what they say.
Three's a crowd.
>>99105Iron walks along the path, a bit confused by how she answered.
He takes this travelling time to spot any interesting events of nature, among other sightseeing opportunities. He cannot stay in the jungle for too long or else somepony back at his tribe would think he's trying to avoid his maturity call, but he'll take this chance to feel comfortable while it lasts.
(Nothing like a calm stroll towards battle.)
>>99109After some time, they come upon the aforementioned lake. It has a sort of “diamond” shape, as in a square where two opposing points have been stretched out. It occupies an area at the bottom of the valley, with the center looking bluer, but large areas closer to the shore appearing much more shallow and muddy. In one such area is a metal... something, shinning in the light, and appearing to be a large cylinder with a raised metal section protruding from the center, and a taller, narrower profusion at the end
>>99108Uh, to repeat what I said before, I'm not sure that attacking two distinct opponents in the same surprise round without the requisite feats and levels is possible
>>99111Iron cocks his head at the foreign metal object. He walks to the edge of the lake to get a closer look at the metal object at the shallower area of it.
"What is that?" He says out loud to no one in particular.
>>99113>>99113"Looks like a crashed plane" Pear says
On closer inspection, the object has solid metal surfaces in parts, and only ribs to show in others. it looks like at least half of the object is below the water
>>99114"Crashed plain? What does it do?"
He says as he dips his hooves in the water to attempt to look through the holes this metal object has a little closer to see what's in it.
>>99115Pear adds
"looks to be a Wirraway Dive Bomber"
Cauldron Smiles, then adds
"'Tis the Wirraway of the Lake. You may ask it it's wisdom."
Some areas look a bit broken, who knows if there is a risk of getting cut if it is touched. There's definitely something inside, looks to be debris though. It appears that there is space for at least two ponies in there
>>99112I hit and miss the bigger one
>>99118So, commit to attacking one of the two ponies?
[1d20+5 = 22]>>99120That's a lot of damage. But the stealth is gone. The other one attacks back
[1d6+1 = 3]>>99121>>99120Looks like a hit with the butt of a rifle
>>99116Huh, it's the 'challenge' of the lake if (((Wikipedia))) is right about its origin word. So it's definitely New Mareland owned if Australia==New Mareland.Iron ponders for a bit. He decides to gently place his hoof on the side of this seemingly wise plane.
"Wirraway of the Lake, I wish to access your wisdom."
>>99123Oh, this is definitely a die roll
>>99125Sadly, it looks like the Wirrary of the Lake is not in a talking mood at the moment
[1d20 = 7]>>99129Judging by your confusion, I think you weren't expecting this. Well, time to see if this plane is 'alive'.Iron looks over to Cauldron then back.
"Wirraway of tha Lake, are you there?"
>>99130Of Course I was expecting thisThe plane is non responsive
>>99131Iron blinks once.
"I think the plain is asleep."
He looks at the spots where the two ponies would reside if it were used and looks inside for anything that does not look like debris.
>>99121Is the inside completely dry?
>>99122Down to 13. Brie draws his last 2 daggers
>>99133Of the train car? Yes. Yes it is.
“Did you forget about me already, Changeling?”
Brie can hear behind him
>>99132There are of course shards of metal, pieces of glass, and also, straps of leather in the front section. The rear section has much the same, a notebook, and what looks to be a very, very large black gun
>>99134"I thought it best. It would never work out between us and we should go our separate ways, Red Whatever-you-said your name was." Brie doesn't hide his sarcasm
>>99135Iron pokes the very very large gun at the rear section.
(A strange thing to see. It looks to be quite heavy.)
He decides to check the notebook first before doing anything that could damage the Wirraway of the Lake, opening on its first page.
[1d20+5 = 10]>>99137Looks to have another map of the area, as well as photographs, also of the area.
>>99136And attack
>>99138>>99136But the melee instrument fails to land
>>99138Iron nods to himself. He takes it and passes it to Pear.
"Is there something that catches your eye for this map?"
>>99140“That settlement didn’t seem to be there on our map... these photos would have been really useful before.”
>>99141Iron nods.
"Excellent. Keep it. It seems you have acquired new places to study later."
With that, he walks back to the plane to inspect the big gun at the rear again.
(Is this thing fixed to it? Will it break if I pull it? It seems like it would sell well with any sort of tool user experts.)
>>99142It is very big, and seems to be fixed to it. Whether it can be detached is hard to determine
>>99145Iron nods, concluding that the plane would get upset if he were to pull its gun out of it.
He walks back to the dryland a little content by obtaining some more useful intel.
"I think that is all there is inside that plain. Shall we go?"
>>99146“Take another look at the map”
>>99147"Oh. Alright then."
He proceeds to do so, trying to see what new information has been obtained.
>>99148More detail on the layout of the temple, and sone sort of settlement to the north that looks a bit like a camp
>>99149Iron's torch turns on.
"Ah! So that was what you meant by a sort of settlement nearby that did not appear before."
He makes a mental note of the temple's layout for when the time comes.
"Do you suggest paying a visit to the camp?"
>>99150“Huh? What is it?”
Pear doesn’t seem to understand
>>99151Iron blinks in confusion.
"This one over here. You
were pointing this part out on the map for me to check out, right?"
>>99152“... No...”
She takes the map, and looks at it more closely